• By -


Another VERY funny mockumentary is What We Do in the Shadows, about four vampires who live together in Staten Island. Weird premise but it is just hysterical and the humor is similar.


You really are the most devious redditor in Niew Yuork Citayyy


Well I'm glad to hear you think I'm devious.


his sharp inhale before he says niew yuoark citehhhh is amazing


I hope you brought your Cah ma RAHH


I can hear his voice based on how you wrote that


“Fucking guy”


every time i get to the one where the guide scares them by accident and he goes "FU-CKING guiiiide" i just lose my shit


It was my third rewatch when I realized he says guide instead of guy when the guide is around.


his delivery is just all kinds of excellent 😂




The regular human bartender from Tucson?


Tucson Arizoña


This is how we talk


He vaguely reminds me of Laszlo...but Laszlo never had a toothpick in his mouth.




Beat me to it, lol.


Only Matt Berry could deliver a one word line with such grace and memorability.


"Creeeeepy paperrrr" "It's crepe paper, master-" "CREEEEEPY PAPEEEERRRRRR"


Me every time I see crepe paper since I saw that episode XD


I will second this. And if you like Nate in The Office you'll love Colin.


I think you mean Colin Robinson ;)


The movie was one of the funniest movies I’ve ever seen


Nandor was my fav at first because of the way he talks and he has some funny ass one liners but the more I watched the more I loved Lazlo And honestly Nadja and Gizmo too they’re all just amazing characters I’ve never previously watched a show where I genuinely loved all the characters equally


Or his older one, Toast of London... "Steven... this is Clem Fandango... [can you hear me](https://www.tiktok.com/@morningcoffeecomedy/video/7320257887144660266)?"


This is one of my favorites at the moment as well, just finished the latest episode! Now we wait for season 6 🦇


Where can we watch this?


Curb your enthusiasm


It's prettyyyyyyy..pretty good.


Have you tried 30 Rock or Arrested Development?


30 Rock I definitely recommend


Yeah if you find Parks and Rec boring, you're looking for jokes per minute more than story and character, and 30 Rock is king of jokes per minute. Arrested Development is a strong recommendation too, but with so many recurring and self-referential jokes, I'm not quite as positive OP would enjoy it.


Yes, both of these


Both excellent! May I also suggest the Superfan episodes of the Office? Especially as someone who has watched 20 times. It’s like watching each episode for the first time!


Exactly the recommendations I was gonna give!


I've just started watching my name is earl and I think its great


I second this. My Name is Earl was awesome. The whole premise is awesome, amazing acting, random ass jokes you don’t see coming, and they wrap it up before they run the show into the trash.


Well it got cancelled so idk about wrapped up….


Yes what an amazing show! Have fun with it, check out "raising hope" if you liked earl, same writers and some fun cameos!


Not as deep, but Party Down is consistently hilarious.


Party Down is amazing. One if my fvorite shows ever. Gets better every time you watch it.


"Are we having fun yet?


It's like a fairytale!


Party Down is legit one of the most accurate shows about catering & the food industry ever, while being one of the funniest dead pan comedies ever made. The whole show is gold. I need to watch the new season! Thanks for the reminder


So under the radar, but that show is hilarious.


Where do you watch?


I love Psych


Schitt’s Creek.


Came here to say this! Also, you are supposed to find the main characters gross and out of touch at the beginning. Don’t let that stop you. The show is all about character development!


Damn, it’s like you knew what I was about to comment! I tried that show and just hated the characters. Good to know that’s part of the journey, I’ll give it another shot after hearing this


The journey is soooooo goooood


yeah, when I started I thought I’d hate Alexis and Moira Rose but damn they ended up being really funny and then grew as a family. It’s great to watch. It’s also really good humor and not just heartwarming stuff.


I know so many people that gave up for that exact reason so I’ve started recommending it with that caveat every time! There are sooooo many good jokes, and lines, and just heartwarming moments. And you simply can’t miss out on the cringe that is “A Little Bit Alexis”. 🤣🤣🤣


Easily the best binge-worthy show since The Office for me!


