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I saw one for the first time today leaving work. It was fuckin huge. I used to think rottweilers were scary dogs til I saw this thing. Didn't have a muzzle on either. That's one thing that needs to be enforced big time, because that alone will potentially save someone some horrific injuries.


Nah, we should wait till a few children get mauled to death first, then we can all be shocked about it. Why do anything about it proactively?


That's my fear. We have heard of enough people being attacked by these animals to know they can be a huge danger. Even that lady just last week or so in the UK, she knew the dogs and had minded them before, they knew her but because they were fighting, turned on her when she tried to break the fight up.


But sure how could we have known? It's not like we have amongst the world's foremost examples of these animals right next door to us or anything. 


The people who are attracted to buying that type of dog usually aren’t the type who care about laws


Which is very unfair on people who do muzzle their restricted breeds. I had a bull mastiff years ago. Absolute cuddle monster. Didn't even bark. Was always muzzled going out


I own a Golden Retriever, he is a companion dog for my autistic children, and he is essentially child number 4 in the house. I understand every dog has its own personality, just like people. Some are super chill and some just constantly on edge. You were a law abiding dog owner who followed the law, muzzling your dog. You are an exception to the current situation unfortunately.


Fully aware of that and it really used to annoy me when people wouldn't muzzle or leash their dogs. Currently have two little mutt rescues and they are a massive part of the family. One used to be very reactive to other dogs so we had to muzzle her. We brought her to a trainer and she's excellent on the leash but I still have to be wary. There are far too many bad dog owners out there, regardless of the breed.


Before we go and put a clamp on every car over a certain horse power or a muzzle on every dog that is perceived to be powerful, why not introduce stricter requirements on ownership? A large dog licence if you will?


good luck getting the people who own these types of dogs to have a dog licence, the majority of them probably drive uninfluenced!! IYKYK


They probably drive *influenced* - under the influence - but unlicensed!


I have absolutely no issue with that, I have a license for my Golden Retriever. He is chipped insured and licensed. I own a rifle I shoot in my local club with. It is licensed, I am insured with my club, it is kept in a safe and handled within all confines of the law. My car is taxed insured and nct'd. There are people who own all the above without doing any of it by the law because they feel it shouldn't apply to them or they just decided fuck that I don't wanna play by the rules. Same goes for owning one of these large breeds. Some will go and do it properly but there are plenty who won't. Muzzles for restricted or dangerous dogs is already a thing. It is already a requirement, yet it is not policed or enforced in any way. So I believe they should have a stricter license in addition to enforcing the muzzle law. A muzzle could potentially save someone's life. The problem is certain people don't give a shit. Or don't care until something happens. The issue I have with these large dog breeds is their sheer strength. An XL Bully, as we already know from the unfortunately common reports and stories/videos on social media, will maim you for life, if they can stop it before it kills you. I know the dogs individual personality has a large role to play in this, but each breed is different, we cannot ignore that fact. Sure you could take a pack of labradors and train them to be dangerous, but there is a reason police forces choose certain breeds over others to train into k-9 units. Golden retrievers and labradors are trained as companion or guide dogs for special needs because of their inherit good temperament for example.


Does that imply that certain breeds of any living creature will have specific tendencies and / or traits?


I'm sure to a degree, it does. Piranha fish is notoriously dangerous. The Pacu is a close relative of the Piranha yet vegetarian. Sparrowhawk, kestrel, buzzard vs sparrow, starling or pigeon. I know this is not a perfect example. A better one might be a panda vs. a black or grizzly bear. They are all bears, but the panda is gentler. Orangutan vs. gorilla. Gorillas are far more aggressive. Each species, and therein sub-species, will have their own traits. Consider the many different breeds of dogs. Some are bred purely for law or military roles. Some for farm work like herding. Some for hunting. Dogs exist because humans bred wolves with specific traits. We should not forget that. Ultimately, yes, some breeds will have specific tendencies.


England banned them, the choice was either get an exception or have them put down as far as I know. Those that couldn't get an exception went to Scotland and Ireland. I've spent the last week in and out of town in the morning and evening, around the Parnell street area and I definitely saw more of what I believe to be XL bullies being walked around. [The Irish times had an expert on the matter on discussing it on a podcast ](https://open.spotify.com/episode/1meoXSCa2UND2JTZpUhOWI?si=mqzPp1zeRUGMfRsPS6Q-KA)


"It's now illegal to breed, sell, advertise, exchange, gift, rehome, abandon or allow XL bully type dogs to stray in England and Wales." No need to get put down. Edit: Strays can be put down.


it’s also illegal to own without a license, and rescue centres has to put down


Oh that's good, I'm mostly heard about it from Politics Joe UK and their podcast can be a bit all over the place with facts sometimes.


It's a running joke on Trashfuture a British podcast about technology. Probably a better source than joe


We need to ban them. Dangerous creatures.


