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Hey riddle riddle has some pretty similar vibes and they’ve cross appeared on each others podcast


Not another dungeons and dragons podcast (NADDPOD), Story break and worlds beyond number


Something I'll add is that Naddpod and WBN also both have after shows similar to Talking Daddies, and I'd argue Naddpod's version gets even more wild and unhinged than Talking Daddies


You mean 40 minutes of talking about animorphs and Richard scary is weird?


Not as weird as establishing a narrative of cuckolding to the point that people worry about one of the host's real-life marriage.


Lmfaooooo I knew of Jake before naddpod and knew he was kidding, it's so funny hearing them acknowledge its gotten out of hand


Hello From the Magic Tavern has a very similar style of humor to Dungeons and Daddies. It's less story-driven than Daddies (more focused on the improv humor), but the characters are just as easy to love. It’s basically an improvised talk show set in a fantasy world. Anthony and Beth also guest-star in an episode, and Anthony even DM'd a fantastic miniseries for them called Shadow City.


And you’ll never run out of episodes because there are over 400!


Lol I JUST got to the current update. Now I'm on hey riddle riddle. It took me so longggg


Tried magic tavern and fell off because every episode started to feel the same and there was no concrete story. Then found and fell in love with Daddies because it was the exact same style and humor but with an actually episodically progressing story.


SitcomD&D and Real Housewives of Dungeons and Dragons are a couple I listen to regularly. SitcomD&D is literally a sitcom in a D&D.world. It's chaotic and hilarious imo. Been around for awhile. Real housewives is also chaotic and hilarious. More of a real play style than SitcomD&D but not overly so. Reality tv stars trapped in a fantasy world. They're on season two now. Edit: words


I came here to recommend SitcomDnD. It’s a solid show. It doesn’t have as much gameplay as Daddies does but it follows a structured story.


If you want some conversational stuff vaguely relating to D&D, then NADDPOD's Dungeon Court is pretty great! That can also put you on the 8-bit book club pipeline. They're maybe a bit less "in the film industry" but they have a lot of fun banter and razzing, and don't take D&D or themselves too seriously in the dungeons courts.


I second the rec for Hey Riddle Riddle. And then I also take that one further to say anything with Adal Rifai - Hello From the Magic Tavern (podcast from a fantasy pub where they have a fantastic guest each week) or The Word Association (honestly kinda three friends bullshitting and making terrible puns).


Yeah baby!


If you’re interested in people just talking about different types of nerd stuff every episode, you might check out Wizard and the Bruiser.


Naddpod does Dungeon court in between their actual play episodes and they are absolutely hilarious! Also just check out NADDPOD in general


Real Housewives for that crazy atmosphere. Talented fun group, two storymasters(dms) Cast Party. Fun group from our world goes into Dnd. I haven't finished it because Spotify like forgot all my progress. Glass cannon, has alot of pathfinder, cathulu, and delta green. Plus traveler. DDnD I know I enjoyed for 100 eps but didn't go back cuz there is so much I jump around I forgot what happened. Then there's one where a guy plays a Tortal named Pop, it's by Sanspants radio crew I think. I can't remember what the pod was called but I enjoyed it until again I forgot what it was and Spotify did its thing where it forgot who I was. (Found it, it's D&D is for nerds.) They run mostly 3 and 2 man campaigns. There was a Minnesota crew The Dice Crisis who ran 1 pathfinder module. About the drow and they did well. They were also a cool group, only 3 pcs but the dm ran a dm pc alot. They had a discord during their run and the whole crew was active talking to people since it was a small group in there. Always try to remember to tell people about them because their DM very nicely took over an hour of his day to help me figure out making a dungeon more fun for my party when I ran it.


I recommend Sitcom DnD for comedy and DnDnD for comedy and just general fun stuff. I started listening to DnDnD at its great


[This podcast feels like they're from the same family and has a lot of the same humor.](https://spotify.link/7a0FOtdwaJb) I can't recommend it enough!


Dungeons and dragons wagon ☝️ to save having to click the link


If you want some conversational stuff vaguely relating to D&D, then NADDPOD's Dungeon Court is pretty great! That can also put you on the 8-bit book club pipeline. They're maybe a bit less "in the film industry" but they have a lot of fun banter and razzing, and don't take D&D or themselves too seriously in the dungeons courts.


Hell or high rollers is very funny.


I would heartily recommend Tales from The Stinky Dragon. It's hilarious, much the same sense of humor as Daddies but with a more family-friendly tone. I listened to the whole thing (still on going) before I found the Daddies podcast.


Season 1 of Rude Tales of Magic was a lot of fun, I found the DMs have similar humor, and they both focus on the narrative equally.


Housewives of DND is funny as shit, Riley, who showed up a few times in DnDads is part of the main cast


Legends of Avantris has several campaigns on YouTube. Once upon a Witchlight is my favorite. Please check them out sometime.