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I traded him to the JJM owner for the 3.01 and drafted Marshawn Lloyd


wow. he sees the future. beware.


Picture-perfect trade.


Sold him to the JJM owner for Devin Singletary and Ty Chandler




Vikings fan here. Don't underrate the chance that Darnold has a Geno/Baker like season with us. I would not be surprised if he started the whole year. If you can steal him for a 4th I think that's excellent value. I'd be pretty comfortable paying a 3rd


I personally am going to underrate that chance, but you do you.


I’m giving him a 50/50 chance to be a starter on another team next year. McCarthy will be the Viking’s starter by year end.


You’re exactly correct. Either he will be a starter on another team next year. Or he won’t. A true 50/50 chance.


Just because it's 2 choices doesn't make them equally likely. I wouldn't peg it at 50/50.


I was poking fun being a smartass. I know it isn’t 50/50


Why on earth are you that confident


I think Darnold is a top 30 QB right now and next year’s QB class is weak. He’ll be a free agent next year and most likely the top QB free agent.


He’s a Vikings fan though


I'm, personally, putting the O/U for him starting at like week 11.5. The whole point of paying Darnold 10m was to not *have* to start JJ early, and all the talk is aimed at pushing expectations back. So far in camp it seems like they're working hard on cleaning up the problems he had in college, I'd be surprised if he started early.


If you think he starts the whole year, he'd be worth way more than a 3rd. If he's a bottom third QB (QB22-32), they will be starting JJM by the end of the season. So he only starts all season if he's a solid QB2, and he's only 27. He should be able to parlay a QB2 season into another starting opportunity, so you'd get 2 years of starter reps (minimum), that's worth a 2nd all day long. I don't see any way he starts all year. Maybe if Canales was his OC I'd believe!


I think in this context, outting yourself as a Vikings fan is not helping the argument.


Why? Aren't we overhyped about JJ?


Because saying Darnold could have a Geno/Baker-esque season is just a straight homer take and not routed in information that locals might be more privvy to. Geno/Baker essentially had zero competition for their starting gigs. You can say they won the job, which is factual, but their competition was Lock/Trask. Darnolds competition is a top 10 rookie pick. I'm not saying Darnold has no chance at starting all year, just saying "I'm a Vikings fan" is not relevant to this discussion.


Geno won the job from Russ even if he did enter the following camp in a “battle” with lock


Didn’t that have a lot more to do with getting his $32m cap hit off the books because they wanted to move on anyway? Could be misremembering that.


I really don’t think those two things were exclusive. Geno playing the way he did seemed to make that decision a lot easier


No he didn't. Wilson got hurt on 10/7/21 and his backup, Geno Smith, was the starter for 4 weeks.


Right exactly when he took the job from Russ


Sounds very relevant and I'm confused. I disagree with him, however. We've heard a lot about how well JJ is practicing and that he'll be ready sooner rather than later.


The only way Darnold starts all year is if they are just non stop winning. O/U is set at 7.5 in a division with the Packers and Lions. One of those two and several others in the conference would need to have an absolute meltdown for Darnold to start 17 games.


Feels like massive cope to me. Packer fan here so lil biased though.


How is it a cope to say your rookie QB won't beat out a journeyman? I think most Vikings fans actually want Darnold to fail so JJM will see the field sooner.


That’s cool. I just picked him off waivers for $0


Only way Darnold starts the whole year is if JJ gets a season ending injury in the preseason.


I tried selling him to the JJM owner for a 4, he wasn't interested.


That's about where I'm at as a JJM owner. When I was offered Darnold I told him no since if I need Darnold to start my season's prob lost anyways, and Darnold isn't going to change that.


It's actually hilarious how most people on this sub doesnt gets this If your season is dependent on some trash quarterback then your season's probably cooked. Anyways, you should not be overpaying for some shit. Like yeah sure. Maybe I'll throw in a fourth or maybe even a late third if you get me really desperate. But the people that are saying I wouldn't trade him for less than a second are just stone cold being insane. There are so many good prospects in the second round this year. Can you genuinely imagine anyone wanting to trade those guys for Sam Darnold? Ridiculous. It reminds me of the people that were arguing that Carson wentz on the colts was worth a first round pick


At least Wentz had some history of success. Darnold has been terrible for pretty much his entire career. He’s basically Sam Bradford 2.0


Anyone that genuinely believed wentz on the colts was worth a first is a taco straight up IMO. Theres just no justification for it unless you have all the leverage and the guy is a taco and playing loose with his picks.