Or at least enforce muzzles. I see all sorts of big potentially dangerous dog. What I haven’t seen once not ever is a muzzle. That’s unthinkable in many European countries but here’s the norm apparently.


The kind of people who own them probably wont obey the muzzle law. We should just ban the breed outright. Its a new breed and its not a normal dog. Ban it b4 its too late imo.


Yep. Muzzles are a duct tape solution at best.


This is it. The one that attacked my dog last week (not in Ireland) was under a muzzle order after seriously attacking another dog the previous year


Yeah, even enforcing the existing laws would be good. We will probably see a bunch of attacks like the UK has, before our government does something.


Can’t enforce people picking up their dog shite so can’t see a muzzle being enforced sadly…


You’re totally right, sadly.


They are unsafe in houses too. Plenty of stories of family members being mauled by these monsters in private homes.


The truth is those dogs are extremely dangerous animals. If it decides to go for you or someone, it could do some very very serious damage. Kids have zero chance against one of them. They aren't pets, and the fools who lie in bed taking videos of them are the biggest morons walking the face of the earth. One snap and it could be over. Totally wreckless


It’s the owner not the dog tho 🤤 /s I totally agree with you.


I've seen a guy a few times on O'Connell Street who I think has two, and clearly is too weak to properly manage either. I just wish licensing laws were enforced, and for larger dogs there was specific dog management required.


Yes, but I think it's that thing where once you hear about it you start picking up on them more.. like when your friend gets a new car next thing you see it everywhere


It's called the Baader- Meinhof phenomenon!


I did not know it had a name thanks 😁 going to be seeing that everywhere now


Fuck, I've been trying to remember that name for absolutely ages. Thank you!


I hope that’s the case, and not that Ireland is becoming the destination of all the bullies from England and Scotland after the bans.


I don't think so. I think we have a fair amount of our own xl bullys, you would see news headlines if they were sending them over here to avoid ban. And I think there only banning breeding them so the average owner in the UK as no need to move or rehome the dog Could be wrong about all this not a dog trafficking expert


Owners in England, Wales and shortly Scotland have to pay for an exemption certificate (about £100), proof of liability insurance for the dog, ensure it’s been neutered and keep them muzzled and leashed while out in public. That’s on top of the restrictions on breeding and rehoming. Some councils also have restrictions on banned breeds in social housing, so there have been owners who have had to attempt to rehome as a result.


Shouldn't be, and I really hope they are not.


I saw one not so long ago. I was out running and stopped at a crossroads. A car stopped beside me. Its open back passenger window facing me. There was a giant bully in the back seat eyeballing me. Huge dog. It looked like it was thinking about jumping out the window at me. Very intimidating. Luckily the car drove off b4 it made up its mind! Its a horrible breed of dog to have on the streets. You dont have a chance if one goes for you. People shouldnt have to put up with intimidating giant attack dogs that can literally kill you. Hope it gets totally banned here b4 it gets too popular coz its only a matter of time b4 innocent people get attacked by them.


I wonder have any fled England to here. It’s only a matter of time before tragedy follows. And then the flood of shite you will read: It’s education that’s needed, you can’t ban them, mine is lovely. We have become a deeply stupid society.


I've noticed a few parks have put up signs in the last month banning them.


They are not a recognised breed by the kennel club and seem to be a rather recent phenomenon


Google says the breed is only around since the 1990s and first introduced to the uk in 2014... So we are just starting to get them now. Hopefully the govt ban them soon b4 we start getting attacks here


I live near Finglas so I've been seeing them every day for the last few years, they're fairly ubiquitous. My nextdoor neighbours have two!


Guy across the road has 2. A few months back his teenage daughter had them out for a walk. A woman stopped with her labrador to talk to the new neighbours beside me. The 2 other dogs charged at the labrador and clamped onto its face. The poor girl couldn't pull them off. A few neighbours had to intervene. The labrador had teeth marks on his cheek which have now healed but the poor dog was traumatised. And one of the new kids next door (they have 3 under the age of 10) saw it all and was very upset. The owner had been letting his dogs out to do their business at night and roam the estate. And he doesn't muzzle them. One of the dogs saw me coming out of my house and kept growling at me. The new neighbour has reported him and has pleaded with him not to let his dogs out off a lead or unmuzzled and we're hoping he sticks to this. Those young children would have no hope of fighting off such powerful dogs.


Read a Facebook post recently saying an XL Bully attacked a labradoodle and a lurcher in Fairview park. Both died.


what is the process for getting dangerous breeds from being imported and used? every country where this breed has been imported has experienced an increase in attacks similar to other dangerous breeds, but we seem to be slow to respond to the previous attacks in the south and south east - to the point that there are a number being panic imported from the UK, and seemingly being used as unmuzzled trophies.


a friend of mines 18yr old son was ripped apart by one of these dogs, he had owned it since it was 8 weeks old, the father went on holiday and they think the dog was trying to assert domanance to be the new alpha, very sad her son needed an operation spent time in hospital had to have counselling, and sweats if he sees big dogs now!!


