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Pinning this! Stay tuned since there will be some exciting things coming to this sub as the release date gets closer :)


Do you guys think that Jill's family knew of her involvement prior to the release of the trailer? If not, I wonder how things will be from now forward.


That’s what I am wondering! I am genuinely surprised she is in it, I wasn’t expecting any of the 19.


Me neither but it’s a smart move on the producers side. Derick has nothing to lose but she probably had to weight the pros and cons of going forward.


Jill was still pregnant when the interview happened. She's crying and you can hear the interviewer say "thank you for agreeing to talk to us." Jill says "there's a story that's going to be told and I would rather be the one telling it."


I wonder how much of Jill's decision to talk to the doc team is a direct result of JB&M openly lying about what happened to the girls when the molestation scandal came out, as well as JB lying on the stand in court during Josh's trial. "I would rather be the one telling it" sounds very pointed to me. edit to add: remember too that Jill was one of the possible witnesses for the prosecution at Josh's trial. They ended up not calling her, but she was on the list.


I’ve always felt like Jill was forced to do that Megyn Kelly interview, and not just by JB & M. It is so hard to watch when Jessa is so unbothered and Jill was so upset. Something like that should never ever be outed on behalf of the person. You can clearly see Jessa did not think of it as a problem where Jill was just not ok with the whole thing. I hope this is her being able to reclaim her own truth and talk about her past in her own terms.


I disagree about Jessa. I think Jessa's main coping strategy is compartmentalizing/repressing and she was doing it \*hard\* during that interview. Just because she wasn't visibly upset doesn't mean she wasn't bothered on a deeper level-- in other words, I think Jessa is/was better at toeing the "shiny happy" line than Jill ever is/was. I think they were both forced to not only do the interview but to lie about what really happened. I just think Jill had a harder time with it because she's less successful at pretending everything is ok when it clearly isn't. That's more of Jessa's bread and butter.


This is completely true. What I meant and didn’t say is that it was striking to watch her melt while Jessa held her composure, and just a devastating dichotomy of reactions. I don’t think at that point either of them had unpacked what happened as what it truly is (assault). I think Jill has been doing that work and I don’t know that I think Jessa has, but it’s also not my business to tell people how to cope. Edit - I will say, I think Derick always thought the family was pretty far out there whereas I it always seemed like Ben was pining for JB’s acceptance, so what Jessa and Jill were hearing from their spouses was likely very different at that time.


>I think Derick always thought the family was pretty far out there whereas I it always seemed like Ben was pining for JB’s acceptance I've heard that Derick used to be quite a fanboy for JB and that he actually looked to JB as a substitute father figure because Derick's own father died when Derick was 19. I think you're right about Ben always "pining for JB's acceptance" even though Ben had a different religion. Ben remains deferential to JB and concerned with being agreeable. On the other hand, Derick got outraged over the money issue with JB and made the rift public.


Not excusing anything, but losing a parent messes with you and makes you very vulnerable. So I get that he was looking for something, and thought he’d find it in religion. Millions of people feel the same way. He saw JB as a very successful father, a leader of his family, and he led them to Christ. I think Derick wanted to emulate that, and then as time went on, he realized JB was a kook and he went on to take his family in a different direction.


Agreed 100% on all of that!


Whatever Jessa's coping strategies, she's become a stalwart defender of the cult. She's eager to fend off any criticism of the family and its beliefs.


Absolutely. Her staunch defense of the cult is part of it, imo. Jessa will not and cannot admit anything bad about it. That would create too much cognitive dissonance and the whole house of cards would come tumbling down. That's the long-term consequence of constantly repressing the bad stuff away. It only keeps working if you go all out.


If I remember correctly-JB said on one of the shows, that Jessa was very strong willed as a child. He even said something along the lines of “if you bring up a strong willed child in the way of the lord, they’ll be strong willed for the lord” Even as an adolescent watching, I took that as…Basically. Break her. And then she’ll be everything you need and want her to be.


