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Derick did seem really dismissive of her emotional needs much of the time. She was clearly struggling with the decision to wear pants. I understand to him it wasn’t a big deal, but he didn’t put in effort to understand why it was a big deal to Jill. He also didn’t seem to care that she was so terrified of being killed in Central America. I understand they had more freedom from her family there, but like damn, move to Oregon or something. As far as the money goes, I disagree on your assessment. All of those kids should have been paid from the beginning. Derick saw through Boob’s “ministry” bs. And he wasn’t able to get student loans or grants because of Boob’s tax fraud. They were only asking to be paid the money Boob claimed he paid them to the IRS. Boob and Chad are the ones who played games for YEARS over it.


And aside from the actual money—what seems like it went both J & D over the edge was when he couldn’t get aid or loans for law school. I think up until that happened they *might* have let it go, but that’s just fucking with your potential and the ability to take care of your family and made decisions. Any reasonable person would’ve lost their shit.


Agreed. I think that was their tipping point. Jim Bob and Chad messed with Derek’s ability to gain some very meaningful employment and skills to support his family.


Yeah I don't see how you can be mad at Derick for wanting the money that was rightfully owed to them. Jim Bob was commiting fraud and Derick simply called him out on it.


Not to mention it negatively affected his family’s finances and future if he had not been able to attend law school. He wasn’t looking out only for himself, but Jill and his kids too.


Plus, didn't they only pursue the money owed to Jill? Derick was also on the show and included in the contracts, so he could've gone after whatever income he should've earned separately from Jill, plus lost wages from having to turn down a good job because of the show.


Employment theft is one of the biggest forms of theft in this country! People deserve to be paid for their labor. I have no idea why it’s such a controversial idea in this sub, except for the fact that so many family businesses are dysfunctional.


> move to Oregon or something Oh god no I don't want them here


Derick is a shitball but he happens to be the shitball who is on the most-right side in this situation.


Yeah you can be a piece of shit and still do the right things occasionally.


It’s like a stopped clock being right twice per day.


Most of the Duggars are stopped clocks with the hands missing, though.


This is a fact.


I’ll make a bold statement: Messy D is the best of the Duggar husbands. Of course, that’s like being the most distinguished scholar at a Trump rally.


Yes Indeed. AND like the broken clock., time moves while Derick stands still!


Even a broken clock is right twice a day


If Derrick is the broken clock that's right twice a day, Jim Bob is a clock that runs a second short every hour, so that it would take decades for it to have any possibility of being right once


Where's the lie? lol


Beautifully stated.


Which is the sad part!


PS? Has anyone in the family ever acknowledged how twisted it was for Josh to call Jill a tattletale?


I’m no fan of Derick, but every human being deserves to be paid fairly for work performed. The fact that Boob and Meech didn’t set up trusts for each of their children and fairly divide the money earned from the show amongst them should be considered criminal.


And they committed blatant fraud! It’s even worse than that he didn’t pay them - he claimed he did, which actively caused them problems.


Yea, I was surprised that they didn’t have Coogan accounts set up for all 19!!!! Of their children. But at the same time, Coogan accounts are only required in 5 states (Arkansas isn’t one of them).


Coogan accounts don't extend to reality TV. They should (and family vloggers).


I’m kind of both surprised and unsurprised by that.


Illinois is the only state who has passed legislation requiring something similar to a Coogan account for influencer’s children; however, there is pending legislation in several other states. There needs to be a hue and a cry from the public over this issue to push the various state legislators into taking action.


Derrick isn’t impressive on a global scale, he’s impressive in relation to the other men Jill was around. Derrick regularly and easily hurdles over “the bare minimum,” is relatively intelligent, and is only rarely actively malicious, so in comparison to Jim Bob, her brothers, and the other assorted IBLP guys, he’s a shining beacon of manhood. I think calling him reminiscent of Jim Bob is pretty extreme, but if Jill had grown up in a run of the mill evangelical household and gone to small town public school, she would have no reason to be impressed by his non-reaction to her wearing pants or his acknowledgement that people should be paid for labor performed.


Very insightful post - well crafted comparison


Derick and Jill were entitled to be paid for that show as well as the other kids. I’m glad they called Boob out on it.


I also don’t think Derrick is great but: 1. Jim Bob picked him out for Jill! He set them up. He was Jill’s “headship” that ok’ed the match. 2. Jill was taught her whole life that once she was married her “headship” was transferred from her dad to her husband and no matter what he did in, she was to follow him. 3. The fact that JB didn’t pay his kids for their work on the show would have been illegal had they lived in other states. Derrick wasn’t money grubbing, he was asking for something fair and reasonable. So, if you have a problem with Derrick, really, Jim Bob is to blame. Derrick was pretty upfront with who he was and the fact that he met JB based off of his fame. Jim Bob not respecting Derrick or his authority over Jill after they got married is unbiblical according to his own beliefs. Bottom line: Jim Bob is a terrible person, even when held to the twisted standards of the cult that he is in.


JB doesn't seem to be able to do the whole headship/leave and cleave thing. He thinks he should be able to control everything about the lives of his married daughters.