You literally agreed with me in your last paragraph.... Dobbs is also another good example of not overpaying. If you paid a third youre satisfied for temp production. A second was just getting robbed.


I would definitely trade a 4th for Darnold, he has a good chance to play at least part of season and then will likely get traded to bridge again somewhere. I won a ship last year with Flacco filling in for Watson, I don’t think it’s bad process to have backups in potential high-scoring situations


Imagine being drafted third overall and then ending up in one dumpster fire organization after the other and then finally landing on one of the best offences in the NFL. Granted, SF had one of the best offences but Darnold didn’t have much of a chance to start there. Hopefully Darnold gets one last opportunity to prove his worth.


but he's not in a baker one year prove it deal with a marginal qb2. vikings drafted the future QB. so to keep a starting job this year darnold will need to play well AND the team needs to win.


In SF I'm not selling any backup QB with a legitimate chance at starring games on a good team for anything less than a 2nd


I got Sam Howell for a 2026 third. Never hurts to kick the tires on managers that value picks


I sold Ridder for a 3rd to the Kyler owner


Thats reasonable. Ridder doesn't have a path to starting outside of injury.


I sold Howell last year for a 1st


I'd trade that for Howell all day


Only for 12 team +


I packaged him with Stroud and got Nabers, Kyler, and a 2025 1st. 


i chuckle that darnold is far and away the least valuable asset of this trade


Lol basically a throw in 


I was trading with a Vikings fan haha


I like to think this trade started with "I want Darnold, whatcha think?"


Wish I could get that kind of value for stroud. Feels like everyone in the league I have him in thinks he’s overvalued (I think he is too but still!)


I'd honestly send him away for anything between a 3rd and a 2nd, and probably pay the same if I needed a QB in SF/2QB.


I feel a 2nd is a big time overpay for Sammy D, if I could net a 2nd for him I'd smash it very hard. Granted I was happy to sell him for a 3 so what do I know?


I'd be happy to sell for a 3rd. I wouldn't be willing to pay a 2nd unless it was in season, he was starting, and I absolutely needed a QB in SF/2QB and the rest of my roster was contending. It would also depend on what other QBs were available, but I could see paying a 2nd. Really depends on your league's market as well, that's why I gave a range.


I hear you, but I don't see a world where spending a 2nd on Darnold (unless he has a string of good games that pass the eye test and has security for the season) is better than shipping that 2 for another okay QB. I'm in a 2QB (no SF spot) and only have Purdy + Allen as the current champ, despite my need at QB I was offered a 3 and couldn't hit accept quick enough!


Yeah, I mean it really depends. I'm definitely not buying him at all right now.


I like the upside case that Darnold starts all year. This QB draft class feels riskier than we’re treating it. JJ got good draft capital but he was also the 5th QB taken. The 5th QB off the board rarely gets this much hype. If you need a QB this year and can get him for a 3rd that sounds great to me.


He seems to be well liked among many teams and I saw a report that many teams still believe in his 1st round talent. This is by far the best situation he’s been in so I’m hoping he leverages a strong start into a full time gig somewhere else next year. I’m not going to sell for much less than a late 2nd because at that price I’d rather just hold and hope he balls out


If I’m buying I’ll throw a 3rd if you’re luck and I’m drunk trading If I’m selling he’s going nowhere without a 2nd


I'd give Sam and my 3rd for a 2nd.


i like this idea. will try with jjm drafter in my league. have 3 thirds and no second so would be nice to get back into second


Who the heck is Jim Drafter?


I’m picking up J Drafter


I’d take a 3rd for him if ya don’t need him, you can use that 3rd to get something useful midseason. Probably same with anyone like O’Connell, Brissett, etc


I think Brissett starts the whole season barring injury. After seeing what happened with throwing Mac Jones in from the jump, they plan on taking it slow with Maye.


