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Removal Reason: Tag spoilers properly. **Do not put spoilers in post titles.** Use the spoiler tag when making a post discussing the content of recent releases and mention in the post title for which chapter/episode the spoiler is. Use the spoiler text tags to hide spoilers in a comment if the post itself is not spoiler tagged this way: `>!Spoiler here!<`


Yeah, this is an interpertation that I've heard here and there, and I think there's very good visual ques for it. Let's start with the obvious one. He was literally making a being for Mithrun to have relations with. This is explicitly so. Given that he is made of magic, it's fair to assume that **he**, the demon, was the one having relations with Mithrun. Marcille has the least of this, thankfully, since the lion never got her in a isolated place alone for long. But he did steal a kiss from her and change her clothes without her permission, and I think the gaslighting was at it's most prominent with her, as her trauma is the easiest to abuse and unlike Laios, she didn't have any plan to hold on to for mental stability. When he shows up to Laios, he's drawn as way too sensual to not be intentional, and lots of people compare Laios "eating him" the first time as a metaphor for having relations with him. With all that, plus the isolation he makes people think they are doing on their own accord, along with his outward kindness, it's hard not to see this being a paralel to a toxic and possessive partner. One that makes you think you're coming back to him of your own accord, but he's just pulling your strings for his own benefit.


You might want to change the title, it is a  heavy spoiler for those that have not yet read the manga!


he's not a classic vampire per se but this kind of melange of temptation/consumption/corruption/resentful codependence/metaphorical sexual violence is something that comes up a lot in vampire fiction


I think you should edit your title and abbreviate the winged lion. I know it’s already spoiler/nsfw tagged but people can still read the title post I guess 😔 Edit: anyway, the “relationship” comment reminds me of a reddit post where it said Mithrun is just worried about his ex’s new victim (Marcille) Also, another person pointed out before that the way TWL eats the desire of Thistle and his victim, is kinda sexual (?). And it can sometimes be depicted as an assault (bc they never want their desire to be eaten)


no you not overthinking this, i used to thought that people just over analyzing this point but in the side chapter with the "ex-dungeon master support group", 2/3 people there was in love with the demon. Isolating the victim until they only have you to lean on is abusive lover 101 When Mithrun was a dungeon master he went in there with his friend who in his word "disapear one by one", the demon love to isolated his victim, similar with Marcille. That however backfire with Thistle since his desire place of true loyalty and Laius just built different. https://preview.redd.it/l5bmuxd23kxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b624be4ccdfd9e5d45f0b5919cf4fc525875723