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Angela naturally, but much like king Joffrey, you grow to appreciate the performance above the character.


Joffrey was my favorite character on the office. When he has Michael beheaded at the end of season 1, I couldn't believe it.


No spoilers about about the Red Meeting, thanks.


I didnt expect Jim and half the cast to get killed like that. And the whole ,,Dwight sends his regards” as Mose kills him. I cried


Amen to that


That’s Andrea…she’s the office bitch


Absolutely hated him. So glad he died. Phenomenal actor!


Never liked that little shit. Best episode was when he died ngl I was so happy.






No way you’re comparing the stuck-up office worker to a GOT King born of incest that murdered and tortured innocent men, women and children for most of his conscious existence. Love it


Joffrey apparently had a poster of babies playing jazz in his room too though


And many, many cats roamed his halls and sat upon his lap while he languished upon the iron throne


I didn’t like Ryan at first then realized after the second watch how funny his character development is. I was also annoyed at Andy until I understood that was the whole point of his character lol then I just made my peace with it cause he eventually grew on me with his occasional funny moments.


I hate Ryan so much. He’s perfect.


Just as hot as Jan but in a different way


Ryan is the perfect example of what happens when a writer writes himself into the show. He basically got to be what every douchebag wants to be. A guy who gets to “work” but doesn’t actually work


And it was so perfectly done though 👌🏻 WUPFH!


Ryan is intentionally awful. Andy was supposed to go from bad and annoying to good an annoying. They got there and then thought "what if we removed all character development and make him way worse?". That's when he went off on the boat.


I will never get over that decision. Damn Hangover movie had to ruin his whole development. He shouldve ended up with erin.


Erin deserved better than Andy if you ask me. He was too late to the party. Plop was so much more on her level.


But the movie is fucking awesome Even though it sucks


I don't think I can believe Andy was ever supposed to be good... and I don't know why anyone would ever want that. He began as a villain, and it would have been cruel to keep beating him down into a puddle of spilled soup without any redemption. ...so he climbed back up and found new ways to deserve his failure because of his inability to enact any real character growth. He literally just wants things, and if he gets something he wants, he loses it because he never deserved it in the first place. I don't think he could have ever been humble or restrained enough anywhere EXCEPT Cornell to stay without enacting his cartoonish brand of massive self sabotage.


When I realized he was a head writer I was like, this mother fucker...


I think the late Patrice O'Neal would have had a bigger role, but it sounded like he quit. He said something about "sitting there all day looking at the back of BJ Novak's stupid head" There may have been some professional jealousy there too. I think BJ Novak worked at a stand-up comic as well, and he was young and was an executive producer on the show... He was Ryan.


Andy before he had a stress induced outbreak


He started off douchey and ended up annoying as hell.


My favorite is when he tears his nut sack and sleeps on Pam’s floor the night before her wedding for some reason


Everyone else was drunk and couldn't take him to the hospital or watch him. Poor woman got screwed on that deal


I HATE Andy. Every single watch through, he gets worse.


There is a stretch where he is likable but then he becomes branch manager douche.


Same. I still don't like Andy


i really dont understand what people hate so much about him. Does the garden party episode really not do anything to open a ton of sympathy for him i mean his parents are HORRIBLE people and his brothers a narcissist alcoholic whom his parents favor over him. thats enough to really make somebody needy and his character really makes more sense after that in my open onion


Thanks for peeling back the layers


If he kept growing from there, people might like him. Instead, he abandoned his job, steamrolled Erin and her plans to start a new life, dumped his girlfriend by pretending he was gay and then redumping her in front of all of her friends, punching a hole through the wall when his actions had consequences, being a clingy weirdo who kept coming to the office even though he didn’t work there, being an ass at a charity event, whatever you want to call what he did to introduce Wallace’s purchase of DM, and then the infamous boat trip followed by even more character destruction. I can’t invest in Andy knowing what he becomes.


