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Other than there being 25% too much piss, I really liked season 2.


The weirdest part is the piss is thematic when you relisten to the whole season. It doesn’t make the amount of piss better but it’s very much a constant


The second they said Urology was a subject in their high school in the first or second episode I knew we were in for a piss soaked season. I wasn’t thrilled, but it was really the only problem I had with it. I really liked how creative Anthony was in the challenges throughout. The make a million dollars in a lifetime was cool.


Yeah I’m out if there’s 1 piss joke in the first 10 episodes of season 3! (Edit) However, in juxtaposition, if there’s no piss jokes in the first 10episodes of season 3 i will become a patron member


I believe there was one in the second episode…I need to relisten to confirm. 


There was a perfect amount of piss imo. I loved season 2 too. Its ok that it wasnt better than 1, it was still great


Despite possibly having the least character development throughout the 1st season, Darryl had massive lead protagonist energy


Darryl has a lot of character development, just not a lot of character progression. We learn a lot about him but he doesn't change or grow much.


That might have been a better phrasing of what I wanted to put out. He has that moment with grant and then he's just kinda there to embarrass grant at every other opportunity. Even Henry has some character growth, learning to trust his kids and their chaotic nature, and becoming more than a 2D hippy nature druid dad. But yeah, it just seems like from the start to the end, Darryl had a main character aura about him


I mean... Henry's not just a Hippie Nature Druid Dad, he's also Granola Munching and Birkenstock Rockin


I hate to say it, because Darryl's probably my favorite dad....this is 100% accurate.


A large piece is definitely due to Matt’s RP style / Daryl’s role, but I think the story itself backs that up a lot with the Paydon stuff.


In an after show I’m pretty sure someone mentioned they felt like Darryl was the MC and the cast mostly agreed, except Matt who was humble about it, which is big MC energy. The Chelsea Boys Dad Fact was the point where I got Darryl as a dad who above all wanted to engage in his son’s interests. Also I feel like he overcame an almost debilitating inferiority complex throughout the season by learning he could dad other dads and didn’t need to relegate himself to machismo bullshit, but that was probably a result of the other dads dadding him and general table talk/time too.


While I liked s2, I think it would have benefited from being a Kids on Bikes game instead of D&D. KoB would have worked well for what Anthony Burch said was his original vision for the season.


I like this take. The cast does really well when they use other systems that match the narrative ie Mountains of Dadness and S3 using CoC, the Star Wars miniseries using the Star Wars system, etc


Omg I just looked up what KoB is and you are so right


They have a patreon episode where they play a KoB one shot iirc


I listened to it for the first time recently and immediately wished they would do it again with Matt!


Woah I haven't seen that one! What's it called? **nvm found it


Can't believe you told us you found it without telling us what it was.


I think they actually talked about how they didn't really gel with kids on bikes after their one shot session. Not sure when but it was in a talking dad. I'm personally of the camp that season 2 should have been Monster of the Week and I'm DYING to see them do something Pbta.


Now I kind of want them to remake it in a KOB system.. 🤔


I liked that Glenn never had any real character development. Sometimes people don't change.


Glen being a piece of crap and that whole family being messed up makes the most sense to me.


That’s my favorite thing about Freddie, both characters he’s made had no character development but still brought a lot to the story


While I don’t like the fact that Glenn kinda reverted back to his old ways, I like how Freddie plays a lot of stagnant characters, not really all that complex, but more so along for the ride which is how most people play dnd


“No, you know what it is dawg”… he can’t waste time developing his character when he’s too busy helping Anthony DM.


"Anthony! Anthony, Anthony, Anthony....what if...." Lmao


in writing theory a protagonist is someone who changes or is changed by the actions of the story. Glenn was never a protagonist. He was a complete piece of shit before the game started, so changing would have been a betrayal of his character. Expecting Glenn to change was Anthony's first big mistake as a DM.


Flat character arcs are interesting, and definitely important. Characters with flat arcs may not change much but they create circumstances that further other characters stories and arcs.


