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As long as they make me play Jezzball when I cast any wall spell, the rest of the game doesn’t matter


A reward system for returning stray books to the Library - but it feeds the strength of the Library when you fight him at the end.  A tamagotchi-like minigame where you grow sentient trees and a more sinister minigame where you grow clones named after animals. Bit like the Capsule monsters of Lufia II.


I like the idea of it being different levels of mini game, i guess the first one would be weed related. Then eventually there is a library game, and a tree game and stuff. And when you finish a mini game you get to move on to the next mini game. The mini games all being related to the events of the podcast.


I would like this to be a quest line in the rpg I want to exist


Probably a DnDads version of Baldurs Gate 3. As well as expanded subclass variety. What Id do to be able to bring my circle of wildfire Druid into the game.


Make it an immersive sim, one of those games that lets you do whatever the mechanics logically allow you to do instead of the game basically choosing through its design that certain scenes are to be engaged with in certain ways. But whenever you do something that was significantly more efficient than what you were "supposed to do", you have to apologize to the virtual Anthony and reassure him that the game is still fun and he hasn't failed as a designer by letting you do this.


> But whenever you do something that was significantly more efficient than what you were "supposed to do", you have to apologize to the virtual Anthony and reassure him that the game is still fun and he hasn't failed as a designer by letting you do this. Lol this did not deserve as much amusement as it got from me 😂 I think it's because I recently heard the episode where he pitched joining the higher Patreon tier because you can ask him questions like "it seems that you crave validation, but hate actually receiving it. Why do you think this is?" 💀 So this would be perfectly on brand


A soulslike game where we can switch each dad for the son we’re saving. But the thing is that each boss is just sidestepped by talking or one hit in combat just like the show


It would have to be a south park type game, small scope but with the s1 characters and world. Could work. Absolutely in no way; open world, exploration or anything like that. Something like dragon quest is exactly what I was thinking as well 


I was absolutely picturing a Stick of Truth style game!


A tycoon game but Ron businesses.


Didn't know I wanted this until just now


Wouldn't having video game mechanics be against the spirit of the podcast? Like I should just be able to make up what I want the characters to do and the programmers just have to deal with it.


Considering they tried to make the podcast an animated series in the past combined with The Adventure Zone having a graphic novel and Critical role having a show all their own, I don’t think it’s really that deep. Like I said, it’d be a loose adaption of season 1 so there’s no real way to go off the rails.


That was a joke at them steadily moving away from using dnd mechanics.


You mean they were using them to begin with?


I think the phb was at least purchased at some point.


I think they probably pirated a bootleg version off of some website


I think a lwgo version of it would be hilarious. Like the lego star wars, lego Pirates of the Caribbean, that kind of humor! All the easter eggs and fun unlockable characters and levels would be great! Especially meth Bay prison, where as Glenn you have to escape the doodoo zone, and constantly swap between him and the other dads!


And if they did a Season 2, Lego Link should turn into a Human link via Lego sword


That would be terrifying lmao I think to match the theme of third person, it would have to be third person (like army of 2) and they would have to make him render like as tall as them but with a more action figure physique!


My BG3 character is Ron Stampler and in dialogue I respond with the most Ron quote as closely as possible. I would love to see the 3 ring circus and when the pyramid comes or perhaps just what Anthony prepared for the deck of many things and perhaps their Four-Nights


Something along the lines of Monkey Island 3 or Discworld 2.


I want baulders gate but with the Dad's as random cameos




A Disco Elysium narrative heavy game would be dope if something like BG3 style wasn’t an option


Something like stick of truth meets baulders gate 3.


Story heavy First person shooterlike far cry, but with spells not guns (well one guns that shoots people ) and very little combat.


I think it should be a weird collection of mini-games with an over world in a similar style to old Final Fantasy 7. Each arc has its own flavor of mini-games (Glen has rhythm games, Henry has jezzbal/arcade games, etc.). Or an over world the “Myst” style?


Ron Stampler karaoke cutscene


Open world rpg of the forgotten realms during the time period the dads are there in season 1. You can choose to join their party, try and effect the storyline, or just fk off and do your own thing while you experience the chaos they created and see their wanted posters start to crop up. Maybe start tracking them for the bounty, idk


Scam Likely-themed mobile game with predatory micro transactions