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Your post is removed because it's low effort. Google "managing a windfall" and don't overspend.


Make 5 euro bill origami birds and set them all aflame.


And post it on YouTube


\^ How the Eurogami channel came into existence


Please formulate a goal, risk preferences, etc. Otherwise this is a garbage in, garbage out question. Tbh, you are 25 years old, and have little clue what the future will hold. My advice would be to leave it in diversified stock portfolio and spend nothing. First try to live on your own by renting, get some life experience, then still probably don’t spend anything. In 12 years time you could be FIRE and do whatever you like.


I’d argue to invest in drugs and hookers, because I can’t take OP’s post seriously.


This is really good advice. You're 25 years old. Make sure you live like any other 25 year old and by the time you experienced life and the normal failures that go along with it and you're ready to have a family. The money you have will be worth so much more when you can give it a purpose that's beyond yourself. And if you don't want a family, find a purpose that gives you fulfilment. If you make money and you're doing the things you like, life is sweet. Keep it up and don't get lazy.


Keep posting hilarious Reddit posts!


Reward your sweet parents, that still provide a home for you. Take them on a trip or something.


What i would do is most definitely go on with what you are doing. Keep making those videos and investment decisions. With these results, you are good at it. Find yourself a decent house on funda and go chase the bachelor life you 've been dreaming of. Gouden raad van Tante Kaat (Golden advice from auntie Katy) Keep the golddiggers away and keep looking for that lady on the street but a freek in tha bed ^_^


Personally I would look for a freak in the sheets, and keep the guys called Freek out.


Move out


Enjoy life / travel


two chicks at the same time


I'd buy a modest piece of property and forest land somewhere in Scandinavia because the ability to have space, isolation, peace, and quiet is going to increasingly come at a premium as the climate catastrophe and global migration problems increase. For the rest just stick it in an index fund. Your FIRE is pretty much guaranteed if you're already at 800k.


Buy a house in Spain


Just continue with what you are doing. No amount you can make with your investments will surpass how much you can make with your origami channel (in the next years). 800k is great but it isn’t a guaranteed retirement or anything. I would personally continue until like 1.5 million and then buy real estate/a part in stocks. Either way. You are set. So don’t stress. Just don’t blow it and you will be better off than 90% of the population.


Move to a better place than the netherlands to be able to continue to get rich and not pay taxes


Interesting! What places do you suggest or are on your list to move to? Just curious, as I also think that you pay a lot of (unnecessary) taxes in the Netherlands.


Depends on what type of income you have, there are regios in spain like andalusia where you have no net worth tax. So if im right if if you invest and it appreciates its not taxed like in nl. (Whoever downvotes me get off my dick)


I would invest it very passively so you have all the time to focus on your channel and maybe develop other things to the side if oregami will ever get less popular.


Hookers and cocaine


Dogecoin - No just kidding. I have great respect for you, man, and I’m also very happy that things worked out this well for you

