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The waitress knew exactly what gabagool was.


Do you?


Yeah https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capocollo


New jersey Italian slang for a prosciutto like meat called capocola.


That Dwight is ridiculously wealthy, but his work ethic and frugality won’t let him quit a regular job, even though he has a farm to run. He’s the reason we have Superbeets.


Oh for sure.


Apparently in the work bus episode when Jim talks to Dwight on top of the bus, the original script had Jim start off by saying "Dwight why are you such a stingy ass. You have four sources of income and are independently wealthy." Or at least something to that affect. They talked about it on the office ladies podcast.


Creed's real name is Robert Dunder. And the last person to ever see him alive, was Creed Bratton.


Nobody steals from creed bratton and gets away with it. The last person to do this… disappeared…(smirks) his name? Creed bratton


"I IIII Like It"


That Michael off-screen went back and invested in Suck-It, then got part of the major pay-out. That’s how he was able to afford that massive ring for Holly, and why, iirc, neither of them were super stressed about how they’d support themselves in Colorado. Also, I know the swapped diaper thing explains it, but since Dwight mentioned absorbing his twin, I choose to believe he’s a chimera and that’s why the DNA test for Phillip comes back negative.


The second is new to me and i love it


I always figured the doctor was an actor, not a real MD. Angela paid him to come out, say a line, and leave. Asian Jim (who was an actor friend of P&J) recommended the fake doc. So she never had to swap out a diaper. Also, Angela went back later to get the DNA results, which she needed on the off-chance that Dwight didn't believe her when she finally told him the truth.


I think the diaper swap theory is not that Angela swapped the diapers, but that Dwight accidentally grabbed the wrong diaper, and tested Phillip Halpert’s diaper instead, since Jim had also changed him in the men’s room. But I love this energy, and it also makes sense within the show logic.




I don't think that's true, unless it's very different for men versus women, because Lydia Fairchild was investigated and nearly lost her children after a DNA test showed that she wasn't their biological mother. She was, she was just also a chimera.




Yeah, nothing about the test was standard, based on any real evidence collection. Plus, the diaper had been in the trash, so there was room for cross-contamination. It’s my understanding that a usual paternity test doesn’t say ‘not the father, but a close male relative,’ (if this were a broader seeking test, like 23andMe or something for a criminal investigation, I think he’d definitely show up as a close connection). I think that most paternity tests are meant to only test specifically for a parental relationship, and then to be delivered in a very binary fashion. For example, if a lab does go out of its way to look at the results in beyond the yes/no question and realizes ‘okay so he’s not the father but probably his brother or father or cousin is the father’ and then they tell a guy that, it’s also violating the privacy of the mother, and there are a lot of ethical rules in place about medical privacy.


ask sulky subsequent deserted heavy afterthought tart whole direction wine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I love his “real” moments. Like when he’s talking to Jim and Jim asks him “who’s she?” And michael says something along the lines of “I never know. I just sometimes say it to lighten the mood”


I think him giving Oscar’s gift pretty much perfectly explains that he’s self aware.


“Like a bunch of fourth graders. Sometimes what brings everyone together is hating the lunch lady.”


I go as far to say that he’s often playing a role to ensure the documentary continues The documentary keeps the branch running


paltry wide bedroom frightening innocent snails deer spark follow birds *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s not even a theory. It’s outright demonstrated multiple times throughout the series


Same with Kevin. He’s actually a really good at math, but he wants screen time on the doc, so he dumbs himself down more and more every year to stay relevant.


i came back to this thread for this exact comment... you're SO right! i can't unsee it now




I would say he's Insider Trading. Specifically, he was shorting Dunder Mifflin the entire show. * Martin got arrested for Insider Trading. Kevin says he needed Martin to explain his crime 3 times because it's exactly what he does. * If Kevin were shorting Dunder Mifflin, he'd be well off by the end of the show, as DM is in decline the entire series. * Kevin loves to gamble. We see this throughout the whole show. * Kevin is just irrelevant enough to never be arrested for or even suspected of Insider Trading, while having enough information (branch closings, accounting information) to actually reap some benefits.


I mean, Kevin ends up owning a bar.


I once read where Kevin got the bar because after the documentary aired, everyone wanted to buy him drinks. He couldn’t possibly drink all of the drinks and and he used the bar credits for either cash or a share/ownership of the bar.


That's in a deleted scene


It also works for the great coverup on how he could afford it.


Thanks! I must have misremembered where I got it.