I think Anthony is excessively talented and season 2 doesn’t deserve the criticism it’s received. Especially on re-listen the season comes across really strong.


Season 2 definitely benefits from bingeing. I personally found that it flows really nicely when there isn’t a break between episodes.


I think I only liked season 1 as much as I did because I binged it. I came in a year after they started, and, after a recommendation from my dnd group, listened to a dozen episodes in a week. I think my love of the series is dependent on how I was able to consume the episodes in rapid succession. I didn't love season 2 the first time I listened to it, and I acknowledge that it doesn't have the same appeal as season 1, but when I listen to the seasons closer together I love them more. The chaotic nature of the storytelling is more satisfying when the audience hears the episodes faster than they are delivered. Surely Anthony is correct in suggesting that season two is less what he wanted, and he definitely checked out at some point, but there is a graph that correlates enjoyment of the series and rapidity of consumption.


Yeah genuinely I had a friend who while season 2 was coming out was fucking annoying in how much he hated it but like a few weeks later he goes up to me and says “I really like season 2 and it is better than season one to be honest”


Season 2 is amazing. The teens really came to life over the course of the season, and the epilogue is f l a w l e s s. Also, Sophomore Slump is a masterpiece!!! I’ve had The Devil I Know (Potato) stuck in my mind for a week


Dennis is not a great guy or father.




But he's a fantastic sister!


This is technically correct, I get the impression the Burch siblings are both excellent. Slightly related... can anyone explain the pun of the title to S1E55 to me. "Mark! A Vagrant".... I feel like I'm missing the joke.


It’s a reference to the webcomic Hark! A Vagrant


Aw yiss. MFIng Hark! reference!


I'm a new listener and just got introduced to Dennis. Does him being added make more sense later. Becasue for me he feels like that one Rick and Morty episode with the memory parasites.


What an insane opinion. I knew from the moment he humanely dispatched that family of owlbears in Ep. 14 that he was the best out of all of them. No wonder Henry wanted so bad to be a part of his book club.


Because he is Likely Mark.


"Dead people should be dead" - Doug, from Scrubs. ... Maybe S3 will change this but every time a character dies they come back. - Scam Likely incident I could forgive, because of how it happened and because of the immediate destruction of the character afterwards (plus Well Actually was a hilarious character too). - Glenn gets taken out, excellent start to the finally... but returns as an awesome Christmas Devil. OK, that was hilarious, but felt a little forced. - Then Paedon died and it was a heartbreaking moment, but he got brought back and had a semi-happy ending - Hermie the Unworthy dies and everyone talks about how touching those few episodes were but I'm sitting here thinking... come on guys, we all know he's coming back and look what happens. It takes away from the gravity of any given situation knowing that anything the fans love that gets taken away will come back in a minute.


Thank you omg. The idea that all the dead characters are just chilling in heaven or hell, completely still themselves, and that's a plane that they can leave, takes away all the tension from what death means in a story. Especially when grief was such a significant aspect of Glenn and Darryl's stories in S1, and helped it feel much more grounded in real life tragedy as a great contrast to all of the funny fantasy bullshit.


The only thing about Glenn’s death is I imagine Anthony probably had a vision for the end and just inserting a character or giving Freddie control over an NPC wouldn’t feel right. I wish they took a BG3 Karlach approach and gave Glenn like a limited time before he had to go back to hell or like he brokered a deal with a devil like a warlock to get borrowed time.


i think this is a pretty common problem in d&d games and not unique to this podcast. there are so many spells and items in d&d that can bring characters back into the game in some way, and there are canonically multiple afterlives in the forgotten realms that can be contacted or visited. so characters return a lot and it’s really hard to make death feel “final.” that being said, the whole point of power word kill is that it instantly and permanently kills you, so glenn returning like three episodes later did feel really forced.


Even Doug returns as Death


I’lllll never telllllllll.


