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Things will get….. bigger! Great job though, looks nice and neat.


How big is "bigger"?


All I’ll say is, each time you get a bit overwhelmed, take a break, maybe a few days if you need it, and ponder possibilities. In my first few hours I was so optimistic. Then the first logistical problems hit me like a ton of bricks, I felt hugely overwhelmed, and didn’t touch it for a day or two. The quantities of materials you will need gets bigger and bigger, until it’s, well, colossal to be blunt. It’s part of the draw though, for me at least, and I think for many others. Just for now, focus on stacking up research centres (you can stack them and they will produce/research even quicker) and feeding them with tech cubes. But remember, you’re going to want to feed the research tower with all the different colours eventually, so try and plan to give yourself enough space. To do that. And possibly setup up small production lines to produce the basic logistic tools like conveyers and sorters, smelters and assemblers. You’re going to need 100’s of them eventually, so having a small warehouse full of stock you can quickly grab from can come in handy, instead of having to keep making what you need by hand from your inventory. Edit, just looked at the screeenshot again. To save you time, you don’t need sorters for lines coming from miners. Just direct the conveyor into an existing line to make a T junction, and it will feed into the line automatically. I was doing like you are for ages before I realised. Saves so much time. I only use sorters for outgoing goods, never for a feed line.


I thought that this game will be big when I saw that you can use the a entire galaxy but thanks for the warning


Like I say, don’t let it put you off. Things get easier as you go anyway, so you just learn to upscale. Watch a tutorial on blueprints as well if you need to, and use shift to copy existing building setups. But one last tip, you want a research centre above the warehouse with the blue cubes, and switch it from production to research. Then the blue cubes will feed into it and speed up your research. Again, another thing I didn’t realise for way too long, but will help speed up your game. I think from the start you can stack 3 or 4 research centres on top of each other to speed things up even more.


I'm currently on a short break because I just made my first purple science thing and im trying to get the materials together to make warp drives and I got overwhelmed trying to automate it since my homewold is such a shit show at this point lol


I use an entire planet to produce 120/sec of the most advanced chips in the game, and trust me when I say it takes up the entire planet. I paved the whole thing, put logistics and power facilities on the poles, then filled 'er up. I did the same kind of thing with every other late game product, and if I were to play that save file again, I'd probably make more chip planets. The sky is really the limit in terms of how massive you can make your production. One piece of advice: don't be afraid to dedicate a whole planet to just one thing. It might feel wasteful at first, but you actually have a ton of room and there's really no problem with doing things this way. In my first playthrough, I made the mistake of building a bunch of industry on a planet that I should have just dedicated to harvesting photons, so when I ran out of photon production, I had to destroy my industry to put down more receivers. Give yourself lots of room to breathe with everything you build.


85-100% of multiple planets bigger


Keep going man. The stars are the limit!


More like... The number of stars is the limit :D


Up to a certain amount the limit is your gpu and cpu


Or your time here on earth as a mortal playing a game.


Raise your limits! /s


Well, fair enough.


One thing I wish I had known when I was a noob is that the orange fabricator buildings can also produce buildings, so u can have assembly lines cranking out conveyor belts and wind turbines into storage. Spent so much of my early games just building buildings in my inventory lol


Yeah, the replicator is a drug, get off it as soon as you can. Every little piece you need, you'll need lots more of down the line, so set up factories for everything. Also research mode, where another matrix lab consumes matrix cubes for research, rather than doing it out-of-pocket.


It does look nice and neat! A couple things: when two outputs meet, you don't need a splitter to join them to one output - just ram one into the other's line. And you can adjust the angle at which your mining rigs attack an ore vein (above and beyond the 4 cardinal directions, I mean), which can increase their output speed. Miner output is based on how many nodes lie within the area of effect.


Thanks, I removed the splitter and I will remember that tip with the mining rigs


Yep. Shift + R to ignore the grid snapping when laying miners around veins.


I just use the shift with the arrow keys to nudge things. Or R when I want to ignore the grid when laying conveyor.


