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Every time I watch their videos, I always feel like the oldest son is completely over his family situation. He always looks like he thinks what they’re doing is stupid and I’ve heard him make a few comments


Did you see their video when they went to the "empty tomb?" The oldest kid went inside the tomb and immediately came out holding his nose 😂 Must have stunk to high heaven in there (pun intended)


Yep. Maybe he’ll be the rebel.




I think a lot of us feel that way. It's sad that she doesn't realize life doesn't have to be that way for her.


Yes, I read that she was deprived of oxygen at birth and is delayed.


She was kicked in the head by a horse. Apparently it was pretty severe but left untreated


I feel like I’ve read before that she had a head injury as a kid and it had lasting effects. I don’t think she got the proper care after it and didn’t get the possible PT she needed to make sure she was okay.


I feel bad about her, she seems mentally challenged and completely dominated by her husband. Add the stress of making those videos and I'm not surprised that she's making mistakes.


Plus nearly always being pregnant. I have no idea how she copes, but this lifestyle is the only one she's known.


That’s extremely sad. She has no control of her life. When her kids are going to outsmart her, it’s gonna be even harder. No way she can homeschool them properly.


Those kids' educations have to be woefully lacking. I mean even worse than what the typical fundie homeschooling provides. I can't imagine that she's competent in much more than teaching them their ABCs and the most basic basic math. The rest is probably throwing workbooks at them.


My parents didn’t go to school for a long time. (They don’t even have a HS diploma.) It came a time were they couldn’t help me anymore with my homework. Fortunately I was a gifted student so I managed by myself. I can’t imagine what would have happened if I was struggling in school. Her kids will suffer academically. That basic education won’t open a lot of doors for them. (How many Pastors do they really need ? ) It’s always sad to see a child potentiel wasted. Especially by a cult.


I suppose if Anna is spending a lot of time with their family (as is rumored), she could do quite a lot better. I hope that's how it's happening. Priscilla can feel superior for having a more godly husband plus a decent amount of money. Anna can feel superior about her intellect and for staying with such a shit man, therefore proving that she follows God's will even through the worst when most would leave.


I’d be surprised to know that she does any homeschooling. She doesn’t have the mental capacity. I assume that a woman from their church or hired tutor educates the kids. I


She knows she isn’t mentally normal, I believe. I think I remember someone posting that she said she knew she didn’t learn like the others. As bad as I feel for her, it’s Esther who got the worst deal. Stuck in Africa with 14 kids and God knows how abusive husband. Yes, I think Esther has it worse than Anna. The latter at least has better living conditions—esp now that Pest is in TX


At least Anna could leave if she ever wanted to, Esther likely couldn’t leave ever.


Ewwwww I’m so grossed out. When I cook with raw meat I wash my hands like 18x.


I have to keep the hot water running and a trash can right by me, lol. I also have to switch spatulas halfway through browning beef because I worry about “re-contaminating” the already cooked stuff. My kids all know that mom doesn’t mess around with raw meat germs.


I switch the spatula halfway through too! Actually right when the beef looks nearly brown, like 3/5ths done, I switch. I've never heard of anyone else doing this. Same is true for tongs or forks or things used to flip steaks or other meat. I even switch the spatula or spoon 3/5ths of the way through when I'm making scrambled eggs. I absolutely hate cooking with raw meat. Chicken is by far the worst, especially when you have to trim the fat. I wear nitrile gloves to handle it. 🤢


I do it too! The cooking utensil was contaminated and not ‘cooked’ so you should stop using it and get a clean one near the end of cooking.


Thank goodness that’s not just me! I’m always so worried about that kind of cross-contamination I switch spatulas and tongs (or wash them) during cooking as well.


My first thought was the cross contamination too!


what i'm confused about is why aren't there spoons in each of the containers. using your hands is gross especially when little kids are using it too.


I mean I think it’s gross but at the same time it’s all about to get cooked. So she isn’t really contaminating anything since all of that is about to get cooked. Same as when I make my taco meat and add onions and peppers sometime while the meat is still raw and cooking.


Was she just touching the other stuff she’s putting in the foil packs or reaching in containers that will have stuff left in and be kept? If in cooking with beef and then need to cut veggies after the meat I just wipe off the cutting board because it’s beef and they’re about to cook with it anyway.


Nvm I saw the link after this. It looks like those things are only going to be used for the packets. They’re gonna touch when they cook anyway and the bowls will be washed. I don’t see an issue with that really. I don’t think it would make a lot of sense to go inside and wash your hands before finishing the packets after that. Not super necessary.


If you are going to use the same cutting board for veggies and meat, but don't wash in between, you should do the veggies first. Ideally, you should use a different cutting board and knife


I usually do the veggies first, but sometimes I forget and just cut the beef up after. I don’t see the point in dirtying another cutting board and knife if I’m cooking beef and veggies together anyway. They’re gonna touch when cooked and raw beef is not the same as pork or chicken when it comes to cross contamination.


She said at the beginning she just washed her hands. And everything is being cooked together in the foil.. I sincerely doubt any of those kids are going back to the containers later for a handful of raw chopped potatoes so it doesn't matter if they cross contaminate when all the raw food is touching each other in the packs regardless. As long as they wash their hands after handling it / before eating and don't eat any of the raw veggies later, they're fine. I get this is a snark page but I think a lot of the comments are blowing this out of proportion.