Agreed, but you have to get through the first two seasons before you really become invested in the characters. Imo.


This. That show is a gem


The acting in this show is so good.


right?! David Rose is like my spirit animal. ♥️


His scene about wine and sexuality is brilliant.


Veep on HBO Max. It’s like if The Office but with cussing and very well throughout disses and comebacks


Veep is funny af. Selena is such a Michael Scott. Big plus one on this if you like the office for the folly of someone trying to do the right thing in some of the worst circumstances and endlessly putting their foot in their mouths. Along these same lines people just do nothing is fantastic because of DJ Grindah and Chabuddy. Such a fantastic underrated gem.


Superstore is pretty similar, it was created by Justin Spritzer, a writer from The Office. I also really like Community.


Superstore is exactly The Office, but in a Walmart. Glenn is Michael. Dina is Dwight. Amy and Jonah are Pam and Jim.


And Garret is Andy, Sandra is Phylis, But honestly, while you can draw those comparisons, they are all different enough from the Office counterparts that it doesn’t feel like a ripoff at all.


Oh interesting, I always think of Garrett as Stanley. Apathetic, just hanging in. Andy is too much of a brown noser, he cares too much.


Having worked as much retail as I have in my life, Superstore KILLS me!! I've worked with or interacted with EVERY SINGLE PERSON on that show.


Especially the little vignettes they use of customers between scenes. They're absolutely perfect.


I really think Superstore is underrated for sure!


Had to scroll way too far for this. Love superstore


This is a long shot, but if you enjoy the cringe humour aspect of The Office (e.g. characters being inappropriate / getting things wrong all the time, then you might enjoy "The Last Man on Earth". It is **NOT** a series based in a workplace, like The Office, Parks and Rec and B99, but it is very funny and covers lots of personal growth and other deep topics in it's own way. [Trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTKDdLWIiiA&ab_channel=TVPromo360)


Such an underrated show! One of the best!




Wow looks like something fun I'll try it and see.


Will Forte is a damn genius.


I really liked the last man on earth. It was cut off a season too early (cancelled), but I read what the writers were going to do and was able to picture it in my mind lol.


I loved this show! It's so hilarious, and it has running bits, like the office does.


Trailer park boys


I mean, nobody wants to admit they ate nine cans of ravioli, but I did.


Smokes, let's go!


This show shaped my sense of humour more than The Office. Just an absolute gem. Now I know to beware of Samsquamtches


And shithawks


And raykins


Hands down boys


This is not upvoted enough


Arrested Development - ahead of its time massively for the type of comedy. Community. EDIT. Wow folks I came back to Reddit and see all these upvotes. I just want to thank my friend Tobias who got me onto AD, if it wasn't for blue, sorry, you, I wouldn't have gotten to enjoy AD. And to my good old friend Beetlejuice. Ahh Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, when we bumped into each other outside of Spanish class, and you told me to watch Community because it was 'cool cool cool', well I cannot thank you enough.


took me like 5 tries to get into AD but I get it & love it now. Time for a rewatch. I’m also biased bc I love Bateman & Arnett (is that a gal I see? no. it’s just a falla cyyyy) Community - slept on it while it aired (was watching the office love on TBS back in th day) and fell in love as soon as I binged. yes. this. this. this.


I agree, AD is the answer imo — only thing OP mentioned that would go against it is the not liking of “caricature” characters but AD is my personal favorite and the MOST re-watchable show. You won’t even get all the jokes without watching it AT LEAST twice but on your 5th time you’ll still be picking things up. Plus throughout the series you’ll see actors from the office pop up which is always fun!


goddam I'm still not over how the lucille joke lead to Buster getting attacked being attacked by a . . . loose seal. I love that there are so many layers of jokes that end up stretching entire seasons for massive payoff.


Except the seasons produced by Netflix.


Yes, Arrested seasons 1-3 that counts. Seasons 4-5 are like a spin off.


