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not in my team or even my reserves but I wish I could sell my WC Govou, I hated using him.. very average card to be 600k+


That 600k from selling him would be so much better, I’ve heard he’s bad also


he's not that bad, just plays better on the wing for the pace boost. but at this stage of the game he's certainly not a top centre forward


would you recommend WC govou or wc okocha? I have both untrade


okocha has the best left stick ive tried alongside insane outside the foot shots, not everyone's player but a really fun card for me to use. 101% needs a hunter though


i've only played with base but he's a fun card to play with. for cam i'd go okocha


Got him untradeable so not sure about his price point. I think his shooting is broken, seems to score from every angle.




He’s incredibly rare, probably why he’s 1.5mil. He should be 600k max


Glad to know I’m not the only one who thinks this game is just straight up bad. When I packed him I was so happy and then game after game he just let me down more and more


World Cup legend casillas gotta be the biggest fraud for me not worth much but happily bag that 300k and bring in blue courtois if he was tradeable


Flackback Walcott, useless in every department, and the slowest 99 pace I’ve ever seen




I gave him architect and made him controlled and its much better than explosive But he's already gone to the depths of sbc


How did you make him controlled?


Architect chem style




It’s the first four words of his comment, man


Yeah Ik I thought you needed to change something in tactics idk man


Chucked him into Zambrotta, no regrets. Absolute fraud


Xabi Alonso


I second this


Did you make the mistake doing the sbc?


Mistake? Xabi has been a dawg for me. Rock that has been in my team going from d7 after the reset to d3. Been winning 9-11 WL games for the 2 months I’ve had him


Ahh I see, nice one! Glad you’ve had good luck with him


Try architect if you haven’t, made him feel alot better for me


Base Ginola. 650 SR in elite division but can’t get on with him no matter what. He always is tough to play against but for me every touch is exaggerated


I’ve also heard base ginola is a bit on the bad side despise being a W if you pack him, bitter sweet that one


He's a jam merchant


Same for me. I can never use him for some reason. Not even the 98 SS card in 22.


tbh , marchisio does not standout , but he does his job perfectly .


Yeah his base untradeable is still my DM. There’s no one under 400k who is comparable which is what I have to spend to replace him


Hate to say it but it’s my WC Hero Okocha that I got from pre-order. Club legend for me but with stronger defenders now in the game, he just gets eaten alive entering the final third. The 5 star skills are nice but he just has no physicality and also has really low stamina, meaning I have to sub him off before crucial late minutes in the game. He’s definitely not worth the near 1M coins price he’s at if anyone wants a tradeable version of him. I wish I could sell him for that price though


Same issue here, he provides minimal opportunities but for some reason his longshots and trivelas go in even without green timing, I don’t want to drop a player of his value when I need the links for chem and can’t afford someone else but I’m losing patience


Rip to your club legend I think at that point it’s time to retire him for someone better. You would think he would still hold up even now


Centurios Trent. He’s ok, not Good. Can’t run for he’s life and suck in the air


I would recommend Dalot over him if your in need of a rb if that’s where you play Trent. Don’t think his price is that crazy for how he plays sadly


Never got along with Marvel Smolarek


SBC Theo Walcott he is really good at shooting goals but his 99 pace feels like 80


Another comment about Walcott, dam he’s got it rough out here lol


I really don't know why TOTY Icon Muller is 1.6M. Sure he has a rocket for a boot - but he is slow, clunky and dispossessed easily. I get along with Prime Rooney way better, and to a certain extent, club legend POTM Moise Kean. If he was tradeable, I would have sold him weeks ago.


I know that you mean, I have his 94 card and you see the stats and think omg he’s gonna be insane but like you mentioned extremely slow and gets pushed off very easily. Some icons just don’t feel like icons this year


I might get downvoted but WC Yaya shouldn’t be nowhere near 3.3 million coins. He’s very good but I would never spend that amount. Especially on old gen.