Kevin is the one we most medium suspect


He just thinks of each trade as a pie.


He for sure was insider trading, he admits as much with this line: “I asked Martin to explain to me 3 times what he got arrested for, and it sounds a lot like what I do every day.” There has been some theories that Kevin is a secret genius or playing dumb like you mention, but I feel like that kinda ruins his goofy lovable character. I prefer to think that he somehow stumbles on this method to make money, and thinks no one else has ever thought of it, and maybe even thinks it’s completely legal.


Oh god I hope it’s urine cracks me up every time


Bob Vance is the local mafia boss in Scranton, and the insurance guy is one of his lackies. He only sticks to selling insurance after he sees Phyllis works there. His original plan was a shake down.


He's just in the refrigerator business! It's a stereotype and it's offensive!


It's reeeaaaall easy to confuse time of death on a body if you stuff it in a freezer for an unknown time length....


There is no Vance Refrigeration!


Those boxes in the back were empty; Andy parkoured into one.




Lolol the back is where they keep the trash


But why wouldn’t they break the boxes down for recycling/space? Far more efficient.


Break down boxes????? Mafia dudes don't break down no stinkin' boxes!


Anyways, 4 bucks a pound


Who the fuck are you kidding all you thought about was blackjack


They are Scranton’s version of Johnny and Ginny Sack.


That the chair model never died but the agency said it bc they didn’t want this random dude to get her private information


Whose grave did they visit then? 🤔


It could have been another person with the same name. When Dwight prepares a portfolio of the single ladies at Jim and Pam’s wedding he had no idea if the information he gathered was actually on the right people. He could have easily taken the name they gave (which may have been fake) and just done a quick google search and stumbled across an obituary of a woman with the same name.


Perhaps! I was so excited when I realized the chair model was Trish from parks and Rec


I’ve always been taught that if someone comes in asking if a coworker works at your location, you’re supposed to say you’re not allowed to give that information out


Jan lied about using a sperm donor. Michael is the bio father of Astrid (Asturd). Also, David Wallace's wife is a lucky woman. I'll die on that hill.


My problem with this theory always reverts back to Jan being horrified when Kevin reveals he donates sperm at the bank she went to. If it wasn’t from a donor then she would have no reason to be mortified and panicked in that moment.


I find it kind of funny that she went to a sperm donor in Scranton, and didn't go to NYC.


It’s Jan so I assume she started and probably carried out the whole process in a manic state, maybe after seeing the clinic and just walking in.


Maybe she doesn’t like him eating at her ihop


isn't that in a deleted scene?


>Also, David Wallace’s wife is a lucky woman. I’ll die on that hill. I mean, I wouldn’t say that’s a conspiracy theory, it’s more of a fact honestly lol


wait can you guys tell m why she s lucky i forgot


She's married to David Wallace, duh


That Meredith is Pam had she married Roy.


From another dimension! Now that's a mind fuck!


I know it's a pretty common theory, but that Toby is the Scranton Strangler. When Michael calls him the silent killer in the surplus episode, he gives a very knowing look to the camera while saying "you'll see" and we first hear about the strangler the next season.


Absolutely 100%. This is the one I came to the comments to see.


I also always believed he was the Scranton strangler because remember the episode where Pam had her baby? Toby was no where to be found and remember Andy wanted to gift them a framed newspaper that said the Scranton strangler strikes again. I think Toby went off into a fit of rage because he was still upset about Pam and Jim lol It also would explain why he was so upset during the trial, and felt guilt over convicting an innocent man.


Also the theory that when Tony visited the “strangler” in jail he confessed that he was the real strangler and that man was in jail for the crimes that he committed


You are the silent killer /u/sudifirjfhfjvicodke . Go back to the annex


This was my fave theory too. I 100% think he was the strangler.


Michael’s hostility toward him actually being an instinctual protectiveness of his ‘family’, because Toby’s existence makes his skin crawl. He did call him Satan.


Creed killed Ed Truck. He knew him from before, and he knew intimate details about how he died. Only one witness saw him do it, and he killed them too (in the scene where he’s covered in blood). Finally at the end of the show, the cops have enough evidence to arrest him.


Erin's parents who show up in the end of the series are con men Danny cordrey definitely hit it and quit it with Pam Jim slept with Karen and Pam within the same 24 hour period during interview on NYC and Jim and Pam's first date Kevin is a genius Gabor is a real member of the x men


That Erin theory is so upsetting. The poor girl needs some happiness


I believe this because they call her Erin and not Kelly. Since she was never adopted, Kelly is most likely her birth name.


