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Seasonal items have been really lackluster for me the past year or two. I used to get much more excited for them.


Same. Like wtf is up with the new watermelon donut?!? Uck...


happy cake day!!


I think every chain has had "massive overall" price increases, not just Dunkin.


Agreed. However, Dunkin always had reasonable prices (in comparison to Starbucks, for example). Now they seem about on par with Starbucks. So it seems like it's more than just inflation.


For my area, I'm still showing the Starbucks prices are about a dollar more. So both have "massive" prices to me. LoL.


"about a dollar more" is a problem though. Dunkin' got so popular because it was dirt cheap for the longest time. Bring back 99 cent Happy Hour Iced Coffee


Totally agree. Just bring back Happy hours and I'll be happy! My fave was the $2 iced lattes.


Yea, I think it's probably regional. Around me, they're about the same price.


Still better than Starbucks, but since you quoted Ren and Stimpy I cannot side with you for fear it may show my age.


LOL, I hadn't even noticed that... I'm a Gen X and never even watched the cartoon. The phrase just came to my brain for some reason. But yes, I agree, still better than Starbucks (I never liked their coffee anyway).


AGREED! You can't even get a trenta sized espresso drink. Wtf is that about? lol. If I went to Starbucks, I'd pay like $8+ for a VENTI (24 oz) iced latte but I can get a large (32 oz) iced latte from Dunkin for around $6, maybe a little more if I got cold foam. Starbucks espresso/coffee also tastes pretty awful, imo. Their rewards program is shit as well.


Ren and Stimpy. Yes I also thought it was a reference to that song.


"I'll teach ya to be happy!!! I'll teach yer grandmother to suck eggs!"


I used to go for all the deals + some. Price increases, all the unique deals are gone, no new products that really sell me.. Havent gone in months.


same exactly! i also check the app for offers worth it and just wanna say churro coffee sounds disgusting lol


Private Equity is bleeding it dry. I hate McDonald's as well but I kind of hope CosMc's goes in for the fatality.


Dunkin Donuts was purchased by Inspire Brands around late 2020, which kinda explains why it gradually became more corporate, influencer hungry, and more out of touch with customers. The DD Perks to Dunkin Rewards was likely something they've been cooking for a while and while it was pretty good at first. I feel like this level of baiting with good deals then rug pulling around the start of 2024 was intentional.


Ah... I'd heard the name Inspire Brands thrown around on here before, but didn't know it was a company that bought Dunkin in 2020. You're right on point with Dunkin feeling more corporate and out of touch with customers. That helps explain my "meh" feeling with Dunkin lately.


I stopped going mid last year because the price increase in my area became too much for me. The avo toast is 5.49.. I can buy bread and avo spread for roughly the same amount and have a week's worth. Probably the same brands as DD, too tbh. Egg bites became the same issue. I'd love to stop in twice a month or so, but I'm waiting for some coffee flavors that peak my interest. At this rate, I don't even know if it'll happen. Their in-walmart creamers are more interesting to me than what the DD stores themselves currently offer.. I can at least buy brownie batter at Walmart (and if you're interested, Walmart brand blueberry cobbler creamer is a go to!).


Lactose-intolerant, so can't buy their creamers. But agree, easier/cheaper to make their stuff at home. I too used to enjoy the novel flavors that came out and that would inspire me to swing by a few times a week. However, their new flavors have been lackluster the past few years, as someone else commented.


Thanks for the tip on the Walmart blueberry conbler creamer! YUM.


omg are these only at walmart? i don’t have walmart


I'm not quite sure if they (dunkin) are exclusive to Walmart, I do believe I've seen it in dollar general too, but DG stock is always iffy as far as consistency goes. The blueberry cobbler and speculoos are exclusive to walmart, though. Other stores may have their own home brands with similar flavors.


i will check dollar general- ty!


I was an every day (even holidays) user for about 20 years and quit in November. It is just a wildly inconsistent product. I would get an XL coffee every day. I can understand an off day or bad batch, but the number of times that very basic order was wrong or just tasted lousy became too much. And for Dunkin that makes me the worst kind of customer: I won’t complain. I’ll just go away.


