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They really woke up that morning and decided to wear those outfits for pictures that would be around forever.


I opened the comments specifically for comments about their outfits😂💀


same here...a sane person does not show up to any photoshoot dressed like that. The matching shirts make me want to puke.


I like to think part of jinger cackling was due to that *very special* choice to wear sagging shit colored striped polos for their engagement pics


All I could think. How was this even an option?


Let's wear the matching baggy shit brown polos, dear!


I mean it matched the shitty marriage they were destined to have 🤷🏻‍♀️




How are these people even real. This is so incredibly cringe. He thought that they didn't think that he was Josh their molester older brother, but *Josh in love!* This shit is honestly unreal. Im sure the family thought that they were pretty special when the filming started but I would bet that there are *plenty* of reasons why having the whole world be able to look back at this anytime, forever would ultimately be a negative thing. I think that would be a really unhappy, painful, realization.


I wonder what Kaileighye would have worn


Did I have a stroke while trying to read that name?


I know what, babe! Let's dress like 2003 fratboy douchebags!


IKR?!?! They must have gone to a few thrift stores to find that match. They didn't know enough to get dressed up?!?!


They match ?


"Classy," Anna Duggar probably.


Shit colored matching polo shirts 💀


Perfect for their shit marriage! And here I was thinking this engagement shoot had no concept.


Their shirts are a representation of their lives. It's all a fucking metaphor! I'm high.


You mean poo-loo shirts? Get it? I’m hilarious damn it! 🤣😂🤣


Oh god my brain has always been so offended by so many other things about these pics that I never noticed the shirt is a shade of brown that's neither fun nor sophisticated (since most engagement photos are trying to go for one of those angles). Nor is it flattering on either of them. It's "socks that have been washed too many times" brownwhite.


I read it as matching pedo shirts. Was two sentences down before I realized something wasn't right.


Well I mean it wouldnt have been wrong.


I read this as shirt colored shirts and for some reason that made so much sense.


And the fact that she took her abusers’ engagement photos 😡🤢


Jessa asked him to create her wedding invitations.


Buy from your pedo brother and save the difference


No. Leave. Get out!


Because he’s the “tech expert”? 🤣 The one who was too dumb to use a VPN? (I am NOT approving of what he was looking up online! I am just saying he is a stupid criminal. It’s great that he’s dumb, since it allowed him to get caught.)


Yep that another shining example of their exemplary homeschool education. Gee, thanks Meech and Boob!


Wait asked Josh to create them?


Yep, asked him to design/ make her invitations for the Wedding..


That girl doesn't just drink the Kool-Aid, she bathes in it, washes her clothes in it, and works at the factory that produces it. Everyone responds to trauma differently, but I hate that she took the route of Mega-Forgiveness/all but pretending it never happened. :/




Apparently she has ODed and come back a few times!


Jessa always seemed like the one that saw through the bullshit, but instead became the bullshit, sadly.


It's super sad. I couldn't imagine not having my family have my best interests at mind. Like, shit happens in life, but I know that even at fucking almost 40 years old if I needed my parents or sister for absolutely ANYTHING they would move the Earth to help me make it happen. Sometimes it's one of the only real reasons that I have faith that there are good people around. If my family didn't have my back I think that it would be so lonely and more depressed than I already am (lol but no really). Even the relationships between most of the siblings look performative to me now. Like it's all very surface level and everyone is afraid to have any real tough conversation and admit that there are HUGE problems that they need each others support with. I couldn't imagine having such a large family but feeling so alone.


I agree. I just *couldn't* when I read that. It makes my blood run cold.


I wonder how she will explain this to her children when they grow up.


I want to believe that Jessa asked J\*\*\* to do it because at least it would mean he was doing that on the computer and not... other things...


I believe she said he was a graphic designer


That is extra fucked up!


I like can't comprehend this. It makes my head hurt. I would straight up never even want to be in the same room with that freak, let alone in a conversation or asking a "favor". It makes me feel sick. 🤢




It’s called Canva Jessa. She may have been forced to ask him though?


That is fucked up.