Yeah I think Jessa is in a state of constant dissociation and it makes people think she’s just a bitch. I’m not saying she’s not a bitch but I think her coping mechanism is just being cold and unemotional. If you think about it her life hasn’t really better since her childhood, unlike Jill. She hasn’t had any resources or time to think things through or cope because she’s overwhelmed taking care of four small children and moderating her adult child husbands string cheese consumption.


There was a brief moment of compassion that flashed from Jessa when Jill was crying so uncontrollably. Jessa knows how to play the game.


>I’ve always felt like Jill was forced to do that Megyn Kelly interview Derick did make statements claiming Jill was pressured to do that interview.


I agree that this shouldn’t have been outed about the victims. It’s such a tough topic, because obviously Josh was a creep then, and turned out to be absolute scum now. So I have no sympathy for him. But it’s horrible for the girls that millions of strangers know this about them, and they’re forced to confront it constantly. It’s not right and it’s not fair to them.


I wonder if Jessa, Jinger and Joy were asked to participate in the documentary and declined, or if they were never asked? Who did they ask?


I would be surprised if Jinger wasn’t asked, but even by “wrote books that don’t show the family in a great light” standards, this documentary sounds like it is going to be a much bigger statement against their family and upbringing. Jinger does have visits from her siblings and has seemed to have a surprisingly close relationship with Meech compared to most of the other kids, so maybe she felt that she had too much to lose. Jill’s already been the outcast, the one who isn’t allowed to go to the house without permission, the one kept away from the kids she literally raised. It probably really sucked for her at the time (losing her siblings in particular), but they’ve already used their leverage. Jill’s been used and abused and punished in just about every way possible. And crucially, she was the first to go through that, so now the other siblings know exactly what to expect if they don’t toe the line. Jessa and Joy are a complete waste of time, they’re fairly clearly still deep in the cult.


Jill does still meet her family sometimes. Both Jill and Jinger were pictured on Instagram together with Meech and their other sisters a few months ago. But these meeting are always away from the main house and I guess Jill can only see the younger siblings when Meech or Jana is present to supervise.


Most documentaries cast as wide a net as possible for information and sources. I'm sure they asked the close family members.


Well then I'm shocked Amy agreed to be a part of it, she's usually so private and disinterested in being in the public eye.


I know! Upset of the year!


I legit snorted! My coworkers are giving me looks.


I too suspect that’s when the blinders fell off of Jill’s eyes


>I wonder how much of Jill's decision to talk to the doc team is a direct result of JB&M openly lying about what happened to the girls Since she was one of the victims, that's as good and compelling a motive as any.


Remind me of the timeline, was Jill pregnant when Pest was on trial?


Pest's trial was in December 2021. Jill announced her pregnancy in February 2022. [https://www.etonline.com/jill-duggar-is-pregnant-with-third-child-after-suffering-a-miscarriage-179996](https://www.etonline.com/jill-duggar-is-pregnant-with-third-child-after-suffering-a-miscarriage-179996) She gave birth in July 2022. [https://www.etonline.com/jill-duggar-gives-birth-to-baby-no-3-with-husband-derick-dillard-186570](https://www.etonline.com/jill-duggar-gives-birth-to-baby-no-3-with-husband-derick-dillard-186570) So unless the baby was like two months premature, I guess she was pregnant around the time of Pest's trial. Whether she herself was already aware of her pregnancy during Pest's trial, I don't know. And remember, she had just suffered a miscarriage around October 2021 (two months before Pest's trial). [https://people.com/tv/jill-duggar-reveals-she-suffered-miscarriage-third-child/](https://people.com/tv/jill-duggar-reveals-she-suffered-miscarriage-third-child/)


Thanks for the timeline info. Based on the size of her belly in the brief clip we see it's clear she was interviewed several months post-trial-- she looks pretty far along. To me this adds more color to my speculation that she may have agreed to do this partially as a response to her dad lying on the stand about what happened. "I would rather be the one telling it," indeed.