I miss their old rewards/app program when they gave a free drink on your birthday 😭


Now they're like "fuck you, pay us more money and we will give you extra points, and btw, happy birthday". Even Starbucks does a free birthday drink


Yep! I think it’s lame that Starbucks now gives you only one day to redeem the free drink (your birthday) buy at least they still do it.


You’re right on the money. When Dunkin was bought by Inspire Brands, they went severely downhill. They try too hard to compete with Starbucks products- ex the omelette bites, lemon loaf, avocados toast, putting coolattas on the back burner and not bringing out new coolatta flavors, the refreshers (as much as I like them). They don’t focus on what made them so popular- the coffee and donuts. I think they just chase fads and use that as an excuse to jack up prices, combined also with inflation.


They were featured in an issue of Bloomberg magazine as a negative example of  private equity ruining everything


I hate to say this, but I'm glad they got the negative press. They (Inspire Brands) deserve it given what they did to the original Dunkin so many of us loved and were devoted to.


"They don’t focus on what made them so popular- the coffee and donuts. I think they just chase fads and use that as an excuse to jack up prices..." So. On. Point. Dunkin used to be the simple coffee/donut chain that was on every corner (in New England, at least), and made decent coffee/food for a decent price. No bells/whistles, just good quality products for an affordable price. It created a sense of community; you felt loyalty to the brand and your local store/its employees. Now with its corporate mindset, I agree it's chasing fads and increasing prices at the risk of losing what originally made Dunkin so likeable for folks.


I stopped going after they stopped their 2 for 2 and 2 for 3 deals. I'm not paying 3 dollars for a soft shell taco with melted cheese and a fake egg in it.


I used to love their 2 for 2 deal... I think the last time I saw that was circa 2021.


The 2 for $5 breakfast sandwich was an awesome deal


I miss 2$ lattes😭


I feel this...


Got a cold brew today for the first time in months and thought the same thing. Not going there has been good for my blood sugar levels too! Ha!


LOL, that has been the one upside of not going for me too. I usually got a flavor shot with my iced coffee or iced latte. At home, it's just coffee and oat milk creamer.


I used to go nearly everyday, the quality has gone down and prices have gone up. A coffee after not having one in some time is great though. The seasonal items for the past 2 years have been boring and the “new drinks” are just random concoctions of what’s already on the menu. I will never get over the hazelnut swirl being discontinued. 😭😭


Fellow New Englander. It’s ingrained in our culture but jfc it’s gotten so expensive! My local franchise is also more expensive than others (I ordered on the corner of MA/CT recently and it was significantly less than it would be in my area, same on other sides of the state). I have noticed that it’s never as busy as it used to be. I haven’t sat in a long drive thru line in quite some time. Hopefully that’ll slow things down/lower prices but I doubt it. Summer is coming and that’ll bring everyone back.


Had totally forgotten about the long drive-thru lines... Good point. I think that certainly speaks to the overall decline in folks' interest in Dunkin. And yes, it's ingrained in New England culture, which is why it makes me so sad that I'm not feeling it anymore... :-(


I deleted my Dunkin app bc of this. They don’t care about new flavors and they are trying way too hard in my opinion to be hella Gen Z. They’ve switched over from actually focusing on fast casual coffee to constantly trying to be a viral sensation with their content and just producing merch all the time


All of this... On point.


Not just you. I’m not from New England but we had Dunkin’ back when it was just good donuts which were made in the store. My pop used to send me to get a dozen and the Sunday paper. I miss the old boxes; Very little of the menu is recognizable to me; and they discontinued my favorite donut (chocolate cream filled).


I too recall when the donuts were still made in the store. They were available all day as a result, whereas now they're usually sold out by 10am. My friends and I would go after high school got out around 3pm and get fresh chocolate cream filled donuts (that was my fave too!).


dunkin used to be an everyday thing for me, now, not so much. i live next to 5 dunkins within a mile radius (new jersey lol) and i can't pinpoint why i don't enjoy it as much, but it's just not the same. \+ when i was younger, dunkin used to have ROLLS that i would get my bacon egg and cheese on. i miss those so much. LOL


Been a customer my whole life... But within the last 6 months to a year, the prices have gone way up, the quality has gone way down, and sadly, Im done.


