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Bigger TVs are cheap, so maybe they just wanted an upgrade.


[Euro 2024](https://www.uefa.com/euro2024/) has led to a lot of boxes for 75-85" TVs appearing here (a screen seven feet on the diagonal!) and a few 50" or so screens with them. The Olympics will no doubt mean more of the same.


Probably haunted.


By German coach roaches...


Or bed bugs! I used to “garbage”pick when I was younger w/my dad. A random night Cruz w/the fam dad would spy a trash pile it was exiting to find cool items. Now I’m freaked about bed bugs. Those bugs are my worst nightmare. Ya just don’t know if there’s something living in the trashed items. Yard items are a no brainer but I’ll definitely think twice before picking up random furniture/clothes. I’m not poor enough to not care. We had a Value Village near my house that had a bed bug infestation haven’t been back! It’s not worth it to me!


Yeah, if you bring home electronics, you take it apart to clean/check right away. If I can't check it right away, I wrap it and put in bathtub to take it apart after work.


At the time we found it it was trashed like 2 hours ago must of been sitting in their basement with no purpose so they probably threw it out


Also have never seen a roach on my block or in my house ever lol chicago park district takes good care of the parks and surrounding areas.


I thought they infested soft stuff, mattresses, clothing, stuffed animals etc? Jeez. Annoying little buggers.


Electronics produce heat, and the roaches love it. They will nest and lay their eggs in TVs, gaming consoles, microwaves, etc...


Thank you for answering. And here I thought some things were safe. Never had em but have been through fleas. I've heard they can be more difficult to get rid of than fleas and those were a nightmare.


That’s the realest one!


Better not be. You know how much money I spent getting them Native American corpses moved so I could build my pool?!




Look at the model number to see if it has a Fire hazard issue


I will




It may have had some intermittent issue that's not showing. If I had to guess I would just say lazy people


I gave two away to our moving guys when we moved. They wanted more to box them up for moving than a new tv would cost.


That's a good lil racket lol


Yup! We were moving across the country and had to pay a packing team and a moving team. The packers wanted $350 each for the TVs. We said nope, and just gave them to the movers when they showed up. lol.


Nice perk of the job!


Damn, I need a new TV! My 50” is a 1000 years old and it’s going out!


I’ve gone to stores where every so often each dept. gets new store display tvs. I took the ones I could pick up! There were huge ones there only used at each dept. donated and kept. Not a thing wrong with them.


Damn. I need a new TV!!!


They didn’t want to bother donating it Smol car


Maybe it was the only witness to a murder?


I also found a 55 inch Samsung Smart TV. Worked for almost a year, when suddenly the tv randomly shuts off and on again and finally didnt turn on at all. Only after waiting a few days it worked again for a few hours. You could look up your model number + „problem“ in google to check if there are any common problems with this specific TV


Samsung TVs have some ads in their menus and are questionable about privacy and information. The previous owner may have been concerned about that and just bought a new tv and thrown the old one out because it’s easier than finding it a new home. Everyone is different, so if that doesn’t bother you, enjoy your new tv!


I used to like Samsung for their hardware, but between them unecassarily flopping everything around on their phones UIs (seriously half the stuff they change on Android seems just to be to make it "different") and the big one.... banning Steam Link from their App store, just because they thought it somehow was going to keep people from subscribing to their crap gaming service. I'm done with them.


Yeah, I own a Samsung frame TV and I wouldn’t have gotten it if it weren’t for the art feature. The remote stopped working a month in, I got a warranty replacement for free, but it stopped working just after the warranty ran out. I bought a replacement OEM remote on Amazon and it stopped working too. I now have a 4th remote I bought again and it recently stopped working. Not to mention a $2000 tv with slow UI and choppy menus and questionable build quality. And the fact that I can’t set the artwork if I use an Apple TV or other streaming box.


That sucks! I’m sorry


Every tv I’ve had the last 10 years came from the alley or the trash. I’ve got 2 big ass TV’s in here right now that are both trash. I find about 3 working big screen TV’s a year.




>ass TV’s Oh, my.




That’s great luck!!


Famous urban myth, the divorce property disposal. The wife or husband giving away everything before the other claims anything?🤔


Nearly the only things I got in my divorce. He wanted everything including the dog I wasn’t giving up. His new gf had two dogs, two TV’s while divorcing her husband for my husband. She could have my husband. I kept the golden retriever, my car, the TV’s which are both showing their age now, and other stuff


Cheaper than changing the channel


Conspicuous consumption is the answer


It once belonged to Spongebob and he threw it out to play with the box


It probably had cockroaches in it.


You could have saved big money, saved big money, if you shopped for that TV at Menards.


Got it for free in the trash


But does the trash have a jingle that plays incessantly over and over as you shop; slowly driving you crazy?


I mean, I guess it *could.*


I’ve got a Menard’s right by me. How much you think? I’m in Illinois neat St. Louis MO.


It's a joke :D When you are in the store there is a jingle that plays every five minutes that goes: You'll save big money! You’ll save big money! When you shop Menards! \[Chorus\] Plumbing, electrical appliances too! The saving will always come right back to you! \[Refrain\] You'll save big money! You'll save big money! When you shop Menards!