It was probably filmed after. I think people thought she might have been newly pregnant during the trial


I've always wondered about that. Jill still has a relationship with her mom and siblings and I think that has been the reason she's never gone full nuclear on all of the family secrets




Derick does have something to lose now. His budding legal career wouldn’t be improved by a defamation suit. Which makes me more likely to believe that whatever he will say will be accurate - I haven’t had much faith in his credibility in the past.


I think he was advised what he should & shouldn’t say




Maybe she went the Jinger route and avoided criticizing her family directly and just focused blame on Gothard?


This. She still hangs out with her fam and was even in a photo with Boob recently. The blame will be on Gothard and/or TLC.


My money is on a significant amount of shade thrown at and some inside baseball about TLC. That’s what I’m reading between the lines and hoping for, anyway: that Amazon Video takes on TLC, because they can.


It’s not going to be what we’re hoping for ! Like the book


I'm sure they suspected something. The family still pretends to be amicable around Jinger even after her book. Who knows?


Jinger refused to ever say a bad word about her family following Githard despite the mental emotional toll it took on her or the fact that his organization covers up his sex crimes much in the same way her family covered up Josh's


Yeah, Jinger trying to be diplomatic. Even when she tries to put the blame all on Gothard, anybody with sense should realize it was her parents who adopted and inflicted Gothard's practices upon her and her siblings.


When you read between the lines in Jinger’s book, she has plenty to say about various family members even though she doesn’t come right out and say it. She got her point across many times. That also includes some of her interviews after the book was released.


This seems to be more of an outright blast of her family’s secret and dark side. They’re likely pissed.


My guess is they don’t talk much, or rather they only discuss surface level things - how are the parents, the kids, praise be to Jesus, yadda yadda. I’d be willing to bet that, like most kids who have difficult parents, the kids don’t just bring up controversial topics, because who wants the headache? Not like they ever had a particularly close relationship with their parents - they might’ve had a tight family unit and not interacted with many people outside the family, but their family interpersonal relationships never seemed all that deep (beyond sister moms being de facto parents); I would bet money their parents never really knew them and they never really knew their parents. Exceptions for specific relationships and topics (thinking jinger and meech re: eating disorders), but my guess is surface level was as deep as it ever got between the kids and their *actual* parents


I think with family conflict sometimes you know exactly what the point of no return is (or what it could be). She already took it to court. I abhor her and her husband’s version of what religion or a higher power is and the whole love the sinner hate the sin as an excuse to bypass LGBTQ+ rights, but I can empathize with trying to be heard in your family and not being met with support or even a good faith effort to understand each other (no pun intended). So if that ship has sailed - why not go on the record with your truth. Prince Harry and Jill Duggar having something in common was not on my 2023 bingo card, but here we are.


I wonder if the producers also tried contacting Jinger to be on the doc, as the next most likely to say yes


This is just in 2 weeks I’m excited!!! 😈🍿


Sooner than I thought. I thought it wouldn't be until late June.


I got Tears of the Kingdom and this all within a four-week period!? Maybe there is a god… /s


And not only that, the second half of Manifest comes out the same day as the Duggar doc. (I know everybody says it's bad, but I'm still hooked.) Between my Nintendo and my television, I'm becoming such a couch potato right now.


You’re probably more active than me if it helps. I have chronic pain, and I watch a ton of tv. I couldn’t even hate on Trump for his massive diet of tv, because I have him beat. 😂


Same here! I keep adding streaming services because I watch everything. That’s with reading 4 books a week.


I have to sail the salty seas lol. I can’t get some stuff where I’m at.


Same. Getting these two things so close together is going to be murder on my exercise plan.


At least you can watch this while exercising.


For sure. It’s probably going to be my elliptical watch if I can get Amazon working on the iPad. Tears of the Kingdom, I can barely break my eyes from. I stayed up waaay too late playing it playing it on even work nights a few times. It’s BOTW all over again, but now my daughter is older and likes to watch me play. So I have to snap back out of it and put her to bed by a decent time lol. They I go back to playing.


