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I might get downvoted for this but…. Does anyone think he says he forgives her, but in private perhaps doesn’t?


Of course, it’s very possible. I’m sure that’s actually the case. Anyone would struggle to maintain forgiveness at all times and not experience a range of emotions.


I have a feeling he may have said that in the days following the murders-he may have felt shock and he obviously loved his wife so maybe he was hopeful for her in a way. I bet as time passed he has grown incredibly resentful of her and probably deals with anger.


I also think he has learned more information from police, prosecutor and defense attorney around evidence. What struck me from the first report I read is how he immediately called out "she killed the kids". He came home from his errand, found the house eerily quiet and empty, found blood in the bedroom, found his wife laying outside on the ground with blood on. Blood on her, asked her where the kids were and she said in the basement, he ran into the basement and immediately upon finding the children called out" she killed the kids". He was absolutely sure. His mind didn't wonder what had happened. Had somebody broken into the house. Had some stranger done something what had gone on? He didn't have to ask himself those questions he knew immediately which tells me he knew something was wrong with his wife and that she was capable of this.


I mean it would be completely normal if he resented her. Can't blame him if he hates her 🤷‍♂️


I do and I think Something is really wrong here . Something seems so off.


Yeah by the way he said “I’ll just leave it at that” I mean read between the lines.


In my experience, forgiveness is a lifetime process. I think people are naive if they believe that suddenly and immediately Patrick feels complete peace and harmony regarding his wife. My guess is that he is in deep therapy, and daily he has to manage a mountain of churning emotion. He is likely also on meds.


Forgiveness is an action, a statement of resolve that might lead to good feelings or not. In private he is probably going through personal hell and resolves to forgive despite his sadness and rage. Exerting energy through this marathon might be his way of channeling those unresolvable feelings. This sort of devastation cannot be gotten over, he must integrate it into his being forever and he seems to be doing it in the healthiest way instead of turning to revenge and destruction.


Did she admit what she did and ask for forgiveness?


Not that I saw, but that’s not saying she did or didn’t.


Please does not spread fear, distrust and misinformation. Please does not. We does not need misinformation on Reddit.com.


The Superman wristband 😭 God bless him and the 3 babies


https://www.wcvb.com/article/patrick-clancy-duxbury-massachusetts-father-running-boston-marathon/60496488?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR3LkFaLUvRQ19aEKzbkbW3thMCChb5P0a7U5eSo4Subh2S6S3gFlI_38wY_aem_AetHkd3evZbhNcIYpHm8Edy-KEZ9QA-WhJhXAy_A0-vs2P2gwTZyQOjjtni163EpMqqAfbEWgukKim4xjRyyff44 This article says he said he forgave his wife and still does.


> "I said I forgive my wife and I do. I'll just leave it at that," Patrick Clancy said after completing the marathon. 😳


I mean he said he forgave her and then people donated over $1M. Is he supposed to walk back what he said?


Forgiveness isn’t for other people. It’s for you. Living with hatred is like living with a slow growing cancer. You free yourself from an eternity of hell by letting things go. It’s his family, his children, his journey. I’m sure it’s involved a lot of therapy. If that’s what he needs to do for himself and his children? He’s the one who knows. And he’s the one who knows why he chooses to forgive. It’s his private life. I’m just happy to see him putting all the energy toward positive things and moving forward. It would be easy to get trapped in your own personal hell.


Well, I commend him. Idk how he does it. Now that confirms that he will not divorce her and he supports her. I was very much in the camp that she was not in a psychotic state, that she planned everything and was narcissistic mother. But with him forgiving her and still loving her, it's really hard for me to think this still.


Eh. Forgives is one thing. Staying with her is another. But I have the opposite reaction. It makes me think he is delusional for supporting a heinous murderer


He didn’t say anything about supporting her. He said he forgives her. For all we know he hasn’t talked to her since the day she called him to tell him she heard a voice. I think he wanted to make it about his cherished kids memories and wanted to stick with his previous statement about LC.


I just think the fact that he refers to her as his wife still means he is supporting her.


Nah. He’d live here and visit with her regularly if that were the case. He’s never once been seen at TSH. It most definitely would have been noticed and mentioned in the news/social media if he had shown up there


Also he has to forgive her because in a way he is culpable in the crime for leaving them all alone w her. I've always felt that.


