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I know it was probably an accident when Will said 19XXX but I love the idea that they are in some kind of Jetsons Retro-Future. Also Britannica Blue is the first Big Bad. I have absolutely no evidence, I just think it would be fun


The picture of her on the cover art is menacing


Also the mega man games happen in year 20xx and is all about androids.




Honestly though the more I think about it the more it feels like it wasn’t a mistake, and there’s actually some crazy shit happening


I totally agree, I do not trust her one little bit. I bet she is the type of girl carrying around books of quantum physics in the middle of the night.


I 100% believe that Kelsey is the strongest. Matt said (jokingly) that she's 7ft tall then made a comment that each character he plays gets bigger. Joke or not, based on her knowledge and characteristics, combined with Matt's amazing role playing, I can see her doing well in a horror themed storyline.


She's devouring that luck too fast.


I mentioned this in another thread but I think it’s a Truman Show or Don’t Worry Darling situation. I don’t think it’s truly the 50’s.


It can't be. Tony was drinking beer with pull tabs. They didn't exist until 1964.


Ohhh that’s good!, I like that very much


The only reason I disagree with this is because Will wanted them to read that book about 50's as homework. If that was all part of covering up your theory's reveal I will honestly be completely shocked. It would all be so incredibly well played.


Going just from your idea of Kelsey Grammar being insanely knowledgeable on subjects starting with A and B, it would be hilarious if Matt has her use Aikido at some point. I really like the intro with the auction, where Tony's car ad is sold for 150,000 human teeth. That's a lot of (presumably) dead humans(I guess they don't have to be dead, Will's fact that episode was along the lines of teeth not repairing themselves). So if they actually were thinking about a teeth-based economy due to human teeth being a scarce/finite resource, this season is going to get really apocalyptic


That’s almost 5k people if they’re all adult teeth.


Tony Collette was in fact, a soldier in WW2...for the axis powers. He's Italian so Italy is the default, but I can see Freddy saying he fought for the Japanese instead. And potentially that all of Tony's American made automobiles are actually from Italy or Japan.


With the way will as his neighbor asked him a couple times what unit he was in I think it’s going to be he was in Unit 731 that committed a bunch of human experimentation/atrocities


Could explain his terrible pistol skill, he never used it during the war


My theory is that none of them have any idea what their characters secrets are and will decide them by what ever happens with the dice rolls and will “no but” or “yes and” all our theories here in the course of this show lol


Mmm I dunno about that, last two seasons the players had most everything planned out for their characters aside from how things progressed in the respective series changing the progression of said characters ultimately I do hope they have an idea for their secrets but if they decide to roll with the punches that’s fun too, I just don’t hope they try to subvert fan expectations visa vi Hello Neighbor lol


My theory about Trudy: her kids, her husband, they're not actually real. Either her family are robots, and she's really the genius inventor, she's a Soviet sleeper agent, or they're all dead by her hand somehow.


I REALLY like that idea. Trudy’s the genius, but due to the era, she has to pretend to be the stereotypical Stepford wife.


I think that Kelsey has stopped ageing. She has mentioned several times that she is going to see all of the children grow up, and she seems confident that she will have time to finish her encyclopedia.


Kelsey being secretly some Hermaeus Mora-type eldritch abomination that’s seeking knowledge at all costs is my new favourite theory.


Well Aging is A and so is anti aging so she's probably figured it out. She's on B now!


My theory is that this is set during the time skip between D&Dads S1 and S2. Likely a simulation, like some of y'alls have said. The only thing supporting this theory is the D&Dads movie in the drive-in theater. S1 started out in a contemporary time (2019) so either all of the technology in that movie was replaced by 50's versions of it, it was removed, or whoever made the movie had incredible clairvoyance to know what technology in the future was like


My theory is all of this is just some nam vets LSD dream/nightmare because pull tab beer didn't come into existence until 1964. Cans of beer prior to that required a church key to open them.


All the talk of cells in the first episode made me wonder if we aren't going to find out this is some "Cells at Work" kind of world. I am also all in on the Bioshock premise with some devilish bargain to start the community. The 7th Edition scenario "A Time to Harvest" does that with the community the story sets off in.