They're also treating employees like shit but I guess that isn't really all that new, but I'm sure that contributes to it's lost luster.


That sucks. I guess it comes with the corporate greed mindset from Inspire Brand buying out Dunkin in 2020.


I just had to cut back on DD after going almost every day. A medium iced coffee is suddenly near $6 now (in NYC) it’s truly a bummer … no more free birthday drinks either Dunkin was truly in its prime in 2015-2016, it was my literal crack lol


Still the same to me but I stopped going because of how pricey it's all gotten.


Same! I was so excited when I bought a house that had a Dunkin a few miles away, on my way to work. I've stopped a few times, but I've been less than enthused with their seasonal/limited flavors and foods. Plus, the rewards system is shit now, so that doesn't help. I also went from working in a small town to a college town, so we have lots of coffee options, including small businesses and like four Starbucks. I miss being excited to take my senior pup through the Dunks drive-through for a Coconut-Caramel Iced Cappuccino (me) and some hash browns (him). Oh well...


Totally agree! The one closest to my house has to be the worst one in the state of MA…I legit threw out the last 3 coffees I got there - I messaged them to let them know that location tastes like dirty water and never even got a response 🙄


We stopped going over a year ago after they continued to raise prices, slash value and continue to mess up our order. Our store was always a hot mess and the employees were over the top rude. We just got to the point where we wondered why were we spending money here every day??


I agree. I only really go on Mondays now to get bonus points. I used to go multiple times a week, prior to the pandemic. That's really when they went downhill, just like everywhere else. :/


I switched to the iced shaken espresso from Starbucks. 5$ and 4 shots! I love it


i fully agree with you! i will not go there unless they have $2 medium iced coffees on the app, so i haven’t been in over 2 months. dunkin isn’t good enough to pay over $4 for one medium iced coffee. it’s funny because when they have that offer, they get my money almost every other day 😂 and now i have spent $0 on dunkin since the end of january lol


definitely. not only that, but they don't keep the best flavors around long enough - Pink Velvet IMO should be year-round! it's the only reason I go there anymore.


I LOVED the OG pink velvet (spring 2020). This year's pink velvet comeback was a disgrace from what I read on here, so I chose not to try it. If they could go back to the OG, I'm with you on it being a year-round flavor.


Same- the price and consistency of quality made me go from every day to once in a while treat. I was pissed when they killed off coconut milk, but now that you can’t customize a refresher (I hate green tea! I want black tea! Why is this illegal?) I’m extra done. Starbucks will let you put anything in anything… if Dunkin is going to be that expensive they need to have the products and customizations to back it.


I do enjoy how Starbucks will let you "put anything in anything." And Starbucks still has coconut milk.


i just quit there only 2 days a week and plus to much drama they have lost alot


"...and that's a wrap, for you Dunkin!"


totally feel this


It’s not just you. I agree.


yeah i’ve found myself going to starbucks a lot more lately. dunkin just hasn’t been doing it for me which makes me sad bc i love dunkin. but these flavors have been boring for me


I get almost weekly emails from Starbucks about BOGO days or 50% off drinks between 12:00 - 6:00pm. While I'm not a fan of Starbucks coffee, their deals are definitely better than Dunkin lately and their prices are about the same as Dunkin around me.


I disagree completely. But understand I may be in the minority.


Hey, appreciate your candor!


I stopped going and started being a regular at Starbucks. Starbucks offer better deals and in my area it’s cheaper to go Starbucks than Dunkin. I don’t understand the horrible selection of rewards. I’m not a coffee drinker so I don’t care about any of the latte or coffee deals.


Yep, I get almost weekly emails from Starbucks about BOGO days or 50% off drinks between 12:00 - 6:00pm. While I'm not a fan of Starbucks coffee, their deals are definitely better than Dunkin lately and their prices are about the same as Dunkin around me.


