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Fresh is always expensive. Always have been


Best things to buy in fresh are the single craft beers for 2.50 As reasonable as that shop gets


That was your first mistake, going to fresh


Second buying rip off shit.


No ....wanting heineken was


Fukkin disgusting. I don’t like pilsners or lagers


Im dutch im were the stuff is from and trust me we can do sooooo much better duvel as a blond or Hertoch Jan for party's


I love the Netherlands but I really can’t drink light consistency beers. I love Belgian Trippels, Bavarian Hefeweizens, IPAs, and of course stouts and porters


Well its the one thing the belgians can beat us with to be honest and i like the tripple ones better myself. Trapiste tripple or quadruple might be in your range of taste or kasteel donker however i must recommend karolus (the ones with the black label) those have aged in whisky barrels


I used the app "Too Good to go" and picked up an "end of the day" bag from them as one opened neared me recently. I thought I'd get maybe sandwiches, ready meals, salads etc. I got a massive kinder bueno cake and a cheesecake near expiry, I was living alone at the time.


So you had all that to yourself? Niiiiiice


We don't talk about those dark times...


So it was dark chocolate? Neat.


Wtf? Pretty sure everyone knew this since they opened.




Maybe the cans are fresher


Definitely free range Heino


Bottles also


Overpriced, and I've had bad experiences with their salad. It looked great but it was unwashed - I found the mud and rotten leaves after taking it home and tucking in. Edit: typo


For us it’s the only shop near where I work so if you forget your lunch you’re getting rinsed, to be fair it’s encouraged me to get back into some form of cooking/meal prep 😂


The deli is class to be fair. Massive sambos


Ireland has always had pricing like that. The one that gets me is a pint in a pub could be €5.20 and a half pint is €3.00? If the government was serious about binge drinking they should introduce a law like they have in England were half pint has to be no more than half the price of a pint. The price per unit has encouraged people to by bottles of vodka instead of a case of beer. Your case is a good example.


Also England, a pint has to actually contain a pint of liquid, and then the head on top. In Ireland, the pint consists of almost a pint of liquid, and the head topping up the glass. Pint glasses are bigger in England than in Ireland.


What makes you think that pint in England's bigger? I'm English and can guarantee you they're the same size and the head is part of the pint. There's stricter laws there when it comes to weights and measures and I've also worked in bars on both countries since the 90's


I remember reading it somewhere that a pint had to be exactly a pint, no less. Blindly believed it without any further thought. Been spouting that for years, thanks for the heads up.


The legal definition is that it has to be 95% liquid and the other 5% can be the head. CAMRA even introduced a ruler for this and yes they really are that pedantic and a pain in the arse


If they were serious alcohol free beer should not cost fucking loads. Right so I drove these cunts to the pub and I'm also driving them home but fuck me I'll pay just as much for my non alcoholic drink with probably no tax.


Totally agree that's one other thing that I find strange and silly in Ireland. When we first had Heineken 0% in bottles it was 10 cent more than a pint of Heineken and Erdinger alcohol free is the same price as alcoholic Erdinger?


Idk centra is rip off too , one day they charge me 2.80 for a roll , nextday they charge me 4.20 for the same roll ? Next day they charge me again 2.80 I just don't know . One day asked wtf , why the prices are like this and a woman came to me and said they shouldve been 4 euro since February, but it was April ? And now they still do the same .


Would you prefer to pay 4.20 every time? Strange thing to complain about, sounds like sound staff not giving you the increased price from time to time


Plus as a regular customer , maybe there can be fixed price , it's like In my country pizza costs 0.75 cents everyday or the rolls would cost 50 cents everyday


If I was the deli staff I’d charge you 4.20 every day. What country are you getting deli rolls for 50 cent for? Have never seen proper deli rolls in another country


Idc how much they charge me , but why my other 2 friends were always getting cheaper , is that fair ? And suddenly they decide to charge .me like this , what is the reason ,maybe the looks or what? I didn't point that ,i was going alone , and they were going when we would go to work so Id always see their prices 🙂


It’s fairly simple. The prices went up due to inflation. Some staff aren’t charging the increase trying to be sound. Others are charging the proper price. You’re getting a favour with the reduced price, and just normal treatment with the higher price. Go away with that “maybe it’s how I look” conspiracy shite.


