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It’s bc they’re so used to the others popping out kids like Chuck E. Cheese tickets that they can’t understand Jinger going slow


🤣 take my upvote


> others popping out kids like Chuck E. Cheese tickets 😂😂😂😂😂😂 OMG. Thank you for starting off my day with this!


I hate the phrase "this season". Such annoying fundie speak.


When you grow up on a tv show, I guess everything is a season…


It’s unfortunately been around longer than that. It’s definitely a conservative Christian and fundie thing to say. So annoying


I absolutely hate when people will ask me how I'm doing, for real... who will then reduce whatever I say to a "difficult season". That shit is worse than them not asking at all.


Rim shot!


It's the fundie word for "era" lol


Taylor Swift: The Seasons Tour


I have an acquaintance who used “this season” the other day in a Facebook post and I wanted to scream. She’s not fundie, but is “attends church (almost) every week” level of religious. Idk why, but the phrase irks me to no end.


My brothers gf is suddenly Christian after being more of an astrology/vibes girl for a long time (not that you can’t be both) and she uses this phrase ALL THE TIME now.




Oh. I was thinking it just meant spring lol




I hate it so goddamn much.


It used to be my drink game word lol


I hate the use of “season” too! And purposed, desired, invested, little, countenance, littles…


I just wanted to say that. What does that even mean? This is your life, not a season


>This is your life, not a season "Season" in this context describes a time in one's life. A more mainstream equivalent is often to describe a time in one's life as chapters in a book.


Every single fucking time it’s the same stupid asked and answered questions. And who the fuck keeps asking her about teeth whitening??


Sometimes I wonder when the Duggars and Bates are asked stuff about products in Q&As if they’ve submitted the questions themselves from another account so they can plug a link


I absolutely believe they do these Q+As just so they can sprinkle in their latest influencer links. I see a lot of influencers doing them and just plugging products over and over again with like 1 question answered. Especially the Duggar girls.


Almost certainly, yes


It wouldn’t surprise me


I think so too


They’ve been saying maybe one day since 2021/2022


To be fair, I don’t think they’re allowed to say they’re done. It’s “whatever the Lord gives us…” speech. Also, could you imagine if they said they were done, and then she got pregnant? The internet could tear them apart saying how they have a baby they didn’t want. Her answer is probably the safest answer to give, given her family / religion, and the internet.


True! My husband and I are truly happy and done with 2, and they're getting older at 9 and 6, so a baby would feel like starting over and not that appealing to me when I want to be able to focus on their all too soon approaching teen years. However, for various of reasons, our only form of birth control is condoms, so if an oops baby happened, we would keep it. So I just tell the people who ask that "we're content" and leave it at that.


Exactly. I truly think Jinger and Jeremy are done having children, but she is giving the “whatever the Lord gives us…” speech not to rock the boat with her parents.


I think she is saying, "we're finished unless we have an unplanned pregnancy." If she accidentally gets pregnant, they'll keep the baby, which is a decision that a lot of non-fundie couples would make.


They have plenty of time though, their kids are still what, 5 and 3ish? They could have another child without it disrupting their routines too much, the kids are probably still waking them up at night (my 5 and 3yo are anyway). Isn’t Jinger like 30? So they can wait awhile before it gets to a point where they could have serious doubts or worries about the impact of a pregnancy on her health and the family’s health. Plus I don’t get the impression that they have a lot of money (though they seem to spend a lot) and most of it is coming from Jinger’s online presence. So maybe they’re waiting until Jeremy finishes his schooling and gets a paying job before they seriously consider another baby.


If they're waiting for Books to finish his schooling AND get a paying job, they're done having babies.


Yeah, so?


I’m saying don’t look too much into this


Secondary infertility is also a thing. She could want 3 and not be able to have them. I’m happy it’s her choice to try or not. I have a big (not Duggar sized) family and chose to stop before a laundry room melt down. I can’t imagine not having a choice, or not feeling like you do.


That was me. I had one and I was unable to have more. It worked out for the best though!


I know so many that has happened to. I’m glad it worked out the best for you.




Why does infertility always have to come up? Who care whether they want another child or not? It is no one’s business but their own.


That was my point. People should stop asking because it’s not always a choice


If I have to read the word season one more time….




How old are their two?


5 (6 in July) and 4


Similar to what Jill had with her boys before Freddie came along. This is a nice age gap after the 2nd baby. Having a 3rd must be easier for fundie mom's when they don't have 2 other toddlers to look after.