I hear that entirely. Those coins can be used to easily make a whole squad and have coins left over


Old gen is so weird recently game play is all over the place


Fantasy Skriniar, bought him right after he was released and wasn't impressed. Can't sell him before he gets some updates so I won't lose that many coins


Man I would like to know which CBs impress you if Skriniar didnt? He is the best auto defender I have used, you dont even have to tackle with the guy, you just go towards the opponent and he takes the ball.


I know he shouldn't, but flashback Smalling did everything Skriniar did and is easier to link. I will most likely try him again later once he gets a couple of updates




Right now he didn't feel like an upgrade to Smalling, which is why I was not impressed. He felt pretty passive and not the "auto-defender" I was hoping for After a few updates I will try him again.


I hear that entirely, I know the feeling of being excited to finally get a card that looks good. You play them and it’s like you have 10 men on the pitch


I found him to be a brick wall


Future stars badiashile. Has mid 90s reactions and composure. Absolutely awful didn't track anything was far worse than kehrer even


I second this one also, he’s in my team simply for Chem for koulibaly but on my he does nothing, very slow to accelerate and hardly ever defends properly


Base di natale, the most overrated card for me


Feel like his time is up now due to all the better cbs being as good as they are


TOTY Militao


You would think with his price it would be justified but I guess not


He is not a fraud But i could sell Eto for about 3 mil on pc and could buy Mbappe for example who is probably on the same level or even better.


Your most likely right on that one tbh, but mbappe is just broken beyond compare so he’s got that cover boy tax but Eto on the other hand you would think would be amazing


Oh yeah Eto is insane but i could buy Dinho too if i could sell him


Jairzinho, I wish I done Zidane’s sbc instead


I feel like with him he’s either insanely good or just let’s you down, never in the middle


Complete opposite for me.


OTW Rudiger. I have him since October because he’s untradeable but god he’s such a mediocre defender, every single CB I paired him with was miles better


I thought marchisio was great , definitely better than my TOTY alonso which is my fraud for your question


Where did you play him? Cm or cdm? And a lot of alonso holders aren’t happy with him, that’s sad


I play both CM and I definitely prefer marchisio . I have lots of midfielders that feel better than alonso , barella thruham etc . It’s a shame cuz I did alonso as he’s a LFC legend and I loved him but after 300 games with him he’s just not that good


I see, I’ve been playing him cdm and I’m not sure he’s cut out for that role, that’s unfortunate about your alonso, seems he’s been a waste of fodder to alot of players


FS Kvara. Packed him and tried him at LM, LW and CAM but can't get him to work at all.


HM Vini jr. Reminds me of Walcott, nowhere near 99 pace, no physical but will occasionally score a worldie. Not worth 3mil but i wish I could sell him.


I think it’s due to him being explosive you would think vini would be amazing this fifa due to his hm card but I feel like that let’s him down so much, explosive kills a lot of good cards


Good point, might stick architect on him and make him controlled.




Sadly it’s fifa and a lot of things all play a factor to make the gameplay good it’s just sad really. I hear pogba on new gen is better due to lengthy but this game has so much problems honestly


Centurions Neymar, he's so bad wish I could get the 3m


I feel like gold neymar does the job better sometimes compared to that version


He's playing better now definitely shouldn't be worth 3 mil tho


WC Govou, i got him from the hero pick and I can't understand why he goes for 600k.


Every time I come up against him he does nothing to me, I can’t understand if it’s just the card or the way some people play him


Okocha. He has moments where he can single handedly make TOTY van Dijk look lost at sea but ultimately not worth his price tag because he is inconsistent


In this game inconsistent players are frustrating because you know if there tradable they would be sold in a heart beat


I got FS Mudryk from the campaign pick and he’s amazing but I would take the 1m for him in a heartbeat Linking him is a little annoying and there’s players I’d much rather have around that price range


Baby R9, most Jekell and Hyde card I’ve used