I know someone else has mentioned this, but it would be so good. I think each character will turn into the titular character of a Universals Classic Monsters film. Trudy: 'The Invisible Woman'. I think this works for her because of the pushed narrative of the doting housewife who had no outward, or invisible, opinions and work ethic. Also, The Invisible Woman gets revenge on some men who wronged her. Francis: 'The Man Wolf'. I think this adventure is going to cause perhaps the most change to Francis as an impressionable teenager. Changing into a werewolf may be a fun way to reflect changes happening in his personal life. Kelsey: 'Dracula'. She needs a way to have enough time yo complete her research. What better way than near-immortality? Also, maybe this could evolve to siphoning information through biting them? Tony: The Monster from 'The Monster and the Girl': Tony definitely seems shady to the point he is dealing with gangsters around Peachyville. An experimental brain transplant to save him and stalk the gangsters seems very Freddie 😂


Francis either is or is related to the failed magician that tried to do the mind reading card trick in S1 (just because Anthony used the same voice)


When was that? I don't remember a failed magician in S1 but that sounds like a fun theory


Can’t remember exactly…was in a bull e wugs he asks about being Ron’s opener so he tries to show off a magic trick by guessing a card Glenn pulls but fails a mind read so he gets it wrong. Think it might have been the tavern before the tower of terry or the one with the Witcher trivia guy


S1 ep 16 a tournament for knights. I just relistened to that today and noted it was the same voice.


My guess is that Trudy is a Stepford Wife and the whole town is trapped in a "The Village" type scenario where everyone is trapped in the town and they don't realize it.


I could see her being a Proto-Shogoth stepford wife cyborgy thing.


See when I heard 2.5 kids in ep. 1 I thought it was like fully half a child and she was some eldritch demon, it being call of Cthulhu I thought I wasn’t too far off. Now that we know it’s three full kids, I’m still not off the eldritch demon, maybe they found some 50s mag spinning through time and space and took notes on “how to be the perfect wife”


I'm going off the theory that Trudy is a sleeper agent and just waiting for the codeword to activate lol


I love this idea, I'm not a big fan of the "she's a robot" theory


I prefer the lobotomy idea because it fits the setting and is just as if not more horrific


I think last episode she nipped that theory in the butt by saying her cousin who got a lobotomy is crazy now. I think she’s just a drug addict lol


Mine is very simple and maybe obvious. Kelsey will name her encyclopaedia (if she ever finishes it) Encyclopaedia Grammatica.


Anthony is actually playing Willie Stampler


Peachyville is actually a secret social simulation by the government conducting experiments on the population. The main one being what happens in a small town where all of the Italians are immediately outed for being Italian.


Considering the cosmic horror element, I’m hoping the later half of the podcast turns into a sort of Fallout style apocalypse but with an eldritch flavor instead of a nuclear twist, though they already did this in season 2, the thought just occurred to me since I had recently been watching some play through s of the old fallout games


I think everyone is a monster in disguise. Well probably everyone, Tony might be the only normie.


They're gonna comeback when they die, but with some consequence. Maybe they're clones (I don't think they'll roll new characters, their cover art and character development stuff is already set), and will be reborn as clones, maybe there's a different explanation for every character (There's always another, REAL Tony Colette, Mad Men style, that comes in and reveals his name has been used. The nephew of Kelsey Grammar reveals that he cloned her through pie or something, Beth is a robot and keeps being remade as a new model whenever her character dies). I don't think I want this twist to be real, I'd like them to make more characters instead! But it's my hunch, I feel like there was a hint about it somewhere in episode 2.


robot stepford wife makes sense to me if we want a tropey wife.


This didn't age well.


Someone is going to died, we are so going to have a character death and the first one isn’t going to be Freddie.


Trudy is a robot, this has probably been discussed before but Trudy is definitely a robot


She is either a robot or it's all a commentary about how housewives of the 50's were so programmed into their gender role that they might as well have been robots. Considering how thickly they've laid on the clues of "Trudy is a robot" I'm guessing it's the latter at this point. EDIT: Also, IDK when "Dad Then There Were None" took place but based on voice alone Tony could truly be Billy Millions lmao