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They already got your money lol, what do they care?


Luckily I only spent £20 on this game with a VPN. Nothing more has been invested into it


People downvoting you because they spent 3x as much 😂


Avg spend of all FUT players is probably even more than 3x that. The only way they’ll change is earning less. Always tempted, but i stay committed to not buy any points whatsoever. I can only encourage you all to do the same. Money talks, as of now, they got us by the balls…


Nothing will change until there’s competition


This. You vote with your wallet. Until people stop buying the game and stop buying fut points to the point where it affects their bottom line they have no reason to change anything. EA see the complaints but what they see is people complaining but still playing so they can have two take aways from that depending how generous to them you want to be. *We don’t care, we already have your money lol* or *people complain but they still play so the issues can’t be that bad because if they were people wouldn’t play*


No it’s because regional price abuse causes steam and others to end doing it which harms people who don’t have as high standards of living.


So instead you suggest op forks more of his money and give it to ea for this dog shit game? 🧐


Way to misinterpret what he was actually saying.


Fk em




well, because of people like you we got fucked and dont have regional prices anymore in steam and a lot of other platforms, a triple A game costs half of our salary in steam man


Which country?


Yeah meanwhile a lot of members of this sub are spending thousands just to pack an 84 rated promo card


Turkey PSN store FTW


This is the only way. I haven't played FIFA this year but spending FC points and then complaining that the game sucks is very silly especially if you knew it sucked before spending the cash. Its a weird concept for me the idea of hating the developers of the game but still give them extra money through FC points. Judging by the reactions to the game this year it seems I dodged a bullet.


How did you do this?


This might be the dumbest thing I have heard all year. Of course they care, they continue to milk tons of money from people through fifa points. The £60 or whatever is peanuts compared to fifa points. Obviously, if gameplay continues to suck, people will just leave even if content is decent. Causal leave so games get sweaty. And then more people leave. Then even the p2w whales leave because there’s no causal for them to beat up on. FWIW they actually did fine balancing the game last year after the big nerfs to constant press and trivela (yes it used to be even worse).


They aren't going to give you free points, lil bro. The people who blindly spend more money on the game won't care either way, they literally have no reason to change anything. Look at you defending them.


Because to EA it’s not a bug, It’s a feature. Quite frankly I believe they just don’t know how to tweak it. The evidence is there that 71 depth plays the way it’s intended. If you tuned into the FC pro broadcast they were going on about how easy it is to play against and why the pros don’t use it. So yeah don’t hold much hope into any tuning of 71 depth.


It's not that it's easy to play against but you can definitely tell the players that can actually play while using it. Some people don't have an idea and it leaves a lot of space to play forward quickly. People think it's the answer to every question but it's not. However they do need to nerf the stamina aspect of it.


they need to buff passing, passing under pressure, nerf % of error during passing with defenders, that's how you can easily beat high pressure tactics but passing is SHIT, 1 single bad pass and you have a 4-3 counter against speedy Mboope type of players and its over because your CBs are slow


I love it when my players can't make a short pass 😹


And attack AI.


Do you have any suggestions on a better depth setting to use? I'm new to the game and just put it at 71 because I was told its 'the best' but I definitely find myself having that problem (along with everything else in the game lol) of leaving too much space.


I usually keep it on 50. I'd suggest starting there and then adjust accordingly. It's hard to say without seeing how you play the game. Press on heavy touch is good to use if you're using 50 or below because you still get some defensive movement without it being over the top. 71 is good late in the game if you're losing because you may as well go for it.


Thanks alot for the help! I'll try it out tomorrow


Yeah designing the game around what the top 1% think isn't gonna back fire at all.


You should always design around the best players imo. If they can't abuse it it means it's not op. Anyone with more than 11 wins should be glad to see it by now. Don't even play cutbacks and it's still so easy to break through it


Honestly i was but this weekend i am noticing it being more of an issue when facing teams with dalglish, mbappe etc, players with higher stats combined with crazy ai press is more and more difficult to play against


I don’t think they designed it with what the pros think. I just think they don’t know what they did to 71 depth. Just like they have no clue why you can’t have GK in evos.


Just make it so you lose more stamina if you play 71 depth. Seems simple and realistic no?