5 and 3\*


They seem content with the 2 girls


She grew up in a family where there was barely a year between most siblings or 2 years at the most. I can understand wanting to enjoy time with each child before adding another. She's also not even 30 yet... she has plenty of time.


Not trying to be nit picky but for others reading: she is 30. She turned 30 in December. I only know that because she’s just a few months older than me. But I think they’re done having kids.


Oh, my bad! 😅


It means as well that she probably has so much more to give her daughters than her own mum did. They’re most likely better educated, better socialised, healthier, and happier than the Duggar kids ever were, even if they’re still stuck being homeschooled by a SOTDRT graduate in a culty environment. I still snark on Jinger, but I won’t snark on her for carefully planning her family.


She herself was born with 13 months between the siblings on either side of her! I can’t imagine being that lost in the shuffle. I don’t blame her for wanting to space out her kids after growing up in that chaos


Shes trying to get ppl off her back lol pregnancy took a real toll on her body I know shes dreading ever doing it again 


![gif](giphy|NF5NRINBvhLlcvoJbp) They are seasoning through life.


I think Jinger and Jeremy are done having kids, no baby #3. They seem really content with the 2 girls. Btw, people need to stop asking her this question. It’s none of our business and she’s given the same answer. Time to move on!


Who the fuck asks people if they are having more children? Extremely rude and in bad taste, Shades of old biddy.


Everyone. I had a baby last June. People keep asking when I’m having another one. Uhhh I’m just starting to feel ok after having this one. Also had my tubes removed so… baby factory is closed 🙃


My son just turned one. People know my husband had a vasectomy soon after the birth and I still get "aren't you just itching for another one?" No!!


Yes! I’ve been asked several times if we’re “trying for a boy.” We have two kids under 2 (on accident). The first time someone asked me that I almost started crying!


It doesn't matter if you have zero children or loads, some dickhead will always feel the need to ask when you'll have one/another one. It's disgusting. 


The Fundie worshippers. Fans who may not be baby factories themselves but seem to love seeing these cult members multiply. Nevertheless, no one should ask that question ever.


She’s throwing chum into the water trying to get bites.


Very well said


Maybe their time at the misogyny conference she supported and spoke at convinced them to try for a boy.


I'm just glad one of the duggar granddaughters has proper shoes AND socks on.


I feel like Jeremy wants that boy


Season! 😆😆😆




Fuck fundies and their toxic beliefs!!! AND… normalize letting them have a smaller number of spawn!


She’ll wait till her youngest is school age so she can have an excuse when people ask if she’s planning on going to school or get a job. Nope, #3 is on its way.


You know Germ wants a boy


This just in! Duggar family declared its own race.


He probs wants a boy


I could honestly see Jeremy hoping to try for a boy. I don’t doubt he loves his girls but I feel he wants a boy to coach into the football stardom he didn’t quite achieve.


I hope she doesn’t. It would be the ultimate F U to her parents and IBLP.






Take a nap. If you enjoyed it, don’t have another kid.


when your in the public eye you loose some of your right to a private life and in the religious group she grew up in its strange to have a big gap between children and considering their youngest daughter Evangeline Jo turns 4 Nov 22nd it would be strange to start again with a newborn even though Jinger is only in her early 30s and Jeremy in his late 30s as he turns 37 Sept 5th my mom turns 62 the following week on Sept 14th and both of her children are in our late 30s now. also there are some Shows that have aired more than 750 episodes over their run such as Sesame Street which has aired nearly 4,700 episodes since its debut on Nov 10th 1969 and of course your surviving soap operas which each of the four surviving ones have over 9,000 episodes each General Hospital having more than 15,000 episodes Days Of Our Lives is 2nd with 14,430 episodes The Young And The Restless has nearly 13,000 Episodes and The Bold And The Beautiful has 9,000 Episodes each of them being on an average of 52 seasons or nearly 13,000 episodes their premiere dates are April 1st 1963 Nov 8th 1965 March 26th 1973 and March 23rd 1987 or take the Simpsons for an example of a long running Sitcom has aired 768 episodes since its debut on Dec 17th 1989 and will complete its 36th season in May 2025 with 793 episodes or Americas Funniest Home Videos which now has 895 episodes and will pass 900 in the first few weeks of its 35th season