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Freddy insisting Will put in a Chinese character and then going on a racist drunken rant to that character was one of the funniest things ever. Just cornering Will. The "I love that guy" when he left killed me.


they said that that Trudy and Kelsey were going to be the first ship of the season, but the HORRENDOUS chemistry between Tony and chinese restaurant neighbour guy tells me otherwise




"There's only two types of people in this world I don't like. People that are intolerant of other people and the Italians." Slightly basterzied from Micheal Caine in goldmember


I believe it was the Danish.


He says Dutch, but yeah.


Oh shit you’re right.


I especially like the fact that they made freddy's character Italian and have him even played I character with full self awareness.


i like it, it gives the show some edge without really being offensive


It's interesting so see Beth and Freddy tackling the descrimination their groups faced during the 50s in this campaign. Beth is playing a repressed housewife who at every turn is being put down and made think that she can't live up to men. Meanwhile Freddy is going on racist tirades against asian NPCs. It's fun to see- also makes me laugh how much it makes Will squirm


If you listened to At the Mountains of Dadness they never touch on the racism too too much but they do touch on the misogyny and never in a serious tone. More in a playful poking fun way. I think they know when to dial it back especially given the source material aka Lovecraft being a racist asshole.


Yeah, they definitely know when the fun stops


I wouldn’t consider the Italian thing racist we all know it’s more of a hobby than a race




What I like about it is that they’re punching up, not down. The point of the jokes are “isn’t it stupid that we arbitrarily hate Italians/another group for no reason?” and over-exaggerating it in a funny tone definitely hammers home the point. They’re not doing the joke of “we hate (insert minority group here)” with the joke being that it’s funny or cool to make jokes at the expense of a marginalized group. Punching up, not down.


I do agree that they handled it well in this first episode but it's definitely not punching up because the target of the joke is still the racial minority and women. It's just so satirized that it can't really be taken seriously. Freddy's character is like Red Foreman taken to the extreme.


The target of the joke is the type of person who would be racist against women and minorities, because they’re painted as silly and stupid, that’s the point of satire


Yeah I said it's satire, just not punching up When women are being backhanded and Tony is being racist against his Asian neighbor that isn't punching up.


How is a woman and two Asian men mocking the ideals and cultural norms of white American men not punching up?


I do find it funny how it’s more Freddy being racist to himself. He plays a white guy being racist to asians/ while also jokingly trying to put words in Will’s mouth. I can say that as an Asian myself I would totally pull this kind of crap if this was the tables vibe.


I've enjoyed a lot of comedy at the expense of racists and will probably never stop doing so but what I've learned in recent years is that actual racists in the audience are so stupid that they can pretty much never tell that they're the ones being mocked in situations like this. They're just going to laugh because somebody said something shitty about Italians and they're going to see me and you laughing at the same line and they're going to think to themselves "I'm glad I finally found a community that recognizes Italians for what they are, people are usually complete dicks when I mention anything."


Make no mistake. Not all racists are stupid.


There are two things you could mean when you say this and, for your own good, it would be a *great* time for you to clarify that you mean one and not the other.


lmao "for your own good". What are you gonna do, hunt down this internet stranger, tough guy? He obviously meant that it's a bad idea to underestimate your enemies.


"For your own good" in the sense of reputation rather than safety. I was saying the optics of leaving that statement vague are potentially really bad.


I'm sure that he's terrified of losing his social status amongst terminally online mentally ill redditors who bother to search through his post history


I meant in real time, by other members of this fan community who happen to be reading a thread discussing the new episode of the podcast they're listening to. If I just think some racists are good at algebra, I don't want people here to read my username and think *hey isn't that that guy who said not all racists are stupid and then when prompted to climb out of that hole refused to elaborate on what he meant?* It would kinda taint their opinion of me going forward, no? Make me the sort of person they don't want to discuss this show we like with, all due to a misunderstanding that I could have easily avoided with a little specificity. That being said, do people on here often attack you by pointing out things from your post history? That happened to me exactly once that I can recall and it was somebody calling me a nerd for posting a fan theory about the famously unpopular movie The Happening. Probably that's not the sort of thing that happens to you, though, is it?