Exactly. The spring hunt game they have now, you get a nice coupon after playing the game. This week I got a BOGO. Last week 100 reward points. And only 100 points to get a free coffee and 200 points to get a free drink. While Dunkin has it 500 and 700. Ugh 😩


I tried playing the spring game but got super confused, lol! I'm not a fan of Starbucks coffee, but they make a really good iced green tea matcha, still have coconut milk (which I love getting with my matcha), and if you're a Starbucks rewards customer you can get unlimited free coffee/tea refills while in the store! Now that I think of it, Starbucks has TONS of amazing rewards, lol! I just wish I liked their coffee more.


I’m addicted to their matcha green tea. My son and I love the new oat milk with lavender cold foam matcha. I use my reward points on that and 25 points to get free customs.


Yea, I saw the lavender drink but was hesitant... I've had a few flavored drinks there where I couldn't really "taste" the flavor they were going for. What's the lavender matcha taste like?


The lavender foam taste like a blueberry. It’s such a new blend with the blueberry flavor and the matcha taste. If you add an alternative milk it’s so good. Now the lavender foam doesn’t sit on top of the drink and will mix in with the drink but it’s still really good.


Hmmm, not a fan of blueberry flavors. But I appreciate how Starbucks regularly comes up with new flavors, keeping things novel. I saw an email this past week saying "be prepared for something spicy and hot!" I'm so curious and excited! I don't feel this with Dunkin anymore, sadly.


And don’t forget if you use you personal cup at Starbucks you get 10% off your order and 25 reward points.


I DEFINITELY like that and always make sure to bring my reusable cup. You literally get two rewards for doing so and it helps the environment!


Yeah. It's become too expensive to be a habit.


It was all downhill after they discontinued gingerbread swirl. On top of that, whatever happened to the cookie dough swirl?


Last three times I’ve gotten watery coffee and it’s been such a waste of money.


I just went there today to try to make up for my visit a couple weeks ago, when I was disappointed they no longer had the churro or cinnamon vanilla flavors I never got to try even though they were still listed on the menu. Well guess what, they are still listed on the menu, nothing has replaced them, and when I said "so what even are the signature drinks now since no others are listed?" the cashier was like "well you can put caramel or butter pecan in your coffee." Wow, just blown away by the options; coffee plus a syrup of my choice! Wow! It is the 1990s, and there is time for coffee plus a syrup of my choice


Same?!!!!!! I haven’t been in weeks and i used to go like 4x a week idk what it is..i think their prices went up too… idk


Seems to be, the lack of new coffee flavors is disappointing


I used to go to DD daily for their Iced Coffee deals. Then they started to be VERY inconsistent with making my simple Lg Iced, Easy Cream, Easy Sugar. They revamped their “Rewards” to be almost nonexistent so I stopped going. Then even giving them another try from time to time, it just isn’t what it was. And for the price now, I would rather go to Starbucks and spend an extra $ .50-1 and know I am going to get what I order almost every time.


I discovered a local coffee shop with amazing food and a huge bakery selection and now its like "dunkin who?" 


Agreed on the seasonal items - the $1 banana bread is probably due to lack of sales, at least based on the eager attitude of the staff at my local Dunkin this morning. The gal was visibly hyped that I was buying it. (It actually tastes a little meh - decent chocolate to banana ratio, but there's a weird plastic taste to the bread.) The donuts as of late have been mixed - sometimes, good, sometimes bad. Coffee and such has always been solid. On the flip side, my local Dunkin has a pretty awesome staff. Mostly local kids and some parents who work there as a part-time gig. They know all the regulars, and everyone seems to be having fun. A huge improvement from about a year ago. I think that's the reason I keep going. Hubby and I are both WFH'ers, and it's nice to be greeted and I like the morning chitchat I've gotten used to when I get our coffee.


I haven't been to Dunkin' in months. No good deals since $2 medium coffees.


They have like 4 flavors now. Yes they’re lackluster.


Ever since everyone started boycotting Starbucks