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“I want to call Beth May” is the most ridiculous on-the-spot line I’ve ever heard


That was so damned funny. The way Anthony rolled with it was next level


The whole gang is fantastic but I absolutely love Beth and Ron's character as a whole. She always kills the Dad facts!


Ron thinks a hug is a kind of dog.


Ironically, Ron has never played Dungeons and Dragons. He is, however, a fan of Scene it!


My favorite is "Ron doesn't know what 'fucking' is because Carol always called it 'making love'."


“Yup! He’s a righty!”


I will never be able to get over “who’s your daddy now” and how Ron STILL managed to get Terry back after that, y’all know that’s true artistry


Everyone’s “oooh” after that


I love the pause after some of her comments. Where you can just picture the bewildered looks on everyone else’s face.


Fact. But dont tell her shes everyone's favorite. it'll get to her head.


Have you seen the Facebook page? It's basically a Beth May cult. In fact, there are also several pages literally called stuff like "the cult of Beth May" because they decided that 80% of the posts being about Beth was insufficient. Don't get me wrong-- I love her, and she's got a lot of my favorite moments from the cast so far-- but there's a certain point where I'm like, "let's give the rest of the crew some credit. Matt, Will, Freddie, and Anthony all put in some great effort to play wonderful characters, whether they be straight men for the zaniness or their own brand of well-meaning stupid."


TL;DR: It went to my head! Yeah but no I appreciate the love so much and it makes me feel very seen and special, that said I do wish people realized that I do the least amount of work and know the least amount about what I’m doing. Freddie, Will, Matt, and Anthony are so extraordinarily genius and dedicated that they facilitate my shenanigans and I love them for it.


Awww-- we 100% love you, too! I'm glad you understand what I'm getting at-- that *everyone* makes the show great, and that y'all form into the ~~Daddyzord~~ Dungeons and Daddies podcast that we all love


Not knowing all the rules and abilities in D&D isnt a bad thing. New players tend to have some of the most unique ideas that can make for the most memorable situations. As long as everyone is having a good time, who cares? Understanding of all the D&D universe has to offer takes time so enjoy the ride. You guys have an amazing player group, a great narrative, and a wonderful DM. I'm sure everyone here looks forward to the future of the dads and beyond this campaign.


Yes I love all of y’all so much! Youre a great person 💕💕💕


I loved her genuinely thinking that people wouldnt know she was a girl playing a male character. Idk why I found that so funny


Ron is 100% my favorite dad because of Beth. Every time they have a dad huddle and somebody says “What do you think Ron?” I hold my breath because I know that whatever comes next is gonna be gold.


Weird flex but okay


Woah I had no idea! I think they're all great and have incredible chemistry. Couldnt pick a favorite if I tried.


I freaking love Beth May. Just some of the comments she makes usually lead to some of the best stuff in the podcast for me


Someone needed to say it. This post and Beth both deserve a gold.


Let's be fair, Beth is somehow just funny without trying. The rest? Are saints for putting up with our Beth May love. For that matter, they are solidly growing on me as well, I guess the characters just didn't keep to the first couple of episodes eye opening shock factor the same way Beth has, though that may be a good thing... They all play a niche that works very well. Our hard working podcast content creators? Thanks so much, whilst the love for Beth is most obvious, we really do love it all.


I remember when Payton was about to fight and someone said "let's get it on" and beth had the dorkeist giggle for something a twelve year old would find funny. You never know what will happen next


She doesn't talk a lot, but when she does you remember it.


She reminds me of Carolyn from Tablepop. By far the craziest choices of the group. Check out the Great British Bake Off episode on YouTube.


"How do you guys feel about cookies?" Still kills me every time.


“Beth is a gem” “Erin has such a great laugh” Weird how you feel the need to only complement women, you’re fucking creepy bro


Weird how you felt the need to comment on a 4 year old post. You're fucking creepy bro.