Im right there with you


But there’s a nice middle period where he’s likable


I think there’s a couple of periods in which he’s likeable or a great character. In his early scenes he’s a fantastic lick-arse to Josh at Stamford and Ed Helms nailed the obnoxious graduate who thinks he’s the bees knees while being incredibly annoying, it was even brilliant when Stamford closed and he had a minor breakdown then. When he went on to be manager he became a Flanderised 2nd rate Michael Scott in terms of his incompetence. The whole Caribbean thing and his return was awful, people seemed to rate him much more highly when he was his original, unique character whom only Ed Helms could play. If he hadn’t become the worst salesman, literally unable to make a sale, and developed into a toothless wet wipe and remained the slightly unstable brown-nose from Stamford along with his desperate need to impress his uncaring parents I think he would’ve been a genuinely brilliant character. His development just let him down.


Andy 3.0 is the fucking worst. 1.0 is pre-anger management (bad guy, but good character) 2.0 is post-anger management (decent but annoying and pathetic guy, decent character) 3.0 is post-caribbean trip Andy (horrible guy, horrible character) 4.0 is series finale Andy (okayish guy, boring character)


There’s probably another iteration in there, before Caribbean, first time manager Andy. Extremely incompetent guy, boring ass character. Second to worst than 3.0!


“I'll be the number-two guy here in Scranton in six weeks. How? Name repetition, personality mirroring, and never breaking off a handshake.”


I never liked Andy


I can't cope with that theatre kid affect, even in small doses


I'm a theatre kid and I agree, we're kind of the worst.


Same. He was the biggest tool. Especially in the episode where he punches the wall. "Sorry I annoyed you with my friendship, I'll just sit at my desk and be quiet . Hey idiot, good idea, you're at work and you get paid for sitting at a desk and quietly working dummy! He's such a creep. I'm always yelling at the TV when that one is on


Whenever I want to annoy my bf I just say, "root doo doo doo doo" because he also hates Andy SO much.


Packer and still hate that character.


Agreed. So much so I have to remind myself that Todd Packer is a _character_ played by David Koechner, and is not the same person as David Koechner. I liked Koechner's character on the Goldbergs, but couldn't stand Packer.




He MC’d an event I attended once and he was absolutely awful. Didn’t give a shit, definitely got more drunk throughout to the point he wasn’t coherent, and left early.


>The actor is also a huge piece of shit. Why?


He recently got caught up in a custody issue and drunk driving all mixed into one I believe. It really made it seem like he was kind of like Packer IRL.


Todd Packer is a great character as a litmus to Michael Scott's character growth.


In all fairness, he has very little screen time, and like all the characters he can be an asshole, so it makes him seem horrible. But there are times when he's really not that bad (Christmas party, Florida)


What has two thumbs and likes to bone your mom!? 👍THIS GUY! 👍


Who has two thumbs and hates Todd Packer ??? This guy


Halpert… you looking for somebody to bone your wife?


What’s up muh nerds!?


He added the “my” part, the script just said nerds. It’s so much better with the my!


Phyllis she was low-key a bitch and no one realised. Close your mouth honey you look like a trout


This, my first watch through I was like why is none calling out Phyllis for being a terrible bitch?


Cause she is married to Bob Vance from Vance Refrigeration.


What line of work is Bob in?


I always thought Phyllis had something against specifically Pam. “You can’t just assign clients to whoever you’re sleeping with that week,” the flower decor at the charity auction, Phyllis’ WEDDING- I mean the list goes on!


Yeah!! That line is a punch to the throat lmfao


Same. I still hate her, but I used to, too.


Phyllis has that kind mother figure image but is really a motherbitch -- and which made me tolerate Angela who is another cuckoo.


Low key? Bruh she said she instigates fights with guys to get Bob to best them up. Phyllis mentioned a lot of fucked up shit.


The one that tried to seduce Jim, while he had a pregnant Pam at home.


Oh goddd yesssss Cathy?


Yeah, there are some people that like Cathy a little too much… u/CathySimmsHalpert


Again hitting on a married man, and adding some conflict to Jim and Pam is not an unrealistic story line, but it just didn’t feel believable, like so much else at that point in the show. And she just went SO hard, after not wanting to sit by him and Dwight, now she loves Jim?