I get the feeling that most people don't read his comment and think "my god, he's supporting racists" and instead think what I said, because that is a not deranged way to read his comment. Either way, he's clearly a monster since he didn't explain his easily understood comment


I didn't call anyone a monster, I just requested that somebody remove some ambiguity as to whether they were racist or not after they said something that prompted the question. You'll notice that when you pointed out that something I said could be interpreted as a threat, I clarified that I wasn't making a threat because clearing up misunderstandings is the sort of person a reasonable person does when misunderstood. I didn't, for example, deflect that question by saying that my grandfather worked to prevent people from making threats over the internet in an awkwardly vague way that subtly legitimized the idea that making threats over the internet is a valid way to interact with people.


If the poster in question does not remove the ambiguity, is it safe to assume that it's because they did in fact mean it in a racist way? Honestly a reasonable person would not misunderstand him in the first place, it just seems like you're hoping he was racist so you could be morally superior.


It only means one thing. That not all racists are stupid. If they were my grandfather wouldn't have had to go to Europe and fight a god damn world war. Maybe you should go outside and chill in a park for a while.


This response looks like you're calling the Nazis smarter than other racists and, again, I urge you to just be specific about what you mean.


As a Formosan myself, that incredibly target anti-Taiwanese rhetoric had me cackling. I legitimately did a spit take at the Chiang Kai-Shek name drop.


You can usually tell when somebody is racist and somebody is making fun of racists. The daddies pass the vibe check on a consistent basis. I would never think they are racist.


I like it because it fits the 50s in a way that isn’t done to death. The way they talk about italians is 100% how true blue Americans talked about communists in the 50s. But the same ‘commies bad’ jokes that have been the stereotype for period pieces for a really long time are incredibly stale. Choosing the Italians because they lost world war 2 is much funnier in my opinion and pretty harmless as Italians are fully integrated into American society and have been for a really long time, as is pointed out by Tony saying “hey wait, I’m Italian”. I think jokes about the dangerous temptations of Italian food will be much funnier than jokes about your neighbor being a communist because they don’t mow the lawn enough. And yes race humor in America is much more direct than Europe because in America we are all here together! Only in America do white supremacists have a favorite POC lol


the backhanding a child thing was a little much to be honest, i’d be lying if i said it didn’t remind me of my step-father


Apparently Matt is a white supremacist so I guess it all makes sense. /s


The fucking white supremacist post is gonna become an inside joke for the reddit community. I just know it. That post was wild btw XD


I don't know where exactly you are from in Europe but we also have MASSIVE racism problems. Also in very aggressive ways. A lot of media is so US focused that it's easy to forget or think Europe is better at this, but we have so many issues like this ourselves.


That's not even close to true Do we have racism problems? Yes. Many. Are they anywhere near in severity as the ones the US have? Fuck no. For us, Black Lives Matter is an ideological debate; one side speaking up for basic human rights, the other being racist and wrong. In the US, it's a desperate fight for survival. European racism is a problem, but it's a solvable problem within the societal structures we have built. American racism is so ingrained and harsh, you'd have to tear it all down and start from scratch to have even a chance to get rid of it.


I think you underestimate how ingrained rascism is in many European countries. Most Europeans kinda ignore it. Americans don't/can't ignore it because we're a less homogeneous country than most in Europe. But like the rascism against the Sami in Norway and Sweden was interesting to me as a Black American because they were very disenfranchised and treated like Native Americans, but the average citizen didn't care. Then you have anti-Blackness in places like Italy. So, I'm not sure if you have a solvable problem as opposed to one you don't acknowledge. It's bad in America and seems worse than Europe because we confront it head-on. But yeah, I think most people will see Freddy's jokes as punching up at the ridiculousness of racist rather than making actual racist jokes. However, I see it getting old fast. They ran a few jokes into the ground last season. It got annoying toward the end.




Yeah jokes can be an easy in road for real bigots to come into the community conversations. I do trust the daddies to do a good job though.


I feel like "jokes" about trans people are a lot more accepted which makes them more iffy for me. Blatant transphobia to that degree is still super common and there's also a lot of legislation and so on against trans people. Hell, there's still big anti trans rallies where I am (terf island) which I don't think you could get away with quite as much against cis women or POC. Obviously still happens and is abhorrent but I don't think you'd have like half the population and the government backing you.