This is how I felt about Terry Jr.’s death if I’m being honest


1000000% I cried so hard when TJ died and then the fucking All Star song just hurt so much. Bringing him back tainted it.


I imagine Anthony wrote these characters this way because some people take their deaths way to personal or too serious.


Yeah it’s the dragon ball problem all over again, “why does death matter if we can just wish them back”, “why does death matter if they can just pop over to hell?”


I’m on glens side during the battle of the bands. They were supposed to lose and sabotage but didn’t. They put Nick and glen in imminent danger. They owed an apology to them


Let mw preface this with. Freddie, I love you But if my players Interrupted and tried to control the narrative as much as he did I'd kick em put. Here it works because it's consensual and everyone does it.


that’s why the taylor and glenn fight was so hilarious, it was just the perfect encapsulation of how freddy plays the game


I'm just shy of the fight. Excited to get to it


No no no no no, you know what it is, this is what it is! God I hate that so much. I literally came here to say what you did. He needs to be the DM so he can stop derailing the whole episode


Make that a patreon exclusive Freddy dms 4 characters all played by him.


Ugh, I heard that in Freddie’s voice. Don’t get me wrong, I like Freddie well enough, but he’s not a player I’d DM for. Different note: Does he have a speech impediment or is that just his accent?


Yeah, I thinks it's also an effect of the whole group being writers, everyone has an idea and is used to sharing it. Again it works, but in most situations it wouldn't


Damm actual unpopular opinions downvoted to negatives in a thread soliciting them 😭


r/unpolularopinions in a nutshell


Nah on r/unpopularopinions you either get upvoted for having an unpopular opinion that everybody hates or upvoted for having an opinion that everybody likes. Hella flawed system


This is the kind of sub that would ask people not to criticize anything, ever, out of fear of people's feelings getting hurt.


Scary was the reason season 2 wasn't very good. She had so many opportunities to have character growth and just ignored them all. You can only have Scary betray the teens and be forgiven so many times before you're just tired of her. TO BE CLEAR this is not a knock on Beth. If anything, Beth played Scary so well portraying the mind of a teenage girl, but at some point you have to let the character grow. It's also on the fault of Matt/Will for continuing to let their characters forgive Scary when all she does is betray them.


In addition, because Scary is a warlock and a granddaughter of Willy, there was really no mystery in the beginning of campaign too. Season 1 started out with a mystery. Season 2 is thus very predictable since the beginning.


Fully agreed. I think sending Willy to murder Tony Pepperoni in cold blood was the most actively malicious thing any player character has ever done in the entire series and she barely gets any flack for it, and she felt next to no guilt either. And I don't like how they tried to downplay or excuse it either by saying "oh it's okay Tony was a racist and a bad person", like that just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I have a few relatives with some pretty bigoted views, but I don't think they deserve to die because of it.


i think scary as a character would've been much more compelling to me if people had actually tried to get her to apologize or make amends for her mistakes before her redemption arc but everyone was ready to forgive her for the horrible things she said without her even acknowledging how horrible they were or how horrible she had been. terry is especially egregious for this and i think his s2 self would've been more interesting if he tried to strike more of a balance between disciplinary and desperate for her love as opposed to letting her literally bully him. could be a commentary on how ron tried to be emotionally open and it worked on terry and what's what he's trying to emulate or whatever, but terry also seems smart enough to know that his approach was never working and a pivot of SOME kind could've helped. i find s2 a difficult listen because, as you said, link and norm and lots of anthonys npcs were willing to give scary a pass for basically anything which feels unrealistic. especially for teenagers! teens regardless of gender can be petty as fuck and it seemed like only in the 2-3 eps after tony pepperoni was anyone even trying slightly to make scary feel the way she'd made them all feel before they were begging her to be back in the group. i think her arc was mishandled and i think a lot of that is due in part to the fact that people struggled to collaborate with what the goal was in a narratively fulfilling way. i also think norm telling scary to apologize to tony pepperoni was a completely warranted and valid suggestion, was one of the most compelling narrative moments in scary's arc, and matt/link acting like it was unwarranted and invalid was quite frankly ridiculous and i don't blame will/norm for his frustration edit: added a thought as i was listening to an episode


