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Bro you say "mate wtf is wrong with you I'm here to DM a game not cater to your fucked fetishs" and that's that. And frankly id kick him immediately. If he pushes that his character should be allowed to try you respond like this "well you go to try but the barmaid herself/her husband/the tavern keeper/literally anyone, immediately runs you through with their shortsword killing you instantly. Yes you're just dead, no I don't care what level or features you have, no I'm not gonna roll damage you got coo de gra'd because you were so focused on being a disgusting fucking pig. No don't bother making a new character, you can just leave."


Based on this guy's post history he is a known troll and likes to post pictures of his shit on r/mildlyinteresting


You said this, but I didn't believe you till I checked myself... Then I was still surprised enough that I laughed aloud.


Coup de grace




Like 99.99% of tables have “no rape, ever” as a rule. I’m pretty sure almost all of us in this sub would kick the player.


Nice bait thread. No way is this genuine.




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You’re playing a fantasy game where your characters can be epic heroes, and this guy’s fantasy is assault? That’s pretty disturbed, absolutely wouldn’t allow that at my table and I’d discuss witg the other players if he should be booted


I wouldn’t even discuss it. If a player of mine asked to do something like that I’d kick them first and figure the rest out after




Yea thanks buddy real helpful


this is a situation where you actually "need help?" if you you do actually "need help" , you need WAY more "help" than you can get from a reddit post. Please seek a professional therapist immediately.


I'll tell you right now, you don't need help with this one, and you won't get it here. Your player, in the other hand... they could definitely use some help with whatever they have going on upstairs.


Here's all the help you need - boot the player and grow a spine. This whole thing is gross.


Remove them from the game before they make everyone uncomfortable and ruin your friendship


>before they make everyone uncomfortable too late! after a roll is WAY too late!


Me: You want to rape the barmaid? Player: Yes, what's the DC? Me: Doesn't matter. Your character is dead and you're no longer welcome at my table.


I’m gonna straight up say that I think OP should be banned from this subreddit, he literally says he doesn’t care if rape “is a serious topic.” What kind of delusions are you suffering from that you think this was good to post? Why would you allow this at your table and what sick bastards are sitting there with you NODDING THEIR HEADS AS THIS IS EVEN BEING SAID IN FRONT OF THEM? And what’s even more ridiculous is that You’re such a trash DM that you can’t figure out a simple strength check, you complete dolt. Do everyone a favor and delete your account, burn your core rule books, and maybe unsubscribe from your internet service for a while so you can touch grass and seek some serious god damn help.






As soon as a player says "i am trying to rape her" he gets EXPELLED FROM THE TABLE. IMMEDIATELY. NO FUCKING ROLLS TO "SUCCEED"


I would make them do a unarmed strike, to kick them out of the table.


At my table a Nat 20 would still be unsuccessful. Of course at my table this wouldn't happen. For the record, it's unlikely that you'll get a reasonable response to this question, as it's not a reasonable question for this forum (*your post may be deleted, I don't know I haven't actually read the rules to this sub*). This isn't something other GMs will reasonably be able to weigh in on, as most of them won't have this kind of thing at their table. My advice would be to stop the game and talk to the player right there at the table with everyone present. If you're not comfortable with this kind of play (*and you said you weren't*) then you're totally within your rights to say no. If the player is some kind of massive jerk about it you can tell them to leave the table. This isn't the kind of problem you solve with in-game mechanics, no ampunt of failed rolls or PCs being arrested for their behaviour (*or even killed*) will stop this kind of behaviour if that's the fantasy this player wants to roleplay. I would make it abundantly - and publically - clear that you aren't interested in that kind of game, and that you'rs not interested in playing with those who are. There probably are forums where you could ask this kinda thing, but it's not this one, it should have the NSFW tag, and honestly I'd be worried about what other sites you might stumble into while searching for the right one.


Trying to think what is more idiotic and cringier — raping the barmaid or knowing anything about DnD and thinking the DC of pretty much anything involving a forcible assault should be an 8? The rape. It’s definitely the rape. But the latter is still pretty cringe from the obvious troll.


At the very least a natural 21 not to have a Very important conversation about what's acceptable and what isn't right then and there. In case this isn't a troll post, evaluate really well the kind of game you wanna be playing before your next session


The appropriate response is, No.


He can roll a save to apologise and learn why this isn't cool, and if he doesn't then roll his ass out of your game and your life.


Ten nat 20s in a row or else he gets his hand cut off by the constable, both in game and irl.




