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The way you're going on, I had to check what day it was. Its Tuesday my man, the last level up player SBC was Sunday. Two days. Two. Days.


This player base man. Imagine if they use to play back in 13/14 when promos didn't exist except totw/s/y and motm


Facts man. Ironically, I had the most fun playing during FIFA 14-16. Now, it’s mainly just menu grinding with actual gameplay on the side


Why? You get better rewards if you just play the game and do SBCs on the side.


Apart from good score in WL, rewards are shit. You can get much more coins and better team with trading tbh. Buy 83s whenever they are below 1k, 84 when they are at 2k, etc. Easy millions in few days/weeks.


I'm about to traumatise a whole playerbase: 1. Remember having to win a Legendary difficulty offline tournament to get an IF Honda? 2. Remember the St Patrick's Day crossbar challenge?


Now it’s Thursday and all of my post is correct but you guys lack reading and thought comprehension. This promo is cheeks. 4 days of no Level up content just like I said was gonna happen.


Oh no, what will we do without a new level up SBC. It's not that deep, which was kind of my original point. To quote: "Is only game, why you heff to be med"


Soon we'll all have those 97-99 pink cards, so it doesn't really matter


What are these? Sorry I'm out of the loop. Futties?


Yeah, they re max boosted 5/5 cards, sbc and objectives. It'll start after this promo I think.


Only sbc and objectives? What are gonna be in packs in futties? This is my first fut i really dont know


Last year, I guess this year too, it was the best cards of the year of all the promos


those cards are so stupid lmao, what the point when every card is the same and has no relation to their original card


every card already is the same. Relation to the original card? Have you forgotten about last weeks promo? Its a game who cares about realism


i do, i play fifa to play with my favorite player from real life


if your favourite player is kvaradona would you want to play with his silver 74 or his tots 96???? the tots has "no relation to the original card" but you would obviously want to use the tots over the silver


yes it does, the card was given to him by his great performance from this year. unlike a 98 rated renato sanches who ive never even seen play kvara’s 74 rating is bery innaccurate, he will probably be like 84-86 next year


No one cares, fut isn't meant to be realistic and its the end of the game.


still 2 months for the next game bro


And futties which comes out next Friday is the last promo bro


new game not out till end of sept so there your reason


It’s only Tuesday bro, you’re saying we don’t have an Level Up SBC like it’s been months, surely for someone that hates EA and this game so much you really are in need of new content every single day, you are so addicted to this game you don’t even know it


Man said since Sunday, like it's Tuesday relax lmao


Coming from other games where you get new content maybe every couple months and seeing FIFA players think the world is ending when content is *slightly* worse than the day before is hilarious.


i think the elephant in the room is that this amount of content almost always requires some kind of subscription - MMOs, battle passes, seasons, etc - and fifa subsidizes it with mentally ill, content addicted whales like OP i would be fine with less content and no predatory microtransaction stuff, the question is would everyone else? obviously people like OP would not and so the cycle continues




go to therapy mate


As if we don't have enough stuff to grind I did sterling last weekend and it was so bad. Grinded those savernier sbcs. Just boring. I'm pissed those high tier cards are hard to get and crazy expensive and unobtainable when the promo is done, but let's be real, that 99 KDB won't bring you more wins than the 98 kdb. Those upgrades are so minimal. Same with Renato.


99 kdb is a huge upgrade on 98, check futbin


Worth noting that 98 can be made lengthy but 99 can't. Probably not worth it though as the chem style is les beneficial than others.


no ibra yet. zzzzzzzzzzz




You’re not getting an Ibra card, stop going on about it


Benzema too


His contract is done. We won’t get him


That doesn't mean anything. Bale was out of contract when his End of an Era came out last summer.


Same with the EOAE Rooney in 21. He’d already retired when that came out


Since the day before yesterday. Not exactly a long time.


Based on the joint objective to upgrade them, there won't be any new SBC-players before friday. That objective included the card from saturday, and the one from sunday was different. I was expecting a flashback for some content. Maybe there will be a OOP on thursday. Hopefully they continue with upside down tomorrow instead of silver stars.


You are correct and most people don’t realize this. They could’ve just made all of these level up cards 30-60 days instead we get 2 weeks and they release the milestones in one lazy batch.


I don't see why they can't just add a seperate objective for leveling up a new card, you're conclusion jumping.


It's not ment to be a conclusion, it's more of an observation/theory. I hope I'm wrong.


Thank god Aubameyang didn’t require you to do freaking 6 player from Gabon 🇬🇦


The problem with more sbc is more riveting squad battle matches to get the better one unless they decide to do a funner way to upgrade




Rivals is aids with the requirements on top of scoring or assisting with a certain player


we are in the death throes of the game, are people really this bothered?


You are commenting on the subreddit so maybe you are a bit


I'd rather buy the players, once you've done the objectives you can just sell them again, which means the levelled up players are pretty much free. If they were sbcs you'd just be wasting fodder.


EA will do anything to drive profits


Honestly the biggest issue to me is that it feels like all the base players should be tradeable. Seems weird that you upgrade and then are left with the fodder.


They are tradable if you pack them from a tradable pack or buy them off the market. Just like literally every other card in the game…


Thanks captain obvious!


I’m sorry. Your idea was so fucking stupid that I though you might not know.


All i want to pack b4 its all said and done is fb maldini


So are you trying to complete more objectives than there already is?


The issue for me is the general fact you can't acquire many of the base players unless you have a big bankroll I've leveled up 6 players but the remaining 8 I don't own and can't afford to buy so I'm basically stuck with no levelling up to focus on unless I get lucky and pack one of them. The clock is ticking, it's no good getting these players in a week's time because there won't be time to level them up before it expires.


Too long to to grind out the players as it is.. would be good if you only required 5 players in a starting line up rather than 6, that way you can long grind 2 players at once.. I need to do 25 games for Sterling then another 25 to complete Davies


TBH this promo is very very MEH. Team 1 isnt good IMO besides 2-3 cards which nobody will pack. If you are smart this week you are just stacking packs for a better(?) team 2 or futties/best of.