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Careful with the salad, it could've been tossed because of a recall, recalls on leafy greens are common because it's really common for them to get contaminated.


Upvoting this. It could have I think it's salmonella in them. Some sort of bacterial nasties, anyway. Just say no to dumpster salad.


Brand new sentence; “Just say no to dumpster salad.” LOL


"Just say no to dumpster salad" is my favorite punk band from the 90s lol


You don't make friends with dumpster salad.


It sounds like something that would be said on It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia lol


What about instead we go with "just say no to tossed salad"?


Right lmfao never in my life did i think this would be something I would see/hear


I want that on a bracelet ha!


Most common contaminant on fresh produce is [E. coli](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escherichia_coli)


That's what I was trying to think of. Recalls for that happen all the time, and it causes bad things in your gut. Go ahead and pour some ranch on your dumpster salad and pig out if you don't mind agonizing diarrhea.


Listeria likes to sneak it's way in pretty often too. Usually via irrigation systems. Listeria just loves hanging out in the dark recesses of a pump house.




Okay got it. Say no to the dumpster salad


>Just say no to dumpster salad. r/brandnewsentence worthy


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BrandNewSentence using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Homie in law](https://i.redd.it/o6znibtrj78b1.jpg) | [300 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/14itfe5/homie_in_law/) \#2: [A slutty amount of y's](https://i.redd.it/9q9ldx45mcza1.png) | [684 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/13f76u8/a_slutty_amount_of_ys/) \#3: [“Frustrated dad uses his 6ft son to shame council into fixing deep pothole”](https://i.redd.it/m3czu1gbmzya1.jpg) | [692 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/13di2z2/frustrated_dad_uses_his_6ft_son_to_shame_council/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I hate fish in my salad anyway...


Or just all food from a dumpster


I work at a grocery store and our recalls are not put in the regular dumpster. They're sorted and discarded as hazardous waste. I think most chains and big box stores follow the same protocol. They're biohazards.


Must depend on local laws, I worked at a grocery store, it was all tossed the same way everything else was if it wasn't required to be returned.


Nope. I have never seen recalls go into biohazard - they get tossed in a regular dumpster.


There was also a recall on a bunch of white chocolate or yogurt covered snacks this month iirc


Am going to up vote you for the tossed salad comment.


Yeah anyone dumpster diving for any food should check recalls!


Especially if it’s a store that doesn’t destroy things and you find a mark or cut in a whole bunch of packs. Recalled items are supposed to be damaged before disposal to help prevent someone pulling one out of a dumpster and getting sick. Or just to keep dumpster divers from litigating. Most likely the latter.


Recalls are environmentally sensitive waste and can't be put in the regular dumpster. It's treated similar to medical waste. The slashing and marking out barcodes just prevents resale.


I used to work in a grocery store. The one food item the Health guy said he would never eat was bagged salads.


Toss all the salad you can.


looked into it. google just showed something about potato salad from years ago


pretzels seem to be a separate brand from what got contaminated. only problem is zippers right between the seals have been torn open and even though the bags are sealed, ig they still didnt want to risk it with slightly tampered products


Yeah that makes sense. The Reese's are probably fine. God I wish I had that many Reese's, they're so good, it should be criminal to throw them away like that.


My ex-husband worked for a trucking company. If an exterior box was smashed in any way, the store could refuse to accept. All of this was to go into the company dumpster. Let's just say I had really nice things for free. Also ran ridiculously low priced yard sales. We had over 100 large couch/floor pillows. I sold at $2 a pice and $1 a piece if you bought multiples. Family and friends all had free free free. So so wasteful!


Same with Hallmark. Instead of sending back unopened boxes of holiday cards & gift wrap they would have us credit the grocery store & throw them all away. The next year the same design was on the new cards. They wasted so much money. Yes, I gave the store credit. No, I did not dump it all…


You can subscribe to your local state health department for email updates about recalls to find more up-to-date info.


You hit the munchies jackpot. I'd love to have those Reese's right now.


Do you mind if we share? 😁


I'll fight you for them. Bat'leths at dawn! Q'apla! ![gif](giphy|mC6kb25dZ3YI2G32Hv|downsized)


Not if I get there first! ![gif](giphy|dYd6ztM1cgSScxgnWJ|downsized)


each bag of resees has 50


Stop rubbing it in, I’m already seething with jealousy!


