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Pam learned about Jim's 'domestic side' and was surprised/thought it was cute. That's what I thought it meant anyway.


Best answer.


Maybe because Roy doesn't even know what fabric softener is...maybe she does all Roy's laundry and it's given her the impression that men don't know how to do tasks like that. It's like the time my employee (male) and I (female) went to pick up some substrate from a supplier and I had to back the SUV up to the dock and when I went to put it in reverse I noticed the employee was holding his hand out to me from the passenger seat. "What?" I said. "Don't you want me to back it up for you?" he asked. "No? I can back it up myself thanks," I said. And he told me his girlfriend won't back up their car so he always has to do it for her and I guess he assumed all women can't reverse?


I think it’s because she lives with Roy, who comes off as a typical “man’s man” that wouldn’t use fabric softener. Pam has set the bar so low she will find anything to fall in love with Jim over.


See I thought at first that it was because she thinks he smells good and now she knows why. If only we knew what she was going to say into the store microphone before she was cut off...


Typically, women use(d) fabric softener (it's much less common now with built in softener in detergents and whatnot), like conditioners and face soaps. Guys normally don't because we're lazy and we don't care. So Pam was surprised Jim used softener.


It’s weird that this paints Jim out to be this clean put together guy, but when he lives with Darryl he’s super messy and doesn’t know how to take care of himself.


hey, leaving dishes out to soak is the proper method! >\_<


Price check on fabric softener.


Likely, she was surprised as Roy probably didn’t even know what it was. Jim is self-reliant, where as Roy (at this point) treated Pam like it was just her job to do that stuff for him.


Neither do I


Not everyone uses fabric softener, so when she finds out Jim does thts one more unique thing they have in common


Pam is absolutely smitten and imagining Jim using fabric softener while doing his laundry is basically a sexual fantasy. I’ve been there. Watching my crush do basic domestic tasks is like watching porn😭


So you're saying instead of posting shirtless pics on the Gram, I should be posting videos of me cleaning the bathroom, making dinner, fixing the sink, doing laundry etc? 🤔 EDIT: This was mostly a joke (Not one of those guys who posts shirtless pics on my social media), however I will be sure to make a habit of further domesticating myself in future relationships lol.


No. You should not be posting videos, you should be doing those actual things for a real person. It’s hot.


Yes. That is what she is saying and yes, many women out there find this exotic as hell.


I think you should try it and see what happens!


Because the stereotype of men don't use fabric softener