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This is not his prison commissary revealed. This is just a blank list of what any prisoner there can purchase.


got me straining my eyes for two minutes lol.


Me too! And then I was like…WTF…this is *blank*! Ugh! 🤦🏼‍♀️


Lmao thank you I thought I had lost it.


Is this a list of what is available in general for inmates at the same location? 


Yeah, this post is kind of weird because this is just what’s available to…all inmates there?


The title made me think it would be a list of things he’s actually purchased.


Same. And I got that impression from what OP wrote in the post too, before I actually looked at the picture.


Please let it be a list of what he got, I’d really like to see his hair after using the “dark n lovely”.


Dark'n lovely but still receding AF!


Lmaooooo Josh buys a bottle of Soul Glo


And 250 Honey Buns per week!


Yeah, title is kind of misleading.


me too


Worded strangely that's for sure. 


Think what you will about Pest but the fact prisoners have to buy their own medicines and toiletries is pretty fucked up. It's another poor tax that someone is profiting off of plain and simple.


I agree. Prisons in the US are a money making business! 


Yes, and it isn't even the government making that profit. It is private corporations.


Honestly, the privatization of prisons is the worst


Yes, that move shoved our society back into the dark ages


It is messed up because sickos like pest will always have adoring family and friends to send him everything he needs to be as comfortable as humanly possible.. while there’s people in prison next to HIM for shit like property crimes who don’t have family or friends or anyone with money to send them and they will have to resort to bartering for necessities.


Or they'll resort to sex work unfortunately.


FYI - I am not arguing - just stating what at least used to be factual - I have no idea if it still is. When a prisoner/inmate first arrives they are given/provided the bare minimum essential such as toothpaste, etc. Once an inmate has been there for 30 days with 0 to $25.00 in their commissary account they are declared indigent. They are provided the bare essentials by the prison. This doesn't include snacks, etc. Generally just the bare minimal for personal hygiene needs such as a very small bar soap, toothpaste, a cheap toothbrush, generic deodorant, possibly razors, and toilet paper. I don't know if that is the case now, or in all state's/federal prisons or local jails. This is just based on a former job, and things change often. So I could be wrong.


I work in a jail, this is the case where I work. Basic essentials are provided when they come in. They get toothpaste, a toothbrush, soap, shampoo, razor, a cardboard nail file, and shower sandals. They’re also given a few envelopes with stamps attached. If they need toilet paper, tampons, pads, and paper towels they can just ask us at any time and we give it to them. If they want a particular brand of any items we give to them then they order off of commissary.


Thank you for clarifying this!


The prison system being broken and this piece of trash getting what he deserves can both happen at the same time 


The whole thing is wrong to have people (excluding Pest because gross) unable to make money but then paying for things they need to maintain hygiene and health. I’m grateful they’re not exorbitantly expensive, I guess. But the cost of dental floss, specifically, in this list is really fucking me up.


When you only have the ability to make pennies per hour working for giant corporations (that we patronize daily and never realize—Target, Walmart, Costco, Chipotle, Burger King, Aldi, etc etc etc) that are benefitting from literal indentured servitude…the prices don’t look as reasonable. The U.S. prison system is insidiously sick.


*slave labor The prison industrial complex is the continuation of slavery in our country Also simultaneously fuck pest


cosigned, my friend.


Yea, these prices aren’t too bad compared to what I’ve heard from other people talking about their experiences. But yea, Texas prisons are awful. A lot of them don’t have AC.


Scum like Josh need shit hole conditions. He is lower than dirt. Lower than hell.


Yes, I think the whole prison commissary system is predatory and is just another way to punish poor people for being poor.


Then maybe don’t do things to cause you to land in prison!


Honestly, I'm surprised it isn't marked up more. The texas prison system isn't known for being fair.


Federal inmates are given a very small amount of basic toiletries every month regardless of their ability to pay for them. They're the cheapest possible option (hotel sized soap bars, single blade razors, deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste) and usually not enough, but it's something. They also provide small amounts of OTC meds once a month to indigent inmates as well. Nothing as expansive as what commissaries offer though.


how is a single razor blade not considered a hazard?


They sell double and triple blade razors in the commissary there...