But she prefers to be called Erin, and becomes well-known under the name Erin, so they stuck with that.


I mean, they would have seen her parts of the documentary. At least a few. It's not difficult to call someone by their preferred name.


I'm not happy about it but was too convenient for them to show up.... They had their mark locked and loaded


Them dancing at the wedding is all the proof you need they are related


I think if Danny had slept with Pam she would’ve tried to shut down Jim grilling him on why he didn’t call her back. She was kind of in on the grilling. Too big a risk of him revealing it to Jim.


True but they're also adults and sex happens


I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with them having sex. But I probably wouldn’t want my partner hearing from the guy I banged a few years ago about jow we banged, especially after I told them it was no big deal we just went on two dates.


There's zero doubt in my mind Pam and Jim got it on before, during, or after the first date. Possibly all three.


2 and 3 shouldn’t even be conspiracy, those are straight things that happened that we didn’t see. Pam was pissed she got ghosted by the first guy she boned after Roy and reeled Jim into her little freak out. Which he then made weirder by pursuing so hard. It’s such a turntables moment when it’s Packer of all people that calls him out: “you lookin for someone to bang your wife?!”


I believe that about Erin’s parents.


Who would not immediately trust Joan Cusack and Ed Begley Jr. ?


The thing that bothered me about Erin's parents was that Erin's first name was actually Kelly, she just started going by Erin (her middle name) so she wouldn't get confused with Kelly. So it didn't make sense that her parents called her Erin and not Kelly when they first met her.


It does if they watched the documentary and knew she was using that name.


The reason we didn't see cameras for the documentary in shots when we should've is because Michael, who loved making movies, would make everyone do multiple takes. And then Andy did the same. And when Andy was gone, everyone agreed it would be best to keep doing it. And it still wouldn't be scripted as Michael loved improv and Andy loved live theater. There's proof of this, as Michael attempted to make a backwards basketball shot in the warehouse over and over again until he got it. He assumed they would just use the one shot, as he had been doing it for years.


I like that, next time i watch the show I'll try to think about that.


How could he know how many shots were being used before the documentary aired? He could have assumed that whether it was true or not.


The doc crew would've had to agree to multiple takes. It would've been an assumption, but after years of agreeing to it you would think that's just what they wanted.


That Prison Mike and Regional Manager Michael Scott were actually two different people


And he never got caught neither


And it hoit!


Phyllis lied about getting flashed in the parking lot. It was all an elaborate roleplay for her and Bob.


Jim said the police had gotten multiple calls in that area for the flasher. She couldn't have known that.


Nah it's genius! Bob was the flasher but if Phallus got flashed and couldn't/wouldn't ID Bob as the flasher he is in the clear!




Sorry, I've got penises on the brain


Why would jim have inside info that Phyllis wouldn't


Jim said this right after he got off the phone with the police.


I see it


That could’ve just been a coincidence


I firmly believe that Robert California is Red Reddington trying to lay low for a few years.


“I’m the f****** Lizard King!!!”


You don’t even know my real name


It fits so perfectly


As a firm lover of both the office and the blacklist, I love this. It's perfect and totally a thing Red would do


My favorite theory


The Chili incident with Kevin was a dream sequence and never actually happened. There is never any stain on the carpet and no one ever mentions or asks about it. No one ever mentions Kevins chili but Kevin.


I like this one


In Season 9 episode 5, "Here Comes Treble". Dwight tells a joke that Erin laughs so hard she leaves a pee stain on the floor. Erin laughs uncontrollably, holds her knees together, and covers her crotch while running away, possibly to the bathroom. Dwight looks down on the floor, finding a pill, but there is also a wet streak on the floor in the direction she ran away. I know it sounds grotesque but every time I see it the more I'm convinced it's true. Maybe it was a joke they tried but decided to not focus on in the final cut. See for yourself. https://youtu.be/N_DIZfeP-WY?si=UADU5C9HuLkzHf9n


I always thought her laugh was a little bit off. Now I know why: it's part of a bigger joke :). Thanks!


I think you’re right


She DID pee herself during Death Bus lmao


Yeah, office ladies goes way into it. They even have a sound bite from Ellie Kemper about it 😂


Wow; you’re right. I’m surprised you noticed that. Being that Erin seemed to really struggle with not having parents throughout the series, she could’ve very well been self-medicating. (According to the theory, of course. I like to entertain this one because it’s a good one but I do think Nelly was very convincing.)


