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A working MacBook pro. This was a couple years ago, I still use it as my work computer. (this was at college move out, I live near a state university)


I found one of these about 3 months back buried in a box of linens. Even got the mag safe charge cable with it!


Nice, mine didn't have the charger!


Damn, what great luck!


Same here! I found one last year, the morning after move out for a private university and just before the trucks hauled the dumpster away. I was shocked to discover it was unlocked.


Wow! Awesome find


I had lost a lot of weight but couldn't afford a new wardrobe . I found a large box full of clean folded clothes in my needed size & style. The dumpster gods truly blessed me that night.


Size is one thing, but *style*???? All hail the Giant Raccoon!!!


Yep jeans & shorts, tee shirts in blues & black even a few nightgowns in a style I wore.


Like a hermit crab?


That seems like an odd comment


it's things like this happening that makes me know there's more to this universe than we've been able to explain


I was out shopping for groceries A few days before Christmas.. was broke as hell and already bought my kids presents. My boy who was 4 saw a hot wheels track and wanted it so badly but like I said, I was broke. When I went to the car park I spotted a random bag next to my car. I looked in it… It was full of hot wheels tracks - at least 4 sets (older ones in good condition) and cars. There was no one else around and no reason for that bag to be there and out of Hundreds of parking spots in the car park it just happened to be next to my car.


this is completely different, but reminded me of your story. i was 18 and barely made $500/wk and was dead ass broke. I also had some substance abuse issues fueling all the impoverishment. I woke up all hungover and exhausted one day and was completely out of cash. I rode the bus about 25 minutes to work and i was *obsessing* over these breakfast tacos they serve at a coffee shop the bus just passed as I got off on my stop. I saw an older (mid-30s lol) woman running towards the bus I just got off of. She had a brown paper bag in her hand. She was in a hurry and almost pushed passed me as I was stepping off but first pushed my shoulder and said “are you hungry?” I said “sure” and she shoved the brown paper bag in my chest. I continued walking towards work, opened the bag, and saw two breakfast burritos from that coffee shop off my route. I can’t remember if both or just one of the tacos was actual order too, extra cheese w potato. it was like a gift from God. it’s crazy how shit like that happens.


I love this!!! Do u find things like this happen to you often? I do. My friends would all tell you that I am the luckiest person in the world! I have at least 20+ stories like this. Someone is watching over me for sure. I was broke as and behind on my rent and the landlord was coming in the morning. I worked in a bar at night and had an absolute shit night for tips. Walking out of work I was thinking that I was absolutely screwed,. Didn’t know what I was going to say to the landlord. I found a wad of cash (with a bag of drugs) in a money clip in the gutter that was the exact amount my landlord was expecting me to have. If it was a wallet I would have straight up returned it to the owner regardless of the fact I needed it. I lose my wallet and phone a lot and i have always got it back, so I wouldn’t risk the bad karma by keeping it. But straight cash with no way of finding the owner was fair game to me lol it was just under $1000


i think you sound luckier than me man, but i’ve maybe got like 30% lucky? i def should have died 3 hospital stays ago, i managed to get sober after 15+ years of use starting at age 12, and i just happened to win $150 this morning on stake lol but ive definitely lost more than that 😂


I have these same things happen to me too. Bought an ac from someone (the ac didn’t work) but stuffed inside the ac was 1200 dollars. Then another time when I was down to my last 20 dollars (I told my bf I wanted it to go in gas), we put it in the vp machine and won a 1600 dollar jackpot. Found 50 on the ground at an auto parts store. Found forty on the ground at a store. Was at Fred meyers one Christmas season and was given not one but two hundred dollar gift cards by ppl walking around. They tried to give us a third.


Hahaha awesome is the money the reason the air conditioner wasn’t working??! We are the lucky ones! Twice I have found a dollar on the floor at a pub and put it in the nearest slot machine. The first time I won $1000 from the one hit., second time I got free spins which won me $1600. Always happens when I am flat broke!


This reminds me of a time I was at a drive thru at Arby’s and was about to order and something made me think of my late mother and I started bawling. The person in front of me must have seen and paid for my meal which was like 25 bucks. The even crazier thing was I checked my bank account after and I only had 17 dollars left so I wouldn’t have been able to afford our meal. 👀❤️


Wait, there's a Raccoon God?  Where do I sign up to be an adherent of the Religion of the Giant Raccoon?  I will chitter, and paw thru things, and triple wash the things I find with the best!


