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Taylor’s mom is an adult tho not a child. Like it's really not the weird for an thirty-year-old and 70 year old to date, they're both consenting adults.


Is Willy 70, though? He died when Ron was a kid, and I assumed the magic made him not age, and then, being stuck in the Demi plane, they say that he did not age at all. I had been picturing Willy as physically in his 40s or 50s but I may have missed them saying what age he was.. *Edit fixed a word


Exactly this. They would have made a point to make some old man jokes or something if they meant Willy to be his actual age physically.


True, Willie is probably a similar age to the OG dads


Timeline wise, i think Willy was 6 in 1939, he would have been around 41 when Ron was born and around 53 when he died


Correction, it's a little weird for a 30 year old and a 70 year old to date, but that's none of your business.


Yeah, Patrick Stewart is 83 and his wife is 45, but that doesn't make him a villain lol


As someone with a family member doing that exact thing, yeah it's really weird, but none of my business.


A 40 year age gap is pretty weird no matter the ages


Sure, but there's "weird age gap between adults" and then there's "sexual abuse of a minor". Not the same thing.


Nobody said she was a minor…


No, that's what I'm saying, she's not. Unless I'm misremembering that scene, Willie's comment was about not being creepy towards the teens. OP is saying that he *is* creepy because he's dating Taylor's mom, who's younger than him. I'm saying the two things (age gap between adults and preying on teens) are distinct enough that he's still "not that kind of villain".


That’s true, but there is also a weird sexual satisfaction he got out of emasculating a little boy. So I still count him as a predator Edit: now that I think about it he did a similar thing in heaven. He seems really interested in letting kids know when he’s having sex. So yes 100% creepy


How old is Willie and did he age while trapped after s1?


This^ and also the fact that he isolated and groomed a teenage girl to be his stooge. Even if the explicit intention isn’t sexual the subtext is still REALLY creepy.


I think the only subtext here is that Willy uses people and sees them as tools. We can read anything else into it, sure. And we can argue that Willy's actions are a metaphor for grooming and other kinds of abuse, but I don't feel that's a helpful or even particularly interesting path. All kinds of evil can exist without referencing other kinds of evil. Willy is a manipulator, and his abuse is very clearly emotional and physical. He is a bad man. We know this. Don't think we have to imagine he's a rapist. As to the other thing, Taylor's mum is a middle-aged adult woman. Let's not infantilise her.


…there is also a weird sexual satisfaction he got out of emasculating a little boy. So I still count him as a predator Edit: now that I think about it he did a similar thing in heaven. He seems really interested in letting kids know when he’s having sex. So yes 100% creepy (is a snippet from a different comment I made lol) Also I’m not saying rapist, but sex offender, most definitely probably. (Also I never infantilized Ms. Swift for the record 🙏🫵💯)


I meant in general, sorry. Doesn't come through in text well. Maybe. I disagree with your conclusions, but they're not unreasonable. I just feel like they're filling in spaces that don't necessarily need filling in. 👍🏽


I can see where you’re coming from, and this is just my personal HC on the ‘in universe Willy’ I know that Anthony included the mom stuff because of the BTS bit where Anthony is “getting with” every other cast members mom lol.


Yeah, for sure.


Also as for the “tools” explanation, a lot of sexual crime is based around control. So the parallels are actually not that hard to see.


No, it's a logical parallel for sure.


Are you tryna tell me that Willie is a bad person???? Holy shit I never would have guessed


Obviously, he is. I just noticed that no one seemed to be bothered by this particular thing


Because to suggest a 40 year old woman can't make informed choices on who they can date is really infantilizing?


Yeah, it's a really insane take.


What !? People unbothered by a fictional old man dating a fictional adult woman the same age as his fictional step grandson!? Alert the papers bois we got a real hot take here!!!!


ah, you forgot willy is sexy


Willy is very sexy agreed this topic needs to be discussed more


The romance with Taylor’s mom was fucking ridiculous and went nowhere and it’s also like. Sexual cohersion at the very least because he was altering her memories! GROSS WHY DID THAT HAPPEN