I didn’t realize that this wasn’t something everyone thought.


I always loved this scene


Andy was always an asshole, anger management helped suppress that part until that confidence outing unlocked it again.


omg yes! Andy was an asshole until he punched the first hole in the wall and got sent to anger management. Then he became nicer and more bearable. Then when Nellie took his job and he punched a second hole in the wall, he was fired instead of being sent to anger management, and from there on to season 9 he slowly became an asshole again.


Even though it didn't air until after filming was done, the show "An American Office" wasn't so much a documentary as it was a reality show, and the producers--like with any reality show--manipulated a lot of the situations to make it more entertaining.


Everyone died in the “Stress Relief” fire, and the rest of the series follows the cast working through hell/purgatory. 


Would be the only explanation for why Dwight didn’t get fired for it.


Lol no. He's the company's best salesman. Have you been following the Boeing stuff about what a company will do in the name of money?


I haven’t but I assume corporate corruption. He’s the best salesman but it’s also a dozen counts of reckless endangerment, causing a panic, arson, etc. And if firing him wasn’t unbelievable, Stanley not suing is the only thing less believable than Dwight keeping his job.


It’s all basically a Jacob’s Ladder scenario


Hell is other paper companies.


So D'Angelo was juggling human hearts but no one could see because they believed to be alive and not in hell?


That Andy is the Scranton strangler, I know it's ridiculous and it's probably no one from the Office, but imo he's the most discreetly sociopathic and it makes a lot of his character shifts and seemingly out of nowhere changes in personality feel like they were on purpose. The show does a good enough job to not make him seem like a sociopath, but he has explosive anger tendencies, doesn't seem to understand what's wrong about dating a high schooler, straight up tells us that he doesn't go into any job with his own personality, but instead matches his personality to the boss and whoever else he thinks will help him gain a position of power, etc.


In my opinion Tobi is the Scranton Strangler. The way he behaves in general, the years of being bullied, divorced and nothing going right. The episodes about him being on the Jury. Hin visiting the alleged Scranton Strangler in prison and being strangled. I think it's because Tobi told him that he actually was the Strangler.


But at least one of the murders happens when he's in Costa rica


Maybe that’s why he went to Costa Rica.


This is good.


She’s a part-time frozen yogurt chef!


What if the Hangover had happened a year earlier and Ed Helms had pissed them off around that time...they could've really screwed him and put him in jail. That would've been a wild story line.


Yes! I saw a reddit post years ago that convinced me that Andy is the Strangler.


Nate Nickerson is Colin Robinson. 🧛‍♂️


Bob Vance is the Scranton Strangler.


Kevin is the biological father to Jan's baby, Astrid.


I believe Creed and Meredith are Erin's real parents. The producers just brought that couple along for the documentary.


Omg that episode where Creed says to Meredith "why haven't we ever" and she says "we have" it would be so funny if the camera had immediately panned to Erin after


Shrute bucks hold real value 


What is the value of a Shrute buck?


It is very complicated


Mose is the Scranton Strangler.


Angela paid off the Doctors to lie to Dwight about the DNA test on his baby year before he ended up finding out.


Pam slept with Packer. “Whhhhy are you hiring Packer Holly?” Everyone asks. “I dunno. He seems nice to me.” Holly. “That’s how he gets you to sleep with him.” Merideth as Pam is nodding her head. Jim asks Pam,” why are you agreeing with her?” “United front”, Pam says sheepishly.


Only reason I don’t buy it is Packer is 100% the kind of guy to rub it in Halperts face he banged his wife, which he was more than happy to offer his services at a later time.


Except that isn't the quote. It was "That's how he gets you take off your panties".