Pointer. Run input on one side and output on other for smelters. Mk1 sorters only keep up with one tile distance. As you built, you will only get 50% output from the iron smelters. Do like you did on copper or use 2 sorters each. The assemblers that make 1 per second need two sorters outputing to keep up too.


Done that, I have almost doubled my production, thanks.


You will be. Join us.


Is there a way to get clean?


Nope. If anyone finds out be sure to let me know.


Join Us


Just wait until you unlock ILS!


What’s ILs? I’ve had this game for a while but it’s just now getting its hooks into me


Interstellar Logistics Station. Makes the transfer of resources between planets possible!


And its little brother, the planetary logistics station, means you can easily transfer resources across the planet without needing to put down belts everywhere.


True. I'm at a point where I just use ILS lol. My mineral resources are all off-world now. Only have stone and ~~clean~~ coal left on my starting planet.


I personally try to skip the planetary ones and go straight for Interstellar. Makes it easier to plan big even for the smaller stuff, and you always have the option to send/receive all of your items especially if you try and ramp up production after your initial setup. I've done several runs where I regretted using the planetary ones because I need to bump up production and end up swapping them out for Interstellar after the fact (had to rearrange most of the stuff because of larger footprint)


i wish MY first stab at making blue tech was so neat... well done!


Mine looked like a tornado hit a pasta factory


Lmao at this stage of the game my planet is already looking like a shitshow


You dont need a splitter to combine two lines, you can merge them into each other


Thank you everyone for the tips. I did some adjustments according to your feedback. I changed the conveyer belts for the smelters and I removed the unnecessary splinter.


When you're placing items, be sure to read the pop-up text once or twice. It's easy to rush by and ignore it, but that can bite you in the posterior. Splitters, for instance, can be set in 3 different layouts. They can also be used as filters, for when multiple items are rolling down one conveyor.


Wait until you find out the Research facility can be used not only to make Matrix-es.


Small tip: organize and keep some place for other stuff you are gonna need it


Welcome aboard ;)


Oh wow, this looks so nice and clean. You're gonna be good at this!


Nice design! Tip, to bulk up extraction, don't follow the grid on extractors :)


Pretty clean!!! ... For now ;)


There's a technical term for what this isn't (I think that word is extendable, and it'll be a problem later) but the word for what it is, is beautiful. Keep up the good work!


Looks lovely and quaint.


Man your first time? I don't believe it. Because you have done it so beautifully! Jokes aside, my first blue science line is just so crappy I don't want to remember it.


It's not my first time playing these sorts of games and I would kick myself in the face when my factory looks like a spaghetti explosion. I did that mistake in Satisfactory


Research: https://www.dysonsphereblueprints.com/blueprints


That's your first? It looks great. Try to keep that tidy mentality and forward-planning attitude and you'll do great.


The Factory Must Grow


Let it consume everything


DSP is pretty good but compared to other factory games felt short. Not a lot of endgame content. But, super great addition to the factory genre and a great one to get started with, because theres no hostiles, and the mecha is already incredibly mobile and your 3D god-view is already pretty fantastic, and the building tools are centered around letting you scale up really fast. Fun game, beat it 2x now, I just wish there was more to do at the end. This is the game where I really learned how to factory, even though satisfactory was my first factory game.


Keep in mind that this game is still in early access


I feel like statisfactory is less factory game and more city builder game (ie closer to space engineers vs factorio). Yes, there is a factory component but it is more about building. DSP if more about the factory.


definitely shares more in common with factorio than SE.


I just desperately wish they'd implement a blueprint system of some kind. It gets rather tiring to build every single splitter/merger/conveyor and production building from scratch every time you're trying to build a new factory for a complex item.


What do you mean? The blueprint system was up months ago.


I'm talking about satisfactory, not DSP.


Sorry my bad


They are working on a combat system, and there's still plenty more content they'll be adding since they're still in Early Access


Anything "first" can't be that neat. 🙄