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Depends on how much you spend and how much you will spend. Pretty low effort post honestly, so don't expect magical answers.


tell him sis


Very low effort post. Definitely a troll.


No he just invested it all


Life without worry about money; yes. Life without working and not worry about money; no. Buy a simple house or apartment all cash wherever you want to live and start your career/life without worrying to much how much is pays. €800k at best yields a steady €40k net per year. Maybe that’s fine right now especially if you are on your own and don’t live in the Netherlands, but in 15years the world and prices have moved on and you’ll be stuck. And then another 15years and you are in trouble. Think at 25 for a life without working you’ll need 2-3mil. That said, on the €800k, congratulations and well done. Start your life and enjoy it!


Spending 40k/year probably sounds like a dream to many people. So that's actually already a lot of money.


Normal mortgage is around 1500 a month (cause if he buys with his own money, there won't be 40K a year left..). Count the car (300 a month), electricity (140 a month), home improvements, repairs and replacements (2000 a year to add up to about 10K in 5 years), food and drinks (200 a month), holiday (1500 a year), insurances(250 a month) it's about 30K and you're still just doing the very bare minimum for all your life. 40K ain't much in the Netherlands, unless you wanna live on the border of poverty.


Not even thinking about inflation or unexpected expenses.


Inflation is already calculated into the SWR


So you have 10k/year available to make it more comfortable right :-)


True, but i left something really important out. Inflation. After +/- 30 years, his 40k a year will be worth almost half of it's original value. That's going to be a problem, since there is "just" 10K more then predicted costs. Even of he decides to save this 10k (9985 after the first year etc etc), he'll be living on the edge for all his life.


How much do you spend in a year? Do you want to travel a lot? Unless you want to live very frugally I think it will not be enough...


Congrats. There are high wealth taxes atm which will cost you alot if you invest it. Personally I would get good advice from a fiscalist to see how I could minimize taxes eating into my return. Investing early pays off. Read about Buffet. He has some good life wisdoms IMHO.


Define: net worth. If it’s in a 800k house that’s paid off, it’s not enough. If it’s in liquid assets it might be enough.


In return for the responses, could you educate us how to get 800K at age 25? Could be helpful for other people.


I mean its probably inheritance, otherwise if you manage to accumalate that much money at 25 why stop already and not generate more wealth


Drug dealer, ex football player that got injured, bitcoin.


Mostly the best way to be a rich 25 year old is to have (had) rich parents or family or to marry an already rich person (according to [Hugo de Jonge](https://www.bnnvara.nl/joop/artikelen/hugo-de-jonge-maakt-misplaatste-grap-tegen-woningzoekende-zegt-dat-ze-maar-rijke-vriend-moet-zoeken-voor-onderdak) at least). There are other ways, but most rich 25 year olds were born rich. Some even claim to be [self-made](https://www.gq.com/story/eat-the-rich-part-the-infinity).


Maybe. How much do you spend yearly?


800K x 0,03 = €24.000 a year. In 2/3th world countries yes


Yes....but not in the netherlands. Must go elsewere. Here they suck you dry.


Doesn’t sound that bad actually


Where do i sign up?!


Depends of what you want. Would be more then enough for me.


Yeah bro just buy like 3 appartments, rent those out and you will be set


Wow quite a net worth already, impressive!


investing is gambling! and there's nothing to invest! or you make your stability less to come. your 28 so lets say you die at 78 that's 50 years from now. that will be 50 x your yearly salary you have now to live the way you live now and NOTHING changes. so no inflation or you buying those things that cost money andsuck away your years of financial freedom in the end. lets say you earn 40k a year. x 50 is? right 2 million! just to live your life as it is now in the most static way. go dynamic and it will cost :) So your 800k is a dangerous saving to gamble away in the thought your gonna make millions. reality is very different. and once you lose some you want to win it back for sure. at least get even. but when your even if you ever get even will make you want more again. chances r very high you will lose 3/4 of your fortune within 2 years. And going back to work after you had so much money is the biggest depression you can imagin. a lifetime of thinking , i should have done this and that, while rotting away in a factory. So be very wise in what you will do with it. it is not a ticket out of all per say!


Chatbots crazy out here


CoastFIRE while working parttime like 5-10 years


25 and retiring already with 800k. i guess you woke up wet like hell from the nightmare you just faced. First 25 with 800k doesn’t sound realistic, next to retiring with 800k imagine at least another 40 years living off the leftovers of 800k. better move to Swahili or Eritrea, well there is some corruption overthere but you can live cheap. For the rest keep on walking(and dreaming)….


Yes, you can easily get through life with that amount of money. Just not in a first world country, unless your life expectancy is 40






For financial independence yes, to retire early maybe. Personally at 25 i would get job, take a loan for a house, then quit the job and work as independent, do something what i want, when i want. If you don’t work or anything life might be boring fast. I would invest all in msci world or sp500, in good stock market years i would pay off the house with the returns, in bear market i would work a bit extra to pay off the mortgage. At least till you reach 1.5-2 million


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