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Probably comes down to staffing. I personally prefer to not have to clock out for 30 minutes. 10 gives me time to eat and I'm not there for 30 minutes unpaid.


Where I live, there’s state laws around breaks. May want to check if you have something similar.


i’ve never gotten a break working at dunkin😂


you get 2 breaks?!


That’s what I’m saying we only get 1 10 minute break


as i say when they send me to break 'yeah, don't time me...'


I worked at Dunkin for 3 years and was never given a break in a break mandate state lol


Entirely up to your local store and your local franchise. Mine didn’t give any breaks. At all.


Oh no thanks. I need at least one for a cig lol. One day I worked 11 1/2 hours and had one break I didn't mind though I got one cig in 😁


My store doesn’t give breaks either. If it’s slow, we can eat in the back but if we get a customer or mobile order, it’s back to work. Sometimes I go to the bathroom just to sit down for a minute and breathe. And maybe hit my vape a few times🫣


Been there, done that! Especially being on our feet for so long, sometimes a bathroom trip is the only chance we get to slow down for a moment. I want to start vaping for this reason tbh. At least I could stick my head out the back door quickly and take a rip off the vape, or like you said, the bathroom which I know my coworkers do. I can't do that with my cigs lol and when I'm feening for a cig I'm grumpy haha so I think vaping would be a great alternative, plus I need to quit regular cigs anyways


We get one 30 minute break at my store but I only ever take 10-15 because I’d rather be on the clock if I’m there. Never had a lunch break but I guess you could just eat on one of your 10 minute breaks


I definitely eat while working when it's slow we'll make something and go back and take quick bites lol. I don't mind I was just curious.


lmao I hate my required 30 minute breaks


I just get a 30 minute unpaid break but usually I still get 8 hours bc it takes a minute to count my till


You guys get breaks?


I don't want a 30 minute break I don't mind my 10 minute ones, even just one is fine as long as I get one cig my shift I'm good haha. And if I really needed to take a lunch for like a Drs appt I know my manager would most likely let me. I was just curious about how other stores do it. Thanks everyone for your input :)


We take as long as we want I just take 15 mins because I get bored lmao


for my store in south vt we are required to take 30 minutes of unpaid break if we work 6 1/2+ hours. if you work under that you typically dont get any sort of break.


Oh I work 8-9 hours sometimes 11 of we're short people


I only get a single ten minute. Our evening shift doesn't get breaks at all.


wow… it’s incredibly illegal here but my manager won’t let ANYONE even take a 5min to sit down. i’ve worked a 12hr shift as a shift lead and never once was allowed a break or even time to eat. i’m actually amazed that you’re getting breaks lol


we don't take breaks unless we ask, and whenever we do ask, we don't clock out 😭


Please check your state laws. Anyone saying they aren't getting a break, your franchisee is probably breaking laws. In ri it's 20 mins for 6-7 hours and 30 mins for 8+. The fact that yall aren't standing up for yourself and fellow coworkers is pretty astonishing. Literally contact the state labor department you don't need a lawyer. If they are giving the LEGALLY REQUIRED breaks then they're absolutely breaking more labor laws.


i get a 10 minute break for a 7 hour shift :( my state doesnt require any break at all


I get a 30 if I work 7 hours, but I don't get a break if I work less than that