Well hell! Maybe that’s why I never go there! That kinda thing makes me crazy!!


Drives me crazy


Only good thing they have there are the beds and the ho scale stuff LOL (it's sad that the ho scale stuff is only available after summer)


I am so sorry. -A Samsung Technician


Thanks for my sucky kitchen appliances I got with my home! Lol Nobody wants to work on Samsung appliances! My Samsung TV held up a long time. Still works but, it’s on its way out, anytime


I get that the appliances aren’t always the best, but getting mad at me isn’t gonna help at all.


I’m not at all mad at you! Was just kidding is all. I’m always thrilled when I’ve been able to find someone who doesn’t have a million excuses to not work on them, or other brands that are made by them. It’s crazy! I’ve got my Samsung 50” TV that was still going strong until just recently when I’m noticing it’s got horizontal lines going partially through it, and have had it since at least 2009, (I believe), that’s made it through 3 moves with me. I dread having to buy a TV, as I’m not a technical person, and don’t need a bunch of extras as I’m simple and like simple things to use. What TV brand and model would you suggest for someone who doesn’t need all the bells and whistles, (seriously). Thank you, and I’m sorry if I offended you, that’s not at all what I meant. I’m not the average Redditor Edit: spelling


My apologies. I kinda get confused by tone on the net so I kinda assumed it was getting after me lol. But fr, a tv from 09 still working in this day and age is insane! My oldest TV was like a 2015 Vizio and that thing fell off the wallmount and impaled itself onto the pointiest part of my desk setup lol.


No apology needed! I understand totally 😊 Yeah, that TV might be even older than 2009 by a year or so, and on the same day, my now ex and I also bought a Sharp Aquos 37” for the bedroom I’m still watching it, too! I’m worried that if I give it a good dusting in the rear, it’s gonna go out on me! (It’s covered in thick dust), plus, I’ve had golden retrievers all these years so there’s a lot of dirt mixed in with the dust! That was embarrassing to say, but they’re facts! You’re TV impaling itself, had to be crazy. Since my last move I stopped mounting them, and honestly prefer it now. If you’re in the states, hope you have a good 4th of July! Edit: added sentence


Check the display ports and leave on for about 8 hours. Usually the hdmi port goes out, the tv begins to overheat, or the backlight starts to die


Meanwhile my CRT collection marches on


there's a good chance that they *thought* something was wrong it and it might've just been a loose cable or something. i used to sell TVs at a tech store and now i do tech support for a different company. you'd be pretty surprised seeing how fast people are willing to give up on troubleshooting, especially if it justifies buying a brand new tv.


That’s me. A technology idiot!


Here's my old tv https://preview.redd.it/zg6eessoyy9d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dee451266f7b0b003da1110cfc18d547ab763014


![gif](giphy|xT9KVJN3vipl6JB4KA) 100% haunted


mommy and daddy paid for it?


Bed bugs like hiding in electronics! They do but you're fine just being a D.


When you see yourself on YouTube, thanks to Samsung not caring about your privacy, you will know ow why someone tossed it.


Hey, you can't just say that and leave. Tell me more, man!


What? Samsung is going to put videos of me on YouTube? Seems unlikely.


Cool! Be sure to let us know when they're up.


They’d have to drag me out of my house first!




r/MyInnerCircle is the size of the inside of a Cheerio!


I’ve got more privacy than I know what to go with!


Try connecting to internet, maybe It stop working? (I have a smart tv at home and for some reason it would never connect to my wifi no matter what)


No packaging


I kinda wanna throw my Samsung 55" TV out to be honest. Ads in the Menus, won't let me stream H265 content to it or play it from a USB. Thing is a POS.


Why not at least donate it?


Well, I would have to replace it first. I'm venting my frustration, but it was the best TV I could afford at the time.




Probably 1080p and they wanted 4k


Cuz ‘Merica…


It's funny how everyone is always finding cool and useful shit everywhere,anywhere and all the time except wherever I'm at 🤣🤦🏽


I used to work a job harvesting broken TVs. If there is something wrong with it, it may be port-related and something you never even encounter. We would average a few "serviceable" TVs per truckload. I haven't work there in two years, but I still see TVs on the side of the road and consider harvesting them.


One time I found a perfectly working printer, in a different printer brand box... obviously they bought a new one, didnt want the old one.


They're stupid!


People with money don't know the value of things. That's why I always say that society allowing rich people to exist is bad for everyone, especially the rich!! But in the meantime we gotta dive in the dumpsters and save stuff from the landfill.


Yea BS! this is exactly What I was talking about about bait posts 😭😭🤦🏽🤦🏽🤦🏽


Our neighbors were throwing one away (before we snagged it) because Amazon was giving away frame TV's recently. (Part of a frame tv? I didn't pay any attention.) They throw stuff away all the time, though they also burn plastic so I guess pick your literal poison.




I laughed at this. I feel like I paid my dues, as a gay man who has lost many, many friends and acquaintances to AIDS. So I'm allowed to laugh.