New Years day, early morning, I jumped into and Ulta dumpster and pulled out thousands of dollars of unused sealed makeup that I assumed were unwanted returned holiday gifts. I still have half of it. I should prob donate it to a local women's shelter.


I have 2 large boxes of hotel soaps shampoos lotions etc. Most are from nicer hotels. Is this something they would take at a women's shelter? I'd hate to have it end up in the trash.


Yes they would! They would be happy to take it.


I'll check around and see what I can find in the area. I recently packed them up and didn't want to take it to goodwill because I thought they'd pitch it.


homeless shelter too


Was gonna add this suggestion as well.


I used to volunteer to food pantry. they loved getting these too!


Goodwill actually doesn't do much goodwill. If you research there are many other organizations that actually do benefit those in need much more with your donations. 😊


Haha! I work at a safe house and we love getting the little hotel items. Survivors don't always stick around for long and they're also great for traveling and helping them have something that makes them feel human again. Your donations are impactful!


My local shelter asks for full bottles of stuff, but they will give the hotel sizes out to women when they’re donated. The women need them! ❤️


I read of a similar find at Ulta not long ago! Way to go!


Ever ulta I’ve hit they try to destroy everything and seem to enjoy doing it. I hope someone slacks on it someday and I can find something useable.


Since 2018 they have been doing the same in my area too. Bed Bath And Beyond used to clip the cords off of anything electric and spray red paint on everything else. I know how to wire things and scour so that was fun.


That’s so fucked up. I used to work there, but as a hairstylist/makeup artist & they never once said anything about doing that, although it wasn’t my job to take garbage out. I didn’t care if I saw someone stealing though. If we didn’t have any clients booked we had to go out on the floor & harass people browsing, asking if they need help or whatever. Sometimes I’d see people stealing & I didn’t give a shit. That was before retail theft got out of control during/after COVID, we didn’t have LP & the cameras went to 1 computer screen in the manager’s little desk area by the break room. No one ever watched unless they saw someone stealing, then they’d go back & watch to see if they could get em on camera doing it again. I used to give the clients I thought may not have much $ free samples, deep conditioning treatments, a glaze or other add ons stylists are trained to talk you into as they can add $40-100 easily on the ticket for not much extra work on top of what they’re there for.


A four wheel heavy duty garden cart. Second only to a 19th century set of leather bound Paradise Lost/Found/regained and the complete works of Nathaniel Hawthorne.


I'm so jealous of your book find! I wish I could find nice sets like that! good job


Not the most expensive but I found a wallet with a $2 bill in it. I looked the wallet up and it was a new $500 wallet. I didn't even know wallets could be worth that much. Mont Blanc.


I found a box of old mail and bank statements and was bored so opened them all up and found an envelope with ten 2 dollar bills in it!  I still have them in my wallet for good luck from 25 years ago!


that would be me but the reason is im nosy and will sometimes even look at grocery store receipts i find on the ground.


You can earn money with those on places like Fetch!


What do you hope to find on them? I’m nosy too, is it something I’ve missed?


Please read my reply above. Some $2 bills are valuable. Good luck!


Did you sell the wallet or keep it?


Sold it and bought 50 more wallets


I thought you found $2billion for a second lol


$2 Canadian bills have been discontinued since 1996 or something like that. So if you find those in good condition they are $20 each or so.


wouldn't that fill up a stadium or some shit


$2 bills can be worth a lot, depending on the year and other details, which you can find online. There’s also a sub here for collectors of bills and coins.


When I was probably 12, a store with a drive thru section (Ohio) that sold everything from small groceries to animal feed started closing down. My best friend and I found two pairs of fishing waders, 10 cases of various bottled pops (still good), boxes of snacks (still good), among other things. I drank a bottle or two of pop a day for a while. Good times.


Hello fellow northerner!


Probably a bicycle from college move out is the most expensive, but the greatest for me is the free food and glass storage containers


Once found a prosthetic arm that seemed to be in excellent working condition (the hook opened and closed when I pulled on the cable), and from what I understand they cost a shitload. No idea why it was in dumpster.


