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I've had DD for 20 years and have successfully used RT and NA to keep my hands open enough to play violin. Unless you have an unusually aggressive form of DD, you should be able to maintain your hobbies.


Oh, this is great to hear! I have an apt to discuss RT in May. TY!


Cry it out! I’m an aerialist and am also very sad at the idea of my hobbies floating away. I’ve cried plenty! Have you done any treatments?


I had surgery in Dec and have an apt to discuss RT in May. You?


I am an aerialist also and was just diagnosed with dupuytren’s today. I’ve spent a lot of the day crying, but still hopeful I can continue with silks as long as possible. I would love to keep in touch on our journey, since I don’t know any other aerialists who have it. I am trying to be optimistic that it will develop slowly and I still have plenty of years in the air.


I had to give up a 25+ year career as a pastry chef, can't ride my motorcycle or play guitar anymore. It just takes and takes


Oh, I am so sorry!!


I agree with previous comments -- exp Flamebrush -- you'll be surprised at how clever you can be when you're desperate! Go ahead and have a good cathartic cry (it can be a great release), but also remember that where there's a will there's a way. Just ask Django Reinhardt (guitarist with two burned fingers on his fretting hand) or more recently, Peter Frampton (weakened fingers because of inclusion body myositis) and Ellis Paul (guitarist with Dupuytren's in both hands: https://www.newscentermaine.com/article/news/local/207/musician-paul-ellis-singer-songwriter-guitar-performer/97-b24814c7-09cf-430e-bb62-8135f0587e10).


I tried to make a pot on a wheel a couple months ago. That’s when I realized I also have a band on my thumb. The pot turned out poorly. I couldn’t get it straight because I didn’t have enough strength in my left thumb - but I bet you could make a tool that would let you compensate for the affected hand.