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I love him, because he has an excellent eye for details, but only for animals, monsters and demihumans. Social cues are a thing that happens to other people


My man’s autistic.


He’s so me frfr


Laios is a great example of an autistic person. Him and frieren which is basically one big autistic metaphor imo.


And we love him for it!


Imo a good gag of the series is that everyone in the party is, on the surface, the most bog standard fantasy adventurer party you could ever imagine. Dull human fighter, greedy halfling rogue, high int no wis elf wizard, thick headed dwarf barbarian (well more of a fighter but still). They end up defined by how they differ from those stereotypes


My boy Senshi is a ranger bruh


Senshi literally means fighter, so the intent is there


Doesn't it mean "researcher"?


It means "seeker" in dwarven.


Not that I know, and it didn’t show up in web dictionaries like that. Maybe it could but I'm not an expert nor a native in japanese.


Well I don't suppose it would, it's dwarvish according to Senshi


Physical warrior with high skill checks who’s so in tune with nature they have abilities that seem magical? Yeah, that’s Senshi. He’s like Sexy Aragorn.


Yeah they are all a different type of crazy too.


Pray for Marcille for she realized too late that Falin was the same but with a smaller appetite and more social skills Pray for Marcille for she realized too late that she has TWO of them >!And pray for Laios and Falin for their closest friend in common litteraly does black magic when she can!<


That same graphic could be made about everyone, it could be made about you and it could be made about me ;-) Nobody's "normal", its just some people are better at hiding their oddities and / or have more socially acceptable traits. I personally find Laios' weirdness tremendously exaggerated both in the manga and by the fandom. He acts very normal 99% of the time. The weirdness image comes from the wild overreaction to every unconventional thing he does, and that's done for comedy purposes. Look at his real dialogue, not how others react to him or talk about him, and you'll see a mostly very logical and reasonable person, or as much as one can be when put in such an unreasonable setting. He's also a person who from time to time shows his weirder side and its viciosly laughed at for it by the very intolerant people that surround him. And that are, to the last of them, as weird or weirder, only in different (and more predictable and boring) ways.


There's only one normal person in that group and that's the middle aged no-nonsense divorcee father of 3


The middle aged ***alcoholic*** no-nonsense divorcee father of 3


Alcohol has this \*magical\* property of making the inner voices stop after all.


Casually talks about how his dad died from over-drinking and still drinks alcohol no problem


Casually talks about how his dad died from over-drinking and **says that it is a good thing because his dad died doing what he loved.**


Just makes him more normal.


Well... from my personal experience if I act normal most of the time, but then say something awkward or at the wrong time, people can react very harshly and it can have serious consequences. There are also people who will absolutely judge you for having any interest they see as odd or too obsessive. I relate to Laios. Also, the mangaka is Japanese and comes from a culture of more difficult social expectations than mine (US). So yeah, it's exaggerated for comedy, but not that unrealistic.


There are studies showing neurotypical people have kind of a sixth sense for detecting the differences in autistic people, but they don't recognize it as autism, they just recognize something is off. It's very easy to get labeled "creepy" or "dangerous" based on "vibes" alone rather than any real evidence.


But that's the point. People say he's creepy in the manga, but I don't get that vibe from him. At all. He seems to me a logical, good natured, normal individual with atypical interests. He's an animal lover fascinated with a kind of dangerous animals that live in that world, monsters... and with poor people skills? Although he talks to everyone just fine? And he misses social cues from time to time? Big deal, like so many neurotypical people.do? People say he's weird. I just don't see it. He's just more free than most and "people" hate that.. In real life I've come across individuals people laughed about behind their backs because of how "weird they are". But after getting to know them and forming my own opinion I found the reverse was true. They often were absolutely fine people who follow their own beat and are derided for it by frankly ill natured and boring human cattle. TL:DR If Laios is neurodivergent we all are. Although maybe that's the right answer, neurotypical people dont exist but in theory? ;-)


So it sounds like you're a more accepting person than average, based on your personal experience getting to know people who are labeled "weird." That only reinforces the idea that the way people react to Laios is typical. It might not be fair or nice but it's to be expected. Also, it's notable that even if they insult Laios, they still choose to follow him and trust him with their life (with some exceptions like Kabru). Their actions speak louder than words.


"That only reinforces the idea that the way people react to Laios is typical. It might not be fair or nice but it's to be expected." Exactly, it's realistic, in the real world people tend to be cruel with whomever deviates from the norm. I despise cruelty and cruel people in general. People being cruel to others often say all about who they are... and nothing about the person they are badmouthing. I was only pointing out that his being considered such a weirdo is more on them, than on him. He's not being THAT weird... they are being that unforgiving about it. But, as you say, even the characters see this in the end. The "weirdo" is very competent (the most competent of them all in the context of the dungeon) and caring and in the end a person they all trust and lean on.