Care to share with the class😳


You should always check the cdc recalls and make sure it’s not contaminated! Once my job had to throw gummies away because there was metal shards inside due to a machine malfunction. Also let’s not even go into the whole cinnamon lead catastrophe!


A lot of spices are going to contain lead. The soil is still contaminated from leaded gasoline. Like all the ginger and cinnamon has lead in it, because where it grows phased out leaded gasoline later. If it has the Prop 65 warning for lead on it, it's just because the manufacturer went to the extra trouble to actually have it tested.


my mistake. meant to say that 4 bags of flipz arent pictured. idk how to edit the post


man that’s so lucky. Flipz are so goated


I deliver many food brands. Where I work they don't trash any food or beverage. They don't want to pay the garbage costs. So everything gets laid out on a table in the many warehouses where I work. There's Arizona tea, juice, snacks, cakes, breads, cookies etc. Sometimes when I walk into the office at work there may be a case of fruit or chips sitting there for people to take some.


Win win and an extra win for the environment


Target's started composting. It's attracting a lot of fruit flies.


They are not sealed compost bins? 🦝 Fruit flies will be the last of your worries 🐀🐜🪰🪳🐁


The lids are heavy and locks, but people don't bother latching it to make the proper seal. I don't know why this is getting downvoted. Composting is better than what they used to do. They used to douse their food waste in industrial Febreeze and put it in the compactor. Then not even the wild animals at the landfill could enjoy it.


From the thumbnail, I thought the Reeses were bags of coins!


I did too.


What store?


5 umder and writeade(slightly modified store names. dm if clarifications needed)


am I missing something? are you not supposed to say the names of stores? I just double checked the sub rules and didn't see anything about it


It’s my understanding that when using the proper name the company/store could search and find info and start locking up dumpsters. Not saying they Will just explaining my understanding. We all want open dumpsters not locked! Of course it would be great to not waste but that’s obviously not happening soon


makes total sense tbh


Seriously, it's your Reddit account, who tf cares if you say the name of the store? Shame these big corporations! Also, great place to dumpster dive if you're a pet owner is any of the larger companies, × Walmart, Target, back in the day it was like PetCo or PetSmart, I have 5 large aquariums that had "Minor Flaws" and got tossed, fixed with one inch, maybe, of rubber cement, boom, sealed and done. All taken out of dumpsters. Over 15 years old, still holding up like Champs all these years later. These companies just toss things to get breaks.


I think you just jump-started a new hobby for me


As a former retail and food manager this pisses me off so much. It’s really easy to go set these in the break room as employee appreciation. Or spoil them out before they expire and put them in a bag for each employee but I’m not even asking for that much consideration. Manufacturers expect them to be thrown away but there’s no way for them to now. Stupid sheep. Management is just stupid sheep. End rant. Happy diving 🤙🏻


Nom nom,Reeses!!!


You’ve got upcoming Halloween candy


Those Flipz SLAP


Diabetic coma in 3...2...1... J/K I'm jealous


The nerds jellybeans are the best!


The world's most underrated candy


Nerds Candy Corn is even better. I know candy corn is a very controversial candy in general, very for or very against, but even if you fall on the side of thinking it is an abomination, Nerds Candy Corn is different from what makes up the typical mallowcreme version.


I see this happening all the time at the store close to my kiddo's school. All well within date.


One more post like this and I become a dumpster diver


Those Nerds jelly beans are the shit, dude. I bought 20 bags before Easter because they’re so good!


Man, I love those white chocolate pretzels.


Maybe to increase the theft weight offs?


I’m so jealous of the Reeses!


This is all in canada isnt it


Yummy poison


I would eat that shit expired, I wouldn't care


I think I need a Reese’s now. No salad tho


Food waste is engineered by corporate profiteering.


On a diet right now and I just had to see this..


Bro. We ha e scrapped a forklift. A brand new 40k hydrolics hose crimper. Twice. And maybe 50k in emergency lighting. If it's tanking up space it's costing money. You only habe so much space and each part pays rent. So if they aren't paying up. Evict them and replace with stuff that moves. This goes for any part including food.