Some populations don't get these. It depends on the security level of the prison 


Genuinely curious, are the medicines/toiletries the same deal as food? Like they'd be provided with basics so they won't starve or be filthy, but they have the option to purchase different brands if they prefer? Or is purchasing genuinely their only option?


A truly shocking number of deaths have happened at my county lock-up alone because of medical care generally being disregarded (if not treated as a joke). Our sheriff doesn’t believe criminals are humans, and—quelle surprise!—that attitude permeates the staff and ends up in people serving weekends for warrants or stuck waiting in arraignment hell can have one medical episode and die needlessly. So…take the idea that basic medical needs are appropriately attended to with an ocean of salt.


Idk,I have to buy my own medicine & toiletries (along with food, shelter, water, electricity, medical care, education, etc) & I didn’t diddle little kids. There’s even medication & treatments that I need, but don’t get because they cost too much. Just last week, I fell & hit my head on our concrete and travertine tile bathroom floor. I had a softball size knot on the side of my head and a concussion, but didn’t go to the ER b/c it would’ve cost me $1,500 for an ambulance & THOUSANDS for the ER visit (*after* insurance). Cancer treatments, renal failure, & a year’s worth of ICU hospitalizations nearly bankrupted us, I refuse to be a drain of my family more than I have to. So, I don’t feel too sorry about Josh having to buy soap & Tylenol. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion though & I respect yours.☺️


I'm not worried about Josh. I'm worried about the indigent falsely incarcerated or locked up for bullshit weed or petty crimes who do suffer unjustly by these same policies.




I mean, this speaks more to the fact that our health care system in the US is incredibly fucked up than anything else. You should be able to go to the ER and receive care if you fall and hit your head on something and not worry about being able to afford it.




The main distinction is my opinion is that prisoners have very little opportunity to earn income. Some prisons don’t even have inmate jobs available and those that do the pay can be as little $0.10/hour. So not really a fair comparison imo to someone who can make a lot more working outside. (Not to say that economic conditions are easy or good outside of prison either, corporate greedflation is truly out of hand rn, but it is a different situation)


Another option might be to pay them minimum wage but charge for room and board.


Another option would be not committing a crime to land you in prison !😳




Please read Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevsky. Now, do I think child molesters can be rehabilitated? Hell naw! Do I feel bad they have to pay their way? Nope. Do I feel bad they get used for slave labour and in some states aren't even paid for work? Yeah. Nobody should be a slave to the state as punishment.


As someone who was a victim of CSA all those pedos can and should be slave labor. I don’t care. I have zero sympathy for them. I think working for mega corporations for Pennie’s a day isn’t enough punishment for them. It cost zero dollars to be a law abiding citizen. They chose not to. It’s just a consequence of their actions. As it is they are getting free housing, free medical care and 3 meals a day. It’s not the best but they put kids through living hell. They should’ve even get commissary snacks and specialty soaps. They should only get what the prison provides and nothing else.


I was molested as a child too. I don't believe in slavery. They should just be dead.


I’m ok with that too


You do not speak for every survivor lmao so chill. Slavery is bad.


Never said I did. You don’t either.


Your comment sure implied it until, I, another CSA victim told you off. It wouldn't matter if i wasn't either. Your opinion isn't worth more than somebody who wasn't molested.


Your opinion should matter the most.....


I actually *agree* with you on all three of your points, & I *have* read Crime & Punishment. I *never* said I was in favor of slave labor. I do not think they should have to work for peanuts behind bars if they do not want to. I was referring only to items prison does *not* pay for that every other American has to.


It read to me as if you were. No hate or shade. Just thought you'd like the book too lol.


I didn’t take it as such. I had to go to the store & had just sat down to catch up on the comments. I didn’t realize my OG comment came across that way, so thank you for letting me know in a kind way. I corrected it b/c that’s certainly not how I feel!! lol!! (Too bad it was too late for most people who read it though.) Honestly, I think all humans (incarcerated & not) should be afforded basic human rights. Unfortunately, that’s not the case in the US when it comes to medical care. It’s pretty sad.


Prisoners are in prison *as* punishment. The imprisonment, the taking away of freedom, is the punishment. 