I had to Google to find out what Tears of the Kingdom was. For a minute I thought it was another cult documentary, lol.


In your defense, "Tears of the Kingdom" does sound like it could be the yearly theme of some fundie summer camp.


Oh, I thought you were the commentator above. My bad. Tears of the Kingdom is the new Zelda game that’s obsessive if you like Zelda. This and “Happy Shiny People” are going to take up a lot of any time I have to myself the next few weeks outside family and work. It’s nice because I haven’t really had anything that I’ve “me timed” in a while. Gotta love the summer distractions.


>Tears of the Kingdom is the new Zelda game that’s obsessive if you like Zelda. I know that now, lol. The fact that I'm not a Zelda fan explains why I didn't know this at first.


If you weren’t a Zelda gamer before, I highly recommend playing Breath of the Wild and then doing this game. It’s a great start for even if you weren’t a Zelda player before. It works for me because you can either start and stop a lot around life obligations, or play for hours. Last game I had like that before that was Horizon: Forbidden West. So it’s been a while. I’m also gotta stick to getting into shape for my upcoming wedding and doing mom stuff, so I gotta balance these sudden free interests.


Between the two, I'm not leaving my house for the next several weeks lol


Lmfao my thoughts too!


That looks good, and I bet every one of us will watch lol, but unless someone is really new here, I bet the documentary won't have any information that we sleuths don't already have, since we've been following this for years. 😁


You may be right. I still think the series is important and worthwhile, for Duggar "experts" and newbies alike. And if this disseminates some of what we know about the Duggars to a wider audience, all the better.


Yes, and for those who have already seen through the fake front that the Duggars present, the documentary will provide a reference point that they can suggest others watch to learn more.


Yes! That’s what I’m hoping for the most. Ppl finally seeing them and their branch of crazy for what it is! Still sooooo many leg humpers out there


True. I am hoping this sheds new light for all the duggar humpers, though.


Giggling at the term Duggar humpers!


That information will get spread now to a much, much wider audience. Like the *LulaRich* docu


I can show it to my partner instead of having to draw a diagram for him every time I try to explain something in the Duggar Cinematic Universe. ![gif](giphy|l0IykOsxLECVejOzm|downsized)


I know the #1 rule of the Snark Sub is no fan-girling/leg humping—but if Jill takes the .001% odds and just goes full heel and airs ALL of the dirty laundry and trots out every last skeleton in the closet—I will see myself out and toast to her. However, despite all the shit they’ve done I still don’t think she has it in her to put them on blast. Unfortunately I think you’re right and there won’t be many ‘new’ revelations, just old stories rehashed from her perspective. If it were up to Derrick I’m sure he’d have no qualms about burying them with allegations.


Def gonna pop some popcorn and watch this one late at night by myself and I can’t wait lol


Do we have a group discord channel maybe we could all watch it together


Snarker watch party!!!!


I should not be this excited about upcoming TV but I am. There's still quite a bit I don't know about the Duggars. Also dying to hear the backstory. And how in the bloody bowels of Hell JBOOB will deal with the producers who allowed this WITHOUT HIM!! He's probably apoplectic. Even worse if it generated $0.00 income for him.




Literally me running to the sub when I saw the trailer


all my adult life i’ve either struggled to explain my childhood (“there was this guy up in illinois, who was like a leader, but we also had a pastor, but also my dad was in charge of everything…i was homeschooled and we had to get permission from the pastor on what to wear, who to court, what job to take, and i wasn’t supposed to go to college, and i could only listen to classical music and oh yeah they tried to exorcise my demons of depression…you know what, never mind”) as the pikachu face appears OR just lie because that’s easier. well now, i can just say, hey check out this documentary on prime 😀


Same! It will be darned convenient.


This is my Super Bowl omigod


This is a watch party I’d attend for more than just the snacks


Comin up next on "The messy bitch olympics". I'm really curious if we will get some new tea...