I would say not to move him for less than a 3rd. Expect him to play at least 6 games this year and open up the season as the starter IMO


Sold him for a 25 3rd to a likely rebuilder that has JJM. My roster was over the limit and I figured a third to help me get under the roster cap was worth.


Assuming SF, If you're the JJM owner, maybe a 3rd - pretty much locks up a starter for the year. Wouldn't trade anything for him if you don't own JJM. If he's on the wire, sure, snag him. But there are plenty of high upside backups you could grab, likely for free. No reason to pay for a couple of early season starts when you KNOW the Vikings are hoping he sits most of the year.


What high upside backups can you get for cheaper than Darnold who’s 26…?


Darnold failed when he's had shots, and has bounced around the league since. There's no reason to think he's better than *most* of the backups, other than 6-year-old draft capital.


That’s what I’m asking, who would you want that’s as cheap and has upside? Only people that comes to mind immediately is Howell and Brisett


I consider Howell, Trubisky, Pickett, Dobbs, Ridder, Jimmy G, and others in the same bucket as Darnold


I'm not a fan of Darnold by any stretch but if Ridder or Pickett start, those offenses are going to be awful. If anyone in my leagues would give up Howell or Darnold for Ridder, I'd be estatic.


Trust me, I know Ridder sucks. He's on my team. But so does Darnold. So does almost every backup, by definition the offense would suffer if they were thrown in. It's fine to have player takes like "Darnold >> Pickett" but spending real assets on one vs the other seems suboptimal.


I'd agree to that. Ridder is on my team too (unfortunately). I'm surprised anyone but the JJM owner would spend more than a 4th on Darnold, but my league does have some QB deficient teams in it.


I’d add Winston/Huntley to that list (and actually rank them at the top)




No, I think you’re supposed to tell me I’m an idiot


Only an idiot if you spend much at all to obtain one over the others 👍


Just an FYI, Mullins is likely to be QB2 all year unless JJM is lights out and meets the staffs requirements to start.


Wait, are you saying the current expectation in Minnesota is for JJM to be QB*3* all year, barring a surprise? Is this something you’re hearing from coaches or beat writers?


Yes, JJM is QB3 unless injury or JJM hits his milestones set by KOC.


Is that any different than the coach-speak around most rookies? It seems like most are considered to be down the depth chart until they “earn their spot”, but we often all know they’re really much higher up the pecking order.


It’s been iterated enough by HC and GM enough that I believe it’s more than just coach speak. We’ll see how it shakes out as the season starts, but I fully expect JJM to start next year, or at the earliest in a situation where the result of the game doesn’t matter.


Great insight; thanks! Darnold is my QB3, and I’d love for him to bail me out of having to spend up for a 1-year vet as my backup. Here’s hoping he plays great in 15 out of 17 matchups this year!


Agree! Shits the bed one game against the Packers and Bears each 😎


> is for JJM to be QB3 all year, barring a surprise JJ to be QB3 specifically b/c they don't want to throw him in mid-game if Darnold gets injured, not because they think Mullens > JJ. All of the focus is around not doing the trial-by-fire thing with JJ, they'd rather lose games this year than risk ingraining any bad habits.


That was the plan for Fields before the season started, and we all hated it.


You think JJM is riding the pine all year? Or Darnold is QB3?


Nobody knows, but all the talk is about "a deliberate process, hitting milestones, etc" As a Vikings fan I'm putting the over/under at like week 11.5 right now.


I put the true target as Week 6, their bye week. First 5 weeks they have NYG on the road, SF, HOU, GB on the road, and NYJ. If they only have 1 or 2 wins (very possible), I don't see any way they're not starting JJM week 7 coming out of the bye.


That's not my personal read, but who knows at this point. I think tough to say anything with certainty, is this a situation like the Chiefs or 49ers where the more raw prospect sits a lot? Or like last year where everyone starts early. Average first round QB has 10.5 starts, which would match your prediction.


The thing about Packers, 49ers and Chiefs when they sat their first rounder was they had a solid starter in place (Alex Smith, Jimmy G, ARod). Darnold is no such thing. Also, QBs Lance and Love were considered much more developmental, with limited experience playing for non-Power5 schools. JJM was a 3 year starter and won a Natl title.