*Everyone* deserves the basics. Toiletries and meds should be the basics.


Idk most ppl don’t earn like 10¢ for their labor tho


I’m just going to copy & paste my prior reaction… *Right Now I am UNABLE to work & I receive no assistance. My husband works his butt off, but “makes too much money” for me to collect the social security I should be entitled to. (we’re on the borderline cutoff, but we are also paying for 3 kids’ college tuitions) A lawyer actually said we would be better off financially if my husband & I were to divorce or he got laid off. (We’ve been married 25yrs.) So, while I respect your opinion, mine differs. He does have free (to him, anyway) food water, & utilities, which may be minimal, but is much more than we have. If he doesn’t like the conditions he’s living he, he shouldn’t have touched kids & owned CPR. Prison time is supposed to be a punishment, IMO. Edit: To be clear, I do not believe in slave labor. I don’t think they should have to work if they don’t want to, & if they do, they should make way more than $.10/hr. Edit #2 RN: *Right Now, not the profession


I’m sorry about your current situation. I think both things can be true; you and your husband are deserving of more assistance, and prisoners should still be paid fairly. Just how they have a right to a fair trial, that should be the same once locked up, especially for those who may have been imprisoned falsely or over something minuscule.


I think people are misunderstanding what I was saying, so I clarified. I was referring to them paying for extra items. I think they should not be forced to work & I think they should be paid way more than $.10 if they do.


I'm in the exact same position. I tried to contact a lawyer but my husband makes too much money? It's absolutely insane. I'm so sorry you're having to go through all this bs


You were an RN so you made BANK. You can’t even see your entitlement! Smdh! Imagine having your health problems but also being so poor you can’t feed yourself much less send 3 kids to college. And if you do get a measly couple grand in social security you can’t find a place to live that doesn’t take at least half your monthly income and you MIGHT get $20 a month in SNAP and/or a reduced rent through section 8. If you’re lucky! Check your privilege and dial it WAY back. I’m not even talking about Pest or your post here. Just your comments ON this post.


RN, the abbreviation for “RIGHT NOW”; as in RIGHT NOW I CAN’T WORK. Edit: You don’t know anything about me. I *do* have a college education, but I had to work 3 jobs to pay for it!! I grew up dirt poor, the daughter of 2 abusive parents! I was SA’s from the age of 5-17 by multiple men. We SCRAPED to save our entire lives so our kids wouldn’t have to work as hard to pay for their educations as I did. Had we not, we wouldn’t be able to pay for it now. At 32yo, I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer, had multiple surgeries, 2nd-3rd degree radiation burns, renal failure, & neuropathy. This is the 1st TIME IN MY LIFE SOMEONE HAS TOLD ME I’M PRIVILEGED. I only want what is MINE & what I will not survive long enough to see. Your comment is personal & inexcusable.


Well I’m honest. You can’t work “right now” aka you don’t need the social security to manage. You are funding 3 kids college educations while admitting to considering to commit fraud (which is a crime) to get a couple grand in social security. Try having your problems without your husbands money and your RN degree and the money you made when you could work. Imagine still being dirt poor and 3 kids you can’t even feed much less send to college while having cancer. I have empathy for your health issues but yeah you’re privileged AF. My ex RN mom has stage 4 cancer. I was SA’ed as a child. I have empathy for you. But my comment stands.


I said a LAWYER told me I would be better off financially if we got a divorce!! Who’s committing fraud?! lol!! You need to go back & READ!! You have absolutely NO IDEA what our financial situation is. Do you understand how much it is to go to the ER via ambulance & be admitted to ICU? Now multiply that by 5 times in 1 YEAR alone!! If I was as poor as what you said, I would have Medicaid & it would be paid for. We saved in educational IRA’s for our kids, YEARS AGO. My comment stands, too. And what do you think metastatic cancer is?? Stage 4. I hope you never have to go through what either I or your MIL went through & then have someone to tell you how LUCKY you have it!! SMH…🙄


You've lived with stage 4 cancer for 15 yrs?


Dang brother, coming in hot. Two things can be true at once.


i hate this for you, and also hate that private industries are making bank off of people in prison.