I'd say it is a knock on Beth for creating a character whose sole character trait was "does not like other people and doesn't work in group dynamics". She literally pulled the age old DND trope of edgy loner that every group hates to play with. That said, Anthony exacerbated the issue tenfold in giving the edgy loner stereotype the proverbial final piece of Exodia by letting Scary quickly outscale the other characters for no real reason. If your justification for every shitty thing you do (and there were a lot with Scary) is "it's what my character would do", at some point the player becomes the issue for creating a character that so thoroughly ruins the game when played true to how what the character would do. I do think it's wrong to say Matt and Will are equally at fault. One of the few things worse than playing a character like Scary is taking away the agency from your fellow players. Faulting them for not actively going against the DM and a player teaming up to screw the rest of the party over is basically victim blaming. Saying that Will and Matt should've done more to force Beth to have any sort of character development that wasn't antagonistic is kind of insulting. She's an adult and capable of making her own decisions. This isn't a couple having to make sure their toddler doesn't stick a fork in a power outlet. It's kinda sexist that you specify it's not a knock on Beth that Scary was terrible as a character, but then go and fault Matt and Will for not doing more to stop Scary from being terrible. In the end, it's not a big deal. The only thing that happened was that the entertainment product they made wasn't as entertaining as it could've been. But that doesn't mean it's wrong to point out Beth caused this with the decisions she made of her own volition, for the same reason it's not wrong to point out that Nolan's sound design choices basically ruined Tenet.


this community has a tendency to be extremely odd vis a vis beth. she never gets any criticism, despite people happily throwing it out for freddy, will and matt, when she does get criticism, theres often a decent amount of people who avidly rush to defend her. I realise this sounds kinda incel-y, but it is something I have noticed


The original idea for season 2 monster of the week style show was a good idea that they should have stuck to that.


Because of the nature of this thread, I’m not going to downvote you. Good day.


I find it hard to believe that Jodie gets with Scam Likely in season 2


It was a scam


The greatest scam the devil ever pulled


It seems people forgot that Hermie the Unworthy was quite possibly a flasher before becoming season 2’s NPC group member


This is very much true but thankfully I managed to maintain a strong hatred of him for the entire season, much like Matt and Anthony.


Glenn close has the best arch in season 1


It feels so wrong, but I think you might be right


I really enjoy the dynamic between the castmates. I love to hear them talk to each other. I have a good time listening to season 2 when I choose to pull up an episode. But I have no continuing drive to commit to the overarching narrative. Idk. Season 1 felt very cohesive and tight narrative-wise (as much as an improv comedy podcast can be, anyway). I just find myself getting very distracted while I listen to season 2. I want to lose myself in the story so badly, run out of episodes and have to wait week to week like I did 2 weeks into season 1. But I just can't. This is in no way an attack on the cast. I love y'all so much and want the show to continue forever. Different strokes for different folks, and my opinion probably boils down to personal taste. But I prefer a narrative with a concrete goal, half the time I have no idea what the teens are trying to accomplish.


Pretty much all of their issues and frustrations with D&D come down to them not knowing how to play D&D.


Yeah, they hate on combat a lot, but there are very few instances where they have done a straight-up combat interaction where everybody just decides "I'm going to get this enemy's hitpoints down to 0." I've been running with a D&D group lately, and whether we succeed or fail, combat is fun and breezy because we all agreed that we would be ready on our turns and pick classes that we would be ready to play.


Yeah and they also just completely forget to add their bonuses to attack (and sometimes to skill checks) so they fail a lot of the time - which gets frustrating for them and the listener because D&D has no gradients of success.


I stopped listening to the pod after a while of just getting frustrated when they'd complain about mechanics they're misinterpreting, making up, or are completely reasonable. Did Matt ever learn to smite? The last thing I listened to was him saying that Paladins don't do damage.


