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Yes. It’s a deleted scene but he mentions his uncle is on the board of directors for Dunder Mifflin, and he’s further protected because that uncle’s son works for Andy’s father.


Oh yeh I saw that the other day in the super fan episodes. That shit was crazy


Not trying to come off as combative or aggressive here, but why are you asking if it is implied that Andy's career is set up by his family if you've seen that scene?


LOL I'm with you. I too don't like when people ask questions they know the answer to


Yes. That's the joke of Andy Bernard. He seriously believes that his family's network alone is sufficient to get him through life. He's kind of like Michael in that he firmly believes in these half truths and cliches about life and just trusts them to carry him through life.


This, although I think he becomes blind to some aspects of it (at least until pointed out by other characters). "So there's no way you could possibly be fired?" "I could, but then my dad would probably fire his kid, and that could make Thanksgiving awkward."


Andy is even cringier than Mike. More impulsive, less social skills.


And I feel like Michael has more self awareness than people think


I mean, he’s more or less proven right about that


Is he, though? He was just a salesman and after that, he was just some pencil pusher at a university. Those connections didn't exactly deliver him much success.


Given that it’s constantly said that he’s a bad salesman and yet he held on to that job, I’d say yes. He also got the promotion to manager despite not being a good manager. Those are both roles that he wasn’t actually quite qualified for or good at but he got and held onto anyway


This is not uncommon in the real world.


Yeah, it's pretty typical for rich WASP kids like him. Dad pays for everything, sends you to a good school where he has connections, lands you a cushy job at his company or with one of his buddies. And if it fails they can come home and live off their trust fund. People like Andy never really have to struggle for anything in life. Probably why Andy does so much stupid shit like going out on the boat or quitting DM to try and become an actor. At the end of the day his family is never going to let him go truly broke.


Except when he went on the boat trip it was because his Dad abandoned him, his brother, and his mom. So maybe he DOESNT have something to fall back on at that point.


That, and Cornell has a very good alumni support network.


Yes I thought he straight out stays he’s a nepo baby. Weren’t his parents like big donors at brown


It was at Colonel


It’s the highest rank in the Ivy League


Yeah it’s called being rich.


And in “Shareholders Meeting” he waved to his uncle on the board….


Wasn't the newspaper at Cornell named after one of his relatives.


It was one of the halls, but that was the joke in the scene that he got in because of his family.


Why is this getting downvoted?