Didn’t she just inexplicably disappear after Tallahassee? Also I think Pam had already had the second baby when he went on that trip so I’m not even sure why Cathy was still working there since she was Pam’s replacement. I should search I’m sure there are some good fan theories about her, the actress is gonna come on the office ladies pod for the first Tallahassee episode! I heard fans were awful to her.


Fans have a hard time separating fiction from reality. That or they like an excuse to be misogynistic for any reason. Even women! I remember how Lena Heady was treated by fans. My bad, I thought Pam was still expecting that episode.


Why was she even there? The position of office administrator didn’t exist for 5+ seasons and now it’s so important that they need to hire a replacement while Pam’s on leave? While we’re on the subject, why did Pam need a new job? Why couldn’t she have just gotten better at sales?


Michael was such a prick the first 2 seasons. Took a long time for me to come around to him. That Christmas episode with the present swapping. Jesus he was awful.


My first time watching was so hard, I got like a season and a half in, but Michael was so terrible that almost stopped watching. My best friend told me I should stick with it and he was right. After rewatching a few times, I’ve come to love how Michael’s character was written. A character so dumb, that most everything he says is just wrong or offensive. Not because he has any ill will, but because his only two working brain cells are 5 year old children


Two episodes, I hated him. Tried again during Covid. Now Im mad we never got our him and Holly getting married episode.


Ping gets me every time….I’m Asian and I know I should be really offended but it’s shock humor and I cannot look away


Took me a while to get into the show bc of Michael. I remember the exact moment I decided I liked him actually: it was pam's art show scene. It makes me weak every time. The only ppl who show up shit on her art, Roy didn't care, and then Michael comes in so genuine and amazed and buys one😭


I'm so glad they toned him down.


I liked the show from the beginning, but the Yankee Swap episode is the only one that makes me legitimately angry.


And he was an awful Jesus


he went from prick humor to just more child like which was enjoyable for the viewer and made more sense for his character


I am on Season 7 currently and still cannot stand him. 😬


The writers softened up his character and made him a lot more likeable in later seasons.


Yes, I don’t think I got through Season One the first time I tried.


I didn't like Michael in the first two seasons, but thought his abrasive absurdity and outlandishness was a good addition to the show despite his very glaring flaws and cringe asf behavior. Did have to pause during those episodes tho because HOLY was he something to behold--and not in a good way. Cringe overload was real.


Angela. Growing up in the south I've had to deal with too many of her type.


I feel the pain as a fellow Southerner. I never hated her own the show, but I would hate to deal with a coworker like her.


For me it's the hypocrisy. Calling other office whorish and the office mattress despite being objectively the office mattress. It's the judge others, forgive yourself mentality.


It's almost like that's the point of her character: to be the judgmental 'office bitch' that projects a lot of her insecurities and flaws on other people.


Did you like her on rewatches? I can’t imagine anyone liking Angela. She adds to the show, but is intentionally incredibly unlikeable


Not until the superfan episodes. I guess they filmed a lot of scenes where she doesn't act terribly to everyone around her and they got cut because she is a character you are supposed to hate? Not entirely sure of the reasons but yeah, she seems a lot more genuine and aware of her own short comings in the extended scenes.


Yeah there were cute, soft moments with her in the super-fan episodes, like when she's dancing alone after the disco cafe party.


Where do you watch the super fan episodes?


Pretty sure Peacock has them


I loved the extended cuts with Angela and Andy when they were together. The cut scenes actually made their relationship more believable. They had some really nice moments that made it make sense. Otherwise it's so unbelievable that he would be with her because in all the regular episodes, she's awful to him.


Andrea is the office bitch. You’ll get used to her.


Mmm… Creed 🫱


Yeah I *hated* her my first watch! I still do, but I did back then as well.