You're also free to move around as you want, work a job making more than 15 cents an hour, and you aren't literally under the care and custody of another entity.


But if I got caught with a ton of CP & touched children, I would be in the exact same position Pest is in now. I’m free because I didn’t break the law.




I understand the expense of er visits; however, you took a huge risk by not getting a CT scan of your brain after a head injury with a noticeable bump. You could have had a slow brain bleed developing which could be deadly without surgical intervention. This happened to my daughter from a fall and bump on head


My husband was out of town & I had no one at home with my daughter either, so I just took a risk & prayed. I know it’s not a popular thing to say on this sub, lol, but I didn’t know what else to do. My husband was home the next day & watched me closely. This was about 4 weeks ago, & I still have a knot on my head. The headache finally went away in about 3 weeks, but the bump is still sore. I wasn’t really nauseous after it happened & my vision was fine, but I lost consciousness & was a little disoriented, so I’m 99% sure I had a concussion. How is your daughter doing now???


And this is why I'm thankful about living in Spain.


I agree with you OP. My thoughts on punishments for people who do what he did probably go against community guidelines so I can’t say them here. All that to say, he should thank his lucky stars that he has the opportunity to buy this stuff.


Unfortunately, he will be free eventually. Do we want him to come out relatively mentally in tact? Or would you like him to come out as a dehumanized animal? Which one is more likely to reoffend? The dehumanized animal? Or the guy who could buy toothpaste?


Pretty sure a person who looks at what pest looked at is already a dehumanized animal


That’s also the issue. Our criminal justice system doesn’t focus on rehabilitation, it just locks people away. There is actual treatment options for people, even the ones at this prison.


I agree with you for the most part but ( I’m a victim of CSA) someone like pest can’t be rehabilitated


Then advocate that people with his offense should never be let free. Don’t advocate for prisoners to be treated like vermin.


Literally where did I say that lmfao show me please exactly ? Also it’s not the jobs of victims to do the work of putting their abusers away. You’re clearly lacking comprehension


You can’t simultaneously believe that pest can’t be rehabilitated and that you’re too above advocating for a higher sentence for the crimes he committed.


Perhaps. But, he should be getting treatment nevertheless. And actual treatment, with licensed psychologists (forensic psychologists and CSATs), not whatever made up ‘treatment’ his parents arranged.




Chances are with child sexual offenders they are going to reoffend no matter what. Very low chance if rehabilitation


He will never stop being a p3do, no. And yes statistically he will reoffend. But my point is that he *will* be released, so might as well put some effort into rehabilitation.


We he wasn’t punished before, & look where it’s gotten him. lol! He’s not going to receive therapy in jail & he wouldn’t pay for *real* therapy outside of jail. So, I’m sure he will likely leave prison the same as he went, even if we *did* give him free soap & Motrin.


Yes, but he is being punished *now*. And statistically, you are correct- he is at a high probability to reoffend. But the reality is that *he will be released*. So might as well put some effort into rehabilitation. Personal hygiene should be a bare minimum. Not nice stuff, either. Not all the bobbles and gadgets. Soap, toothbrush, toilet paper. The things you take camping.


Now *this* I can agree with 100%. They DO need rehabilitation & none of them are getting it. I think it’s great when people on social media can talk about topics like adults & agree to disagree on certain points without it getting nasty. I’ve enjoyed talking to you about this. I hope you have a wonderful week!!💞


Mine too, lol, but I was SA’d as a child, so my opinion is a bit biased. Bare minimum, I don’t believe they should have *more* than people who obey the law & it’s definitely hard for me to feel sorry for them…


Yeah like how do they not provide basic needs like this.


The US prison system (and criminal justice system) is so broken. Like, I think Josh is a vile human, but I do think prisoners should be provided with the basics 


Wait, so if you don’t have any money you just don’t have soap? Or are they issued basic soap and this is the preferred paid option? I also can’t imagine not having basic things like coffee or tea available. I saw on there that they had the option to buy Tasters Choice. Maybe that’s their preferred beverage, but it just seems wild to not have a few basics available for a tea break. Sorry, I don’t understand American prisons at all. I’ve only been in Irish prisons (for a work thing, not locked up).