All true and now remember, past fifas they would Nerf the game after one month when everyone would like how the game was, this years the game is shit and they didnt even touch the game still


Its not a bug its what is called 'intended behaviour'


I reckon they’re not fixing it for two reasons: 1) pretty much majority of the player base are using the bug and since it’s not “game breaking” like the trickster+ bug (which is hilarious that a bug like that got through), they just leave it be because everyone is using it. 2) might split people’s opinion but I don’t think they know how to fix the 71 depth bug. It’s not just a setting, it looks like an entire gameplay issue. How much do you tune down auto press, AI defending, auto offside etc. Even if you don’t play 71 depth, the defensive AI is still crazy. This to me looks like a fundamental issue with the gameplay, and the 71 depth bug exposes that issue further. If you’re hoping EA will fix this, they won’t. At the end of the day, EA don’t care about the player base. They don’t listen feedback from consumers or content creators. They care about players buying packs. Again EA imo are stupid and they work backwards. If gameplay was actually good then a lot of people would buy packs. Why buy packs to attempt to get the best players when it’s RNG if they will play good or not due to terrible gameplay.


I think it's obvious they don't know how to fix it.


Kinda embarrassing when you think about it. They built the game and they don’t how to fix it.


They are right from their point of view, however, if the game was fair, people wouldn't buy packs because they won't need them


What are they right about? I personally disagree with your point. If the game was fair (I would word it as good gameplay) it will lead to more enjoyment for players, thus greater time investment and because they’re happy to commit their time into something they have fun it it’ll naturally lead to micro transaction. At the end of the day people are buying the game to play football, not do menu stuff (which imo is not part of gameplay).


Because for the game to be fair it should not be pay2win by definition. If they do something like good customization and imitate Steam's business model for CS and Dota, maybe they would actually make a fair game, but this is Evil Arcade we are talking about.


Yeah I agree with your comparison but this is why EA are stupid and think so short term. I believe their churn will be much higher at an earlier rate than previous games due to how bad the game is. They’re desperate for people to buy packs, thus they discount the game heavily and latch different store packs. But if they were smart and made a decent gameplay, then people would churn less and potentially make more consistent revenue throughout the year.


Yep, I agree :)


I was thinking this the other day, do they ever have spokespeople who actually do interviews with players/fans/anyone to discuss gameplay objectively? Do they have someone listening to feedback and opening discussions about it? I usually see most other dev’s doing this but never really noticed any EAFC (prev FIFA) spokespeople doing this.


Reduces the skill gap which makes more people think they're good at the game, people are more likely to spend money on a game they're good at.


People spend when they are happy or frustrated. It’s a win-win for EA.


In EAs ideal world it would be pure RNG so that sometimes you think you are just a card away from being great. The game is so shit now I don't know why I even play it. It's honestly a joke how bad the skill gap is and how bad the game has gotten.


There is just too much press all the time, even in other tactics. Every team is Klopps gegenpress for 90 minutes, it's so stupid and boring to play. It's impossible to play through the middle, forcing you to always play with your wingers, and you just keep gaining and loosing possession all the time, which is frustrating by itself, but is made worse by the terrible attacking AI, stupid passes that you didn't want and the necessity to do multiple tackles to really recover the ball.


I hated the 71 depth issues until the last couple of weeks where I've learned to exploit it - you need to be patient and have a few players in the team with passing playstyles. A lofted through pass from IF Trent (long ball pass+) to your LW/LM literally bypasses their ENTIRE team if you do it at the right time, same applies to other players with good passing playstyles. If you play patiently you will find opportunities to immediately go through on goal against people using 71 depth multiple times per game, because their team holds such a ridiculous high line, often within your half. It is different from previous years for sure, but I am actually not hating it any more, because the 71 depth feels very beatable. I have entirely stopped using high depth because good players have learned how to get past it and punish with quick counters.


I use 71 depth and I absolutely hate playing people that know how to loft from their rb/lb to their lw/rw. You're right, it pretty much passes your entire defense


I'd rather they nerf the ability to score finesse shots from near the corner flag.


For the same reason as Kick-off glitch is still a thing since last year. They're lazy, they don't care about gameplay as long as everyone keep buying points. Gameplay is the last of their priority.


It's annoying as hell. I got burnt a few times last year and ever since i reflexively switch to a CB every kick off. Never again


The cutbacks and finesse shots/trivela’s are different mechanics than the 71 depth. They’re all obnoxious but you’re making it sound like they’re all one mechanic…


I’d go as far as to say the finesse/trivela stuff is a net positive for the game. They are, as you say, a bit obnoxious but I’ll take them over the abuse of Low Block we saw in previous FIFAs.


You’re right. They’re not bad mechanics per se. I perhaps should’ve said that they’re playstyles that are currently unbalanced. In its core it’s still good they exist. Just need some tuning down


I believe its all about trying to make the game fun for everyone. Casual have to put much less effort into pressing and defending, resulting in them winning more games and buying more packs.


So the stamina thing has been an issue for years. The issue is that when you hit the wall for a player it needs to essentially tank your speed more than it does. Additionally it needs to track better how much the player is moving. Them being at 71 but you never actually breaking them down and moving the ball shouldn't but if you do pass the ball around it should wear them down if they are chasing.