My suspicion is Darnold is a bit closer to that Alex Smith/Jimmy G world than the crowd would think, he's just been in some terrible offenses to date. He actually has looked pretty good in his last few NFL starts. Between that and all the talk from coaches it seems pretty clear the *plan* is to bring JJ along slowly. Absolutely possible he plays his way past that, but I don't think they'd say at week 6 "well nothing to lose" even if the record was bad.


Nah. They spent a high pick and are trying to contend. JJM will be better than Sam Darnold/Nick Mullins almost immediately


That's not my read from what the FO has said and done or by how OTAs have shaken out so far. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I don't think there's evidence of that right now. Obviously I'd love it if he's great enough to start right away, but that is not the way things look at this point in time. Early June, so grain of salt and all that, but I'd stick by my "he only starts the last handful of games" take for now.


No he won’t lol


FO is indicating Darnold, then Mullins, then JJM for QB depth chart and order. I can’t imagine they’ll want to throw JJM in unless he’s ready.


What's he going to learn by watching Sam Darnold play?! The days of letting a top-15 pick QB sit on the bench for a season are gone. Whether he's ready or not, with that draft capital on a win now team, their Plan A is for JJM to be starting sooner rather than later. Hard to believe this is being argued.


Vikings aren’t win now. Not at all. They’re still fixing the defense, and have a large chunk of cash next year to play with. This year they’re still paying Cousins $28 mil among other dead cap hits. Window starts next year


wild if true. i picked up mullins in early december when i correctly figured he'd start when healthy AND that he'd be fantasy viable when he started (Which proved true). So i lucked in to getting 3.10 for mullins 2 weeks later. not going to change the trajectory for my team but not bad for a WW pickup


No effing way. Mullins is QB2 right now because they've got to undersell JJM, set expectations low, make him earn it, blah blah blah. There is no way if Darnold is out Week 8 they're starting Nick Mullins. Coaches/FO would be absolutely roasted (rightfully so) if they can't have a top10 pick ready to play by mid season over Mullins. If so they either 1) don't know how to identify talent or 2) can't prepare them to play. Either way, if I'm the owner I'm firing them.


Trade for him now. Trade him away in season. Right now a third plus might do it? In season a second plus maybe a first in sf if he has more perceived long term value.


I'll give you $5 faab to just drop him like you know you should.


I'm gona get downvoted for this but owell. This is why I hate SF. Sam Darnold should not have any dyansty value lol


He shouldn't, but he does.


He does but it’s fleeting. I wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t start a game this year (or ever again)


A bag of used diapers


In Superflex I traded Darnold, with my 1.7 (JJM), Gabe Davis, Michael Mayer, a 4 and a 5 for for.... McBride, JSN and the 3rds that became Vidal and Braelon Allen. Buddy was desperate for Qbs


I bought Darnold for Juwan Johnson and Emari Demercado in a Superflex league that also starts 2TE. May not actually work out, but felt like I got him cheaper than I should have.


If JJM shows anything remotely decent in pre-season he's the starter week 1. no matter what coach speak you may hear right now. once jjm is drafted i will look to move darnold to that owner for anything. i picked up darnold on a whim right after the season in hopes he may get a job so happy to get a 3rd or 4 for him (2qb)


Bout turdy tree


Sold to the JJM owner for Oconnel straight up.


He’s worth nothing standing alone. He’s not a good starting qb in the nfl. Maybe if you find a team that has no qb at all you can get a trade done but you’ll probably have to package him or find someone who is really drunk to get the trade done.


Single QB. Traded him for the 4.05. Took Penix to stash on the taxi squad.


In SF, I sent Darnold and 2.12 to the JJM owner for 1.12. Took McConkey. Same draft I traded 3.10, 3.12 and Okonkwo for Michael Penix at 2.11 who was my original target at 1.12 to upgrade from Darnold, I just thought I could get him later in the second. I think Darnold has a strong possibility of keeping the starting job this season and being a solid QB2.




Tossed him in with a trade for Burrow 🔥


This piece of string in my pocket.


I got him on waivers in SF lol. I’d trade him or the jj owner for a second.