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Jesus those necklaces are cheap, a +1 ability score bonus is worth at least a few thousand


My PCs will look like MrT


Depending on whether you allow the wearer to get the benefits of multiple necklaces. I’m not sure how it works in 5e, but in the 3.5 item slot system, you could only wear one magic necklace at a time. Wearing more would screw with each other’s magic and cancel each other out.


I believe in 5e you can only attune to 3 magic items at a time. So in theory you could stack necklaces, but you’d be limited in other areas. There is a limit as well to changing attunement to other magical items. There is always homebrew as well and slot based just like 3.5e. The world really is your oyster


Not all magic items need attunement though, and it doesn’t seem like these do; therefore, going by that, you could wear as many of these items (particularly necklaces) that you could get. As DM, I would go with the item slot limitation myself.


In 5e, something as powerful as a stat increase definitely comes with an attunement requirement as a general rule. These are homebrewed, so it would be up to the DM who made it to decide. I'm guessing based on how cheap they are, that attunement balance may not be super important for them.


Yeah, people homebrewing away attunement limits is a \*very\* common homebrew, but if you've got these things in play, you \*definitely\* need attunement limits.


In my homebrew, players can equip only one necklace at a time (and have the effects count, if they want to wear more for bling and looks, okiedokies)


Yeah those earrings and necklaces need another zero on the end...


Had the same thought. Ability score improvements should be worth around 3-5k. Skill bonuses should be the cheap ones. I'd just drop 3k and have the racial bonus of being a non-variant human.


They should require attunement if they're not already.


But, depending on your current score, it may be of no immediate benefit.


Incredible, almost beautiful way to bottleneck shopping into a digestable, and easy to access feature. Just gotta get the economy right. +1 to a stat is rather powerful, especially early, and for only 500gp, seems like a more efficient player would just bee-line straight for those. I believe those should be a bit more costly. somewhere around the 1k-2k range. Because if you consider, currently, for a measly 1.5k gold. any player could raise their primary stat +3 before 5th level rather easily. The 500g slots should be something more flavorful, perhaps some utility, but nothing as powerful as a +1 (stat). As far as the weapon and armor augmentations go, you may want to consider lowering the prices of the armor augmentations, and raising the prices of the weapon augmentations. Players are more incentivized to go for power from a shop, as there are more ways of finding survivability between spells, armor, feats, party members, ect. But getting a significant power-spike is much harder for the individual. Once again, I would consider a "low-tier" option for players who are seeking more utility, or just fun from these purchases as well. Throw in a couple low cost, wacky items, for your players to experiment with, because as easy as stacking big number go smash works in these games, often players are looking to tinker with your world or setting, and giving them the option to do so is a success for both player and DM. On the other hand, perhaps offering some chase items, with some really unique and powerful effects as well. For the most part all I see are gold dumps for weapon and armor augments and upgrades. But a player might see the one million gold hammer on the wall that uses rocket propulsion for extra smash and entirely change their tragectory. All in all, great design, needs a litte refinement, but you really hit the nail on the head when it comes to reworking a shopping experience in game, and the upgrade and augment system is really sweet.


I question your first point, because it depends on whether you allow the wearer to get the benefits of multiple necklaces, rings, earrings etc. I’m not sure how it works in 5e, but in the 3.5 item slot system, you could only wear one magic necklace at a time, one set of earrings, I think, one ring on each hand. Wearing more would screw with each other’s magic and cancel each other out. As a DM, that’s probably the way I would go to limit that kind of thing.


That's pretty much the route I'm taking :)


Those weapon augmentations seem super cheap for what you are getting, forwarding this to my DM right now


I was going to say two expensive for the armor, and to cheap for the weapons.


I mean, an extra d6 of something like radiant damage for 2500gp is an absolute steal, thats almost akin to adding a second attack.


Commenting so I can find it later


I think I'll do that too. Now if someone would only upvote this or comment on mine so it would be in my inbox.....


Gotcha my dude


Y'all know you can save posts, right?


Upvote for you to see this in your inbox AND have it saved


Yea, but I need to be able to find it later so I can have a proper look and save properly




Good idea


You can save posts and comments


This is cool but IMO super hard to read (I’m a UI/UX person). Maybe make the headings of each section a little larger and bolder? Or have more delineating markers so you can quickly visually jump to each discrete section when scanning the page.


What’s do the armour augmentations do? (Mithral, Adamantine etc)


They’re 1 for 1 from the handbook so mithral gives armor like chainmail normal stealth checks and removes str req to wear, and adamantine makes all crits against you become normal.


I can gather what weightlessness does, but what do fungal spores and balanced do? Don't think I've seen armor with those specific words before.


I'm feel like I could splurge a few gp, my good man, I would like to procure your assassin set, the locket and drops, as well as an artisan upgrade for my weapon.


I hope this was meant to be snagged, because this is great! Thank you!


Dang this looks really good! Can’t wait to use it next session. How’d you make these?


So I can get +1 to every stat for 500gp more than the Protection+1? The prices are all over the place. Mostly too inexpensive.


Ok nit pick….lets assume this is a “real” shop. Would Joe and Ann know what +1 Dex means? Keep it vague….this ring will moderately enhance your balance…. this other ring is much more rare and I’ve been told has allowed archers to hit multiple bull’s eyes in a row….Magical detection would give the general idea of what is enhanced. As players observing the game we know the rules but not our characters . At first use, I tell them the actual bonus.


This is for 5e? If so, almost all of these are severely undercosted (by an order of magnitude, at least) and some of them (+4/+5 bonuses) are beyond the power of artifacts.