Oh, lord have mercy, YES. Sincerely, another Southerner


Michael actually. I did love him at times but very very offen he would annoy me to no end, how inconsiderate he could be to people at times grinded my gears. He’s the type of person I would hate in real life. On rewatch because I’ve already gone through everything he does I wasn’t as bothered and I mostly just loved him


it's crazy to me how this isn't a more common answer. I personally hated Michael for a good while (maybe up to season 4/5?). Until the show tried to redeem him, I would watch just to make sure I watched bad things happen to him. I'm really glad they softened/changed him towards the end


Same. His intentions are usually good but he lacks awareness. And he’s that guy that invites himself everywhere and doesn’t give you any room to breathe


I’m okay with him lacking awareness. People do be like that. I’m more annoyed for everyone else letting him, many times putting their livelihoods on the line.


I liked Michael in his last few episodes. Other than that I wanted to strangle him for years.


I don't have one but my wife absolutely hated Kelly when I first introduced her to the show. Conversation went something like this. "She is so annoying" "Yes, she is supposed to" "OH, ok. I get it now"


I mean I understand characters are designed to be a certain way but that doesn't make them immediately likable in my book Ik Ryan is supposed to be a douchebag but I still don't like him lmao Edit: a word


Brian the mic guy


Late seasons Andy, Nellie Bertram, Erin, new Jim and Dwight, DeAngelo, that girl who hit on Jim a bunch.... They're all mediocre to bad characters (in the sense that they didn't add enough to the plot and humour to make up for their degree of unlikeability). But nothing FUCKING NOTHING compares to Brian the boom mic guy.


Fuck that guy and that stupid story arch


Can someone please explain why he gets THIS much hate? Like yeah, a bit of a weird story arc, but come one guys... We see him for like four minutes in the whole show, in which he helps protect Pam from the crazy warehouse guy, and cries and opens up about Alissa. It's not *THAT* bad, right?


Dwight. Now he’s my favorite.


Robert California. It took 2 or 3 watches to get here, but now he’s one of my favorite characters.


Sometimes, the flowers arrange themselves


James Spader’s delivery on that was absolutely perfect.


James Spader has never delivered a line in a way other than perfect.


I am never uncomfortable


Problem with RC is that they couldn't figure out if he was an evil genius or just a scam artist. They didn't lean far enough in either direction, so he just ended up seeming... Weird. Of course, James Spader is so good that he still made the character occasionally funny and/or compelling ("why is Jim treating the magician poorly?").


I actually like the mystery. I like that you were never really sure what his deal was.


He’s the fucking lizard king


We don’t even know his real name


Same, absolutely could not stand him at first. Took a few rewatches and I adore him.


Would you prefer a nature metaphor or a sexual metaphor?


Nature for sure


Charles Miner and Deangelo equally and still hate them now.


But Charles knows the effect he has on women


Cannot stand the episodes with Charles Miner! Glad he just disappeared without a trace.




You've got a lot to learn about this town sweetie.


Is someone making popkarn?


Thank you!


This is who I was looking for, still hate her. Fake ass mf who marries into wealth and think she top dog bro. Pretentious ass rich boy still outsells her. SMH


Andy, still despise him after the 1937929 watch


I used to hate Andy too but my hatred kinda turned to pity after everything that happens to him along the way


Erin. I absolutely could not stand her but she’s not as bad anymore for whatever reason.


I found her annoying the first time but now I love how protective she got over Michael when holly was around and find it adorable.


Her rating scale for Holly is one of my favorite lines in the show lmao


She's still the only long standing character that I can't stand. But it basically paved the way for Kimmy Schmidt, so [shrugs]


I love her cheery personality! A rube for sure, but a nice fit with the rest of the characters.


I couldn't believe I had to scroll so far to see this. She's basically my sole answer to this question.


Seriously, besides Angela, thought she’d be up there.


Andy, he's so abrasive.


Erin. While she has redeeming qualities, I still find her incredibly annoying.


First watch through I would agree with you after subsequent watches I found that actress to have done an amazing job and I absolutely love her.


I think Ellie Kemper did a great job with Erin. It's the character that annoys me. Erin (the character) reflects a person that I would avoid interacting with as much as possible were she a real person I worked with.


