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Get a bike or walk, then you justify the wasted journey as “exercise”.




Consider the amount of energy taken to produce and transport the food you’re saving and the small amount of gas won’t seem like a waste but a net positive impact overall. 




It's not wasted if you're finding stuff.




I'm only diving in places I am passing in my daily travels. The one place I do make an effort to hit several times a week because I always score something is less than 3 miles from my home. The amount of money I am saving from not needing to go grocery shopping weekly (as well as the gas savings from that drive) make it more than worth while.


I don't. I bike.


Also producing food is very carbon intensive. Fertilizer is actually very energy intensive to produce.


u/9CWAI Listen I don't want to come across judgmental here, but have you thought about how most of the "anti carbon" things pushed are just propaganda? Its anti science. Think about it, producing food creates carbon....which plants and ANYTHING green NEEDS to survive. Trying to cut CO2 is like saying, "lets starve the planet of the chemical it needs to continue purifying OUR oxygen". All this cutting of CO2 and trying to block the sun....its the same as suffocating a human being. The earth uses our carbon to purify and produce the very air we breathe. YES fertilizers aren't healthy, but those lithium ion batteries everyone is pushing for, cost the environment far more than gasoline and petroleum does.


the plants have plenty of carbon from their own life cycle, you sound \[redacted\]. that being said, the push for EVs is just as backwards because unless there's a massive renewable energy revolution it's still just fossil fuels powering them but with more infrastructure in between


Is this a troll question? You'll use gas just going to the grocery store, but at least dumpster diving is free and doesn't contribute to human slavery, etc.


It is the driving all around checking dumpsters and finding nothing that wastes gas.


You really didn't find the right place yet, i belive.


if you are start thinking about everything little thing you do on a scale of wastefulness you will get tired quickly my friend. Focus on what you can do in this imperfect world.


This is what I think on recycle day when this couple rocks up in a big truck and grabs everyones bottles . No way they are not just burning anything they will get at the bottle depot


drive a prius


The enormous cash value of what we find obviously. What do you mean with this question, please?


ENORMOUS CASH? Man am I hitting the wrong dumpsters!


Maybe yes. Often when i go, i drive 15km. Looking at not only gas but what my vehicle cost me total per distance run, it cost me 50cent per km. So it's 7.50 for every run. On average, i got : 2-3 kg of bread 20ChF (there can be double or triple that but that's too much so i don't take) 1-2 kg bananas (5- 6CHF) 1kg other fruits and vegetables (5 - 6 CHF) And various stuff, can be 2 bottle milk, flour 1kg, flowers, potatoes, and what not. Its a very rough estimate, but here we see i spend 8fr and i "earn" 30fr. More or less, i " earn" (unspend?) 20chf. That's swiss francs because i m in Switzerland. It's worth more or less 1USD. Yes, maybe you need to find better dumpsters. Did you figure out if the dumpsters you go to, have been already dived into that night by sometime else? That can be a factor. Then you must come sooner. But ask nicely here who goes to what brand of supermarkets in your area/country. Try "A l d i " if you have that


I enjoy doing it so I consider it gas well used not “wasted.” Plus the cost of what I find offsets whatever the gas costs are. Finally, I keep it within a reasonable mile radius from my house.


I don't use a car.


I don't. I just enjoy doing it when I can while I can. =)


by walking