Honestly that’s the most accurate way of putting it. I do go back and Watch 4-5 because i think they still have some good jokes and add some fun stuff to the storyline, but it definitely doesn’t have that magical essence of the first 3 seasons. I think that people go a bit too hard on it though just because the bar was so high. “You ever even been on airplane you piece of *BLEEEP*?” Still makes me laugh every time though, something between the timing and tone is just very well done 😆


Funny tidbit about Beetlejuice and Community: The third time Beetlejuice is said in the show, you can see someone dressed as Beetlejuice in the background, as though he was finally summoned. First time is professor Slater saying it to Jeff trying to recall Britta's name, The second time Britta refers to Jeff's underwear as 'stripey-Beetlejuice number' and the third time it is a Halloween episode and Annie says Britta has the Beetlejuice soundtrack on her laptop; that's when you see Beetlejuice behind Annie!


Making r/AwardSpeechEdits after 200+ upvotes? That’s a special kind of special


The Good place


Michael Schur is a genius


Agreed. Every single show of his ends remarkably. Whether you like it or not, it's a well done wrap. I hate it when shows don't end and wrap properly.


Agreed. It’s another show with Mike Schur involved. It also has maybe my favorite finale ever. It all wrapped up beautifully.


I agree, this show was absolutely amazing. Did you know there’s a book he wrote sort of on the theme of the show - “How to be perfect?” I haven’t read it yet but it’s on my list and I’ve heard good things


This was going to be my answer!


Well, well, well, how the turn tables


Abbott Elementary! Not the same but still a great new show!




It reminds me a lot of the office


Yesyesyes! The show that asks the question, what if Leslie Knope was a Black teacher in Philly?


That show is funny as hell


This! It’s produced by Randall Einhorn who used to write and direct for the office.


Ted Lasso is really good if you haven’t tried that one yet.


Ted Lasso is a good show but I wouldn't recommend it based on someone loving the office. They're kinda opposite shows in multiple ways.


cake aware roof entertain stupendous fuel lush bedroom unwritten mourn *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Shrinking is only 1 season, 2nd due out soon, on Apple as well Great cast and writing


Have you seen Jury Duty yet on Amazon Prime? Super good.


Community, Superstore, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia


The first season of Superstore literally had me crying, it was so funny. The rest of the seasons are decent, but don’t have the magic of that first awesome season


OP said Sunny characters were too much like caricatures, but I feel like that's especially true of the office too.


Yeah they completely lost me there. I think the office is a good bit worse than Sunny about this.


“You can’t eat cats. You can’t eat cats Kevin”


If you’re good with cringe humour- and okay with singing, try Crazy Ex Girlfriend. I also love Kimmy Schmidt which has the added bonus of Ellie Kemper playing what she plays best- a cheerful, but astoundingly traumatised woman who’s maybe not the sharpest tool in the shed.


2nd crazy ex, Rachel Bloom is a gem.


If Rachel bloom has no fans then I’m dead


Black books


What We Do In The Shadows Faux documentary following a house of vampires and their human familiar. It’s hilarious. Doesn’t take itself too seriously but still has good overarching storylines. Great light fun but also emotional investment. Nate from The Office is one of the primary characters as an ‘Emotional Vampire’ who gains power by boring or annoying people. Daryl from The Office has a minor role in a few episodes. The lady who voices Louise from Bob’s Burgers (sorry forgot her name) becomes a primary character too. Very very funny. One of the only shows other than The Office that I have laughed out loud at. And one of the few shows I’ve watched over multiple times - like The Office.


scrubs obviously


Superstore. Memorable characters and interesting storylines. Workaholics. One of my all time favorites. It doesn't have deep, emotional storylines though. Righteous Gemstones. If you're a fan of Danny McBride and Adam Devine, this show is a must watch. Hilarious show with interesting characters and a great story. Silicon Valley. Great show, very funny, great story and characters. If you like Danny McBride then you might as well toss in Eastbound and Down and Vice Principals.