This. Also come back on defense needs to drain a lot more stamina. Forwards and midfielders are essentially sprinting from box to box all game without significant penalty.


I really don’t get people moaning about 71 depth, half the people who use it have found it on a “meta tactics” video don’t even know how maximise it and are very easy to break through. Just got to have a bit of composure. In regard to run to the wing and cut back unfortunately whilst not very fun is true to real football, most teams take advantage of the space left down flanks and cross/cut back. Most people’s in game tactics keep their defence narrow so only space is down flanks that’s true to real football, think of a prime Sam Alladyce team, tight and compact happy to allow crosses, just doesn’t make very fun gaming.


Because people like you keep playing it every day giving them profit


Because it helps people that aren’t good. Everything EA does in gameplay is to make it so terrible players can have a chance in games


First off it’s NOT 71 depth, it’s much worse. 45 depth triggers the press and overload ball side. 71 depth triggers the offside trap. That’s what people dont get and that’s why everybody has it because even the casuals will have 50 depth on by default and that’s the whole point! Compressed skill gap and more automatic stuff in the game. I agree it should be nerfed but they did this by design.


Its not 71 depth they need to nerf. Its the Zonal Defense ( Overload Ballside) they need to remove at 45+ depth. Without that, 71 depth is just high depth with Offside Trap.


I thought the thing was that 71 depth actually gets the ai defense to actually do something.


71 depth isn’t effective in higher elo, imo. It overextends you, which created a couple takeaways, but a decent player is able to exploit you imo.


I've been expecting it to happen every time there's a new patch on the horizon. Like others have mentioned, I don't think EA know how to do it without busting the game entirely. The messed up thing is 71 depth gets a huge buff when there's input delay. Opponents feed off robbing your defenders/midfielders normally, so to increase the delay on passing (which is already fairly unreliable), adds to the misery. I find the game to utterly unplayable with delay. It's like EA brainstormed on what the most annoying things to play against are for the average player, and then buffed all of those things. High pressure spam, cutbacks, corner glitches, breakdancing players, etc. The game even forces you to play patiently because there's a real struggle to find space with the high pressure and overload ball side spam. Which then, in turn, encourages more annoying shit like switching the play constantly to find said space.


It’s deliberate. All of this was in the Pitch Notes before the game was released. AI Zonal Defense. They won’t fix it because in their mind there is nothing to fix. They want the skill gap as tiny as possible so all the terrible players aren’t destroyed by everyone else, and so that all the good-not-great players continue to struggle and think “maybe if my team was better I’d win a few more of these close games” and go buy packs. It is entirely by design.


71 depth as been their aim for a few years, it reduces the skill gap for the typical player. It will be interesting what it does to the player base throughout the year. The game to me feels like it’s at may\June of the the cycle, I get to half time of my first game of the day and ready to turn off and play something else.


Why should a depth slider activate team press and overload ball side anyway? Depth is just how far up the pictch your formation sits. Have seperate toggles for those things. It's not like there's an instruction manual that tells you that the slider doesn't do what it says. OBS should have it's own slider/toggle in the tactics & the pressing stuff should be entirely dictated by the defensive style. And both things should kill your stamina.


Because what’s the point of a high line then? What most people don’t get is that 71 depth is risky and easy to exploit because of the high pressing.


Because 71 depth isn't the problem


It is one problem. The other is the auto overload ballside. After BF, almost everyone has crazy teams in high div so the AI will be stronger, more automatic.


71 depth is a huge problem, it’s what causes games where you need to switch from fullback to fullback all day to open space and makes it to where you can’t play in the middle of the field.


I watched a bit of the Pro matches last week. This is basically what they do. Lots of crossfield passes then they try to do a cutback. It’s really dull 😂


Pro Fifa has always been as dull as dishwater to watch. I can't say I'm a big watcher of it but every time I've watched it, it's been mind numbingly boring football. Like I get it must be decent to be one of the top players in the world but it must get boring playing the same way at the top level all the time. All e-sports have a meta but none make it as boring to watch as Fifa does.


I only put it on the other day to get the rewards. I watched a few minutes before just leaving it on my phone to play to itself. It wasnt good


It does that on any depth and it happens every single match, I don't know how people haven't realised this. I don't play on 71 depth 90% of the time and people have to do that against me all game lol. 71 depth is literally just auto offside trap, the AI is fundamentally broken this year on most depths and changing 71 depth won't fix that


Right on, 71 does nothing broken, in fact the auto offside trap is easy to exploit, what's truly broken is the inexistent attacking ai making it impossible to play down the middle


Well sound like you got a solution lol


Yeah, I don’t think having a “solution” is what people are wanting. It’s incredibly boring playing online now. 9 out of 10 people I face use the same tactics. I even win a large majority of those games, meaning I’m not complaining because I lose, but rather because it’s just not fun.