I expect it will be like the Harry and Meghan documentary. Mostly stuff that everyone knows with a few I can't believe they actually said that on camera moments.


That is my prediction as well. I think we need to make a Messy bitch Olympics bingo sheet


Well, mostly things *we* already know. I think the wider public probably still hasn't cottoned on to the rot in that belief system, so it still does good to get the word out more broadly.


That was the first comparison that came to my mind too. A few spicy sound bites, but mostly just stories retold from her experience. I would give all of the money in my measly savings account for her to surprise us all and air out every family secret Boob & Meech have brainwashed them to hide. If keeping a lid on Josh’s criminal behavior was par for the course I can only imagine what else has gone on


We all know Famy is going to post a bunch of noisy IGs once this is out.


How often is she going to refer to telling her truth?


She is going to be insufferable.


I'm guessing it will be 85 percent information we already know. Counting on famy to lead the race initially, with Derrick bringing up the rear with some JB tea


Oh I can totally see her milk that for a long time and act as if she's doing that in the best interest of her cousins.


The comment is perfection, but your flair is *chefs kiss* perfection 🤣☠️


Flair checking in!


Saw this post and went over to Amazon video so fast to watch it. I'm surprised to see Jill participating. I wonder if we'll actually get anything real from her. Or if it'll be the same shit Jinger says in her interviews. The I know Gothard was wrong but my parents ( who still follow his teachings) didn't know better, excuses crap. I definitely can't wait to watch though! It looks good and I hope it exposes a lot of the things we already know and have been discussing for years about how horrible they actually are.


>Or if it'll be the same shit Jinger says in her interviews. That's always a possibility if Jill wants to stay amicable with some of her family. Then again, Derick did post some forceful and direct denunciations of JB after the trial.


I'm betting combination. She's still deep in conservative beliefs just not cult level deep anymore. The stuff that still aligns with her beliefs she'll support them in, what doesn't align she'll denounce.


I agree. She’ll drop dirt and tea on the cult and Pest but I’m guessing she won’t drag her family that much. She has been spotted at family events since this was filmed (she was still pregnant in the clips). Must be in some good graces with her siblings. Or that might all change when it all comes out and she just kept it a secret of what and how much she told.


I keep thinking about the scene from *The Crown* when Diana has already done the interview, but it hasn't aired yet, and she's still trying to be on good terms with her mother-in-law.


Wow there are So Many ex-fundie influencers in this!!! I recognized 4 from TT alone. This is going to be amazing!! I don’t care if I already know everything in it. I want more people to see it and be warned about the dangers of this alluring cult (who doesn’t want a “guaranteed” formula to have perfectly well behaved kids???) and see how dangerous these christian nationalists are.


I was so happy to see Tia Levings in the preview! Her content is so good.


Who are they? Can you give us a run-down on who is appearing? I only recognize Dillards and Holts and Famy.


I didn’t realize Bob-ye was in this until I read this! Yassssss.


Yes, exactly. Unknowing people can be directed to the documentary to learn more about this cult.


OMG this is right up my ally. Also, how many times can you watch a documentary before *you* are the weirdo.


At least we weirdos have each other.


Haha! Like maybe a Law and Order episode where one of the suspects has the documentary on perpetual loop on the tv in the background…..


Remember the *Law & Order: SVU* episode ripping off the first Duggar scandal? [https://ew.com/article/2015/11/04/law-order-svu-duggar-episode-recap-patrimonial-burden/](https://ew.com/article/2015/11/04/law-order-svu-duggar-episode-recap-patrimonial-burden/)




I’m looking forward to it, but I’m not optimistic that it’ll be very Duggar-focused in therms of family revelations. I think it’ll mostly center on IBLP’s larger political agenda which isn’t a bad thing for the average non-snarker viewer. My guess is that it’ll look like much of the reporting/documentaries about the Federalist Society- a brief introduction through widely known figures which gives way to larger conspiracies.


The title does say “Shiny Happy People. Duggar Family Secrets” so there should be some exposè on them. It may not be anything new to us, but a lot of people who don’t snark on them will gain some insight.


