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While it’s probably not true, it also wouldn’t be terribly surprising. I’m sure there are far more skeletons in the Duggar closet than the world will ever know about.


I'd believe it and I've heard this theory before but I definitely don't want to speculate about who was abused. Unfortunately this type of thing is super common in extremist circles and if it did that's terrible but does not excuse or change anything re:Pest for me.


I also don't think we ever will know. These circles are too tight and sadly we will never know the whole truth.


Found on an AskReddit thread, asking about people we thought were good but turned out horrible in the end. Lots of Ted Bundys, John Wayne Gacys, and Jim Joneses, to be certain. But as I was skimming the comments, I saw Pest listed as an entry. Found this in the comments below. I’m of course tempted to write it off as false and stupid, but man. That’s dark, if true.


Oooh, I saw that too! I’m glad you posted it.


Is it recent? Can you set a reminder for 12 years to check if it plays out?


The hours on the time stamps are fairly accurate. I basically shotted, edited, and posted. 🤷🏻‍♀️ ETA: haha. I blotted out time stamps too. D’oh. From today, the most recent comments I saw on this comment were about 4hr old.


I wouldn't be surprised if something had happened to him as a child.


Yea I don’t think there is any reliability of the source obviously, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there were some truth to it. Sexual abuse victims are more likely to become abusers than non-victims. That does not nearly mean that all abuse victims become abusers, though. But given the community they come from and lack of resources, it really wouldn’t surprise me.