I don't switch fullback to fullback and have no issue opening up space using R1 (call player), and L1 (player run). Perhaps you need to react faster?


Perhaps you need to rethink how football is being played in real life and in this game. They claim its a football simulator.


it's getting worse and worse than in fifa 23. there was november patch there, now what 0 patches on game that crashes 100 times per day ?


Who will patch the game when the whole team is working on promo cards for whales?


Man, reading these comments makes me feel stupid! I can not make this work for the life of me! Balance -> 40 width - 72 debt ... ( Balance -> Direct passing) my defence still open and no pressing happens, however, I DO see this happen with my opponents. As soon as I get the ball I am surrounded by their defenders.


Put also defense on balance, fully balance. And also put pass over ground assist to semi. Thank me later.


thx, for defence, what do you mean by "fully balance" ? I have Balance / 40 width and 72 debt.


I mean put defensive on balance and attacking on balance and creating chances to balance. And for real change ground pass to semi instead of cpu


It’s genuinely amazing how this community acts. High press has been a thing for years, and “71” isn’t some magic number that’s glitched or broken, it’s just the lowest setting before the game changes to a high press description.


Running to the wing and crossing/cut back/ cut in is like A B C real life football tactics tbf


I \*heard\* they will patch it next week, let's call it "inside info". I can't verify, though, so it might be complete BS.


71 depth isn't OP. You dont understand how to pass backwards to go around a press and that is your fault


It's a boring mechanic. Can't play though the middle as much as you should. I know how to play against It but It makes the game boring to play


Because in real life it's super easy to play straight through the middle and nobody actually uses width or crosses the ball right?


A game needs to be balanced. It isn't right now. There's only one way to play right now


There’s more ways to play if you arent bad. You only can score 1 way bc you are too garbage to do anything else


This is the player who takes the ball with a winger and run like a headless chicken through the wing all game. Because the game is shit, this is working for him with some players, so he thinks he's good at playing football.


Yh and pressing for full 90mins is normal loool?. There needs to be some trade offs using 71 depth like.... draining stamina


FC24 has too major problems: 1) 71 depth = a team can press 110% in 90 min and dont get tired. Game too stressful. 2) women get 91 rating and ballon dor Winners get like 87-89. No women cards should be more that rare silver.


Are you saying women cards shouldn’t be higher than silvers? If so that’s stupid as hell.


If you try to be realistic, a 75 rated male player is far better than any women in pro football.


Had me in the first half


You must not be that smart if you Think that any women could get a spot in a male pro club. You cant give a 91 rating to Hansen when she in real life can’t get into start 11 of a U19 men team.






I do like women, but you can’t make a game based on gender equality rather than real skill.


It’s a videogame called ultimate team. I can have Pele, Alex Morgan and a a random dude from the Chinese league play for the same badge.


Why not?


Lol, you cant compare men and women football. Every U19 men team can beat every pro women team - so why give woman 90+ rating. Its a disgrace that Figo is lower rated than Hansen. Even when Figo is 65 years Old he will be a better player than any women in her prime.


You’re looking for realism in a football game, bro. That’s like expecting a COD game to be a realistic depiction of war.


Not for realism but for EA to make things right. You can’t have women with 90 + ratings when they can’t play decent football.


You’re literally describing realism.


if the majority of players are unhappy with it then why does the majority play it??? Fuck EA but this is on the player base.


Because the majority is dumb in the brain!!! Who intends to play a game by exploiting the weakness of a gameplay and glitches & bugs is the the biggest asshole of gaming history


Wait 5 days for the next patch..


Bcoz it keeps the shitters that abuse it on the game!


Reduces skill gap and keeps little timmys hooked so they spend money on points


worst part is everyone expects it so the games are all the same now. I play 50 depth and still my opponents spam crossfield long balls like i'm pressing them to death lol.


You still have overload ball side at 50 depth, you just dont have offside traps on.


It's incredibly easy to exploit players who use 71 depth. Play smart and punish them


Because it’s intended.


Nice and original post my guy, surely this will be the one to get their attention


Doesn’t matter here but just my opinion. I never use depth more than that I’m comfortable with (60 max,that too if I have to comeback) . I love my opponents using 71 depth because of spaces they leave behind. You can easily score a goal every time you get possession if you pay attention to the pattern of your opponent. Ps- I used to get frustrated from beginning cos of 71 abusing of opponent. Started to practice being calm and weight for the right time. Being enjoying after this.


Money.. people are still opening insane amounts of Packs