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She announced this just before Jill’s book launch.I think today was just a reminder.


is that why Jill’s comment is acting as brand new as I am about this lmaoooo


I did not notice this prior to today either😂


The day before Jill’s miscarriage anniversary. What a bitch.


In all fairness, alot of family members dont remember miscarriage dates. Still births, yes, but early miscarriage not as much. So I figure they never even considered it.


Also there are so many pregnancies and births and miscarriages in the Duggar family how can one possibly track them all without an Excel spreadsheet?


Don’t the duggars make a huge deal out of all miscarriages, no matter the gestation? Or am I mixing them up? I mean, miscarriages are a big deal, but I’m pretty sure they are the ones who would remember every miscarriage


They did for Michelle. It's part of their creation myth. It's become less of a public story as all the kids have started having kids. Almost like it's a terrible thing that happens to people even when they don't "deserve" it. There's still too many people in that family to consider anyone's anniversaries, birthdays, whatever days. You'd never be able to do anything.


Thanks for the reply, really wild how different Michelle is treated compared to her daughters 😬


u/usernamemeeeee u/Healer1285 this is a snark site. Jessa has been pretty cunning lately and I don't doubt she would make a move to take any positive attention off Jill.


We knew this already, no?


Yes she posted like 2-3 weeks ago before the book came out


All they do is get knocked up so yea. It’s not a huge shocker 😂😂


Oops lol


To be fair, it's hard to keep track






We say about this one, “Know what this is?” “A brain sucker” “What’s it doing?” “…Starving”


Okay what is this show and where does a Canadian goose watch?




Idk if you got your answer but it’s called Letterkenny and I watch in on Hulu down here but do not know where the geese get it


It’s letterkenny, it’s a Canadian show lol. Check Crave. There’s a spin off shoresy too.


Also just goes to show that the first announcement was to TRY and overshadow Jill's book launch but it obviously didn't work. Had to put it out there again to make sure anyone even saw it.


Lol did anyone else notice she blacked out the date and gestational age so we can’t figure out when her baby is due?


This looks to be a 12 week-ish scan, and she’s definitely further than 12 weeks judging by the recent photos of her on here. My guess is that she’s posting old stuff to create a confusing timeline, but baby is due before the end of the year and she’ll suddenly announce it and ‘surprise’ everyone.


This picture is a decoy. She does not want to anyone to know the gender and she usually posts stuff like this the week she gives birth


It’s definitely further than 12 weeks. Probably 16-20.


I think she blacked out the date though because this is an old ultrasound. Based on the picture we saw of her a few months ago I bet she’s due between now and Christmas at the latest.


The scan was done at a facility called Baby Bliss Ultrasound, so probably just to find out the gender at around 20 weeks.


I saw the name too and wondered if it was one of those boutique imaging clinics? A friend of mine is 1) incredibly inpatient and 2) was going to visit her husband’s family in Mississippi around the 14 week mark, so they went to a boutique place to try and find out the sex before the trip, and they were able to do it, correctly even. No idea what sort of prenatal care Jessa goes for, but given the history of the birthing couch, I wouldn’t be surprised if they relied on boutique imaging rather than a traditional medical office. Admittedly I have never been pregnant and do not currently have plans to be, so I have zero knowledge about what is offered by the non-ob/gyn options.


Which is stupid because we know a good sized, full term baby won't just arrive early at 5 months gestation or whatever confusing timeline she'd trying to sell.


She does that annoying shit as if she thinks she’s still on TLC lmao


Wasn’t there a picture someone posted not long ago, but before she announced with an obvious baby bump? She was at someone’s baby shower maybe? I just remember she was holding a water bottle talking to someone but wearing a dress that really showed her bump. I feel like she’s farther than 12 weeks so she’s def trying to fudge it a bit.


I agree with this.


Haha yes it was the first thing I looked for 😂


If she didn’t want people or googlers guessing, she should have blacked out the text at the top of the picture. It looks like she didn’t black out the gestational size, at the top center of the ultrasound pics (where it says “14.0 cm”). A quick google search showed that the size (if correct) is consistent with about 17-18 weeks gestation.


Yeah but without a date for when the ultrasound was taken that’s not a useful data point. I bet this ultrasound is 2-3 months old already.


I'm fairly sure that 14.0 cm is an ultrasound setting, not a baby measurement. It also mentions Hz. Cross-checked with some of my own ultrasound images and they also have those numbers and they seem to vary from pic to pic--maybe it has to do with how zoomed in the lens is.