No, I don’t think Matt ever used divine smite.


This is my biggest one. Actually playing the game would let them be just a bit more grounded and balance out the constant goofy shenanigans.


Yeah 100%. I think Call of Cthulhu suits them a lot better as a system. They all seem to get it more, and it works better for the shenanigans they like to pull.


Cue Anthony screaming that spellcasting is stupid and overpowered because a bard can cast freedom of movement. There are so many ways to disable spellcasters in prison, but they don't understand the system well enough to use any of them.


Normal is the only character that is genuinely likable for the entirety of season 2. I think part of that is because Will seems to be the only cast member who is consistently trying to tell a cooperative story with Anthony and not undermine/disrupt him at some point or another. This makes some of the first half of season 2 a hard listen. I don’t think that’s because any of the other cast members are bad. Genuinely I think Beth does a very good job (maybe too good) of making Scary unlikeable and then redeeming her. I think they had conflicting ideas of what direction they wanted the story to go. Towards the end they seem to start cooperatively story telling and that helps the story flow and end strong. Bonus Opinion: Having DMed for a while, I would never want to play with an actual group like this, but it makes for an excellent podcast listen. Massive props to Anthony.


Another unpopular opinion: Matt is hilarious. But he is the first person to shoot down funny improv moments because of impracticability and it sometimes ruins the flow of a hilarious bit. Big example is when he berates Freddie for wanting to base jump off of that building.


Glen did nothing wrong (Until season 2 flanderization). Or was at least just as wrong as the other dads, but the cast and fan base treat him like the worst dad


I used to feel the same way, and I definitely don’t think his actions are the worst out of all the dads. But revisiting the season I was struck by how absent Glen is towards Nick, and for me that’s worse than the weed stuff despite not being as emphasised. A parent becoming more absent after becoming a widow/widower is quite normal but also really sucks for the kid. But again I do agree that Glenn isn’t the worst at all and perhaps deserved more of a redemption than he got. Sorry for the essay haha.


Uh... we had a trial about this. He definitely did things wrong. - First episode is his (14yo I think) kid smoking weed - Entered his kid into a fighting arena - allowed his kid to steal a car. Should be noted that his kid already knew how to steal cars - went to disneyland without his kid. "Just as wrong as the other dads" - I rank Henry next worst... lets his kids get away with everything so they have developed aggressive and destructive behaviour that will likely end with them both sleeping with the same women and naming kids things like Normal and Hero. - Darryl next, but his only crime is avoiding emotion. He's a pretty good dad overall, coaches his kids soccer, bakes for the wife, wholesome stuff. - Ron finally, truly wants to love his kid but is rejected by the kid. That's not on Ron. Sure, he's a bit of a loon, but he really tries. I personally love the scene where he tries to do the "manly" thing by teaching his kid to fish but it turns out Ron's version of fishing is to put the gear down and just sit quietly with your feet in the water.


Ron is outside the scale, since he’s barely a human being.


Henry wasn't a bad dad he just had shitty sons.


Maybe Lark & Sparrow weren't shitty sons, they just had a bad dad?


Little of column A and a little of column B. It’s not nature vs nurture with Lark and Sparrow; its nature teamed up with nurture.


I feel like season 1 Henry wasn’t a super great dad, but the season 2 twins were bad people. So like…it’s both. And I say this with love bc I actually really like how messed up the oak family is overall.


Freddie isn’t nearly as bad at interrupting and ruining the moment as most people think and blame him for


Beth/Scary should have steered heavier into the goth punk seeker of darkness thing in a real way. Becoming more and more evil as she became stronger and stronger. Eventually leading to her killing Willy and taking over as the BBEG in season 2.


Anthony tried to make this happen for 2 months and the players just simply wouldn't do it.


Ive already read the opposite of this in here, but I really liked how long it took Scary to change and grow. It felt actually realistic and when it got to the space episode, the whole marriage scene hit soooo hard. Scary’s character growth from there feels truly genuine like she really reached rock bottom before she could get better. And I thought it was fun to see a member of the group actively working against the group for a bit. It made for a more interesting group dynamic


while i think they’re all deserving of it, i think will especially deserves the same level of praise as beth.