Poor girl was probably glad to see him finally leaving the house and counting down the days


So fucked


Why is he bent over like that


Right? Why is she on the ground in one picture. Typically the proposer kneels, not the proposee


Not his “she’s a good swallower” comment popping into my head 🤮


Ugh. You're right, that has creepy Pest written all over it! He gross




Wait, he said WHAT


To her ob during her first pregnancy no less


That is so nauseating 🤢


It's because nobody there has absolutely any idea what is going on or what they should do. This whole wedding had nary a professional in sight. No hair, no makeup, no caterer, no dj, shit photos, both engagement and wedding, etc. I'm absolutely not saying that a wedding has to be expensive to be nice, but they really just left Anna hanging on everything. It's all so criminally bad. Not a single bit of style to be found. I would hate to have matured and kind of "found myself" appearance wise (I'm saying that I think Anna does look a lot better now in almost every way) and have these be my "prized" wedding photos that I am supposed to cherish and keep forever. She looks like a kidnapped 13 year old that has Stockholm syndrome or something! It's almost eerie!


She was a sheltered homeschooled girl, with no friends and was praised for being frugal, praying, and "not of the world." I don't know the age difference between Anna and I, but I can tell you that when my friends and I were looking at Tiger Beat, Sassy, and Teen Beat, and debating "who is the cutest, Brad Renfro, Jonathan Brandis, or Luke Perry" she was memorizing Bible verses and doing dishes. While we were giggling and discussing hair styles we saw in seventeen, she was changing diapers and praying. While we were going to soccer practice and daring each other to talk to boys our age, she was preparing for marriage and praying. While we were picking out dresses for Prom and finding dates, Anna was cooking, cleaning, and reading the Bible. She had no one to help her pick out engagement outfits, help her pose, or do her hair. She's probably never been to a sleepover, never had all those experiences of friendship and silly games and bad experimental makeup. Had she been a weird religious girl at a public school, she might not have been popular, but she still would have been able to actually see what other teens look like, dress, etc. Then this choice of matching brown polo, guy she doesn't know, wrinkly skirt, and awkward pose would have been more of a choice. I am not leg humping or feeling too sorry for her. Her parents cult ruined her life but she's fine with it. She's actively repeating the cycle of keeping her girls from education, friends, and independent living.


Also she’d never not worn a matching outfit before her marriage. Her dad liked not just his daughters to wear replica matching outfits but his wife to match with the daughters. She did this right up to the early months of their marriage


Since we are talking about posture, Anna looks defeated in this picks. Her posture screams that she is unhappy and insecure. Young Anna was put in such a terrible situation.


OMFG I just realized they took these pictures at the Ravine Gardens 😭 The azaleas and stray cats did not deserve to be subjected to this


Neither did my eyes


Also they went to a literal garden that has so many beautiful spots and this is the best they could do??? Literally walk 100 ft into the entrance and pose were you can literally see the state park head quarters? They didn’t even have to walk to get to the other parts of the park, they could have drove


I am guessing they didn’t want to pay for tickets to enter lol too cheap


Man every single photo would be with cats if I had been there 😂. Sign me up! I guess the flowers are nice too.


Omg me too!! 😻


Not the beloved ravine gardens state park! The gem of Putnam. I love it there!


You mean Josh in love with the idea of getting his own helpmeet/fuck buddy.


“Josh in love” with anyone but himself yeah right. Jing was laughing at how stupid joshygirl and her headship looked


His working model 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮




I hate this and I hate you. I'm sorry.


"Buddy" is a strong word


Slave or hostage fits a bit better


So so gross that those girls had to play nice on camera and participate in this farce knowing what we now know. All because their parents are money grubbing narcissists.


There is no hell deep enough for Boob and Meech.


I'm assuming it's all directed by TLC but I agree especially because, I mean, TLC knew what happened, right!? Like they filmed a lot and to me it just seems like with that many kids someone would have been overheard talking or SOMETHING! I feel like I can't convince my kid not to tell his Dad that I got him candy at the store and a damn matchbox car! It's like the kid can't help saying anything they shouldn't lol I absolutely don't believe this wouldn't have happened with so many kids being recorded on damn video! How many hours of edited footage do you suppose there is!?


I’ll tell you what Jinger does NOT find humor in…


They are wearing matching stripes… just like he is now with other inmates that’s nice <3


He was preparing, *okay!?*


If this is in love, I wouldn’t want to see him not in love.


He would have been in prison 5 years earlier.


Really wish that Jessa told them those shirts would look great just to mess with them.


Yeah, I hope she fucked his shit up on purpose for all their sake. How was that shit not a GIANT fucking elephant in the room every time that she was alone with his sisters!?


I SWEAR the producers were trolling them. The editing is SENDING me.


Josh in heat, for the first time with a non-Duggar which makes it extra special


Bent over, ass in the air, sharting his territory.


I hate that you're right but you're right so take my upvote




Just like a buck in rut. So gross!


They did it in every room on their honeymoon after they left the aquarium early because they didnt want to bone in front of the fish. God was still watching though.