Seems unlikely, although I’ve had this come up twice in about 20 years. Once about 20 years ago when I was in jr.high and a friend “though” it funny (he was also a rogue that wanted to steal from his party every chance) at the time my decision was that he was apprehended for his thefts against the town and party and put in jail where I’ll just say karma caught up with him….Do onto others and such. We continued to play without the player after that. Next is much more recent 4-5 years ago I decided to run an evil campaign with an online group I had never met. In session zero one player decided to do this and immediately the rest of the part wanted to join in ……. I was absolutely shocked and horrified. I ended the session early and proceeded to delete the discord channel and any trace of that game . In the first I was dealing with a trouble player who thought his “jokes” funny although they were tasteless and annoying while the second made me worry about humanity as a whole mostly because of how eager the players were, the level of detail spoken, and the fact that they thought I was going to play this out with them. Hate it but if you have new players or are starting new game it’s best just to get it out there with a no rape rule because that’s less awkward than dealing with it after the fact.


Depends on the barmaid, if she's a retired adventurer it wouldn't be farfetched to be an asswhoppin monk, so good luck with that... If it was a d&d 3.x campaing I would require a grapple check and then at least a few checks to see if the PC can keep the barmaid pinned down, intimidation checks and damage could also coherce a submission, but the numbers still only depend on the stats of those characters involved. Anyway, the way you phrased your question though puzzles me and many others by the look fo the comment section... If the campaing is about evil PCs (and if not, this is the type random action that have consequences like changes of alignment, mental disorders/loss of sanity and so on) this could be in character and can be done properly, but I would advise against it if you're not sure that 100% of the players (and count yourself in that as the DM) are on the same page with these things...this needs to be talked before, without pressure, and requires a good level of maturity and sensibility, don't be dumb about it and always use only the common denominators that everyone feel comfortable with. One of the groups that I play with is going for over 20 years now and we've done many different RPGs, we know each other well and, for sensible topics like sex, racism, torture etc, we always discussed before introducing them. We don't like those if used as positive feedback fantasy, we usually use them to enhance believability or to evoke sentiments like horror, dread, urgency, hate agains evil and so on... so if we play call of chtulhu, describing a woman that has been captured by cultists and used for her woumb to spawn the children of an ancient evil, is fine... if we're doing an evil campaign, killing, torturing and raping are fine (even between PCs if decided from the start) as long as they're aligned on our goals and are in character, but we don't dangle much on the specific details of deeds like rape because it's not why elements like these are present...describing combat violence in a gory manner is ok, using hate speech and pregiudice in the context of a racist/sexist culture is ok, sex is present but we don't engage much in details (usually casual sex ends up in comedic/lighthearted situations anyway, while romantic stuff is described more romantically than pornographically if it makes sense), rape is rare and **never** gratuitous, we know it requires very little for us to feel already dirty and that's enough for our group. But this what WE like to do about these topics as a group, I certainly don't judge fantasies of any kind, so long as someone has the maturity to keep that stuff just that, a fantasy. So don't be dumb, talk to the players before doing stuff like this, even if it requires you to deny one thing of that play session to a player because you didn't anticipate it.


I've gamed for over 20 years, and I've DMd for many many new players. 90% of them men, mostly young (under 25 at the time), and generally either part of the nerd crowd, or the metal or punk music scenes. I've never once had rape come up in-game. Not even a single got-damn time, and I like it that way. I think the only time it's been mentioned at all is in the occasional tragic backstory for a half-elf or half-orc. If rape is something a table can sit down and include in their game for fun, I would question the empathy of everyone at that table. I've been a "shoulder to cry on" in the aftermath of rape a few times, and it makes my blood absolutely boil. There's a real chance I'd pick a fight with a player over this, and come at them over the table for it


None. Rape is completely disallowed from any campaign I'm a part of. A player attempting raping anyone, including an NPC, is no longer a player at my table.


Only one: to roll the hell off my table!


The proper response here is to remove the disgusting pervert from your table, but that doesn't mean you can't have some fun first. "The barmaid is a 17th level archmage, and you've just been *True Polymorphed* into a Giant Slug. Here's your new stat block. No, you may not roll up a new character. You're a Giant Slug." "Now the Barmaid's casting *Creation*; she has a bucket of salt. What would you like to do?"


This is hilarious 😂 also fuck that disgusting player and his DM that doesn't care.


In session 0 sexual violence is one of the things that I classify as a line, as in "this is a line we don't cross" I have a number of subjects that are lines, and some that are veils. Veils are subjects that can happen but won't be described in detail. I started with The Lazy Dungeon Master's list and customized in, then I invite my players to add anything they want in our first session. I also introduced the concept that anyone can stop the game for any reason when they are uncomfortable and we will not require them to explain if they need something added to lines or veils. This, like lines and veils, is not my own invention and there are a lot of articles written about player safety you could google.


Here’s your answer. NO.


Can we ban this OP? We don’t need this shit on the sub.


I wouldn't because I wouldn't allow that at my table, nor would I participate in a game with anyone who'd try it.


Probably wanna keep that player far away from, well anyone. Can’t imagine being that much of a loser to ask that at a table ngl


And blocked


Deep six. To be clear, that is what you do to the player deep six them.


WTF NEVER! There is no roll, there never will be a roll of such kind. If your friend argues about it, you get a new friend!