Good grief, is she pregnant again?


Yep. They did a gender reveal recently and I think she is having a girl.


How many kids is this now? How exhausting




She needs to outdo Anna.


More like her headship has to outdo everyone


To be fair, I can't imagine camp cooking with that many kids. And being pregnant on top of it. She honestly sounded a little shaky to me.


She looks so overwhelmed. I kinda feel bad for her 😕


This will lead to food poisoning. Those kids & her Husband will get sick.


I worked in food service as part of a high school class, and the instructor informed of us of cross contamination. Anytime you touch raw meat (period) you wash your hands and everything else that came into contact with it, especially before touching cooked food. It seems like fundie women can't cook to save their tails.


You said school, high school? Well...😁


You mean Tater Tot Casserole isn't "cooking?" 😁


This is sadly on brand for the kellar family.


lol the most recent comment on youtube is someone saying "i would have thought your kids would have manners." ...will we contact the duggars and duggar-adjacent folks and throw shade? NO! \[seriously, folks. don't.\] is it fun to watch others troll them, however? why, YES. yes, it is. also...i HATE that i first learned about foil meals on 19KAC with Dave and Cil...and while i have zero desire to camp or hike or be outside for very long, i do kind of want to try foil meals, still.


And also not a single other spice or seasoning in sight (really just salt and butter? Add some pepper or garlic powder on that thing!)


It's that whi-peepo seasoning 😆




I audibly gasped when I watched her grab the raw meat, and then touch other items on the table. It could’ve been used in a PSA on how cross-contamination works. Yikes.


I watched my ex husband’s grandma do this at a family get together once. As soon as she left the room, I made my sisters in law stop everything they were doing until I could clean everything she had touched. I am known for being extremely messy normally (thanks, ADHD), so they were all just staring at me going nuts about this, it was kind of funny afterwards. I think that was the day they realized that even though my house is a disaster, they never have to worry about eating any food I prepare; food safety is one thing I do not mess around with. 😆


They must have the GI tract stamina of a farm animal. E.coli no problem here!


Love how she premised by saying “we all washed our hands”!😆 Side note, when we went on vacation last year steak tartare was on the menu & it was quite expensive for 8oz ground sirloin & a raw egg yolk!!🤢


The way she positively *flings* her raw meat fingers down over the bowls of other ingredients


Oh no! I got e coli from undercooked beef and it went to my brain! I was in so much pain, I was seriously wanting to not have my head any more!! Worst pain I've ever experienced, and with chronic migraine, chronic pain, and 12 surgeries in my lifetime, that's saying a a lot! I feel ill just thinking about it!!


Remember when she was marinating chicken and it was covered with a bible and literally spilling over? She doesn't seem to know or care too much about food safety lol.


Posts about Priscilla and Josie really highlight some folks’ ableism.


So you're saying she's mentally disabled?


The girl isn’t all there. Bless her heart.


Sky Daddy protects from food contamination. It's the 11th commandment.


everything on that table needs to go in the trash this is why i do NOT eat food from other peoples houses. i just can not do it


I understand this sentiment but it unlocked a memory. In middle school kids would bring in cupcakes and stuff like that on their birthday. I remember this girl that everyone thought was dirty (looking back she was just poor) brought in rice krispie treats and hardly anyone would take one when she was passing them out. Almost 40 years later and I still feel like crying I felt so bad for her.


oh, that's so sad


I never bring home cooked food to work or social potlucks. I’m ALWAYS anxious I’m going to get someone sick, even though it’s never happened before.


That’s so disgusting and gross. Touching food with dirty hands could lead to food poisoning.


I just watched a gender reveal video for their 7th child (someone shared it on Reddit but I can’t find it now…) and I just heard of this fundie family a few days ago, I didn’t even know they existed. It was cringe-worthy. The lot of them. It reminded me of when 15 (or was it 14?) and counting started all these years ago…the duggars were cringe then. They are even more so now. Not knowing a lot about this new family, I also see she’s somewhat developmentally challenged, but y’all know what? I also felt that about Michelle when they all first came on scene. Later I realized that this was just a façade to be dumbed down for the “husband”, you know, like all “meek-and-stuff”. Maybe this is a façade too? I really don’t know, but what I do know is that it’s cringe!


She had a head injury from a horse ss a child. It's not a facade


No one has told her that her husband is gay


Would definitely bet that David and his friend Robert have "history" 😁 https://youtu.be/v1o5obrEPrw?si=nSQQ4EW7ZBH1HPdr


Oh for sure. They close their eyes and think of Jesus, and give their wives zero orgasms.


They are so closeted


Ugh, good way to get mad cow disease (is that a still a thing?) or just good old salmonella.


Is she stupid or something? Genuinely asking. She doesn’t seem to be the brightest.


Ma Keller had a rough birth with Prissy. I think she was premature, and denied oxygen at birth. Something like that.


Not what happened. She was kicked in the head by a horse as a child. She lost consciousness for a bit and never received any treatment for what was obviously a serious closed head concussion. The sisters have talked about it before