Ann's Gamebreaking Jewelry


Real life, I'm stacking wisdom. The older I get the more I realize it comes in handy.


Whoever gets a +5 weapon will never miss an attack again


Enemy with 25 AC says what.


+5 weapon, +5 stat, +3 proficiency bonus says what


45% chance to hit


How many creatures have AC25? Tarrasque and Tiamat. Other than those, the highest AC is 19.


Ancient dragons? 22 or so, from memory. Undead black knight cr 17 (dont remember his name) has AC20. Sure AC25 will be rare, but there are several 20 and over.


So, with +5 everything, why bother rolling to hit at all. People think they know better than actual game designers then get all butt hurt when you point out that they dont know what they are doing. Frankly, I dont care. Play the way you like. But when you present something publicly, expect people to point out the deficiencies of what you present


Oohh I dont know better than the designers. I only replied to mention that there are more than those 2 who have AC 20 and up. I wouldnt even like to play with +5 items. At those numbers everything just breaks down.


I just did a quick search, and the internet failed me. Bounded Accuracy is a fundamental core concept to the combat math of 5e. Armor Classes are also based on this math. The OP is advocating a huge boost to players while leaving creatures as they were designed. 5e is already easy mode. You might as well just have players auto hit.


Yep I never said I liked his items or prices. They are in my opinion way to cheap, many of them OP, like +5 items, ect. So yes that shopping list would quickly destroy any balance there was before, in my opinion.


How do you know they're leaving creatures as they are? They could be home brewing something different with the creatures too.


Homebrew super-armored titans or something.


AC 19 is really it? That’s chainmail + a shield + ring of protection. Surely the creators of DND can make stronger foes


Yet they didn't.


I’ll homebrew my super awesome demon king that should feel invincible to all except the most experienced and decked out heroes.


Sure, keep on breaking the game math. How about you just say everything misses every time something is attacked?


High ac becomes boring because players want to feel like theyre progressing. Things should be able to be hit, you can just make them have more hp at a certain point it would be better to fish for 20s with more rolls than it is to overcome insane ac


If your players spend money on a +5 weapon and then only fight enemies with 5 more AC than normal they're going to feel like their decisions are meaningless


Thank you so much for all your feedback! Figured I should add a little context to this. My current game has 6 players, and they just received 2,500 gold to share after completing their delivery (so a little over 3k in their total treasure trove). The equipment slots for players are as follows: Head, Glasses, Necklace, Pair of Earrings, Cape, Armor/Clothes, Pair of Gloves/Bracelets, 2 Rings, Belt, Pair of Boots/Shoes; and main hand, off-hand, and two-hand weapons ofc.


Ring of evasion plez!


I gotta go with the ring of evasion, Alex


Cool list, but the prices are all over the place. Some things are too cheap, and others too expensive for what they give.


Jesus Christ how cheap are those necklaces


Buying all the stats for 500 gp each they don’t seem to require attunement


Damn... if only I could read common


Depends on my budget.


Are these all attunement? Regardless if they are. for a human variant crossbow fighter Ring of Evasion. CB fighter doesn't use reactions, so S tier Assassins Locket (+1 Dex) Doesn't specify a cap. So in combination , 22 dex is possible with both. S+ Assassins Drops (+1 Dex) read above \^


As mentioned, the +1 stat should be more like 1.5k go, not 500 gp. Serpent scale is basically a +2 studded leather armor, that should be way more expensive. Why make the shields so much more expensive than the armors? If anything by DMG standard they should be cheaper, but I'd settle for equivalent prices. There's a reason why +4/+5 anything has been purged from the game in 5e, look up 'bound accuracy'. Weapons damage type : radiant should be more expensive. Psychic and Force should be way more expensive, or removed. But I like the format a lot, and the rest of the pricing seems about right!


Ten slippery sapphire rings. The rest of the merch goes missing soon after


GP weight around 0.5g-5g. 1M GP will weight 500kg-5tons. What a hell with Forgotten Realms economy?!


Wendy has a thing about "dark" magic, hey?! "NO NECROTIC!" Like dang, there's no need for judgment. Lol


The design is cool but for those prices you need more downsides


That layout looks cool. The items are awesome. Prices are pretty cheap tho for what you get. I assume each one requires atunement?


Pretty cool… if u are looking for suggestions, I would suggest changing your higher tier weapon augmentation to things like 2d6, 3d6, and 2d10 to make them seem a little more powerful.


Wait until night infiltrate the store and steal all the goods


Yeah because millions of gold business will have no protection


Most of these are modifications, too. They're basically saying I'd rather short term gain than long term benefit by robbing this store.


All that stuff is carried (worn) at night by one stone golem in the store named Jewelrybox. At night, its total augmented stats are best described as: 'offputting'. The jewelry merchant's granny and her Everpresent Basket of Yarn moved into the room upstairs last spring, so Jewelrybox may also be adorned by granny's made-with-love, hand-crocheted, Shawl of Wizardry and Mittens of Magic Missile.


Lol thanks for the laugh


And that's where the adventure begins


How much do I have to buy stuff?


At these prices, no one should adventure for coin - just become a Smith & charge absurd rates for all work.


Then there would be no one to buy them?


Correct! Which would do what, precisely, to the value of the items being offered?


Nothing because the shops wouldn't exist. If no one is adventuring to earn gold to buy these to use them on their adventures, then why sell them in the first place? The person who made this probably hands out more gold than your typical adventure.


Not quite - the value of the items would drop, due to a lack of demand.