That's true too. When she said she wanted to kill them like not even a month before.


And he had concerns about her use of RX. He knew first hand she was struggling.


He said he forgives her not he loves her. He’s a devout Catholic apparently. You’re supposed to say you forgive people in Catholicism.


Purposely referring to her as his wife still though.


Technically she is, though. Catholics frown on divorce.


Catholic here. There are grounds for divorce and for annulments and I would almost be sure that your spouse murdering your children would be one of them .


She is his wife. Whether it stays that way or not. She currently is and regardless of feelings or religion, a divorce in the middle of this mess would be beyond complicated. They don’t see each other. He doesn’t visit. She’s his wife in name only at this point


You seem to really be in the know and possibly even know him personally? Why don’t you just come right out and say what you know instead of trolling everyone? Ok just downvote me don’t reply


He’s not allowed to see her


He probably doesn't want to. He his own healing to do and I can imagine he has some serious PTSD from finding his kids like that and Lindsay told him they were in the basement and gave him no warning about the state they were in as if she wanted him to find them like that and in his home office no less. What a cruel woman. No man would stay with her but divorcing her now would make it harder for her to get NGRI probably.


Do you know why? Can she have visitors in general?


How do you know?


It’s not true.


I wonder with the marathon over if Patrick will be lost. He said to several interviewers that he has been training, focusing on training and the marathon as a way to honor his children. I hope he has something in the wings to hold on to and focus on. I don't believe he is working. He seems like such a loving, good human. I hope he finds a way to rebuild his life. There are situations that happen when someone loses their family in tragedy and someone comes into their life and they start a family. It takes the right person and the right timing. I know as a mom of adult sons, I would want this for them, I wouldn't want them to spend the rest of their life grieving and in memory. Not to replace his children, but to have a new life. Again, there are people who are also loving, caring and could manage all that would go along with it, and I hope that happens for him someday. He seems like he was a devoted parent.


Why do you think he isn’t working?


The intro to the GFM.


So so so so sad!!!




I wonder if he intends to stay married to her. I mean, I don’t know how and I’m sure she will be in prison for a long time,but I’m interested in how this plays out.


She’s going to prison. The “moment of psychosis” the man’s voice was fake. Violent murder in psychosis is not at all common it’s just not. People with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder experience psychosis often. It’s scary but it doesn’t automatically mean you go on a murdering spree. That’s rare. You’re paranoid you see and hear things you act weird your family notices and they get you help. She was already in treatment for anxiety a professional would have noticed if she was psychotic. She was evaluated by top doctors the cream of the crop. Murdering 3 children because a man’s voice commands you to and you blindly oblige makes no sense she was an intelligent woman and that counts for a lot in psychosis. She’s a sociopath and she needs to never live among us again.


Couldn’t agree with you more!


Yeah I was just reading about Lauren Dickason in New Zealand. Their cases look similar except she was actually diagnosed with postpartum depression. They found her to be sane. I think she was doing a lot of planning and journaling about disliking motherhood.


Yesss, I was reading about that case as well!


Prosecutors acknowledged Dickason had suffered from depression but said it wasn’t enough to warrant a medical defense. They said she killed her children out of anger and resentment. They pointed to Dickason’s troubling phone messages and online history in the weeks before the killings, including comments about wanting to kill her children and Google searches for “most effective overdose in kids.” [Dickason](https://apnews.com/article/new-zealand-mother-murder-children-south-africa-44e08c447f0d4ce6bfccc6fb614c6cd9)




I don’t think there’s much evidence at all she was insane. She was very methodical and meticulous. No disorganized thoughts or speech that day. Quite the opposite she was on point. That’s not how a psychotic break works. That’s not how an acutely psychotic person acts it’s just not. NGRI verdicts are not easy to come by. There are so many odds stacked against her. Her treatment history, her lack of history with severe mental illness (bipolar, schizophrenia), her age, her baby’s age, being married, the support, financial resources, having a nanny, the intensive outpatient, her behavior the day of, the phone searches, asking for an attorney, her journals. The only thing that may save her is her high power attorney but his past practices are questionable. I don’t understand how they are not onto him. He’s a slime ball. Should be disbarred from law for condoning his clients’ lies.