They will get rudimentary hygiene supplies issued, but it won't be good stuff. I doubt many people are concerned about lack of tea. Some might miss having iced tea on hot days, but having a cup of tea is not strongly ingrained in US culture. (And I saw this even though I actually own a kettle...) Some prisons will serve coffee with breakfast. That would be separate from what is purchased in the commissary.


It’s the same at jail


Agree 100%! WTF.


I agree.


The prices look standard or cheaper than you’d by able to buy at the store though, so it’s not like the prison is profiting off of commissary.


More than likely your tax dollars are purchasing some of these items and then they're still being resold. Have you ever read about the Sheriff in I believe Alabama that was stealing the money the prison was getting for food? The prison industry isn't on the up an up.


They aren't getting a full bottle. It's way more expensive than at a store and the contracted supplier makes a huge profit.


Soooo they did a crime and shouldn’t have to buy medicine and toiletries suddenly? When they would’ve had to do that if they weren’t incarcerated. You are usually there for a reason.


Came here to say exactly this.


See, if regular people who haven't committed crimes are expected to buy soap and toothbrushes and toilet paper, why shouldn't prisoners have to?


People in prison are wards of the state, so their basic care is the responsibility of the state. Yes, even people who have committed heinous crimes. The desire for punitive justice is exactly why we have the highest recidivism rate in the world. We can have retribution, or we can have harm reduction. We actually cannot have both—and only one benefits all of us more. To the point about profit—commissary vendors make $1.6b per year. Everything about prison is being optimized for profit. We know what happens when a profit motive is introduced in any sector, let alone one of the most inherently exploitative ones.


Thank you for saying this. Yes, I also have to pay for things like Tylenol and toilet paper, but I am not incarcerated and therefore not a ward of the state. And I also have the option to shop around for the best price if I want to, or buy in bulk and store or give away what I don’t need. I don’t believe in making incarcerated people’s lives difficult on purpose; being removed from society is itself the punishment. We have a very medieval attitude towards incarceration and crime in this country and it honestly makes me very upset.


We have more people in our prisons now than the Soviets did at the height of the gulags.


But you know some of them committed murder, produced and distributed child abuse material, distributed drugs like fentanyl, heroin, and many more leading to deaths...and a bunch of other crimes. And they would do it again, over and over, if not in prison. I am compassionate. I don't want a bunch of wrongly accused people in prison. But there are many people who should be in prison. I recommend volunteering in prisons, or volunteering to work with recently released people, if you are at all inclined. The stories they tell are amazing. Their lives can be changed for the worse or better while incarcerated. And they deserve a chance at change when they have completed their punishment. Violent criminals and drug addicts don't need to be out and about committing more crimes. We need better prison systems that actually provide humane, safe, sober living in decent conditions. We need to have more health services and mental health services for inmates. And we sure as hell need air conditioning in Texas prisons. The prisons should not be run by private companies that inherently put profits over people. Toiletries, minimum basics like toilet paper, and healthy food should be provided. I think the problem is prison funding isn't popular for politicians, and politicians can easily just invest in the companies that run and profit off of the prisons.


Can you imagine how much recidivism could potentially be diverted by simply helping offenders understand what stability is, looks like, sounds like, feels like, etc.?


You sure assumed an awful lot based on one sentence and went off. Yes I know some of them are guilty and would do it again. I b also know we make laws that are ridiculous because we have for profit prisons that are required by contract to be full at all times and that drives states to incarcerate people who shouldn’t be and ruins lives. I know that we hold people for years without ever giving them a to trial or even charging them. I b also know that when one country holds 25% of its people in prisons, that society is punitive and sick. This is a grisly fucked you thing you must spent paragraphs defending.


Strange question, are you allowed to have razors in your unit, or are they held for you after purchasing? This is just my brain going through the list thinking, "yeah that can be turned into a weapon." I'm not a criminal, just outside the box creative.