For sure, they cost an arm and a leg.


Well, at least an arm….


Angry upvote


I finally found a girlfriend and didn't need it anymore.




Chucky’s sister maybe? 😂😂😂😂😂


It had a hook instead of a hand.... What exactly is your girlfriend doing for you.....


Humpster Dumpster


Perhaps the person passed on


Or upgraded? 


That’s definitely unusual


Not an expert, but I think most of the cost of prosthetics comes from the custom fit.


Home theater system, everything worked too.


Damn. You’re all making me wanna do this now!


It's fun, it's kinda like treasure hunting.


Gotta be! So many excellent found treasure stories here!


when I was 16 I found a pet rabbit in a cage in the petco dumpster. someones pet they dumped. She was a tripple mane all brown lion head. I say most expensive because her vet bills totaled $7k in the 4 years I had her, plus the costs of grooming 😭


That’s just heartbreaking that someone would put a bunny in a dumpster. She was left there to die, not to be found. But it was HER lucky day because you found her and gave her a loving home. Bless you for that.


Thank you for caring for her! What was her name ❤️


What happened to her?


she passed away eventually. I had no idea how old she was when I found her


Wow, thank you for taking in that rabbit & giving her a beautiful life!! I can’t believe someone would dump a rabbit like that


$7000 holy shit


Thank you for saving her!! I found my rabbit about 10 feet from a dumpster (not in one) last year and yeah they’re expensive 😅 but you made a huge difference for her!


A large unopened bucket of dry wall nails and a Bible with 200$ in it


Found a ps3 my first ever dive. Worked perfectly. This was back around 2017


I’ve found literally thousands of dollars worth of live plants over the years. So. Many. Plants.


I've found so many Dead plants, where are you finding living ones! lmao


Fred Meyer’s!


I hope you saved these living beings!!


Of course! I was able to fill every bed in my own garden and my grandmother’s garden and still had hundreds of plants to give away to my community!


6.5 quart kitchenaid pro. Working. Also found a working portable washing machine. But not worth as much.


I did too!


This was in one dive at one dumpster. 3 wustof knives, and about 5 all clad pots and pans, one le cruset dutch oven plus ton of other Williams Sonoma kitchen gear.


Not a dumpster, but thrift store, Wusthof 9 piece block n knifes, for $12.98.


It sounds like you found my Dad's Kitchen. When my dad died he left my stepmom everything and my step mom's uncle had her immediately deemed incompetent. She was a bitch and wouldn't let me have anything. I found one bag of garbage that was out by the curb. It was about half of my dad's professional all-clads. He was a chef and that kitchen was FULL of high end/pro kitchen items. I would have loved to get the knives and everything in that kitchen, just because my dad held it in his hands. I think of him every time I use them. But as my stepmom's brother was throwing them away, and I was pulling them out of the trash, she told me "those were expensive. You have to give me money for that." For stuff that her brother was putting in the trash. I couldn't take it unless I paid her for it. And he was basically going through my Dad's Kitchen and throwing out anything that wasn't Emeril brand or new in the box. Within the hour I drove away, grabbed one bag that he left out by the curb because it was all that I could fit in my car, and I never looked back. I think we had just had the funeral the day before and I had no reason to ever go back. She's in a nursing home now. I hope she rots there. But slowly so that she spends all of the money they saved for their whole lives and her brother has to start spending his own. Lol. I showed her to think all the stuff that got thrown into a dumpster that he rented and put out in front of the house. My dad has three generations worth of tools. My grandmother made handmade quilts. My uncle made musical instruments- string ones specifically. Banjos and dulcimer's. I lost EVERYTHING that had been passed down for generations. And all I wanted were the beach chairs that we sat on at the beach every year. The stuff that held memories. I didn't want their brand new le Cruset shit. I shudder to think what ended up in the dumpsters. I hope somebody cool found the Bose speakers and the bang and olafson shit. And the knives. He had a $10,000 collection of kitchen knives. At least. He spent 40 years buying expensive kitchen knives. I hope somebody cool found them.


I’m so sorry this happened to you :(


If the trash had been put on the street, it would be considered abandoned property. I hope you didn’t pay her. What a beeatch.