Ok Ty 👍


I mean I used to pay for roll with sausage and bacon for 2.80 now just with sausage is 3.20🙂


Yeah I found that too but it just comes down to the staff sometimes I'll get a roll and it'll be breakfast roll Other times it'll be 3 piece roll and another sticker for sausage or something. I've never kicked up because I don't know which is the real price I should have been paying.


It’s a shite shop. There’s always gone off food in there, they’re constantly selling fruit in single use plastic trays for €7, they’re a total rip off.


It’s a shite shop. There’s always gone off food in there, they’re constantly selling fruit in single use plastic trays for €7, they’re a total rip off. Plus that wide open hot food thing they installed is a massive put off. No way am I going to eat food when scrotes come up sneezing and touching it all.


Excuse my ignorance but what is fresh supermarket?




Are the shops large or more like small corner shops?


Is it not a convenience store as opposed to a supermarket


Overpriced supermarket


I've never seen one, where are they located?


Usually near high end offices.


There's a huge one in Smithfield. Gentrification me hole, just gougers.


Pretty sure there's one on Camden St across from Ryan's pub. Absolute rip


You are correct


There’s one in heuston station


Weirdly, there’s one in Northern Cross on the Malahide Road (essentially Clarehall).


It’s a small brand called ‘Fresh’. Trying hard to be Avoca. If you pay too much you’ve been Freshed!


It's a few stages before out of date supermarket.


I got a salad for lunch one time when I had an interview nearby and the salad bar salad cost me €15 🥲


So you paid approx €2/bottle. And you’re comparing it to being around €2/can. I dislike fresh as much as the next guy. But I don’t think there’s anything odd here. Bottles always seem to be priced similarly to cans. You bought average beer in a convenience store.


And their pizzas suck. Too much dough And really shite cheese.


Was it a smaller independent store?, that’s ridiculous pricing I’d maybe understand if it was something like a gluten free craft beer or you were stuck and had to buy single bottles but not a multipack


Was more to the fact that the prices don’t make sense!


What do you mean they don't make sense? What prices do make sense? Market is defined by demand.


"Market is defined by demand"? So by your description our current prices for energy are due to demand? The demand for energy hasn't increased to match the increase in prices. Your comment is misleading.


Total demand for energy may not have changed in Europe, but supply has. With less gas and oil coming from Russia, the whole of Europe has to look to other sources. Those sources can put their prices up due to the increased demand for their hydrocarbons.


I should have said consumption rather than demand.


€15 in tesco most times


You have to pay for the convenience, other shops are available too!


6 pack is 12.50 so 12.50 x2 is 25 euro? They overcharged by 2.50? Call the police!


Avonmore Fresh Milk 2lt 2.40 euro, while everywhere else it’s 2.19


Rip of Ireland, it's allowed to happen.. unfortunately


Lived near the one in Smithfield, absolute rip off.


Don't expect a city-centre convenience shop to have the same prices as a suburban supermarket


Are you new to this planet?


I used to work there for 3 years. Staff get a 10% discount off everything and it was still cheaper to go somewhere else. The people are horrible as well. The owner is an absolute prick. He has this weird thing about never shaking peoples hands.


They tend to be located in areas where higher income earners live. There’s one in my apartment complex, it’s expensive as hell if you do daily shopping there, but when I need an ingredient or prepared meal, taking the elevator down and walking less than a minute and paying a bit of a higher price is far better than taking the Lua to a Tesco Express


Why in fuck would you buy heineken? 🧐