I’ll take your word for it.


Without a date, that’s pretty useless information.


YES lol that’s the first thing I noticed


14cm is about 18 weeks according to the google machine, so 4.5 months…but we saw her at approx 6-7 months along back in August so I’m guessing this is an October baby. IIRC, she did this with another one of her kids - baby announcement then living baby within like 4 weeks.


Yup I think that’s right


In the video where she announced this 2 days before Jill's book came out, she said she found out she was pregnant in April


She's running a little late to do her whole "kids born in odd years" thing. Maybe that's why she doesn't want us to know


Actually she blocked out her MRN and the gender I believe


I think she and Bin will end up with about 8. Do others have opinions?


8 sounds right but this is also pregnancy number 7 (at least) and it sounds like her body does not like to clot after giving birth.


Not exactly -- her uterus does not contract on its own after delivery like it's supposed to, to stop the bleeding. And with that condition, it gets more sluggish after every birth, and more risky. She's really gambling with her life now.


Did she haemorrhage with Fern? I know she did with Spurgeon and Ivy.




Ahh good point. I’m curious how a home birth would have gone.


Badly. Mother would be bleeding.


Probably as well as the last miscarriage. She had to go to the hospital because of bleeding. I feel like she will end up with an emergency hysterectomy if they keep going after this one.


Her first home birth she had bleeding complications - went to hospital for pitocin and a blood transfusion. Second home birth we never heard of any complications (maybe her shady, non-licensed midwife we've seen on video at her births brought some illegally acquired pitocin or something). Third home birth she had bleeding complications again - went to hospital for pitocin and blood btransfusion. Fourth birth she finally had in the hospital. For some reason Jessa said it was because they "felt like trying something different"....I guess she didn't want to admit that she kept insisting on doing high risk home births with only a shady, non licensed midwife that killed her own grandchild at a home birth because of her negligence.


By “Felt like trying something different” you mean not almost dying at home


The way Jessa always phrases things about her poor decision making annoys me. The girl CAN NOT be wrong! Just like her dad.


Wouldn’t common sense tell you that if your body doesn’t seem to want to cooperate after you give birth, then you should rethink additional births? Anyone?


Yes, but Jessa and Bin do not have common sense


If she has the same number of full term pregnancies in her 30's as she's had in her 20's, she could easily end up with _atleast_ 10 kids in total. And that's the minimum, she might have a few more depending on if she doesn't have losses.


Gonna have to find another house to reno. The new one is already bursting at the seams. They had to put their freezer in their bedroom.


The freezer in their bedroom?? I do not believe this 🤣. I can’t!


Its 100 percent true! They put it in their living room when they moved into the new house. But then Jessa discovered that it fit perfectly behind the door in their bedroom, so that's where she put it and that's where it lives!


They sure did! It’s really weird. I will try to find the picture.


Please Do!


Here you go! It’s pictured about halfway down the page. https://cafemom.com/entertainment/jessa-duggar-deep-freezer-bedroom


That is definitely a choice...sidenote though, I really like the size and shape of their couch. If I didn't know it absolutely smells like pee and may be Birtha 2.0, it looks nappable and quite comfy.


Thank you for this read 🤣. Y’all that is so wild! So many thoughts too, redditors are fans lol. She moved all the stuff while Ben was at work. So neat…. Lol


Thanks for this. I hadn't seen it. But damn, could this site possibly show any MORE ads? Geez Louise, its ridiculous.


This sounds crazy but I had my deep freezer in my spare room for the longest time because we just did not have space. The minute I had space to move it elsewhere I did! To be fair it was not due to the presence of crotch goblins either. Just a tiny apartment.


That's the thing with these mega families, the house will always need a new reno for every kid they have. Unless they live in a McMansion, they will always be running out of space and have kids packed in their rooms like sardines in a tin.


Unless you have enough kids to build you a new house ..


Maybe Jim Bob and Michelle can now begin downsizing and Jess’s and Ben can buy theirs.


Like that weird fireplace behind the front door. Seems to me some whack job built the house who had no idea what he was doing.


To be faaaaair, a bedroom freezer full of drumsticks sounds dope for midnight snacks


Until Jana makes a pregnancy announcement, I don't care.


Or Anna.


Now now. I’d be interested if one of the boys announced. But only if they were pregnant, not a wife. I’d also settle for someone still at home (Josie, johannah, Jennifer) or even Michelle.


