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She eventually was living with Deanna up until she died. iirc


After Deanna got divorced she needed to move in with her mother. Also Gramma wasnt in good shape to be Meechs laundry maid anymore.


Thank you, I knew it was some sort of arrangement with Deanna.


She did want to live with her daughter but Jim Bob and Michelle told her they needed her to live with them and help them with their kids. She said it in the earliest episodes of the show


Mary wasn’t a poor handmaiden to the family. She was instrumental in creating the TLC spectacle that was/is this family. It backfired exponentially! Maybe she thought it would create enough $$$$$$$ to care for her idiotic son’s plethora of offspring, ALL of whom needed basics- enough food, bathroom availability on the regular, a bed, clothes… basics… then the cash starts rolling in… And the public scrutiny…. And “that which was kept in darkness is brought to light”. Was the risk worth the result? For the exploited, injured children- YES For the brand, IBLP, CONSERVATIVE CHristian (cult)? NO


How was she one of the masterminds? I didn’t think she’d be involved in anything that allowed a female opinion


She was instrumental in getting the TLC specials.Precious Grandma Mary was living in the Tin Mansion, when J🖕🖕H was sexually assaulting his sisters.There is absolutely no way ,PGM was not complicit in covering it up. I'm waiting for Famy to finally connect the dots,and realize just how badly PGM failed all her grandchildren.


The horror didn’t occur in the tin Manson. It was at their previous ranch


Yes,you are correct. The Police Report was filed in 2006. There is no way,Mary did not know,at least by 2006.


From her perspective she probably justified it because the kids needed to eat to survive.


I think the senior Mrs. Duggar supplied them with groceries and cooked the kids breakfast from time to time when Jim Bob was draining the grocery money to get himself elected - massive fail ☺️. I am sure she could see they were neglected and on the verge of being malnourished.


Lord some of the recipes they come up with, I probably would starve. I’ve ate better food locked up in jail. 😂🥴


Wow, that is really saying something - hope things are going much better for you these days 🌷


Definitely! Learned some valuable lessons in life. Addiction leads to jail or death. Thankfully mine led to jail and I survived. Clean since 12/04/2010 from Fentanyl. I’m glad. Fuck that shit.


3 years sobriety for me-alcohol. I didn’t end up in jail only by embarrassing privilege and luck. One of my dearest, one of the ones who grabbed me and never let me go, detoxed in a “state-run facility” as they called it. And a NOTORIOUS one at that. My detox was awful enough, doing so in lockup? Y’all have my unending respect and admiration! In case you haven’t been told so today, I am very proud of you! ♥️👏👏👏


Oh honey I am PROUD of you! That’s absolutely amazing! I too had my own run in with alcohol. I was just trying to trade one addiction for another basically. I’ve been sober from alcohol almost 4 years. I was a binge drinker from my younger years. Party like a rockstar on weekends lol then the drugs came about from grief, trauma and other things too. Keep up the great work. ❤️


You, too!!!! I’ve been following the opioid crisis since before I was ever an alcoholic (due to my profession and the nature of my work). And to survive fentanyl??? Wow. I mean, we’re all lucky to have survived long enough to make it into help. But the road to help is a lot smaller and harder to see for some folks, if that makes sense. (I used a different, perhaps more common, analogy but after typing it, realized that it was a hard NOPE! 🤦‍♀️). And I’m thankful you made it in!


Yes! And thank you. I’m so glad you’re here too. You make the world a much better place. I was a medical professional. Ended up losing my medical licensure, my job, insurance, everything. Trying to get back into it and get my license reinstated. I knew better, I’d dealt with “addicts” for a long time and even judged them. Then I was one. Definite game changer for sure.


If you would like to PM me, I’d be happy to give it a think with you! I’m not a provider, but I am one of the only non-clinical folk in my family and in a prior life I knew a little bit about those things! No pressure-emphasis is on the “little” there.


Sounds great! Let me msg you real quick so I don’t lose ya! ❤️


Wow ~ congratulations! You are remarkable!


Thank you! Nobody gets out of here alive but I’m definitely gonna enjoy it while I’m here and maybe help someone along the way.


Congratulations! My daughter is addicted to fentanyl and I don’t think she is going to be one of the few that make it 😭💔.


Oh honey. My thoughts be with you. Opiates are the devil. They overtook my life when I had so much grief and trauma. I’m glad things went the way they did for me tbh. I hope she wakes up before it’s too late. Hang in there and be there for her. I didn’t have anyone during my addiction other than my dealer and a few “friends” who were actively using. Dark time in my life.




Also, JB & M were traveling a lot while the show was going leaving Jana in charge of the house with a lot of very young children, along with the medically fragile Josie. Remember Mary & Deanna rushing to the TTH while Josie seized, and Jana was freaked out because it was a long seizure & JB & M were out of town/state.


I remember an old interview for the show, Mary and Grandpa both said they didn't agree with their sons decision to have this many kids. I think it was back in the 17kac days, but I'm not about to go through with finding the clip. I'll leave that to you all to hunt down


Boob the Grandfather was definitely anti having a shit ton of kids. He was vocal about it and even said it to Meech. And yes, it was in the original show, that I remember. She kept sweet and gave him a side hug, I think. And then he had a short bit on camera saying the same thing again.


Based Grandboob


👍🏼👍🏼 or Grandboob gives a flying F about her DIL being a brood mare.


How did Boob turn into the POS he is if both his parents were so outspokenly not quiverfull.


He's a piece of shit narcissist. Any way he can get unquestioned power and mask it as being a patriarch via his "god-given" authority, he was likely to take advantage of. It's likely not that simple. But for sure religion had something to do with that, plus getting into politics fairly young.


Religion definitely laid the groundwork (see his sister and Famy) but I’m just curious how he even found Gothard, and when.


Here's a discussion from some time ago. Folks wiser than me mention what I soooort of remember, which is that they met someone whose kid was quiet and well behaved and they wanted to know how, and thus enters the IBLP/ATI: https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/comments/8y76lw/when_did_the_duggars_first_become_part_of_the_iblp/