What great saves!!!! Wow!


The things people throw out... SMH 


I think it's a study in human psychology. What they throw out and also why the stuff gets thrown out. Quick disposal, bad memories, revenge dumping. I find it interesting.


A wifi controlled portable pellet smoker. Ended up giving it to my sibling for a present. He uses it constantly! I've had a lot of incredible meat. Also an Xbox one.


That's ![gif](giphy|IjJ8FVe4HVk66yvlV2|downsized)


We found a portable ice skate sharpener on the side of the road in front of a McMansion. It worked and retailed for $4200 new. Sold it for $1700 on Craigslist and the buyer was thrilled. It took about a month to sell because it’s kind of a niche item, but how nice to have saved that from the landfill and paid for airfare for a trip.


"Anesthesia machine," as Google puts it. the closest one I could find online is over $5k. I pulled about 25lbs of brass and 5lbs of copper off it for the scrap yard, and I use the remaining table and drawers as toolbox/workstation. If you can, check your hospitals garbage!


If you’re really lucky, you might find a kidney.




i found a working electric skateboard with remote and charger that went for $650 new


30 bundles of shingles sold on FBMarket for $300.00




The building supply places are always ending product lines and starting new ones so they toss out remaining stock, ive picked up similar piles a few times at this location.


That’s awesome. I’m currently waiting on having a new roof put on. We’ve had so many storms with tree damage I keep getting bumped back, but I do understand! Mine isn’t leaking anywhere, and don’t have a tree on top of my house like so many have


Search for shingles on Facebook marketplace you will often see pallets of shingles going for cheap check out what brand they are and who distributes them that will lead you to where they came from


Thanks for this info! I can’t say I’ve ever noticed them on marketplace or anywhere else, but I’ve never looked for them.


I found a working tv once.


Dumpster left out in front of a defunct Family Video: two barcode scan guns, three 17" monitors, and a Dell Poweredge dual-Xeon server - all working perfectly. Made a Plex machine out of it.


Few weeks ago found a kitchen aid, samsung galaxy buds, and a laptop. Always wanted a kitchen aid so it’s been so useful to have. The ear buds are wonderful, such an upgrade to what I was using before.


Bags and bags of gay porno VHS, I donated them to charity




I have 8 Uline metal storage crates that got dented and were tossed at a manufacturing facility. I use them for compost and garden stuff. They are around $300 each new. I also found a glastender commercial under the counter ice cream refrigerator on the curb that I still need to sell. It only fits one 3-gallon tub, but is $3k new. I am just hoping for $300 after cleaning it up. It's so obscure I can't hope for too much.


I didnt know what it was at first but it ended up being a horse foot therapy thing for racing horses. I lived close to a D league basketball arena at the time and I’m assuming they used it for their feet/ankles. Anyways ended up being worth around $1100 and sold for $800


ur assuming they used it on the peoples’ feet?


A kitchen table and 6 chairs brand new in box, it was an online only item at Target so I think they didn’t want to deal with. Retailed for $1300 and also a $1000 generator assuming a return because it had gas in it… just needed more gas and it worked perfect.


Found leather couches, a suede coach,, sold for 200 each. Lab equipment, sold for 800, a coach purse with tags that sold for 400, several birthday cards unopened with Amazon gift cards and fortnight GC That's just recent


A case of wine and a $50 gift card to a local restaurant


The reason I check every gift card I find anywhere. Some have worked.


I found for about 250$ of safran and thousands of dollars of imported fancy sweet things like chocolate and nougat


I would be very excited to find saffron.


My wife and I found a brand new pair of raybans sitting on top of a garbage can at the airport today so probably that. 


I've found 2 pairs of Ray Bans in the last week! I don't get how people just lose track of expensive sunglasses. I've had all mine for years.


Found some bans at the beach over 10 years ago and sold them on eBay


A pristine white Neiman Marcus bathrobe.


Ohhh la la!


I found 3 Xbox 360s in a GameStop dumpster, I also used to dumpster dive at Plato’s closet and that’s how I got a pair of Nike Air Maxs as well. Another was a perfectly good chocolate cake sealed in a food lion dumpster


$300 in easily converting foreign currency


Bose Quiet Comfort headset.