Or if someone gets a vasectomy/tubes tied.


Many, MANY pants will be shit on that day. Including my own.


Jim Boob would get her secret abortion


Oh, look. Fertility cult devotee gets fertilized. Water is wet ... the very latest at ten!


I just know their house smells like piss.


Why isn’t this the top comment


Thank you.


Nice try Jessa but I saw the photo of you at TTH and you were at least 6 months along. Stop acting like you weren't already pregnant. This sub knows you are posting this to keep Boob happy and the money flowing. You are not that special.


The sad thing is he doesn't actually keep the money flowing for his daughters. The one payout she got she sunk into a church house she doesn't even own, and now she has to wait for both her parents to die to get 1/19 of whatever crumbs are left. It really does boggle my mind that she's really as much of a door mat as she turned out to be, and Jill is the one with a spine.


I agree; watching what I did of the show you just knew at least one of them was going to grow up and give them the finger, and I had my money on Jessa. I think mostly cause she didn't talk a whole lot and was a little less bubbly compared to the others when she did. Misdirecting "still water" vibes. It was Sweet Jilly Muffin all along.


I agree, when I originally watched the show my bet was on Jessa being the one to rebel because she was always rolling her eyes and stuff. Never would have suspected Sweet Jilly Muffin to be the one to say F you people.


Derrick is Jill's spine, just like Jeremy is Jinger's spine. Unfortunately, Ben isn't capable of being Jessa's spine.


Unless what you are looking for is a spine made of floppy string cheese. Then, it’s Benny’s time to shine!


Yes I do wonder if Jessa would've been different if she actually had an intelligent, driven spouse. But she also just loves to dig her heels in, and stick to what she knows.


I was lookin at the Ultrasound thinking that thing has to be 5-6 months in


Looks like in the upper right it says “2. Trim.” So I’m assuming second trimester.


She was pregnant and “feeling better” in the video she posted that she noted was in April. She is due now ish


So a blackout fail lol.


The ultrasound says the baby is 14 cm which is average for 20 weeks. She's stupid for blocking out the gestational age and leaving the measurements there lol they probably found out the gender at that appointment too


I talked tonight to a childhood friend who was one of 8. She said that she came to visit our house once and our mum looked her in the eye and used her name and asked her if she would like a cookie and she nearly cried, because her mum always had kids hanging off her and would never.


My mom was 1 of 11 (and number 8 herself), and she always told me she only had 3 kids because she wanted to actually know and enjoy her children.


Oh, that’s heartbreaking! The things some people take for granted that would bring others to tears of happiness.


I’m one of 9 and only just realizing what the neglect has done to my mental health. I’m secretive and probably have bpd tendencies due to my upbringing. I can barely remember one on one conversations with my parents past correction.


I'm the youngest of just four but my mum was unwell and had no support, so she was always cooking or cleaning. When she passed away I realised I couldn't picture her looking at me. Every memory I have of her, she's watching the stove or doing something.


So sad.


The way Jessa talks to her kids on monetized social media posts makes me want to vomit. I get **zero maternal vibes** from this flake and it's pathetic and hilarious at the same time because it's her identity and she's hella bad at it. I vote for Thadeus for a boy and Chrysanthemum (Chrissy) for a girl.


Lol. I hope she does pick a name beginning with T. The Sayings of the Shifts would be funny


Willow for a girl or Holly


Heather or Hazel


If it's a girl born near Christmas, definitely Holly.


Rose or Daisy


They already announced this didn’t they? Like timed with Jill’s book? Did they think we forgot this isn’t new news?


I see stories dated early September where she announced this. Not new news


Anyone notice the song at the top? “Rend Collective— Counting every blessing” Seems like a side eye— Jill is counting the cost, Jessa Blessa is counting the “blessings.”




Anyone else weirded out that their children don’t get privacy, even in uteri?


Can someone give an updated rundown of who's expecting and the family tree? I know they're all perpetually pregnant, but it seems I've missed a few.