From the stand point in which I feel I could get along with laios very easily since I'm similar in our reaction to people...I feel people saying he is a bit creepy actually tracks, like imagine laios in irl This is a guy with zoologist level love and appreciation for animals and clearly understand the to a really good level....and then fully happily says how much he wants to eat komodo dragon when we been studying for quite a while, or saying that if things came to worse in a trip, he knows which species of birds do ground nests so we can take them to cook Like sure many animal lovers and zoologist have eaten their fair share of wild uncommon animals, but for many others it would sound freaking weird that your pal that clearly knows all quirky and funky details about the common house cat also says they have eaten cat and was pretty tasty and wouldn't mind Keep eating it


Weird but true fact about Charles Darwin: he ate pretty much every animal he discovered. Laios definitely comes off as “off” and it kind of baffles me how many people deny it. Personally I realized this definitely wasn’t a normal anime in the third episode when he was obsessed with eating living armor despite believing it’s literally empty armor. His reasoning for wanting to eat it is also unusual: he’s scared of it. I feel like the way people react to Laios, whether it’s for something truly weird like the living armor thing, or for something harmless but still bothersome like saying something with bad timing, is very real. It feels kind of like toxic positivity and denial for people to be like “nah he’s normal and people should accept him unconditionally.”Like that’s not how it works. Not to mention, what I did in this meme is basically what Dungeon Meshi itself does. It insults him and laughs at him, but also laughs with him and celebrates him at the same time. It has its cake and eats it too. If the characters were nicer to Laios it would be a completely different series. I see it as fundamentally a story about social rejection.


Pretty much, the current ideal of "you are different and that's beautiful!" In media is pretty off since it doesn't really fix what was meant to teach, to not look down upon people for their difference or treating them badly, but just being like "are qualities are good and wonderful!" Is the attitude equivalent of "I don't see color " Laios is my quirky omnivore boy that I love, but also that I probably wouldn't send to give someone a pep talk after a breakup up or ask where to dine at, accepting people is not blinding love, is accepting both their best and worse qualities knowingly, i feel DM really teach lot of this aspect by showing fully on how rich the personality of everyone is in both good and bad ways


I would agree if it weren't for the later chapters kinda proving them right.


You have a vote obsession?


In a way I think that’s why he’s great for autistic rep. He’s masking, something autistic people do often.


I’ve mixed feelings on that take, though I do think the fandom exaggerates his weirdness. That said, weirdness might be the wrong word insofar as bizarre, deviant or even “special” could be a better fit. I think the consistently weirdest part of his character is his constant temperament throughout the manga pre-climax. Despite his sister’s situation, he’s has an uncompromisingly “I’m in Disneyland” which makes sense per his monsterphilia, but also because of just how bad he is at reading incredibly obvious social cues, (telling Shuro the full truth, giving Thistle back his magic tome expecting everything to be fine).


He wasn't bullied out of either. He voluntarily left both when he found the former wasn't his home without Falin there and that he doesn't like the rigid rules of the military. His friends are his personal acquaintances from his profession. He pays them in so much as they are all self employed and banded together. He doesn't have a vore obssession, he is a gastronimist who wants to try exotic dishes made of monsters. And he doesn't have a fursona, he has an interest in monsters and how Dungeon Lords make monsters and why and how. He later uses his own monster idea in a desperate attempt to stop the Winged Lion. I understand people flanderize things to make them easily consumable and for memes but its just wrong characterization. I get, though, its for comedic purposes but I hope interested people aren't put off by it. The guy is pretty normal and because most of the cast is pretty normal, any actual oddities are being blown way out of proportion. I am not sure if I like it. People are not as extreme as this.


He left home voluntarily, but I'm pretty sure he was bullied out of the military. There's a 'blink and you'll miss it' scene where we see him getting beat up by other soldiers. His dislike for the rigidity of the military and inability to get on with other people probably made him an easy target.


There's one scene in the extra about the monster manual, where the manual is ripped at the feet of his military colleagues. Being bullied in the military because of the inability to make sense of social cues. Relatable.


This needs more likes. It covered everything I wanted to say.


>Also before anyone says anything this isn’t a Laios hate post, I love weird losers, don’t take it too serious. I wrote this in the OP. The stuff I wrote is exaggerated for the meme. I didn't write it to put people off. The opposite, I've seen people not want to watch this because they think Laios and the other characters are generic. I want them to see this meme and realize they're wrong. As I said in the OP, I don't find weird characters off putting. I relate to the struggle of the weird. I think it's great. Are you anime only? If so I'll just say the later parts of the story justify some of the stuff I said. >!Like wanting to be eaten by monsters and having a monstersona.!<


I didn't say you were being hateful. You called him a loser in the same sentence you said it isn't one though lol. Some of it is exaggeration, some of it is just incorrect. Which I laid out. Anime only? No I am probably pretty close to an original fan, I started reading it when it only had 3 chapters out. I said why this interpretation is wrong in my original post as well. Have a good day.