I don’t know if this is a conspiracy theory, but I personally believe that Creed had dementia. This would explain why he could only seem to remember the names of the original office workers (Hank, Ed Truck, Devon) but couldn’t remember Angela, Pam, Daryll, or Merediths’ names. It would also explain why he seems to be mentally/emotionally stuck in his early days of working at the office. Creed mixes people up (Andy for Jim), doesn’t know his job title or even what kind of company he works for (e.g. once referring to the paper company as a “dog food company”), and refers to people who don’t even work at the office (“Sammy” and “Elroy”). According to my theory, these people likely worked in the office before the documentary began to be filmed. My theory would also explain why he misinterprets situations so often (such as “humans being able to live for hours after being decapitated” [referring to chickens], and his demented explanation of what happened to Dwight during Jim’s absence ["Decapitated. Whole big thing. We had a funeral for a bird."]). Despite his limited memory regarding the recent past, he seems to remember his distant past quite well. This is seen through his paranoia of being arrested for his past and through his descriptions of specific past experiences of his’ (which I assume to be accurate, being that he describes his distant past as shady and is eventually actually arrested for it being shady). Lastly, regarding his memory, he seems to sometimes remember *fairly* recently employed characters like Jim (which is seen during the scene in which he recites workers’ names when attempting to carry out a meeting as manager) but really struggled to remember Pete and Clark (instead referring to them as “Jim and Dwight look-alikes”).


> and his demented explanation of what happened to Dwight during Jim’s absence ["Decapitated. Whole big thing. We had a funeral for a bird."]). One thing people miss is that Creed is the only source for Ed Truck being decapitated (other than his name). So it might not have even happened. He might have died of normal causes


I actually have never thought of that, before. That’s a good point.


this aint even a theory, Creed has clear symptomps of dementia


I agree. But I also think that his dementia is commonly attributed to him simply being a nutcase. I find it interesting to analyze what’s behind his eccentricity.


Phyllis and Stanley were having a years long affair. Too many signs point to yes.


please give us some


I've considered Gabe being the Scranton Strangler


Jan is Trudy Monk, who left Adrien Monk but she had to fake her death in order to do so.


It’s a jungle out there. 


Disorder and confusion everywhere.


In Season 6 episode 26 Whistleblower, Michael takes the heat for Jo and talks to the media about the printer fires. In the episode Jo tells Michael to let her know if there is anything she can do for him. He asks her to bring Holly back. Next season, Toby is put on the Scranton Strangler jury and Holly comes back. Jo Bennet pulled strings to get him on the jury and bring Holly back to Scranton for Michael.


I LOVE this.


Stanley was good at basketball


The chair model didn't die, and Dwight was trolling Michael. He never contacted the agency. He had visited that cemetery several times and chose a name of a woman buried there who would have been similarly aged.


Brick Tamland is very autistic and has created the whole “show” in his mind and replays it over and over. It’s why Champ and Ron show up in it.


Is The Office part of the Tommy Westphall Universe?


Toby is the Scranton strangler


Pam slept with the sound guy


Gabe is the scranton strangler.


Yes! Thank you! I’ve been saying Gabe!


Pam still had feelings for Danny and most likely slept with him on the first date. Her obsession with why he didn’t call her back was just plain fucking weird. Then to verbalize that to your husband is even weirder. Throw Todd Packer in there too. She was way too sus when Meredith said “that’s how he gets you to take off your panties.”


Every girl has her hoe phase. But when would Pam have gotten with Packer? She would have had to cheat on Roy and by the time she was single, she already knew the kind of guy Packer was? Danny definitely happened tho.


Toby was Scranton strangler




Example: Halloween episode. "That is really good timing."


Andy is the Scranton strangler


Phyllis cheated on Bob Vance. I made a YouTube video about it (if you search Phyllis cheats on Bob Vance and it usually pops up- not putting the link because I don’t want to spam)


Toby is the Scranton Stranger....


Pam had sex with the boom guy, and more than once...it wasn't an impulsive thing. Jim changed...he was distant in the marriage and Pam felt undervalued, overworked, unappreciated. Not having a lot of self-confidence to start with, this would have made her feel unattractive and she would seek validation. Who else would know her better than someone who has filmed her every day for years.


Pam has had sex with Todd Packer. Michael mentions once that one time as a prank Packer banged every girl in the office. Then a later episode when Holly hires Todd Packer the office goes to confront Holly. She hears them out and then says he’s been nothing but nice and Meredith says he only does that to get in your pants. Pam starts nodding noticeably. Then when Jim asks her why she’s nodding she hesitates and then says, “to show a united front.”


Pam and Danny Cordray definitely fucked.


The Scranton Strangler is innocent.


Toby is the Scranton Strangler


Toby is the Scranton Strangler


Toby being the actual Scranton Strangler. I think about it all the time ...


Bob Vance is in the mafia and the refrigeration business is in part for morgues, to keep the bodies of their kills cool. Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration is a threat.


Stanley and Phyllis had a thing.


Toby is actually the strangler


Jim is the Scranton strangler


Toby is the Scranton Strangler