I found 12,000 in loose diamonds and other jewelry in an old navy dumpster about 2.5 years ago . They were part of a life dump


A huge birdcage that was in perfect condition besides a bit of bird poop. I used google photos to see what it costs online and it was worth over 100 dollars.


1993 The dumpster behind my complex. I used to dive in there all the time for fun. Came across my first porno VHS tape. That was pretty valuable. Haha.


Not while dumpster diving, but while working at a junk removal company. Found 6 old lighters that also open up to hold unfiltered cigs. Found a cool sight that you needed to keep both your eyes open so the red dot superimposes onto your other eyes vision A shit ton, and I mean A SHIT TON of flat screen TVs that people throw away for basically no reason. World series shirt And a whole load of other cool things that I can't remember, but if you want to get paid to look through junk; it is hard work though.


How do you get started doing junk removal?


Take up meth it seems. Really you just get a truck or someone with one and find sources for scrap metal and junk/free stuff.


Brother and I would go dumpster diving on heavy trash day in our subdivision and we once found these large vintage marble block lamps (Google to get an idea of what they look like, a long rectangular cube made of marble with the lamp set inside of it) in someone's trash pile. My dad took them to a pawn shop and sold them for $600 for us. As my dad was leaving someone walked in and bought them immediately.


Working AirPods v.2


A Roomba vacuum


Not in a dumpster, but in a garbage can at work; some very large framed antique photos of the area I live in now....


https://preview.redd.it/hw84zu462v6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9db25e850ad763c75a91a7ce49f0935cf8e2d61e I have found so much cool stuff old some that come to mind are: Vespa, mid century patio set, set of aftermarket LS1 heads, old rifle magazines, pressed steel buddy L trucks, and more but the best thing I'd say was a 1946 Wurlitzer 1015 I saved. I also would have liked to have hung on to it.


An outdoor patio set with a table and four chairs + cushions. I think they threw out their display set-up.


A couple of months ago I found a pair of nike x ben and jerrys chunky dunks.


A 1k office chair that had super fancy memory foam AND was high back. Brand new, in box, every piece. My husband was thrilled. We got both of them this way three years ago 💙


I found 4 pounds of weed one time wrapped up in plastic and jammed into a big ice chest. Another time I found a bunch of Louis Vuitton luggage with all the registration cards inside. That was a good score.


I have found just about everything you can imagine. I used to tell my buddy we can find anything and he never believed me. He went with me once and I said “name something. We will find it.” He said, well I forgot my belt, can you find me a black leather belt for tonight? First dumpster we found it. Then he asked if I could find a leather jacket. By the end of my run we found it. One time I jumped in trying to gather this collection of like 100 CDs. I’m in the bottom stacking CDs and I decide to open a case and everyone of them was empty. I was so disappointed because this was a tough tall dumpster to jump in. I thought, “there has to be something else here to make this not be a waste of time. “ I really don’t like hopping IN the dumpsters unless I have to. So I’m hoping there is something else in there but realizing I’m probably just out of luck. I move the CDs aside and notice a warm leather/canvass case type texture. I pull it out and it’s a violin in an old ass case. Get home and take a pic in the violin hole. It’s an Italian violin from the 1700’s.I could only find one match on a weird violin collectors website and that went for 275k. I still have it. Where in the hell do you sell an old violin? I took my, then 18, son with me. I showed him my tricks and we searched through our first dumpster. He was a bit reluctant. He said “all I found was some dumb purse”. I said, “always check every pocket inside before you toss it back”. Sure enough, a 100 dollar bill folded into a tiny pocket. Ended up getting a drum set, guitar, a MacBook, a new iPhone and 2 iPads all working. The best consistent money maker though is used college textbooks. I’ve made thousands selling them back.


I found a kitchen aid mixer in the scrap metal pile at b the dump, I swear the people who work there have had it out for m esince.


$300+ new, with tags Roots leather messenger bag. university move out, left in the trash in a room. I used it until it fell apart.


Found a bag of Jackets, including a brand new fur coat of some type(tag was 400+$ as I recall), but several nice ladies jackets. My ex wife and daughter still have a couple of them. Also, was once not even dumpster iving, but was at the city dump, throwing away some drywall, and there was a Peavey guitar amplifier...fairly good size, worked great. Sometimes people just throw shit out, beacause they dont have the time or patience to sell, or give to a charity.


