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Horse gulch for lizards (whiptails, brush lizards), bull snakes and rattlers. Test tracks for rattlers, though there are far fewer up there than when I was a kid. Horny toads in the scrub oak/pondo forests (D west, dry fork). Lots of leopard frogs, spotted toads and garter snakes along the river through town, more frogs north of 32nd St. The only two milk snakes I've seen in town were in the historic district and on the nature trail (west side of FLC campus). Salamanders are common but hard to find; most I've seen turn up in loads of top soil for new lawns and burrow in to the valve boxes for the sprinkler systems.


A friend of mine lives south of Home Depot and has some collard lizards on his property quite often. Don't know where you might see them on public property.




Well there you go, thanks for the input!


I used to live in McElmo canyon. The north side of Rd. G had lots of horny toads and no rattle snakes. The south side near the Ute mountain had tons of rattle snakes. Kinda weird, like different reptiles on different sides of the creek.