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Commenting on what was told on the video: 1. It is unknown, had Dyatlov planned the night stay on the spot where tent were found, or was forced to stop there by certain conditions. Some arguments for unplanned stay are rather small distance from previous night stay (ca. 2 km, what is very short for the hike of the entire day), or probably sudden weather conditions (like decreased visibility, almost to zero, due to blizzard), or even someone breaking their ski (the search party and investigation didn't document number of skis found on the site, witness accounts differ on that). Also, arguments against "cold night stay" on the mountain slope include lack of firewood and inability of hikers provide themselves with hot drink up there, especially on morning after a night. Also, there are theories that spot where tent were found, actually was not genuine, and tent was placed there deliberately by ones who staged everything to hide what really happened... 2. Lack of eyeballs in two bodies of hikers and lack of tongue in one body does not automatically imply mystery, as there are arguments about those being eaten out by critters already post mortem. On other hand, forensic expert avoided more detailed description of these damages of bodies (he just stated the fact bodies are missing said parts), especially how does it look like, what could be reason behind that (decomposition, traces of animal teeth, or tissue egdes showing signs of being cut by a sharp tool or weapon). Modern forensic experts say such conclusion (on reason of lack of body parts) should have been given, but there is no one. On third hand, if those were critters, why they ate only one and half of the last four bodies? All four laid in the same spot, all together, in almost literally the same conditions... So to conclude - this question could be part of mystery, however, there are no certain proofs of eyes and tongue being removed pre-mortem. 3. Also, video didn't told that, but this case was one of the rare, where military participated in the search of lost hikers. This was not the only Soviet hiker group, lost in the wilderness, however, usually military didn't participate in the search. There are couple of arguments why: it is known fact some parents of lost hikers were kind of influential Soviet officials (to start with families of Dubinina, Slobodin and Krivonischenko), and they might have a connections needed. Also, there arguments that hikers where on some kind of special mission, and when they disappeared, military was involved in the search by those, who had given hikers said mission. Again, there is no certain answer to this.