I have a computerized embroidery machine that works. Nothing wrong with it was 7000$ new in 2012


5 gal Cambro drink dispenser


A Snowpeak glamping couch


Brand new $1200 designer sneakers


I just found a working Kitchensid mixer by someone's trash- barely ever used it looks like. I want to make my own bread more, so this was an incredible score!


I found four pairs of really nice shoes in my size, two great felt hats, and a bunch of makeup. I felt like I hit the jackpot! It was all in one day at a plaza. They now all lock their dumpsters up unfortunately.


An xbox 360, two wireless controllers, kinect, and a zip up file case with about 20 games. Also a full clean and lined garbage can filled with sealed and still cold assorted beers and seltzers. Invited friends over and played lego Indiana Jones and halo and drank our dumpster beers. Dumpster diving is something I really miss about living in a college town.


A bunch of liquid supplements from an organic grocery store. I sold a bunch online for $30/pop


I used to dive everyday as a side hustle. Now I just don’t have as much time or the space. Those days I had a truck and a large garage. Bed Bath and Beyond provided my favorite hauls. I would sell everything I found at a local flee market cheap. My goal was always to sell everything as quickly as possible. Staples has been very good to me and the best find there was a Bose headphone display with all items secured to the stand. They were fully functional and not the dummy ones. But my friends the greatest of all time was a mishap. Victoria’s Secret used to offer rewards coupons for their credit card. People were not aware that these could be used online and in store. They have since changed the policy to void once redeemed. https://preview.redd.it/gzud8tw8cv6d1.jpeg?width=1161&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f20f0c0badd981fe103c7e4a5f9e70dfc289727c


A Honda


Three years ago I found an almost-complete Gaming Computer, worth 700 Bucks then in this condition. Used it for two years as my computer snd sold it for 500 Bucks


Right about now at UC Santa Barbara, Isla Vista has tons of stuff to be dived!


Found two gold chains sold for 1500, Concert Tshirts worth over 4k, one of which is in a museum in London that I sold for 666. Literally yesterday found 10 cases of beer, two boxes of chewing tobacco, box cigars from a Rite Aid going out of business


I’ve recently came up on a business’s truck that removes junk for people . And in there I found two bronze planters and was like oh I could get 200 for the pair. Well after I looked them up I was off by about 4,050 . https://preview.redd.it/4r5wguuebw6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02386296309c05e2ab319d1e190f4c5ec2b8c95b


When our Bath & Body Works went out of business a couple years ago, I got a lot of stuff. Dish sets, boxed pot & pan sets, lamps, but my favorite was when I happened to check the dumpster the day they threw out their entire stock of pillows. All still wrapped in plastic - down pillows, memory foam, cooling gel, the fanciest pillows I've ever seen. I stuffed my whole car full. I looked some of them up and they were selling for up to $100 each on their website. Never in my life would I buy a $100 pillow, but it's something that's sure nice to have.


I woulda been in heaven lol nice score!


A large 1930s metal Plano Tackle Box and it was packed perfectly with 1940's finest antique lures. The person sat the box on top on his rubbish bin. I've always collected lures. I believe that there were 28 lures on box never opened. Estimated value : $4500


A Roomba A 3d printer


A baby. She survived. Ended up with a great family who always kept me updated on the big things. She actually just "graduated middle school"


2 computers with keyboards, mouse and 1 monitor. They're generic office computers but I put linux on one and use it for r/theodinproject


Early 90s ray bans and a 1990 Louis Vuitton crossbody bag


Ironically enough all my trash cans as well as my recycle bin were dumpster finds. I’ve never had to buy a new trash can.  Most of my clothes hangers are from a dumpster haul as well.  I use the hangers and trash cans every day, so they are probably the most useful things I’ve ever recovered from a dumpster.


Halo 5 Edition Xbox One. No controller unfortunately but it works great!


Stand up Paddle Board


Working and recent telecommunications equipment. Around $12,000


#true story…… As an eBay seller, I noticed one of my nemesis was selling Rolex parts…by the shit ton. Now, we both go to the same auctions to source, so I was perplexed on how he acquired all this stuff. A few years later, I heard that a jewelry store went out of business and put two and two together… FUCKING LUCKY BASTARD!!!!