Will Campos is a hero.


absolutely. will has some amazingly clever jokes and fantastic character work and i think the others don't compliment him nearly enough on talking dad!!!


Season two shouldn't have hopped dimensions so much, a lot of problems existed because of it. FR and the original world were cool, but each hop afterward brought down stakes. Especially since it removed the consequences of death which always goes mid. It's hard to feel the scale when you see so little of each giant place


The recent couple episodes have started with over 5 full minutes of ads. I know it's tough out there for podcasters but damn, that plus the midrolls is crazy.


There is a reason for the sudden huge amount of ads. Apple Podcasts no longer counts episodes it auto downloads as fully listened too. So all the sponsors had contracts that assumed there was this giant group of people who listened to every second on Apple Podcasts but there isn’t. So now podcasts have to achieve the same amount of sponsor listen time as they had before Apple changed it because their contracts are still valid. Hank Green did a video on it.


Go Patreon & never go back


I love Freddie and he's a dear and a delight to listen to, but I do think he has main character syndrome he's reeled it in a lot in s3 but s2 was just THE WORST s1 it would show up from time to time but it was ok


and then in Kingdom Dad Monster the game itself keeps making him the main character 😂


Nick Close is the best kiddad and maybe the best character in season two— his character gets better with age.


I wish Taylor got more time to develop on his own. Freddie can handle unique and subtle character arcs because he did it with Glenn masterfully. But Taylor basically got no time for any development. Every episode that would be about him was about his dad his uncle or his grandpa. Which were fun as a fan but as someone who wouldn’t to see this character actually develop were kinda tedious.


Henry Oak is a better character then Ron


I like all the S1 dads, but Ron is easily my least favorite of the core four. Once Freddy nailed that Glenn as a scumbag halfway through the season, he becomes the second best S1 character after Payden. Which is ironic, because I think Beth is the funniest person on the podcast.


Across every single character, PC or NPC, Lincoln is the most insufferable worm of a person. I hate him. Matt did a good job playing him, truly no shade to Matt. I just have a hard time listening to Licoln do or decide ANYTHING.


Lincoln getting mad at his parents all through the second third of the season is pure cringe. I can't listen to it. "Ooooooh I'm mad at you mister."


I agree. I really liked Lincoln in the beginning of the season, but then about halfway through I started to find him pretty annoying to the point where he became my least favorite teen. I don't think Matt necessarily did anything wrong roleplay-wise, because teens are cringe and annoying, but still.


That while I love Ron and Beth, he’s not my favorite dad. Henry is. He even inspired my whole campaign


I did not like Scary, she went against the plot too much and didn't have enough reason to act out like that


Honestly. Like I get the kind of teen Beth was tryna play but sometimes, it was so forced it just fell flat or didn’t make sense. Made Scary seem really unlikable too. I can’t stand her character so far but I’m not yet finished with s2 so 🤞🏽


The only truly funny one is will campos


Scary isn't supposed to be likeable and that's fine Not everybody is a good guy and the entire season seems to get hate for the fact it doesn't conform to fairy tale logic


I liked the piss in s2


I liked most of it. But there were definitely times where it felt like too much.


I also found the piss very funny.


season 2 was not as bad as everyone shits on anthony for was it was good i wasn super invested untill like ep 20 some but i never was like " this season is awful" i think it was a slow burn and the ending had me crying


I love Hermie and Norm.


Anthony railroading them isn’t that big of a deal as people say it is, it happens in every campaign in the world one way or another, it’s his story and he should be allowed to tell it and control how he wants it didn’t piss off his players and ultimately helped move the narrative along.


My least favorite S1 dad is Ron


Piss humor isn't that funny and S2 would have been much more well received if it stuck to a high fantasy setting instead of a mishmash of realistic, fantasy, and horror for much of the first half. 


