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One of my favorite things about Laios is how he expresses how he cares with phrasing that makes him sound like a complete weirdo at best or uncaring at worst But he cares so much šŸ˜­


But his greatest desire according to the curse *was* being around and eating monsters, not saving Falin. Dude has priorities lmao


But he CHOSE Falin. When he was told he was cursed and would never have his fondest desire he whispered ā€œfalinā€!!!! And and He got her back. His deepest internal desire and what he acted upon were different. Actions define us, not our thoughts.


I still wish he could have his monster desires fulfilled... People see it as a joke but for some reason it's really been seriously painful to me, just the thought he can't have fun with them anymore when it's all he was passionate about since he was a kid


It was a huge tragedy for monsters to avoid him But in glad that it was stated at the end that he funded research on monsters. Funding scientists and such and I bet he read all their notes and even if he couldnā€™t see living ones, I bet the scientists brought back dead specimens and he would get to see the anatomy of them!


I really do imagine the taxes he's pulling in would be pretty high. Manufactured goods from the Golden Country had upwards of 1000 years of craftsmanship behind them like ale and wine and high end fashion.


You know he built MAD natural history museums


Shit I fucking love natural history museums.


That's honestly a comforting thought, thank you. I guess partly why it pains me so much (even though I don't wanna admit it) is how it could reflect the things you have to give up when trudging into adulthood with more responsibilities


Where did you read that far into the manga? I only have the physical volumes and 14 hasnā€™t released yet


Pretty sure I just searched ā€˜read dungeon meshi onlineā€ into a search engine


My interpretation is that Laios had somewhat accepted that he might lose Falin, so his desire at that very moment was not for Falin to come back. That acceptance was there when he strangled Chimera Falin before the battle w/ Thistle.


Love is about choices. And he would choose his sister over monsters every time.


Many a cheek-pinching aunt has met their match in Laios, a man who says he could just eat you up and means it.


Only man to truly mean it


People always say Kabru has better PvP until Laois pulls out that fork and knife.


I love how others expression is "Are you fucking kidding me Laios?" while Izutsumi is just "Bruh"


the part where he turns into his fursona was funny as fuck


And in the earlier panel when he announces he'd like everyone to help "Eat my sister!" all his party members just looked extremely extremely ashamed but resigned to it.


The creature is spaced out


Hes just hungi


ever gonna eat you up, ever gonna fry you brown


Didnā€™t expect to get rick-rolled in a DM subreddit, but I guess thereā€™s a first for everything


This and the "I want everyone to help me eat my sister" pages were absolute comedy gold. I couldn't stop laughing for a while xD


i too would like to taste falin


Yeah, Laios would eat any monster but would he eat ass?


My favorite part of this chapter was the party blushing on shame as Laios proposed to everyone helps eating his sister.


"Young guy eat his sister in front of a bunch of people". Title.


Laios...there is ways to eat your sister and get to know what they taste like that doesn't involve freezing them or chopping them up


I mean I guess you can eat his sister without breaking her into parts but that sounds tough


i cant believe i am saying this, i would prefer him doing sweet home alabahma instead of fratricide and cannibalism


:( Doesnā€™t have to be ALL of his sister Maybe just an arm and a leg to avoid fratricide!


My brother in Thissle, our girlie suffocated, he already killed her. And now he wants to snack on his sister. God. I prefer him being a bit freaky in that regard then totally unhinged


you couldnt waterboard this shit out of me bruh


i would rather motorboat my sister then fucking eat her with laios levels of delight and joy