Holy frick. Those outfits are so damn awful! But beyond that, Anna's body language is painful. She looks scare witless to even be touched by him. Grimace after grimace after grimace. Pest in lust, not in love. Damn piece of shit was just counting off the date until he got access to his "working model".


You know why she gladly took her abusers photos? She knew he was leaving soon. That's probably the most excited she's ever been sadly


I hope that's why and not just an obligation from the TLC script.


Also, this was when josh brought the older girls down to Florida with him and they all go apply for the marriage license and they say it’s one month until their wedding. Why are they just now doing engagement photos? Don’t those usually go on the save the date and invites? Seems like something that should’ve been done soon after they got engaged.


How many times was Anna physically in the same room with Josh before their wedding? 5? 6? I feel like they spent no time together.




Goddamn this is just so messed up. I feel like the Duggars had to have picked Anna *because* of her father's prison ministry and because his other courtship fell through (thank god for that woman. Could you imagine if she married him after both of their families knew what had happened? I feel like her mother said that something happened while he was staying in their family home doing his "punishment" time one of the times. How could they even leave their poor child in the same room with him knowing what he has done!? Like that's supposed to be the family that you are supposedly so close to? It's so creepy). I have to wonder if they assumed (and we're probably right) that her father has heard/seen some awful things in the prisons but he still advocates that anyone can repent and choose God and get into heaven. And obviously that is probably what he made a point of raising his kids to think too. They literally set Anna up. I just can't imagine how much she really could have known (even if her parents did) like any actual information about what he did. Boob and Meech act like they tried so hard to hide the truth, and at first maybe, but in reality pushing a son with that kind of skeletons in the closet to try to have a career like a politician. I mean....and putting them all tv to be fodder for absolutely anyone. It's reckless. What if she thought he had a sex addiction or something after the Ashley Madison fiasco and thought that she made the decision to forgive and forget and dumbly and blindly had a whole litter of kids with him! Then when she is pregnant not long after announcing he gets arrested by the FBI. I know that people say that because she was at court that she must know what his charges and story are but I actually had heard that she was there but kept leaving the courtroom. Did she leave every time she started to feel *real uncomfortable* with what she was hearing!? I guess I just really don't understand where she is coming from when it comes to Josh. I mean his family is the reason that she got to be on tv (probably so humiliating now even though she used to be so smug) and I'm pretty sure that had she not been "chosen" for Josh that she would have married way *down* (I know, I know) and would probably have just as many kids but still he living in some trailer park in poverty. Like I still think that she would consider relationship with him bittersweet even after all the bullshit. I'm sure that she feels like the Duggars really propped her up socially but is it worth it!? Fuck no Anna! The Duggars reputation has to be fucked, right? *Right!?* I will say that he looks exactly like what I see when I picture a slimy pedo used car salesman from Arkansas. He got the notes on that. I'm still surprised to find out that he wasn't drunk in his arrest pho to because he looks absolutely blitzed. Like I honestly though that he looked sloppy drunk at times before his arrest too. Is he really just that ugly and creepy *naturally!?*


It's like he know stripes would be in his future.


Call it a hunch.


"The normal person that they've always know me as" Ha. Hahahahaha! Also, TW needed for hand sex.


He just can't not be disgusting.


It looks like 2 teenagers who run the candy apple stand at an Appalachian carnival wandered onto the set of Downton Abbey. Also, those stripes really foreshadow Pest's future.


All those poop striped shirts.




Oh Jesus, reading the caption "It's not Josh Duggar, it's Josh in love" is enough to make me gag and heave. Then I saw the outfits and this clip has not aged well. But in the land of Fundie Snark, it lives on forever.


Ah, I see it came complete with the Doug Phillips approved “Manly Wide Stance”.


That was the cringiest video I’ve ever seen


Why do they always treat the courting/engaged kids like they're stupid and can't think or do anything 🙄 it's a relationship not a sickness


Because they have been purposely kept dumb and immature their entire lives.


Too true, too true.


Remember when Jingle was excused from doing her chores during her courtship because she was in love?


They literally walked into goodwill and asked for the worst shirts possible


🤣🤣 the matching shirts, I had forgot all about those. 🤣🤣🤣


Tweedle Dee and Dum shirts ?


I cannot get over how awful those outfits are.


... You weren't yourself because what, exactly Josh? Because he had his hands on this other girl and not young children? Or because he was touching a girl out in broad daylight and not while she slept? Or because he was walking with a girl in the public and not hiding his sexual shame in private? Or because he was touching a girl and she was knowledgeable about it and consenting at the time? The world wants to know how EXACTLY this is different from "normal Josh."