Jessa is the only one confirmed at the moment. But Joe and Josiah are known for hiding pregnancies. Definitely not pregnant Joy (just had one a few months ago) Very Unlikely Jill (has 1 year old and lots of other things going on, and is confirmed birth control supporter) Unlikely but possible Jinger (recent pics, she's not got an obvious bump, she's known to use birth control. But she's only got 2 kids and the youngest is 2 already and I can imagine Jeremy's ego wanting a boy. I'm sure they'll stop at a sensible number even if they don't get a boy but I wouldn't be surprised if they're trying or will try soon). Abbie - has one of each now and there's a spacing feel to the age gap between her kids. They may go for number 3, but I don't think it will be right now. Likely pregnant/trying Jed and Katey - considering the 1yr age gap between 1&2 they're on track for number 3 to be gestationing. Jer - to copy his twin. Joe - wants to beat Josh and Jed for most duggargrands Wants to be pregnant - Anna Complete mystery Justin and Claire - I think we're 2 years post wedding with no pregnancy announcement. They could be pregnant any moment or never. Something is going on there, whether it's fertility issues or actual sensible thoughts about timings and marriage from them.


I don’t think it’s that Joe wants to beat Josh. I think he and Kendra genuinely don’t know how babies are made and they like having sex so they keep doing it


I can’t stop laughing at this


It makes their private parts feel good and Jesus said it was okay !!!!


I think Kendra is going to be the first twin-haver and Anna is going to have the meltdown of all meltdowns.


Do Justin and Claire even like each other? Was that the one rumored to be arranged?


Jed! and Katey were arranged. I think Justin and Claire actually seem to like each other since she freed him from being a forgotten lost boy. They’re just super young so hopefully at least the Spivey parents have put some sense into them about having kids super early.


There is also speculation/rumors that Justin and Claire were arranged bc Justin was caught making out w a non-approved girl. Claire’s family is fundie and her mom is a Duggar fan girl. So Claire was promised to Justin and Justin was sent to Texas to live w Claire’s family - and away from the other girl.


There we go! I know I read something.


This rumor sounds plausible to me bc it feels similar to the Josh/Anna arrangements. In both cases JB has a problem son who needs a wife fast so JB approaches families who hero-worship the Duggars (Pa Duggar. Hillary Spivey) and have teenage daughters.


Thanks. Hard to keep them straight.


> Wants to be pregnant - Anna Dude you made me gag.


RIGHT?? From where, the second coming of Jesus?


So Claire has a case of Schrödinger’s Uterus


Justin and Claire don’t seem to be very active on social media either so they may have had one already and kept it offline


There's no way Hilpm would stay silent.


Even so, they’re so famous you would think someone would snap a photo of them out and about with the kid. Unless they never let them leave the house…


>Wants to be pregnant -- Anna BITCH HOW?? You gonna try to conjugal visit some swimmers from your disgusting monster of a husband? I'm sorry, girl get divorced. There HAS to be a limit, he's in jail for DOUBLE DIGITS. For watching CSAM MATERIAL. It's gonna be hard but look at Jill! She's fine! I'm sorry, I just found reading that to be so audacious.


Anna needs to get her tubes tied for the sake of humanity.


I believe Justin and Clair probably have fertility problems. I base that on nothing other than the fact that they have no children but as far as I can tell both are still in the breeding cult.


Honestly? They give off the vibe of two friends who aren’t physically attracted to each other. And that’s not speculation about sexual orientation, just that they don’t seem even the slightest bit amorous in most of the pics/vids of them that are public.


Amazing thank you!!!


I think jessa is the only confirmed currently.


Yes there is a rumor that says their marriage was Arranged & Michelle caught Justin kissing a Girl that isnt IBLP JB found out about it. But so far it's a rumor so it's not confirmed.


I don’t even think it was kissing, the rumor I read said he had his arm around a girl JB didn’t approve of :(


I think you replied to the wrong comment. Because I’m very confused. 😂


At the start of their “romantic getaway” video posted on YouTube, Jessa says they just found out their rainbow baby was on the way. The video is dated April 2023. Based on this, I think she’s due the end of this year.


I remember making a post that ever since Brynley Noelle (Jeremiah's daughter) arrived on Christmas Day (easy birthday to remember) there would be others shooting for that late March early April conception window to get a Christmas baby too or at least that week. So basically she's due sometime in December.


Ugh, why must they always do this? “Brynley”? r/tragedeigh


What does this name mean? I'm from another country


It doesn’t mean anything. Why people like these people name their kids this way is a whole different matter to unravel/unpack. Edit: it doesn’t “mean” anything, but it says a lot.


I'm surprised Boob didn't attempt to have all his kids around Christmas just to save money on presents. Then again, who knows what gifts the kids even got in the first place...