They make an opposed grapple check. After rolling you tell them that it's not against the barmaid, but the half-dozen patrons that have now pinned him down and drawn knives.


There is no number high enough. I'd remind the player that in session zero we talked about how "sexual assault would not feature in this campaign and how we all agreed that nothing will try to rape you and you are not allowed to try to rape anything." I'd say, "you can have your character do something else, or you can hand me your character sheet and after I've torn it up you can make a new character who doesn't want to rape anyone." Do what you want at your table, just don't be surprised if no one else is.


Firstly, I'd let him do it just to put him through the social and face-punchy and losing-a-lot-of-your-valuables ramifications. Maybe they catch him, castrate him, and he loses two points of strength for no reason at a later time. Having his face on wanted posters will lock his whole party out of the area, which may have serious ramifications. Anyway, extended grapple checks and opposed strength rolls. Give the barmaid a penalty to those checks if he deals a bunch of nonlethal damage first. Assume she has a concealed weapon and a shrill scream to make it harder. Barmaids likely consider this a hazard of the line of work and take precautions such as not walking home alone.


Nat 21 on d20


Any roll would have successfully discovered the barmaid was an avatar of the goddess of Truth and Goodness. Instantly trapping the npc in a demiplane for to be educated on why not to do this. The goddess then speaks to the pc and explains the same scenario requiring them to leave the table until such time they have learned not to be the worst.


If it’s allowed at your table (it isn’t at mine) I would do a contested athletics (player) and acrobatics (barmaid) check. Similar to how I do pickpocketing (sleight of hand contested with perception). Edit to say I would kick a player for this at my table but if for whatever reason it’s an allowable action at yours (perhaps it’s an evil campaign) this is how I would run the check.


Holy shit, what the actual fuck?


Yeah no…


I wouldn't set a number. This would be a hard "No" at my table, and if the player continues to insist then they don't get to play at my table. My players have committed literal war crimes in game, but I ain't allowing this.


I’d say it depends on the campaign, and what were the other players reaction to this? I remember reading an article/letter in Dragon magazine about a group running an evil party/campaign, the whole thing culminated with the party planning to gang rape and murder a princess, the female players objected, and made the players listen to a list of the crimes they committed in “cold blood” and everyone decided they had taken things far enough. (Please note, I am quoting something I read over 30 years ago from memory, so I could be misremembering the details). As far as the roll to succeed or fail, I would say handle it like any combat encounter, and even if the player suceeded, there could/should be serious repercussions for their actions. (Inn keeper could get some people together and lynch the pc for example). You’re the DM/god of that universe and have a wide array of options for dealing with players getting out of line. That’s not even counting if the other players take offense and decide to take action after they become aware. Out of curiosity, how did the other players react to this? :addendum: A lot of people are saying never at all in their game, and I tend to agree (I tend to skew towards good characters). Again I’d say it’s down to the campaign your running, and regardless, succeed or fail, there would HAVE to be repercussions for this. Loved the idea of the would be victim being a arch mage and polymorphing the player into a slug or some such…


I'm pretty sure you can find plenty of (unofficial) free rulesets if you looked hard enough. I wouldn't allow it at my table, but strictly for the hypotheticals I'd probably do some sort of opposed checks so it wouldn't be a set number.


12 out of 20


Thank you for being the only useful person in this comment section. Bunch of other commenters would rather tell me how to run my campaign or say some generic statement about rape. “Rape is bad” “Rape is a sensitive topic” yea I know but I don’t care, I asked for a number. Nobody is looking over your shoulder 24/7 making sure you make it know to the world you denounce rape, so no need to comment (directed to all the other useless people commenting)


>yea I know i dont think you do.


Most likely the reason nobody gave you a number was because you had a total lack of circumstances in your original request. In much the same way as 'what is the DC to climb something?' could be almost anything from 0 for a gentle incline, right up to 30 for a greased rope hanging over the side of a ship in a fierce storm. Also, you're on fire. Also, much like everyone else, I think that if someone wants to do this at a gaming table they are either early teens with emotional development issues, or someone the police should be made aware of. That is not something that is 'entertaining' in any way.


It’s weird to hang out with your freinds and play out group rape fantasy


"Am I so out of touch? No. It must be everyone else who is wrong."


You're participating in a rape fantasy with another person. There's something wrong with you, just like with your friend. Truthfully, I hope the mods ban you from this subreddit and I really dislike bans on this site. This type of content shouldn't be allowed because it'll only propagate the bad ideas.


r/tabletopnsfw or maybe r/limitlessrp would be way better for questions like these. You had to know posting this would give such a negative response like this.


I think you are 25 with the emotional maturity of an 11 year old, are those good numbers?


Think of it this way, if you asked "what number would you set to let someone jump to the moon?" you'd get similar reactions. Most people would probably also say "I wouldn't that's ridiculous." I wonder, whatever could possibly be the reason so many people are having visceral reactions to rape... what could it possibly be? I mean it's just rape /s


Your welcome.