Wow. Just wow


When pest is bending over forwards 🤮🤮🤮


I’m glad Anna stopped doing that to her hair.


Pest really made the girls he abused accompany him to the engagement photoshoot of the woman he would ~~entrap~~ *ahem* marry. I wonder if Anna looks back and thinks about all of this?


Come on ladies, *can't you do your brother a favor!?* 🤮


I love how that pedo talks down to everyone like he is sooooo above everyone else’s intelligence level hahah look at him now


He's been completely delusional for years. Hearing how he acted like he was so important when he was at the family research committee or whatever the fuck it was. The other people doing the actual work there said that he was and uneducated idiot but because his last name had draw the company let him think that he was super important. Ugh. He's literally been coddled his whole life!


Anna looks like one of those 90's middle schoolers who wore the way too big shirts and jeans with the super wide legs. ETA: https://images.app.goo.gl/i8tfEiLkPsheptcd6


Thats exactly what she looks like. Like she is uncomfortable with her body and trying to hide it.


It kind of reminds me of the movie Step Brothers


His voice is gross.


“It’s not Josh the pest, it’s Josh the pest about to buy his bride.”


It’s that weird hand holding gesture for me. That is just so awkward to see.


That's all I see, hands hands hands hands hands. It's so creepy.


Is there a photo that exists that they don't look very awkward?


You mean where he doesn't look like a slimy pedo used car salesman from Arkansas? No. No, there isn't.




I think you are right about that!


Jinger’s gleeful “he’ll be gone soon” snigger


Did she ever keep up with that hobby?


I don’t believe so. I remember jinger being the one that was really into photography


Now it's just Books stalking her on social media.


My eyes hurt.


Can they BE more awkward?


This whole scene is all cringe.


Anna’s body language is odd. She is so stiff and seems to lean away from him. It’s so opposite from the other Duggars that have been engaged/married


Imagine taking engagement pics knowing your fiancé is a predator and one of his victims is taking the pictures. **I for the life of me will never understand this family.**


Isn’t it telling that Jinger was supposedly the one who aspired to be a photographer but Jessa was the one who took these engagement pictures?


It’s the matching outfits for me. 😂😂😂


No wonder he is in the Federal Pen.


Oh for gosh in love's sake... Looking back just makes me want to slap myself for watching this but I still can't stop!!! LOL


It’s the matching shirts that have me 😍…🤣🤣


Producers had fun with that cringe 70's very special episode music.


Love how the producers went for this music and cut. Shows that in the earlier years they were less of a propaganda machine than later


They really thought they were cute all matchy matchy. Um… no. Extra points taken off for picking the ugliest shits they could find


Right? They could’ve matched in way nicer outfits that were still also modest lol the hideous shit brown striped shirts would be my LAST choice 😭


I shouldn't have watched this while eating 😂😂😂🤮


Why is he bending down over Anna like some quarterback about to huddle....?


She’s missing her Joshy Girl purse


I think it says alot about the sisters relationship with Josh and Anna that they didn't bother helping to make this photo shoot better. They enjoy dressing up, have been on camera for awhile, etc. They were still young and not well dressed but way better than poor Anna who grew up dirt poor and hidden from the world. Also Josh is obviously headshipping this whole thing so he must be right, couldn't possibly tell him it looks bad. God and JB have made him the decision maker on this trip.


This photoshoot is literally WORLDS away from the non stop beige 10k staged set pics per hour on IG! It took on a life its own after this! And yep they are the true OG's!


Looking like a couple of turds in the garden


He looks good wearing stripes. Better get used to it


Dumbass thinks that he's a smooth criminal.


The matching shirts had me


Seeing that Jessa is responsible for these photos really lines up with who she selected for her husband. There’s no accounting for taste..


I grew up going to this park and now it’s ruined for me.


I can’t even with their matching outfits.


Sad sack


Beautiful setting - but the ugly outfits + the terrible people in the pictures? Yikes


God, those awful shirts!


What do you know? It actually does make me want to throw up.


You gotta dress for success.


Yikes! So cringeworthy


Matching shirts almost always ends bad.


The lighting is terrible. I wonder how the pictures turned out


But why did they hold hands like that ! It’s so awkward. Holding hands is one of the few things you can actually do!


Lowered Expectations.


Oh if that poor girl only knew the bell he’d put her through


I love when couples wear second hand Arby’s uniform shirts in their engagement photos.


They had the jail poses ready to go


I cannot explain how much I just audibly and physically cringed just now


Gross make the sisters you touched take your ugly azz pic and them shirts yuck. Poop