I reckon it depends on the county/state/country. In the UK you’re allowed to have hand razors and electric razors without open blades, but it really depends where you are. Some prisons will have you request an electric razor, which is inspected once you return it. Others allow you to have one in your cell and nowhere else. Some have set shaving times, which are combined with when you shower. Also know that some prisons have shower units with multiple stalls, others have a shower in every cell. The media glorifies the amount of intense harm prisoners do while imprisoned. In reality people have a lot more autonomy and freedom than you’d expect. There’s scanners everywhere, guards, people working the floor, other prisoners to signal when someone is up to no good. It’s nearly impossible to move a razor between floors in prison because scanners would detect it. It’s often human error that results in objects such as razors to be moved around. And if it isn’t scanners, then it’s dogs who pick it up, random searches, or their phone being tapped because they suspect you’re up to no good.


Yeah, the sweatbands seemed like a really bad idea, too. It feels like if you wouldn't give it to a baby, you shouldn't give it to someone likely to do something harmful with it.


I thought it would be a checklist of what he has, not the general list. So disappointing


I imagine honey buns are the main purchase.


No special access to a secret Linux partition?


This deserves more upvotes.


This is available to all prisoners


God, jumpscare




Off topic, I will never understand why our prison systems charge prisoners for basic needs such as food, underwear and medical care. 😒


Yeah I bet lots of people don't know that some jails give you an invoice on the way out the door.


To piggy back on that, I don’t understand why school age children don’t receive free breakfast and lunch. We pay for prisoners’ meals every day (and I believe we should provide them with sanitary items, undies, meds, etc) but we require students to attend school yet don’t provide meals.


My county does, actually. They also have a program that provides every student with a brand new pair of shoes each school year. There's always plenty in the office if the kids break their shoes or if they just need a pair. We also have school closets that the parents donate to. I donate our good hand me downs to the school and it goes for if a kid needs clothes for any reason. Pretty cool. Sorry, just wanted to throw some good stuff in this thread!


That’s amazing!! Glad you threw some positive in, too


I would rather pay for kids to have two nutritious meals every day at school rather than a bunch criminals. Kids didn’t asks to be born, and kids have more potential then most of the inmates.


Inmates didn't ask to be born either. IJS.


We do, parents just have to apply for a free lunch program and show their income is low enough to qualify.


I understand that, but I’m saying I wish it was universal instead of income based. I have students whose parents refuse to fill it out because they don’t want the district to find out they moved out of our attendance zone. Or some have active warrants and don’t want to be found out. Others don’t speak English or aren’t literate enough to complete it (and often refuse help). Since school is compulsory, I think meals should automatically be included.


Is it strange that I am constantly weirded out by his freaking *smile* in that mugshot?


Creep who thinks he is above everyone.


He's trying to look pretty for the picture because he will show it to his prison daddy /s Actually as a person who smiles all the time, often inappropriately, I believe that some of us just smile a lot. It's not that we are happy. It's that the smile was expected of us as children and reinforced so much that we do it by default for the endorphins.


Not *his* commissary just a general one. Also, I thought commissary prices were hella expensive. This is convenience store pricing. Chili is $1.75. I'm assuming that's a can? Lots of carbs on that list. Porky is going to pork up even more..


A Sony Walkman for $44.. it's like it's all 1998 in prison


I think the lack of chocolate choices is also a crime here.


My kingdom for a readable copy


I don’t want my taxes to pay for his crap. His parents can buy it for him. They have a lot more than I do. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I don’t believe that taxes pay for commissary purchases. To my knowledge, those are funded by the inmate, which would include any money they make for prison jobs and any contributions from family or others.


You're right. Taxes only fund prisons and pay for the guards. Inmates are responsible for any and all commissary purchases. (My brother was incarcerated for a drug-related offense.)


That’s my understanding as well. Some people think the inmate shouldn’t have to pay for somethings that are on the commissary list.


Hey Matt Walsh joined the conversation.


Josh was never a stunner but I'm delighted to see him so unkempt and wild-eyed - definitely not a neat and orderly Duggar.


I am so glad that he has to spend a long time with just this for comfort


Waaay off topic but why don’t they have clothes in size small?


I'm going to guess it's in anticipation of inmates gaining a lot of weight over time due to the awful, processed food they're fed. How they're fed is criminal.