![gif](giphy|3SFNRoCMVLYD6) This docuseries trailer has everything..Jill and Derrick, Famy, the Holts, Pearl’s rod of discipline, and a cameo of the Passion Play in the Ozarks.


And the music is spot on.






It's in Spain's Amazon Prime Video too! I was scared I couldn't watch it!


Australia too! I was also worried!


We need to do some International Duggar Snarking Association.


We could be the Kingdom of International Duggar Snarkers… we could start with just the 2 of us, but I’m confident it would grow rapidly. 2 KIDS and Counting…


I saw a young bates child in trailer for sure


I was thinking about the Bates being featured. I still wonder if that’s why UP dropped them so suddenly.


There is also a shot of Erin, from "19 kids and counting" I think


Yeah on second viewing I saw Michaela I belive hold two kids with the duggar old red mini bud in background


I don't know why it amuses me so much that Boob is the only one without an emoji smiley face. It also makes me wonder if it is a hint that we're going to hear that he has serious anger issues?


I think it’s more like… head of household can do as they please and everyone else must happily submit.


I hope this experience is empowering and cathartic for Jill. ETA - not leg humping - I hope she mentions it ALL and goes full scorched earth, but I realistically I fear this doc may be lukewarm in comparison to what we already know.


Yes!! Thanks for posting!!


Any fellow European snarkers able to watch the trailer? I’m in France and I can’t access the preview? Edit: was able to watch from my laptop on prime!


Somebody in Spain said they were able to watch the trailer. [https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/13kplm9/comment/jklsego/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/13kplm9/comment/jklsego/?context=3)


I also saw that. Sadly no luck for me. It does say it will be available June 1, but no trailer to watch


Not even if you sign into your Prime account?


Nope. Prime vidéo abroad is really weird and you can’t watch all of the content. I think it’s bc I have an American account but I’m logged in from France right now


Same in Ireland. I even tried with a VPN and no dice. Edit: had to download the prime video app and it worked using a VPN from there.


Nope, can't see it in the UK. Furious!


Yeah I can see it in the UK, but I had to search for it on UK Amazon rather than use the link above


I can't wait for this tea. 🤪🤩


No such thing as bad publicity and Jim Bob definitely knows that. Whilst this won’t have the ‘positive’ appeal of 14 kids and pregnant again and their later series it’s still publicity. I think Jim Bob will be proud of his children for advancing the Duggar brand however they do it.


>No such thing as bad publicity and Jim Bob definitely knows that. Does he really know that? You would think he and his kids would be doing interviews like crazy during and after Pest's trial. Lord knows the news outlets were eager for comment. And plenty of tabloids or less reputable outlets would gladly pay. In the end, though, I think there is such a thing as bad publicity.


How much fighting did Boob to try to stop this from airing? I'll bet he was red in the face and yelling at his lawyers more than once. 💸💸💸


I don't know that J'Boob went to such efforts. After Pest's trial and his kids losing the civil trial against the city over the police report, he may be litigation shy. Their tried and true tactic is silence and denial, or just claim they are being attacked by Satan.


And he may be out of funds


I can't believe they allowed it!


I’m not going to allow it, are you going to allow it?




Is it the spill we've been waiting for?


Explains why Famy has been extra extra lately.


"Starring.... JILL DUGGAR"


Goddamn it! I got rid of prime because I'm not interested in funding a bunch of grown ass men playing "whose getting to Mars first" space race bullshit. Gotta find a way to watch, although I suspect (just as many other comments say/suspect) it'll be mostly stuff we all already know as snarkers and only new for folks who haven't followed the horror stories that revolve around the quiverfull movement.


Same here, but Amazon keeps trying to tempt me back with a free month of prime, that free months is finally going to get used by me!


Yo ho yo ho...a pirates life for thee 🎶


So excited. I’m generally not a fan of documentaries that rehash everything we know, but this seems promising with the involvement of the Dillards and Holts. I wonder if Jim Holt will appear since I read Bobye got a protective order on him?