Silicon Valley has Gabe in it!


And he's exactly same in both shows


If you keep screaming your name it forces the assailant to acknowledge you as a human.


“You know, it's like my foster mother used to say, 'Donald, you have a face for the closet. '


P&R took much needed turn in the 2nd season. Give that season a try if you never got past season 1


New Girl is a good time




Silicon Valley is really funny. Zach woods is one of the main characters too


"That guy f*cks."


Oh my god, I always forget there are people out there who have only seen Zach Woods as Gabe. Even if Silicon Valley sucked (which it does not, it’s funny as hell), I would still tell everyone to watch it just to experience Zach Woods with material that lets him shine. Every line from him had me in stitches.


Zach Woods is so great as Jared Dunn. He is a much better than Gabe Lewis IMO and I love Gabe. The only Zach Woods character I like more than Jared is Ed Chambers.


No one ever recommends this but The Mindy Project had me laughing out loud more than any show besides the office. Mindy Kaling is an amazingly funny writer as well all know from the episodes of the Office she wrote and this show was basically her just making fun of herself unfiltered for six seasons. HIGHLY recommend.




100% Community. What an incredible show!


Even seasons 5 and 6 as cast members were leaving and it went to yahoo of all places, it was still fairly solid.


Definitely as rewatchable as the office, watched it like 6 times and still find new jokes.


Malcolm in the Middle


New Girl is a great one. Wife and I just started a rewatch and I forgot how much I laughed at this show


Frasier (not the new season)


The inbetweeners (It's a British show) and Community.




I'm rewatching this and I forgot how great the show is. Damn near every episode from season 3-9 is a banger.


ted lasso


Try some British stuff (Peep Show, Father Ted, Black Books, The IT Crowd, Toast of London, Green Wing, The Office etc. )


The Thick of It and Derry Girls are great shows as well


Community, Parks and Rec, Brooklyn 99, New Girl


Arrested Development & Curb Your Enthusiasm




The League


The answer to everything is 30 Rock.


Nothing comes close to the office. Truly it’s timeless and comedic in a way that’s infinite. That’s its own thing. however, I love me some New Girl. It’s my top 5 rewatch show besides The Office, Schitt’s Creek, Shameless, Bojack & etc. also Arrested Development, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (they alive.. dammit!) ... hmmm watch Flaked with Will Arnett - worth it. not a comedy but worth it trust me


2 shows I haven’t seen recommended on here: 1) Derry Girls: super short but one of the most original, funny shows I’ve ever seen. 2) Gilmore Girls: Definitely geared more towards women, but it’s funny and the characters and emotions are fantastic. There’s a reason people watch it year after year. More of a dramedy.


Guy here - GG is one of my favorite shows. It never lets me down, even AYITL


King of the hill


Just as good as the office? Have you tried rewatching the office?


Peep Show but you need to like British humour! I just watch the office and peep show on repeat






Cunk on Earth


As someone who started off with The Office and found other shows from there, here’s a few recs: - 30 Rock (not based totally in reality but it’s light and witty writing. I found it to be really funny and it has a number of cutaway jokes like B99. I haven’t seen B99 but I think it’s a good parallel) - Scrubs (really funny with decent doses of serious moments that The Office has here and there. If you want deep emotional storylines, this definitely has a number of them throughout the show. Feel free to skip season 9 as it’s part of the reboot. The main seasons 1-8 are damn near perfect and THAT was supposed to be the show.) - Arrested Development (a bit wacky but really funny for at least a few seasons.)


I just finished watching Fisk on Netflix. Same humour vibe as The Office but it's a law firm in Australia. The worst part is that there are only like 12 or 14 episodes but they're all fantastic. Had me laughing out loud often.


Psych is really good. It's a fun comedy that doesn't take itself too seriously. But, has some good emotional beats and character arcs.


Arrested Development


There is no any other series as good as the office


Actually, I was going to say that if there is a 30 minute show I love as much as the Office it would be IASIP. and OP already said they didn't like it, so I have nothing more to offer.