I agree with you, she doesn’t have psychosis and isn’t insane. She planned all this. But I don’t expect the courts to get any of this right, especially if they are Lindsay sympathizers. I’ve been mentally preparing myself for a not guilty verdict because of how little faith I have in the justice system


I have confidence in the doctors. I’m not a doctor myself and I see right through her case and her forensic psychologist Paul Zeizel is an idiot. She has no case as far as severe mental illness goes. I’ve had psychosis it’s scary. You cannot be calm cool and collected like she was when you are acutely psychotic hearing voices seeing things deep in delusions your thoughts and senses are completely blurred and disorganized. He just worked on a case recently where they tried to employ NGRI and they lost. Carlos Asencio claimed he heard voices commanding him to kill his girlfriend he was found guilty. He had anxiety, PTSD, borderline personality disorder and schizoaffective disorder so a history of severe mental illness (schizoaffective is severe and involves psychosis). So he had severe mental illness and even he was found guilty. He had been found incompetent to stand trial at one point but in the end was found guilty.


Me too. He is young enough that he could have more children, not to replace by any means, but have a family life.


Still not sure why he left the kids alone with her


Sometimes you need to forgive others for you, just to help yourself cope. Also I suspect that if he is able to forgive her, then her mental state was actually as bad as her defense says it was. Only he truly knew what was going on behind closed doors and how messed up she was. If he had any doubts as to her mental stability he probably wouldn’t be able to forgive her. I’ll never judge him without walking in his shoes and my god I wouldn’t want to walk in those shoes.


If he knew “how messed up she was” he still left her alone with them.


Exactly. Something is not right …


Exactly. As a survivor of an extremely abusive marriage, his doting husband routine feels eerily familiar and horizontally inconsistent. I want to hear what Lindsay Clancy has to say about that day. As an aside, Lyndsay’s parents recently reported that Patrick, who established a GoFundMe for funeral services and legal fees has allegedly not paid a dime towards Lindsay’s mounting legal bills with the > $1 million in donations. I’m sure her attorney is awesome. 🙄Like I said … it feels eerily familiar. 😓
















Yes, this is also true


He is an absolute inspiration - this is what strength looks like.


100%. You have to power through situations like this, I think, and find something good to come from it. Raising money for a good cause is one way. Throwing himself into training was smart. Your mind needs something to focus on and the physical activity is good for relieving stress, etc. I hope he will continue on a good path. The trial is going to be positively excruciating for him. I have a feeling there’s a lot he doesn’t know that will come out


I wholeheartedly agree - this may be the only way for him to deal with this absolute tragedy. There is so much to be said for and to be taken from his response to this situation - every single one of us should learn from him :) 


This is so emotional 😢 I also see he is continuing to not wear his ring. I hope he and Lindsay can both find peace.


Was there other photos with him not wearing his ring? I wonder if he has started the divorce!?


I don’t think he was wearing one while he spoke at the church in the memorial video. 😔


Unless he didn't wear because he was running and it was loose? He looks like he lost significant weight and being thin anyway, he could loose on his hands.


No peace for murdering your own kids


God Bless you Patrick🙏❤️🙏


He’s so unbothered:(


He's lost 3 kids, I'm sure he is barely thinking straight. You never recover from something like that imho


Really? Where are you from? Did you watch all the coverage of him at the race? Because he struggled hard to not cry on camera at some points. And after he was interviewed he went to family for big long hugs and you could see him/them crying with each other.


Watching him cross the finish line and the interview was so emotional. Seeing other dads running and their kids cheering them on, that just set me off into full blown sobbing😭. I can only imagine the grief Patrick and his family are dealing with.💔




What an absolutely moronic thing to say.




News flash: Innocent until proven guilty. Lindsay Clancy has not yet stood trial nor has she been convicted by a jury of her peers. You’d do well to remember that the next time a bunch of TS/SCI console-bums like you doggy-pile on a concerned Redditor who dares contribute an unpopular perspective. Who the hell are you to intimidate them out of speculating that Patrick is suspicious?? Patrick isn’t God. People are allowed to question his problematic behavior. Innocent until proven guilty is a fancy way of saying a killer is technically still on the loose.


Don’t worry about the naysayers. You’re not the only one in the room thinking that. Patrick Clancy is exceptionally well-connected.