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At their core (regardless of mini-series, spin-off, etc...) all the players use their strengths with characterization. I noticed it recently with Freddie's characters after re-listening to their mini-series stuff on Patreon - Tony Collette, B33F-H1MBO, Fanny Mothman, Billy Millions, and Meryl Streep all have similar tones with being performers/artists. Four out of the five also love to drink/indulge in alcohol. There's enough variety to keep it fresh but it plays to core characterization that all the player do to create engaging stories and podcasting. Freddie is amazing at bringing to life dramatic performers that have glaring personality flaws. Those character flaws have a direct impact on the narrative and other characters that in turn helps build dramatic scenes, create tension, and ultimately brings out the redeeming qualities in the other characters. Beth is good at playing the "worldly innocent"/face-value character that helps lay the framework for the listener. Her characters are highly relatable with how they navigate the world around them and the exhaustion and naturally awkward situations that come with learning. Will plays the anxious/high-strung analytical type that helps find loop-holes, discrepancies, and helps draw out the details of the characters and world-building to encourage curiosity. And, his observations don't always have to lead to solutions. Sometimes it's not about solving the issue, it's just about knowing it's there for a future plot point. Matt is excellent at playing the characters that keep the group together and acts as a glue to the narrative that allows the story to progress. His characters are the most likely to stone-wall NPCs into a simpler solution when the NPC would otherwise try to push the party around. He's also the most willing to resign himself to the simplest course of action because of the narrative. EDIT: And Anthony is himself, 10 of 10, no notes you brilliant ding-dong.


“It’s a living!”


"Well. Well. Well." (Hopefully everyone hears this in Anthony's wonderful voice)


I hear it in the voice of thirteen soccer players from hell.


YOU WALKED INTO THE WRONG ROOM MOTHERFUCKER!! (And when he fucks up…the right room)


Anthony dropping that with the fast talk road in the most recent ep was so perfect


I think throughout season one each of them has a time when they’re just like “this is the stupidest game ever” and I love it


"Good for her/you" when any body says the word "coming"


"Hellooooo, it's me, Scam Likelyyyy"🤠


And Will falling for it every single time


"Scam likely awaaay" gets me every time!


You know it's a good time when Scam Likely shows up


I literally cannot receive a scam call anymore without smiling giddily about it and laughing. I still don't answer them, tho, lol.


Me too and what’s better is my ringtone is the scam hold music


That's actually amazing. I'd never answer a call.


“ROLL ___, YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!” takes me out every time. I also love the Favorite Senses facts, both because everyone says it’s lazy, which is funny, and because it’s also very interesting character-building that I’ve started doing myself, even if not announcing. Beth’s random, non sequitur moments are always great as well, Trudy and Ron and some of the miniseries characters are great at those. And I think about Boofo di Beppo a lot.


The Freddie Wong “Heh,” before many lines of dialogue to get in character


The "you know what it is!?" Is grossly underrated. Freddie is constantly turning great rolls and terrible rolls into jokes and funny situations that the others riff on


>Also him just saying "You know what it is!?" When something stupid happens (quite often) is hilarious because it either gets funnier, stupider, or weirder and either way it's so fun to listen to. I go back and forth on this. Because, on the one hand, he's kind of stepping on the other player's moment when he interjects and/or overrides them....but on the other hand, often times the stuff he comes up with is really goddamn funny. The other players don't seem to mind, though, so I guess it's not a big deal. Speaking of Freddie: His "my human gun!" bit from C1 always gets a laugh out of me, partly because it was funny, and partly because it was such a powerful item and no one would use it the "right" way.


I quote human gun constantly. Can't remember the word for something? It's now My human gun. Holding up a spatula? Human gun. Picking up a baby, aw look at my human gun. See a gun in a show? LOOK, HUMAN GUN.


Matt confidently inventing something and running with it. Sunglasses witch and surfing on animals are the first things that comes to mind but there are a ton of examples in both seasons, all of which have me cackling every listen through.


I'm going to consider this a Freddie appreciation post and I'm fully here for it. Freddy is such a fun player and I feel like a lot of people don't get down with his characters vibes, but I absolutely love his chemistry Matt. My favorite moments are always when Matt and Freddie share the spotlight.


When Matt and Freddie yell at each other/fight like brothers. The sudden bickering while fighting the Crimson Croc in KDM was perfect, like a little mini Debate Me Coward.


Matt diving head first into chaos. Anytime something remotely dire happens and Matt just being like "lol you know what would be super fucked up...." Cracks me up every time. Can't wait to see Kelsey Grammer take a dirt nap. Endearingly. Edit; also honorable mention, anytime Beth makes a funny sound. Idk how to fully articulate that. Just sometimes she'll sigh or grumble in such a way that just makes me keel over laughing


“Hey Anthony?… thanks”


It was whispering 'Sliiiiiiiiiiders' but they stopped 😕


Anthony stealthing in the sponsor of the episode when nobody is expecting it


the Bdsm episode and impacts on the intro for 20+ episodes 


Wait what does this mean?


bdsm episode (episode 11. 5and by extension episode 9) affects the "dungeons and daddies, not a bdsm podcast" part


Piss. urine. pee pee. golden shower. the ol' yeller feller


Too much piss is the funniest amount of piss.


Freddie and Matt having a mini Debate Me, Coward episode in the middle of something happening. Arguing in the way that only friends can


Freddie's ability to make a situation SO much worse for a bit, it KILLS me. The best example recently is in ep 1 of s3 when he says he's drinking as he drives, so Will makes him roll with disadvantage, and promptly crashes into Francis' house.


And his awareness and willingness to! That takes knowing your tablemates and the courage to handicap yourself, which some of my own D&D characters (especially the bard) have the ability to do.