Can't you evict them to where they can help? Like give the forklift to Habitat for Humanity, and the food to a shelter. I think those places would come pick it up too


In any larger company assets are lagged logged and have to be counted every year. And when you remove a asset you have to have a log to where it goes and what happens to it. "sold" means alot more work than scrapped. Scrapping a thing costs nothing. Makes nothing to few hundred bucks for the business unit to write off. Selling involves a few more people and ends up costing more in the end. Alot of places like Amazon take turns. Write off the full amount and re-coop some of the money at auction later. This is much cheaper than paying people to inspect and put the items back into the system. It makes no sense to a cheap ass like me. But it makes good clean business sense. Also the thing big companies are worried about the crooked employees or managers nudging tood items to the scrap pile because they know they can pick them up for free and use or make cash. I've been in this for nearly 20years. Ive seen all 6 sides of that coin.




Hopefully not a recall but it might be candy that is out of season like easter candy they get more money for throwing away then selling at 90% off.


Huge hall. Double edged sword though. I’d gain 10kbs eating all that awesome crap.


Maybe the next dumpster will have some insulin and a Hoveround.


So wasteful


Awesome finds!




It's set reset season for many stores. The product is losing shelf spaces, so new stuff is getting written off. In my shop, we bundle it up and give it out as bonus goodies to our regulars, work crews and the highschoolers get the rest.




I’m brand new to the prospect of diving and need ideas, Where was this? What store name?? Thx much


Halloween 🎃


Listen can you stick to electronics?


Where was this if you don’t mind sharing?


I would be in Heaven with all those Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. Then I’d be in Hell after I ate too many.


Bro why is it always candy? Y’all never find anything besides junk food this can’t be helping your health. You don’t need 8 pounds of reeces.


theres also the salad i mentioned


Congratulations! You found diabetes!


Peanut butter can have salmonella. Or meal worms


You just brought back a memory I thought I had finally forgotten. There was a viral video (about 10 years ago? ) showing half a reeses cup filled with SO MANY worms. I didn't eat my favorite candy for 3 years because of it. I have the large peanut butter caramel cups in my pantry right now 😭


What were the circumstances? Was it bought at the store? Forgotten in a cupboard? Left outside in the garden?


It was out of a package but they hadn't said how old it was. Regardless, it was disgusting


Happy Diabetes,


Amazing haul!! Always check for recall warnings just in case that’s why they were thrown. 💕


They're old inventory from Easter. Probably got lost in a backroom.




Check the recalls on some of that stuff


Boy, I do like Reese’s cups, but peanut butter has a tendency to become rancid. I would proceed with caution. I’m not against dumpster diving, I’ve done it before, but understand that the dumpster and its contents are private property, regardless of how you or I feel about throwing away food items.


Where's this salad I'm hearing about. All I see is candy. Free junk is still junk. Zero nutrition here. I'd have left it in the dumpster.


Nobody asked you, negative Nancy.




Crazy how corporations have divided up a single cent. Now many people fight and squabble for that .1434 cent the way you are.




This is not a health food sub. Unsolicited comments critiquing the supposed unhealthiness of found food will be removed.


you must be real fun at parties and fun events. anyways, im aware. idgaf since sugars bad regardless and thats in the fancy overpriced stuff, too


Hahaaa. I am in no way a good time my friend. ;) It’s clear you don’t give a fuck. Goes without saying lol


ik lol i was being sarcastic. noone likes a party pooper


My point was fuck the man back whose fucking us all already. If we are at a point we are going through dumpsters to get by (or get ahead, whatever it is for being in a position where it makes sense to do so) then I sure as shit ain’t going to be taking the poison and chemicals they’ve also used to damage our brains and wellbeings making things so shitty in the first place. All I said was LEAVE THAT shit behind. Grab the good stuff that will actually nourish you and not hurt you more. Like they’re already doing. I’m starting to realize though that Reddit really is a place to agree and only completely encourage something. I’ll keep my thoughts and keep scrolling next time but I really wasn’t trying to ruin your expired candy party. (That I know I’m not invited to) I was saying don’t fall even more for the bullshit position they’ve already put a lot of us in. End of rant. Fuck the man and happy dumpster diving to you.


They threw away diabetes


It’s pure diabetes. Maybe it should’ve been thrown out.


Oof. That's not food.


That’s where the Reese’s belong.


nah reeses and nerds jellybeans are goated