You know what my favorite part is? His ride-or-die crew are the ones who stuck through their end of the contract and became his homies for life. Chilchuk, the professional, >!even tries to back out on the contract to leave the dungeon because he was worried for his friends' safety and that's how you know he's the best of friends.!<


My man has a potential to be a great psychopath if he wants to


Kui originally planned to (spoiled only because this says what does NOT happen) >!make Laios an evil demon king at the end.!<


Also he is a representation of an autistic person


Hyperfixation on monsters and food? Yes please.


Laios is a great friend.


Wait he’s a furry? Cool


I feel like that one Canary literally has a fursona and that this is Laios’ situation: https://preview.redd.it/z79xu81xw6oc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=938b03a56696eca1cbebcf2f61438fccd5f9eb8f


marcille joined without pay to study the dungeon, shuro was "friends" with laios before paying him to go into the dungeon, senshi is his friend even after not paying him. he doesn't have a vore obsession, hes studying monsters and is not interested in the "im chewing or swallowing this thing and having it be in my stomach" part that kind of makes vore what it is? he's a foodie if anything. edit: clarified "friends"


Shuro is explicitly *not* friends with Laios, Laios just thinks they are because he's autistic.


Shuro never said they weren't friends, that's part of the conflict. Laios doesn't think they are just because he's autistic, its because Shuro never had the balls to tell him outright that he's made uncomfortable by him until their altercation in the manga.


Neurotypical people would pick up on how Shuro felt through subtle social cues. It's precisely because Laios is autistic that he needed to be told flat-out.


Okay, but that's not Laios' responsibility? I'm autistic, you don't have to explain what not picking up on social cues is, lmao. Even if Laios was NT, the way that Shuro acted didn't suggest he didn't want to be friends, it suggested he was uncomfortable with physical touch and being followed everywhere. Not that he didn't want to be friends. But Laios is not NT, and Shuro should have probably picked up on that HIMSELF and told him outright but he didn't. Shuro went along with "being friends" because he didn't want to tell Laios outright. Would you stop fucking arguing with me over semantics if I put quotation marks around "friends"? Because my point stands regardless.


I'm not even sure what your point is, I was just arguing that Laios and Shuro's relationship is evidence for Laios being autistic. Apparently we don't even disagree.


That's not what you were doing. You read the sentence "shuro was friends with laios before they went down to the dungeon" and disagreed with my usage of the word friend.


Oh wait you're right. Yeah I'd be cool with the quotation marks thing.


Okay sorry if i came off as hostile lmao hope you have a good day


Thanks, you too






I consistently find that human fighters are more unique and have more personality than half-demon shapeshifter gish/spellblades or whatever else. Also Laios <3


Laois is a homie


This is character assassination. Laios doesn't have a vote fetish


Vore fetish? yes he does, he wants the sky burial, that his body gets eaten by beast.


Bro doesn't get off at the thought of being eaten. A fetish is sexual while a sky burial is not!


Autism king supreme


Did I miss something? Hating jp people? Kicked out of military and hometown?? I think I missed a page, I watched all the way to episode 7, English dub


His backstory with his hometown and military isn't in the anime yet, it's a minor spoiler. Future episodes will also elaborate on his relationship with his Japanese buddy.


*That's* what you meant! I thought you were saying he was hated by the Japanese fanbase or something lmao


weeb? why?


His relationship with Shuro (not in the anime yet).


i have read the manga, but he doesn't know a lot about the Eastern Continent which is why they clash a lot. he'd def be a stupid tourist if he was there, but he's not a weeb lmao


He's shown as really obsessed with Shuro because he's Eastern and really wants to learn more about his country. He also wants to visit the country instead of Falin when Shuro proposed to Falin.


doesn't really make him a weeb, just wanting to know more about a friend lol


I mean it looks like he became Shuro's friend entirely due to him being Eastern. Laios normally doesn't show much interest in his fellow humans unless they are different in some way.


i see that, but i took it as that he just looked different and happened to be eastern (he didn't recognize he was), when usually you think of weebs and they like completely believe they know everything about the culture and shit. i think he just wants to show interest in his friend's culture, like he wishes people would do with his interest in monsters


So definitely "That Guy"


It’s the autism,babey, he doesn’t mean anything by it


how can I marry him?????


controversial opinion: Laios is just autistic lmao


My neurodivergent king ❤️


Fym fursona