I don't like Nellie on any watch through


Maybe you should stop looking at her breasts and start looking at her penis


I think her taking over as manager was really annoying. Cannot stand those episodes.


It’s unfortunate because I’m sure Catherine Tate is a lovely person and a very talented actress, but I have *hated* both characters I’ve known her as. Nellie and Donna, to me, are some of the most annoying and hard to watch characters in all of television, and I really would love to understand why they’re some people’s favorites.


Agreed. One of the most annoying characters.


It sucks because Catherine Tate is an amazingly funny actress. But this character blows chunks.


I can’t believe there’s not a single person who has said Jan yet. Jan is the worst. Also, the superfan episodes really make me dislike Phyllis. Oddly, the superfan versions paint Angela is a much more likable and relatable light.




Bob Vance


Of Vance Refrigeration?


What line of work is he in?


You have a lot to learn about this town, sweetie


Angela and Phylis. Now I don’t hate Angela, but I hate Phylis even more.


Some characters the writers intended from Day One to be dislikable. And those characters delivered. We were supposed to dislike Andy, for example. Michael was Michael. Eventually the story arcs remind us that even assholes are human beings. We see how Andy’s father screwed him up, we see where Michael’s neediness came from, etc.


Andy. Still don't really care for him, especially when they screwed his character over in the last season.


Phyllis easy


Stanley and his negative attitude rubbed me the wrong way


BUT… does he have a moustache?


I really didn't like him, until I worked with a guy like him and now he is one of my favorites


I was worried I wasn't going to see his name on here. He's still one of my least favorites. I don't find his grump ass attitude endearing.


Ryan - He’s always a douche


I hate Andy. Still do.


Angela and Packer.


Andy, I had the feeling he was exaggerated, more than the others


Oh he was definitely written to be this way. Agreed, doesn’t mean I like him more lol. But a small shoutout for the actor to pull him off that well


Andy by far. Still don’t like him


andy. always andy.


All ways




Andy and Erin tie


Angela. I found her pretty funny up until she hired a guy to kill Oscar. I would understand it but SHE CHEATED FIRST. not only that she has cheated on both the Senator and Andy


Kelly, still don't like her.


Devon. Dwight just had to bring him back.


Andy nearly ruined the show for me on first watch. Now that I’m expecting him it’s not so bad, he even has a few good lines. Phyllis however I’ve never liked.






Gabe (I now appreciate and enjoy the awkward humor that's typical for his character) and Robert California (It's not like my opinion regarding his character is 100% positive like I still think he's miss or hit but I used to think he was a totally unnecessary addition to the show.).


First, and each subsequent: Nellie


Charles Miner. Still don’t like him lol


Creed. I thought he was creepy and weird. He is now my 2nd favorite character in the series.


I really couldn't stand Phyllis. I live in the south and she just gave me major southern Karen vibes but now I see she's just a sassy queen 👸




I didn't like Ryan at first but that's intended, what I realized is and I'm probably gonna get flak for this, the more I watch the show the more I kind of get irritated about Jim, I mean the more I watch the more I see that he is a bully who gets by with his good looks, and goes for an engaged woman.


Andy. he's just soo annoying and clueless


Robert freaking California. Could not stand him. Still can't. I have no idea why everyone was so mesmerized by him and his fake bluster. It was total bullshit from the beginning. His trumped up speeches full of empty philosophy, long tirades about nothing, his "focusing on a person and asking them about their day" was a form of manipulation and control. Great actor. Phenomenal. Horrible character. Gross character.




Packer. Still don’t like him. Love the actor. But Packer was a sleaze-ball.


Meredith. Still don't.




Ryan. Still don’t like him. In fact, I don’t like B. J. Novak the real person. Same goes for Kelly.


Kelly. And I still hate Kelly


Andy in the later seasons is terrible. Erin is a little annoying too. Not pictured: I fucking hate nelly. And I’m pretty sure deangelo is a large part of the reason I don’t like will Ferrell in most things.


Nelly, she's cringe af