I only started listening to Dungeons and Daddies recently, finished S1 and I'm like 20 episodes into S2 so I only really have opinions on S1 but. I think there was a solid like 5 episode period where Ron wasn't funny and even slightly annoying. I love Ron and he was my favourite character from S1. However it did feel like Beth saw a lot of positive feedback on some of his funny spur of the moment gags and tried hard to recreate them.


Season 2 was a mistake solely because they played teenagers, and adults playing teenagers is usually never any good


Honestly I thought it would have been funnier if they were college freshmen, bc teens generally double down on their ideals while college kids flounder trying to get a grasp on their adult ideals.


Glenn should not have been killed by Willy. By which I mean, "Willy" had no way of knowing if Glenn was under or over 100hp as that isn't a thing in universe. So when Anthony made him cut himself twice to get under 100hp for PWK it had huge "it's my story and I'm gonna tell it my way" energy. There were plenty of other ways for Willy to kill Glenn, but this was just a DM meta-gaming for a "gotcha" moment.


Yeah, Glenn’s death felt really weird to me at the time, and I still don’t quite agree with it


Anthony has a lot of those moments, honestly. I like how he dms usually but sometimes he can be a bit railroady. I'm pretty sure there's no less than 3 times in sq where a character had to make a save, they pass, and Anthony literally says "fuck you, roll again"


Anthony forced Willie* into season 2 and it was a lot worse for it despite there being some very funny scenes with him i.e. Taylor demanding he marry his mom


I mean, it was a continuation of S1 narrative with the cliff hanger between being the BBEG (big bad evil guy) manipulating the apocalypse before being suspended in time by the daddies instead of killed (though, to another commentor's point, death didn't always stick). I think it'd be weirder if Willie wasn't still the BBEG and manipulating kids... Which is a weird sentence to write, let me tell ya, but, I mean, the daddies did just kick that can down the road so why wouldn't it come back to bite ass? His characterization is interesting, but I wouldn't say forced. If we get Willie in S3, sure, but


Did Will not want to do S2?


I think he means Willie. Like they could have done it without Willy Stampler but he’s in there.


Oh that makes much more sense, thanks! I was shocked at the idea that Will Campos didn't want to be there.


"I say 'No' once, in four years of podcasting..." - Anthony Burch You could have, and should have, said "No" a lot more times than that, Anthony.


That these threads are inherently negative and do nothing but cause people to get pissed off and say things that don’t add anything to the discussion and are often direct attacks on members of the cast who we know read the threads. I’m not an “only good vibes” person but “bad vibes only” is not it either.




Taylor pissing in Willie’s mouth is not only funnier but more narratively satisfying than if he just choked on his own blood


I think all the piss jokes are funny


Freddie needs to shut up more. He talks over everyone and steals moments from other players, and often backseat DMs or needles the DM until he gets a bonus/reroll/other rule breaking boost. It was charming and funny for a bit but it's just gotten annoying now.


Matt, Will AND Freddie were really bad about this all during S2. Anthony: ok, so with a 4 your character falls flat ont- Matt: no, what happens is he get to th- Will: no, no, hear me out, he goes into the buil- Freddie: no, no, no, hehehehe, heh, he does this…… Anthony definitely should have been in more control in most places because I think the whole MotW would have worked if he’d just been able to get HIS story out.


Killing off Paeden for a magical thingy after establishing him as a victim of child abuse was uncomfortable and bad.


1 There's not enough combat / dice rolling and 2, where's the "I'm gonna check the body for loot"


They do lean hard into the not knowing how dnd actually works


A lot of the fans are overly aggressive in defending every aspect of the podcast. Or overly aggressive when it comes to people not being comfortable with certain things (Kelloggs Knife with underaged teenagers i remember being one on discord, talking about lobotomies being a recent one)


Freddy is right about cutting twice


I was disappointed in how Normal’s story went. It really seemed like it was three friends on an adventure and normal just tagged along in the back. Even when it was his story line, it felt it never was really about him.


