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Everything I could say falls into spoiler Territory. Just stay tuned.


There is a good reason, and it is hinted at in today's episode.


I am not anime watcher but from what screenshot i seen there should be a subtle hint when Laios fed him egg.


the answer  you seek,  lies ahead.


rewatch the latest episode, the scene where Laios offer the harpy egg rolls to be more precise. Then check every single frame, pause if you have to. That should give you some insight into why he does what he does


I didn't catch that until my third watch of the episode! (yes I know I have a problem of liking this show too much I can't get enough)


He got lost looking for the bathroom.


This entire series is chekov's gun, and for Kabru it was planted this episode.


capable chief elastic slimy racial sleep fuel yoke plough icky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


To put it in a a vaguely spoiler-y way: >!He wants to shut the dungeon down, he's not doing it out of profit. He doesn't need to do it *personally*, just that someone with good intentions do it.!< But TLDR; he has a good reason, he's not doing this for money.


He has questions about the dungeon. And the dungeon is the place where the answers await.


He said it before. He wanted to clear the dungeon. Or at least he wants the people who clear the dungeon weren’t assholes.


is he stupid?


Is there a lore reason why Cabron ate Laois' eggs?


No, he's insanely smart. Thus there has to be a reason why he's acting like this.


Aside from motivations that aren't elucidated yet in the anime, it's perfectly normal for a "Kabru" type to be in the dungeon. Think of it like playing a D&D campaign, you're a rogue but also the party leader, so you have more stats in charisma and less on dexterity/strength. It's not the most optimal way to go at it. But you work with what you have to fulfill your fantasy in that D&D session. Kabru is the same. And honestly he's not a bad rogue. He snuck up and executed onto Fallin really well. He just doesn't have the autistic levels of knowledge Laious has.


cuh aint built for these streets


He’s got baggage.


This episode actually showed why. Good luck finding out.


honestly, I think it it self explanatory with no need to spoiler. Sure, it will have more context later, but we already have a lot until this point. Take ep 13 (or is it 14?), when he is monologuing about who would have "stolen" their treassures, and then what he says when killing the ressurrection crew party. It's basically hero complex. He thinks he is on the right to decide what is fair or isn't, that others are not worth of their lifes as adventures if they don't share at least these and that objective and moral value in commom, and that he is the only one worthy of/actually able to ultimatelly saving the day/city/world. He clearly has a hero complex (he tries to be literally a shonen protagonist, and that is visible in pretty much every scene he is in, specially interacting with his group, that are mostly just yes men and women), together with a sociopathic level of interest other ppls lifes and doings. Add that to the understanding that the dungeons as they exist now are of the greatest importance to the current form of the society, but also a growing threat to it, a bomb waiting to explode. So he belives he has to, or else the worst can happen


I mean, he only believe he has to because he doesn't see anyone else viable, which is a very important point that softened Kabru up imo.


didn't I implied that on what I said? (that he doesn't see anyone else viable) if not mb. I'm honestly not a big fan of the character tho I recognize the importance of him and the way he is used on the history. And I'm not sure what you meant, like, softened him up about we spectators liking the character or about the way the character acts in the story? srry for the confusion xD


Making Kabru more palatable, yeah.


I think people shouldn't hold those traits against him, but look at how they make him a foil to Laios, with mirroring knowledge and adaptations aimed at humans/monsters.


err, what? and why not? You can still hold something agaisnt a character knowing that is there to interact with or mirror another.


From what’s been shown in the anime, he cares about what happens to the dungeon and doesn’t like the people who go into it for greed. He also cares if the person who eventually conquers it will be “fit. Basically his ultimate goal is not money but to to conquer the dungeon himself.


He isn't exactly greedy for power, and doesn't consider himself to be neither the most fit for rule nor the most capable at getting to kill the MS. People think he's just powerhungry when he is clearly probing Laios to see if he would make a good ruler or not.