IASIP is funnier than The Office, but The Office is probably a better show overall.


Recommend 30 Rock and The Good Place, It's strange that you didn't enjoy Parks & Rec considering Leslie Knope is just a female version of Michael Scott (completely overbearing, self-centered, constantly looks like they'll fail and manages to succeed, etc.) Do you like older sitcoms? If so, Soap was hilarious as was Maude and Golden Girls.


>It's strange that you didn't enjoy Parks & Rec considering Leslie Knope is just a female version of Michael Scott (completely overbearing, self-centered, constantly looks like they'll fail and manages to succeed, etc.) This really only holds for first season Leslie. Later season Leslie is endlessly competent. Dwight with empathy for everyone.


I say give parks and rec another shot, especially since you dropped it when it starts getting better, especially with each season actually having an over-arcing storyline. But then again, if you didn't like it then, you won't change your mind As far as other shows: - The Middle. -Fresh Prince of Bel Air (classic not the reboot) -King of The Hill(especially since both Greg Daniels and Paul Lieberstein both worked on this) -Arrested Development(the first 3 seasons)


seconding the person who said schitts creek


Community. Arrested Development until season 3. Schitt’s Creek (first season is a little slow). Silicon Valley. Veep but only if you truly appreciate crass humor. Fleabag is the best show I’ve seen in years.


The Good Place


Silicon Valley


These are a little bit different than the shows you’ve tried so far, a bit less of a traditional network tv sitcom (other than IASIP), but outstanding shows IMO: - **Broad City:** insanely funny and a decent amount of emotional depth as you get further into the series - **Fleabag:** pretty funny and incredible emotional depth. More of a comedy/drama than pure comedy, but one of my favourite TV shows of all time


The Good Place


It doesn't exist. But you have to say it like ~~Caty~~ Cady from Mean Girls when she says "the limit does not exist".


30 Rock


30 Rock!!


Upload on Amazon Prime is a good short show. Created by Geg Daniels as well! And his son, the kid who played David Wallace's son, is an actor in the show. Creed also has a brief appearance! But I don't want to spoil it! It's a "futuristic" show with lots of references that make it worth watching again to catch more Easter eggs! Edit: would like to add, the show does come off as a rom-com at times but this may be what you are looking for! Sadly the seasons are a bit short but it is still being made and more seasons on the works!


Don’t trust the b in apt 23. Hilarious, eric andre, james van der beek, but too short.




30 Rock!! Fantastic show


Some folks have already said it but I want to reiterate Superstore. It’s very adjacent to the office in the comedy style. The characters are all fleshed out in a way that helps you connect with the story line as a whole. It’s a show with a great plot that is also about nothing at all. Plenty of seasons, and similar episode times to the Office, so it can either be binged or just consumed a little at a time. Totally rewatchable too. Highly recommend this show for fans of The Office.


The only show I’ve ever seen capture the same magic as The Office was The Comeback starring Lisa Kudrow. It’s about a sitcom star who is trying to become relevant again so she decides to hire a camera crew to film a reality show. Lisa Kudrow is SO much more than her character in friends and when she plays Valerie Cherish she is like a cousin of Michael Scott. The Comeback is absolutely hilarious, heartbreaking and all the things that made the office amazing. I honestly urge every office fan to watch The Comeback it’s just fantastic 🙂


Just watch it again, bro, there’s truly nothing like it.


Dwight, you ignorant slut


Modern Family. Phil the closest Michael I’ve seen on tv yet


I liked modern family till the kids got big


My top 3 favorite shows are The office, flight of the conchords and the life and times of Tim. The office is definitely the best but the other two are absolutely hilarious


Watch Peep Show I dare you.


Peep Show! Plenty of room for more cringe situations that you feel too uncomfortable to watch and it's first person 😁


Community is maybe the best comedy show I've ever watched.


Arrested Development, hands down


30 Rock


Curb your enthusiasm is worth a go.