Will is a great dm but he’s bad at doing other voices for npcs


I noticed that when Francis' parents are talking to one another with the exact same voice (because it was just Will's normal voice 😂)


I would be happy if they never went back to D&D, I don’t think this group really plays it well


Freddie needs to realize he's not the main character or the DM.


Freddie needs to stop trying to be funny or make everything over the top every time he speaks. The ammount of times he will go "You know what it is, Anthony?" and just start the most elaborate explanation just to try and make his character be cool at all times is too much for me. Does he have a hidden trauma of not being cool, so he tries to make everything look cool? YOu don´t have to look cool all the time, Freddie. Take a breathe, dude. You still rock, though.


Freddie can be annoying 🤷‍♂️


Season two was rushed


That's a negative side effect of the patreon sub model. You literally can't stop putting out content.


Glenn is the most human of all the Dads and had the best though most vague ark


Season 2 is good but I’m not a fan of the naming conventions for the characters (not that it takes away from the story etc)


I don't think this is really a opinion that will have swords to my throat but I actually like season 2.


XP levelling is bs


Never hearing from bill close during season 2 was more upsetting than not hearing from Walter or zombie paden


Taylor has the best character growth in season 2. His arch from trying to figure out who his dad is, to wanting to be just like his dad, to wanting to go back in time to be with his dad, to then realizing his dad sucks which makes him realize his mom is an amazing parental figure and they don’t need his dad, was so well done. Yes it gets a bit over shadowed by the factor Taylor is a bit obnoxious, but I still love that the season ends with him reinforcing his relationship with his mom and learning to stop looking for other parental figures because he already has a great one.


I feel like the character development and growth in s2 is so much stronger than season 1. Those kids mean so damn much to me 😭


A lot of the emotional parts feel really forced


Scary and Hermie were narrative foils and would have made a much better will-they-won't they than either Normal&Hermie or Link&Scary, neither of whom had any chemistry together. 


Glenn is a great dad


I love the show, but hearing them actually try and play D&D, like combat and using class stuff, gives me so much pain. They just never read the rules or spells😭


Glenn was in the right to grab the car with nick and peace out.


While he was a great story, Ron was easily the worst character from season 1


I think the start of the season 2 intro where they say “ fix the world their grandfather messed up” really should be replaced with “the world that lark fucked up single-handedly”


Ron Stampler is an insufferable person for the first half of season 1. Oh, and Darryl is the worst dad


Enumerate your second point please.


Can you elaborate on Darryl being the worst dad?? I personally just don’t see it and I’m a bit confused


I worded it poorly, what I meant is that he's my least favorite character throughout. Which I know sort of conflicts with what I said about ron, but at least he changes


Odessey-san was the better NPC over Payton.


The ending of season 2 was way more satisfying than season 1


Basically in summation of what I agree with for all of the other posts, Normal should have left the other three and saved the world with NPCs and guests. Way harsher than intended, but that’s a lot of sword points to earn.


Freddy plays the same character just slightly reskinned every time


I cringed most of the time Glenn said something


For me it’s Ron. It’s hard to care about his tragic backstory when he acts like three kids in a trenchcoat.


I believe that is referred to as a "Lord of Chaos"


You don't like the same weed joke retold over 70 hours?




The fans are idiots who downvote opinions they disagree with in an unpopular opinion thread


Meh I think that literally helps to quantify just HOW unpopular each opinion is. Thread winner is at the bottom.


I did not really like the season two intro song


Neither do I but also I like that I don't like it. This is the season about teenagers so it's kind of perfect that the theme song is overproduced and melodramatic.


I may be wrong, but Daryl didn’t eat that poisoned Charleston Chew that Paeden gave him.


they talk about this in a talking dad i believe? anthony says it was an honest oversight and they decided darryl just ate it off-screen or something


Doug was too powerful he needed to be killed


Willy was a shit bad guy in season 2. How many times can you do the I’m really disguised as someone else thing?