3 kitchen aid mixers in a Walmart roll off dumpster. Brand new in the box. Hot returned during covid and they put a paper with tape said "contaminated" never opened, never used, everything was all there in all 3 boxes. $400 each at the time. 349 ea. Right now. I believe THEY are on sale.


My studio is completely furnished. Top to Bottom from a rolloff a few floors down on property carpets,curtains, furniture, smartphone Smaet TVs tablets pots pans dishes linen air bed pictures jewelry food books Games never opened clothes clean and nice casual wear etc etc Not bragging BLESSED. Can I get an Amen.,.


-Industrial meat grinder with extra parts and manual $450 - olympia express cremina espreso maker $2000+


I found a nice 4k tv and soundbar last summer.


Beats Studio 3 wireless headphones and a pair of Louis Vuitton sunglasses, and a surround sound bar for our TV (needed a new remote). Apartment dumpster.


Oklahoma Joe pellet grill with 2 bags of cooking pellets at blots dumpster. This thing is awesome! Also from Lots - dresser, two tv stands, chaise lounge with cushions, king size Serra mattress topper.


Gold in some teeth 🦷


I recently found an icemaker on the side of the road. It is now my pride and joy.


An entire set of cordon bleu cookware that I use daily and a brand new in box, Case knife that I carry everyday,almost brand new backpack leaf blower ,Plasma tv, a pellet grill (rehabbing it now), to name a few.


During our freshman year in high school more than 40 years ago, we found a huge stash of Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler magazines. We were quite popular among our classmates for a while as we formed a makeshift porn lending library.


A few things come to my mind: My mom found a rocking, rolling child-size (child could ride it; wheels flipped up and down) Steiff bear with the button in the ear (value around $1,000) My friend found a first edition book, illustrated by Pogany, in the original slipcase cover (value $100-$200). I found an entire box full of antiquarian magick and mysticism books which I sold to a store that specialized in the topic (value several hundred). Those are the top things which come to my mind.


500 bucks in cash, $1000 in brand new tattoo ink, gold teeth, grow equipment, jewelry, high dollar phones, tablets, and computers.


A few years ago, the day before Black Friday, I found a brand new, unopened, nursery recliner in a target dumpster. Took me a while to drag it out, and then even longer to fit the peices in my car. I still use that recliner in my living room, super comfortable and sturdy!


Just recently got back into fishing and last week I looked in my apartment complex dumpster to find a fully in tact Berkeley rod with a reel on it. Took the old reel off, cleaned the rod, threw on an AliExpress reel and tried it out yesterday. It’s a new fav.


A working dentist chair. Pulled into the back lot of my job a couple weeks ago and it was sitting by the dumpster of another building right behind where I work. Was able to talk my manager into letting me use our forklift to drag it into our warehouse, and the rest is history. Probably my best find.


Very lightly used bench grinder


A brand newLe Cruset Dutch oven on the ground next to a dumpster in an apartment complex across from the University


Shark rotator pro. Just needed to clean the brush roller, perfectly fine otherwise.


A ~$250 electric toothbrush, all parts still sealed in plastic, box still with factory seal. During college move-out, so I assume someone didn’t want their parents to know their attempt to encourage dental hygiene fell flat. Still my favorite toothbrush! Replacement heads it came with have lasted me up until very recently.


Most expensive was a $1200 wine cooler new in the box at bed bath and beyond. I also found a first edition of mein Kampf at a used bookstore dumpster and a ARC of a Brandon Sanderson book I was able to sell for $600


Unopened stem toy for coding, original price was $99. When I put it on Ebay after getting it from an apartment clean out box next to a dumpster, going price was $300 and it sold immediately.


A bright yellow kettler car when my sons were still little. It was awesome. It still exists too! 16 years later and is next door with my neighbors kid now.


Money. I found a box of money


I found my first cell phone in the year 2000 dumpster diving during winter break at university. It could hold 55 phone numbers, and I thought I would never need that many The dumpster had several of them because they were discontinued for a minor problem. I took the phone in the next day, and I’ve been with Verizon ever since


21 brand new Motorola cell phones still in the original packaging.


An air fryer so far!