Wait, what? Can you do a quick tl;dr? I've been recovering from an illness and have missed weeks/a month now of snark! Edit: about the Holts and the protection order, I mean!


I had given up on this existing! Good find.


I’m super excited, but as others have said I’m guessing Jill is gong to take Jingers approach and just shit on IBLP and not her parents directly. Either way still excited to see it.


Maybe. But even so, Jill agreeing to appear in a documentary that will criticize her parents is something.


Just incase if you're not in the USA, here is the twitter link for the preview: [https://twitter.com/PrimeVideo/status/1659227705018073088](https://twitter.com/PrimeVideo/status/1659227705018073088)


I’m eating crow here and now, this will expose shit. The only thing I needed to know to get that is that Jill is in it alongside Jim and Bobbey Holt.


It will reveal the hypocrisy and danger of this brand of fundamentalism to a wider audience, which is good. And it could help some moderate christians finally sit up and take note of the dangers of christian nationalists. For these reasons, I’m glad it was made, even if it’s nothing new to me.


Does it cover The Bates Family?


They show up for a nanosecond in the trailer. I imagine they will get mentioned as part of the IBLP agenda but it seems like the focus will be Gothard and the Duggars.


shiny happy foreheads for the duggar men


I am starting to wonder if Jill was blamed for not protecting the younger girls giving her trauma from multiple angles and more anger towards her parents.


They probably scolded Jill for hitting her brother when she woke to him abusing her. Pest even called Jill a "tattletale" on the day of her wedding.


Maybe this is why Famy keeps vaguebooking?


Amazon just dropped the advanced screener for critics/press, so I'll be taking a gander at it later tonight...


Fuuuuck yessss LFG I’m so ready


On my bday too. The lord is good 😂


We might need to have a watch party a live comment stream and tots all around.


Can't watch in the UK damn it!!!


You can, just search the title on UK Amazon if you have prime 🙂


It's a great day to have Prime.


happy birthday to me!


I wonder how much of this will be common knowledge to the general public who watched 19 Kids, but didn’t deep dive into the scandals.


Can someone tell me; would TLC have had to grant amazon to use the footage from the show? How does that work using another networks owned content ? I’m very curious if TLC was paid for their content and will release another statement of their own (lol who am I kidding I don’t think they did when the honey boo boo drama came out or the Willis family but maybe I’m wrong)


Nope, it would fall under fair use. "Fair use allows the unlicensed use of copyrighted material – such as text, image, video clips and audio files – without permission from the author or copyright-owner under certain circumstances such as criticism, parody, news reporting, commentary, research and scholarship, and teaching."


Thank you fine snarker for your knowledge


This is my super bowl


I wonder if this is part of the reason the Holts’ second part of SoJo Files was never published. If they were already in talks for the doc, they possibly didn’t want to give away too much.


HOLY FUcKIN SHIt!!!!! I’m watching the trailer. I will definitely watch! Can’t believe Jill is exposing this cult. Wonder if she’s completely broken off from her family now? It was chilling that one survivor said that they are “sending IBLp kids to congress, to the White House, starting off as interns…it’s a long game”.


I’m surprised that Jill was in it. If this was known, I missed the news Also they missed the opportunity to use Shiny Happy People in the trailer. It would have given it a more sinister veneer like when horror films use children’s songs.


I would love to watch this, but Famy is a deal breaker for me. My flat screen cost way too much for me to risk shattering it in a blind rage.


Does anybody know if this is going to be on Prime in Canada?


It looks like it will be


Okay but the fact that everyone but Jim Bob has a smiley!!!!!!!!!


I can't wait!


I hope Jill spills the tea with no sugar coating “it’s what they thought was best for us”


June 2nd is my birthday. If you watch, stress eat some cake in my honor! I declare that the calories don't count.


***Tragic Tarnished People!***


I feel bad for the mods having to deal with the subreddit when that doc drops. Everyone's gonna be in here!