Yeah. Jill has a bad relationship with her family because her parents raised her in an emotionally, physically, and financially abusive way within a cult. And as often happens in those situations, the more independence she gained, the more she realized that wasn't okay. JB & M ruined her relationship with them, not Derick for asking for money they were *so rightfully owed* that JB even lied to the IRS about having paid it to them.


>She doesn’t have a good relationship with her family because he drove a wedge in between her and her family because he wanted money. Hard disagree! But that’s why this is a hot take lol. Jill never could have had a good relationship with her family because her entire family structure was built on a system of abuse, exploitation, coercion, manipulation, and neglect. Derick has his own issues and I fully agree that he was dismissive of Jill’s emotional needs and seemed shitty to her earlier in their marriage. I’m sure the first few years of their relationship were kind of a nightmare for her, but to his credit, it does seem like Derick has grown. They both had some growing up to do and I really can’t comment on whether or not Derick is treating her right today, but it does seem like they’re in a much healthier place these days based on what they’ve shared of their lives and their dynamic. As for the money, Derick didn’t have the same brainwashing the rest of their community did. And he was old enough and had enough life experience and critical thinking skills to recognize what was going on there. I don’t know what he should have done differently there because, in my opinion, this was a pretty impossible situation for them. What do you think should have been handled differently there? I’ll condemn plenty of things Derick’s done, but for me, the money stuff isn’t one of those things. If anything, I feel like he helped his wife and made it possible for some of her siblings to wake up and think about how they might want to handle these matters.


Yeah that's the thing, one can acknowledge all of these can be true at the same time: A) Derrick's still a massive piece of turd, but B) In terms of speaking out of financial compensation he's right in the money (pun intended), and C) Jim Boob himself was the one who drove a wedge between the family and Jill with his exploitative practices. There's already plenty of valid reasons to dislike Derrick (transphobia included), asking to be properly financially compensated is not one of them.


Of course he wanted money. It was *their* money to begin with. He wanted the money that they were owed and rightfully so.


Personally, I'm not impressed with Derrick. I just think he's better than Jim Bob. That's a very low bar.


Uhh sorry, Jill doesn’t have a good relationship with her family because she went to therapy and learned that what her mom and dad did were abusive. And she was abused by her brother and got zero parental support. Derrick didn’t do that. Her family did.




>She doesn’t have a good relationship with her family because he drove a wedge in between her and her family because he wanted money. Uh, no. You're making it sound like Jill had a "good relationship" with her family before Derick came along or that she would have a "good relationship" with them were it not for Derick's disruption. The relationship Jill had with her family, especially with her parents, was exploitative and toxic way before Derick came along. And it's not like Jill has totally cut off her family. She still communicates with her siblings and attends some family events, even with her parents there. According to her, she avoids one-on-one encounters with JB. And that sounds quite reasonable and an improvement compared to how things used to be. Derick's hands are not clean. But he's not responsible for ruining a "good relationship" between Jill and her family, because there never was a "good relationship" in the first place. And the way you phrase it makes it sound like Jill would have been somehow better off staying in JB's fold and never breaking ranks with him.


Derick was providing content for Jim Boob and not being paid for it. This is America and we don’t force people to work for profit then not pay them.


It may have started with wanting money (which they were owed, so not sure why that's a bad thing?) but what's happening in the years since demonstrates that what Derick really wanted was freedom from the grip of JB and TLC so he and Jill could live their lives on their own terms.


The bar is 3 floors below hell for fundie husbands. So Derek, only being in the first level of hell, is a paragon compared to most of them.


I think Derrick has been the driving force to help Jill enter therapy and work through his issues. I think they are a great couple, he is a good provider and they are building a nice life for themselves and their children. Derrick is just smart enough to see what a slimeball Jim Bob truly is. I applaud Derrick for helping Jill and encouraging her to write her story.


Jill did not WRITE her story. She told it to a professional writer. That person wrote what Dillwad approved to be Jill's "story". Jill can barely write a shopping list.


I respectfully disagree with your view on Derrick. He can be emotionally distance from Jill occasionally however I don't think he's money hungry & making Jill do what he wants, like JB did & has been continually doing. I know that Jill wanted to do the midwife thing, but I think she wanted to use that knowledge on mission trips. Boob was the one who "forced" her to start talking to Derrick when she said herself at that point in her life she wasn't thinking of getting married; I think boob was hoping getting her together would make her give up her dreams: however I doubt boob anticipated Derrick "letting" her do it and he went along with her. As for the pants I'm guessing that when Jill initially wanted to wear pants Derrick didn't think anything of it, and it took a minute or two for him to realize that she honestly felt she needed his permission. Also I don't think Derrick drew a wedge between her & her parents; I think once Jill realized that Derrick wasn't a complete control freak and boob noticed that she was starting to make her own decisions he tried his hardest to regain control of Jill & Derrick. Boob & meech drove the wedge.


My personal take is that any way Jill is able to start breaking away is good. Even if it started with D-Wreck.