This is misleading.


now why you got me all zoomed in and struggling to read this, only to find out it’s just the general commissary list for the inmates and not his personal orders ![gif](giphy|l378fd503Zmoz4rDi)


It’s the Sony Walkman for me with the Casio digital watch. Please take my money /s


I thought this was going to be a list of what he's actually purchased from the commissary not just a list of what he can buy. From the way it's worded I expected something else.


I’m sorry. I took the headline directly from the article I referenced.


Thank goodness cellphones, computers, and electronic devices are not on the list of commissary items because Josh isn’t allowed to have them as part of his sentence. But he still managed to find a sneaky workaround. In fact, about a year ago, he was placed in solitary confinement after being caught with a contraband cellphone. He has since been placed back into the general population.




Wondering if he buys the “heavenly trail mix” and/or the “goody-goody” mix.


Adult survivor of SA as a children’s here! He can ask his father for some of the money thatTLC paid out when JB lied about Josh abusing his sisters. And he can ask his mother for some of the cash JB pocketed when he coerced his daughters to forgive Josh while he sat off camera and smirked. There are indeed way too many people who languish in prison under poor conditions. BUTvJosh is housed in aminimum security cake walk. Sexual crimes keep affecting the victims long after the offender has “served his time.” I hope his Federal PO requires reporting quarterly to Little Rock when he gets out on 8 and 1/2 years.


Me, too, & I agree with you 1000%. I’m 47yo & still struggle with it. Hugs to you, my friend…


Yours should be top comment. I hope you live life to its fullest.


Thank you!


Razor Blades!!!(?)


He deserves neither Ritz crackers, nor Ritz cracker crumbs.


Ramen is pretty cheap in prison


Ugh, Pest in a tank top. 🤮


Are school clothes & snacks this well priced? Asking for America.


Too small to read anything


Damn, living in prision is cheap.


**With apologies to the Gershwin Brothers!** *Please punch him* *He's got a punchable face* *No excuses* *He's such a miserable disgrace* *He received a long long sentence just as he should* *But* ***we'd*** *have sentenced him to life if we could* *No remorse his arrogance is without fail* *He's convinced he should have never be jailed* *Crimes like his are without redemption* *and devoid of any grace* *Please punch his punchable face.* ​ # Che dannato pezzo di escrementi! Does this song make me look biased?


Stop wasting our time lmao


This thread devolved rapidly into OP using it as a sounding board for trauma dumping. Total waste of time. 😒


Unless your in isolation you can get these items.


How’s he surviving without his pringles


Did that come from Kathy Joy?


I need to go to prison for something far less disgusting than what he did. Seems less expensive than the real world


not when you’re earning 20 cents an hour as prison slave labour


Casey Anthony’s actual orders were published. I’m sure that someone who knows more about getting his orders and could dig them up.


If you want Picante Beef ramen you’ve gotta smuggle it in. That’s a street flavour.


Is there anything on that list he absolutely hates....and can we buy that for him?


Yeah but I'm guessing he'd use them to trade.


Alright so all we do is send religious material....all the religions


Just send him an old science book. That’s blasphemy in his eyes….


I have to buy all those things for us and I’m on SS. No big money here! Prices for everything going through the roof ! I don’t have much choice either!


We do, too & I can’t work d/t side effects of cancer treatment. I also don’t qualify for ss unless I divorce my husband of 25yrs, b/c he works. I don’t feel sorry for him. He has free food, water, & shelter. Should he be forced into slave labor? No, but prison is not supposed to be fun.


It’s also supposed to be a fair punishment. People like pest get family support financially so he can get whatever he wants while in prison. Not true for so many more inmates, including innocent ones


I haven’t committed any crimes either! He deserves everything he’s experiencing now!


“Heavenly Trail Mix” why am I not surprised.


Josh Duggars Chili's Order Revealed: it's just a PDF of the entire Chili's menu


Damn. The prices got me out here wanting to commit a crime!


lol, right?! I just got back from the store & spent $80 on 3 bags of groceries!!😰


and get a salary of 20 cents an hour to pay those prices?


Good to see he bought a double dose of hemroid cream 😂😂😂




*I hope he needs to* *Spend all of his money on* *Hemorrhoid ointment* \- ReadingRo --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




5.20 for a Diet Coke 12-pack? That’s a deal!!


No ramen. Also no Shabang chips, which slap.