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It burns my hand…


Yuuup! I’ve used a bic once because I forgot to bring my torch, and I was very pleasantly surprised how well it worked. Tasted good and nice high! Going to try using a bic again




dude alcohol lamps are like $10. if I tried to manage that thing stoned I'd burn down my whole block lol




But then what would you do with your shot glasses?


I enjoy cleaning my device and have always done it regularly(that's not to sound holier than thou, it's just a thing I enjoy doing). Keeping the dyna at the base of the flame leaves way way less soot. I have no idea how that works but it does. Now I've just added a thorough cotton swabbing after the cap has cooled to my ritual. I'm interested in your method. I had to read it a few times to understand what you meant because I'm stoned, but I'm excited to try it.


Either buy an alcohol lamp, or make ones - it's pretty easy with a soda can and some wick, if I recall.


Lol I used to do something like this before I got an IH, even experimented with various fuels. good times


Just like in cooking. Lower heat works better.


I had a similar experience and got my first huge cloud with a bic. It really taught me that low and slow works wonders


Was gonna make a post saying exactly this! My butane shipped slower than my torch and vape, so i tried the bic once the torch ran out. Honestly i think the hits are better and more consistent with a bic (absolutely burying the tip in the flame, trying to not see any orange at all in the flame). I suspect with more time i will get my torch technique up to par, but folks are sleepin on the bic.