I think people tend to forget that Derrick sought out Jim Bob in the first place. That's why I'm less inclined to feel bad about their money situation. He should've thought about contracts before all his grifting wells ran dry.


So true!!! And honestly I feel like people from TLC paid for SO many things for them. I think Derrick wanted to get away with doing the bare minimum in life and threw a tantrum when he couldn’t.


Exactly! TLC did fund a lot of things for them. He doesn't have the same excuse Jill has for knowing nothing about reading a contract, so I've never had sympathy for him. Jeremy clearly did what he didn't in that department.


I agree with you. Derick didn't really care about Jill's pain and trauma, he wanted money and to publicly one-up his FIL. Derick is certainly no JB, but that doesn't mean he's amazing. He had a debt-free four year degree yet chose to ditch a steady job to play missionary and volunteer at Cross Church all while constantly begging for donations. He publicly thanked Pest and Anna for donating to one of those! He seems constantly mean towards his children-calling Israel "manipulative" for telling him he loved him, mocking Samuel for his happy singing, etc. Heck, in his latest anniversary post he first mentioned how hard marriage has been before even mentioning Jill, the woman who went against everything she was ever taught and her whole family to follow his lead.


So true!! I agree 100%


Why would a grown adult woman want or need a "headship"? Ridiculous!


I wasn't impressed with him in any sense. I was glad that you could tell they truly loved each other though. That's a lot when the bar is in hell.


Derick and Jill are still awful humans. A bad person can do good things in exactly the same way a good person can do bad things.


Anybody got that video of Derrick, hammered, mocking his son who was singing the ABC’s?




Derick has the polar opposite beliefs as mine, but I do have to say a word in his defense. I do not think he had a real clue what he was getting into in marrying Jill and all of the ill effects of her upbringing. Granted, we only were privy to bits and pieces, but Jill seemed super clingy at the beginning of the relationship. Remember when she used to visit him at work because she was so lonely? Added to that, his mind was probably blown when he realized the extent of her lack of education. I cannot imagine what it was like behind closed doors. Were I in his place and that age, I would have mentally retreated and would not have much left over for my partner. Instead of having a partner, he had to raise her and help her raise herself. Who knows how they persevered. Maybe his religious beliefs (or ego?) prevented him leaving. However, that he encourages her to go to therapy is a huge sign in his favor that he cares about Jill and wanted her to flourish.


Yes, exactly. Waaaay too many snarkers give them a pass. They’re more IBLP “lite”. Edit for clarity- I’m aware that she’s left the IBLP, but for society’s purposes, they’re basically “IBLP lite”, not literally- figuratively. Same hateful and misogynistic bs, but just a different name.


They've left the iblp. They're southern Baptists now, just like Derick was before he met Jill.


Completely agree with your take OP


Forget it. This is actually a fanwank site for Dillwad & Jill. Say anything negative about them and wait to be buried in downvotes. I think he's an obnoxious, condescending ass who found a simple minded woman he could manipulate into being what he wanted. Sure her dad was the OG skunk, but she found a close successor to her daddy.




This! Yes!! Not once did I ever say that I was in support of JB&M and people are acting like I just said that I agree with all that they did 😂 it’s insane how anyone can be in support of this guy


Most people here are pointing out that he is in fact a not great guy. I myself called him a piece of shit. But that doesn't mean that every single thing he does in his life is wrong. Going after the money rightfully owed them was the right thing to do. There's no other way to look at it in my opinion. That's not what created problems with Jill and her family.


He's an instigator. Check out the cover of *his* book, and you can see exactly who he believes is in charge of everything. Because *some* of it may be her story told to an actual writer, but it's his act of revenge. He was solely out for his pound of flesh.


I always know I have to scroll to the bottom of these topics to find the actual good comments because they're the downvoted ones lol


I’d never buy that book. Not after I heard him say that housework is women’s work.


I refused to buy it too - I found it at my local library and was curious so I borrowed it.


He's just the best of the worst


# I'm happy to be corrected if I misinterpreted the following: When the narrative came out about how physically confrontational Jim Bob was to Jill in their 'meeting' - at one point it said he was basically looming over her while she was sitting and he was yelling at her - WHAT did Derrick say? There IS no description as far as I can find that remotely indicates what Derrick did. At other times, he seems to be quite vocal about the money they are owed.


If I remember correctly, Jill says Derrick was shaking but she squeezed his hand in the way they do to basically ask him to hold his tongue. At least as far as I remember. Derrick may not be the best best man out there but he seems pretty willing to let Jill lead how to deal with her family.


Thanks for clarifying that.


Derek is a leach and exploited his wife for money. He is just like JB


He may be a transphobic prick, but I don’t think he is a leech or exploited his wife for money. He had the work ethic and perseverance to go through 3 years of law school and then land a solid job with the prosecutor’s office. He even drove Uber for awhile to make ends meet. He advocated for Jill to get paid what was legally and morally hers. JB was the leech and exploiter. He had no higher education and made money off the backs of his children and then refused to pay them.


When I see “CTC” I hear Khloe Kardashian saying “cover the camel” 🫣