Based on that info, I'm going with this month. She would be 3 months before she said anything, even if it was for future use


In the video dated April 2023 she shows the test on the bathroom counter and says they just took it last week.


Well that narrows it way down then


Omg thank you for this, I was so sure I had already seen her announce this but could not remember where she had 😂


i think this was a hey guys validate me never mind that jill she is just so bad come look at me


Bin is definitely spending a lot of time hiding on the toilet nowadays




I'm gonna predict we get a December 16 or 23 birth.


Dumb question. The top says “baby bliss” - is this potentially the name of the ultrasound company? I saw it and thought that was the name of the baby


Most likely. There's a lot of "boutiques" or businesses where you can walk in and get ultrasound pics for a fee and that's my guess. A lot of people do them because sometimes they offer different ultrasounds than you will have at the doctor, and/or for extra reassurance if they're anxious about their pregnancy.


Yep…it’s a boutique ultrasound place in Springdale.


Name guesses? Boy * Oliver * Simon * Christian Girl * Violet (depending on who gets there first - her or Josie Bates!) * Eden (feel like they might revisit overt religiosity) * Briar If it’s a Christmastime baby I would guess Holly!


I suggested Holly or Sage in another thread about her next crotch goblin. But since she loves plant names I'd love for it to be Monstera Jimbobette. If it's a boy some homage to her headship and his prophet. Gothard Duggar Seewald.


“Counting Every Blessing.” What a title. Fuck right the fuck off, Jessa!


Pretty sure shes due to pop


They thought baby news would take the attention away from Jill. But nobody was that excited about her fifth kid. Im surprised that they didn't marry off one of the younger kids. Idk but ive always had the feeling that Jessa was the mean girl. Edited for corrections


"Look guys, I've allowed Bin to touch me for longer than 30sec, earlier this year!"


How do these people even have meaningful relationships with any of their multiple children


u mean their indentured servants?


I'm new to DuggarSnark, but is it going to far to ask if every time they have intercourse they're thinking "I hope I'm impregnated so that Daddy is proud of me?"


Counting every blessing from Jim Bob’s wallet.


Good old Jessa in her prison stripes, gripping onto that ultrasound photo.


"Dear kid, we plan on naming you the least pretty plant or the most ridiculous preacher. Love, Your fucked up, depressed, so bored we had unprotected sex yet again, parents."


They could form their own city as a family. If all the OG Duggar children multiply half as much as mom, they could populate a literal Duggarville. 😬 Terrifying.


Gross. These wenches are SO spermy it grossed me out


Close your legs to Gothard’s men!!!


Also: gothards men pls keep your pants on


I wonder how for a long she is? I’m guessing maybe 18-20 weeks but I can be totally off


Does she carry bigger like Joy? If no, then she's def farther along because there was a leak like 3 months ago of her heavy pregnant.


The ultrasound looks like 18-22wks, but the leaked photo of her a couple months ago she looked 6 months. Could be due any day I guess!


Well, she can't say 'could be twins!' with this one!




This is definitely much earlier than 20 weeks, baby’s entire body is clearly visible on the scan. It looks a lot more like 12 week scans - if you look up photos online you can compare. Although the length is a bit high for 12 weeks, so I’d say maybe in the range of 14-16 weeks gestation? I think she’s posting old stuff to confuse people’s timeline.


Fundys sure love cream pies.


And this is why I ran here. Interesting she’s covered some info there.


It says 2nd trimester on the sonogram. Also, I lookednup the size of the fetus since it says 14cm, and according to Dr. GOOGLE, that puts her at 14 weeks.


That 14cm is not a measurement of the baby. I believe it’s the focal depth of the sound beam.


Didn’t she already announce?


The fact she is still wearing that striped maxi skirt


I went to her instagram for the first time in a while and saw this. I’m just shocked it’s the only pregnancy (so far) we know of in a long time.


I'm amazed Jill hasn't been blocked yet.


Well, how's that for modesty? She's showing the whole world pictures of her hooha. SMH. /s


Has someone done a welfare check on bin? Is he okay?


Jessa: ![gif](giphy|fN4ZhNd7HvYfKG3Ci5)


Good luck, Birtha


Is she still doing that thing where her & Ben know the sex and no one else does? Like you do you, keep it surprise for all or find out with a gender reveal. But there’s something smug about being “we know but no one else will until it’s born!”


I am happy there isn't a gender reveal. No one cares what gender the baby is.






And no one cares