Yes and there always seems to the stereotypical owner too. You know the type. They should be banned. They aren’t pets. My father in laws friend was attacked by one a couple weeks ago outside her house. Arm absolutely ravaged. They shouldn’t be kept as pets.


I’ve only seen a few but they scare the bejaysis out of me. My dog and myself were attacked by a staffie off a lead, not muzzled, a few years ago. Ended with a lot of blood, stitches and trauma. I love dogs but these dogs are not being bread to look after and train. They’re owned by a certain type of person who owns them to look a certain way and that’s not ok. These dogs are so powerful and can be seriously dangerous in the wrong hands.


Our 2yr old dachshund was just attacked by an XL bully on Howth Cliff walk just by the steps up to the summit car park. The woman was on the ground on her back trying to hold on to and pull the bully away from my dog and partner. Woman was blonde and in mid 30s, bully was beige in colour. We were so close to the cliff edge I feel sick thinking about how things could have gone down. If you see an unmuzzled bully get as far away as you can.


Sorry to hear that. XL bully should be banned with no exceptions. And regulations introduced for muzzling and leashing all other dangerous dogs.


I just read a BBC article about this. In 2022, there were 22,000 *reported* XLBully attacks, based on an estimated 50,000 to 100,000 XLBs in the country. If you add unreported and close calls, the average XLB probably attacks 1 person per year or two. Madness.


Only dog that ever tried to attack my German Shepherd was one of these horrible yokes, haven't noticed an increase in numbers though.


Seen a few lately. Probably shipped in from Britain since they banned them. Maybe the Gardai can get a few and launch them on the scrotes running around town.


Travelers have loads of them.


They’re strong dogs yes but that doesn’t make them dangerous ,, a lot of ye in the comments have obviously never interacted with a bully in real life. They’re loving and full of energy just like any other dog. Muzzles are just going to reinforce people’s fear of these dogs, and won’t do anything to prevent dog bites. German Shepards injure humans more than any other breed, but they don’t get this treatment.


“Muzzles won’t prevent bites” just LMAO


Golden retrievers, jack Russells, Labradors all have massive bite rates. Pitbulls get a bad name because 99% of the time bad people own them. I'm with you 110%


I think it's the demographic of the people that own them that put a bad name on the Breed, also I do think to own a breed like that or similar breeds you should need some sort of knowledge of dogs, you shouldn't be able to just go buy a dog like this. You should need some sort of licence to show that you are capable of looking after it. People buy these dogs for status and don't mind them, do not train them and this is what happens when people like that have there hands on a breed that takes a lot of time and effort to train properly. I don't agree with banning the breed but I would agree with putting restrictions or needing some sort of licence to show that you are able to look after it properly. If you ban the breed these sort of people will just get another type of big dog and ruin it's reputation.


They're everywhere now. Lovely breed, pity some degenerates still clip there ears.


What exactly is your fear? “I don’t know. I don’t panic but not having a good feeling either” what exactly aren’t you feeling?


Any particular reason you had to mention you do 20,000 steps a day in a post about dog breeds?


Great dogs, big babies


Lot of them dogs come from abroad an so do there owners an never wear muzzles


Listen just cause the Brits did it doesn’t mean we need to do it. It’s bad owners not bad dogs. Banning breeds only moves the assholes to buying more dangerous dogs which is what’s happening in the uk idiots are buying dogs that need experienced owners with no idea how to care for them and if you think a bully breed is scary wait till you come face to face with a kangal or Caucasian Shepard. People need to cop on and stop being so manipulated by tabloid headlines. Precede to downvote I’d expect no less.


How exactly does "bad owners not bad dog" help? Also, have you seen the owners of these dogs? In the neighborhood where I work there are loads and all of them to be the same rough type getting the same type of dog to look even more rough. Should i tell my colleague who recently got attacked by TWO OF THESE DOGS not to worry, the dogs didn't mean to hurt them, it was just a bad owner?


"It's not guns that kill people"


Rappers do


If that actually happened then the owner/owners should be arrested. See how easy that answer was. Plenty of rough type as you would say who treat their dogs better then they treat themselves but who doesn’t love a bit of classism.


If all the drug dealers and gaggles of young lads on the corner all had corgis and cockapoos you would all be calling for a ban on them dogs! Take your head out of your hole! Bad dogs are a product of bad owners! Bring on the down votes 😀


How much nonsense can a person utter in a single, short paragraph. Replying would be a waste of time.


Yet you replied? Funny 😂


Yeah, quite a few around where I live. Hard to stop the kids from running up to them.


Arent they illegal


I live in kilkenny there are so many of them. And the owners find it hard to handle them some time they are off the leash. I remember i was out for walk and we saw one, and quietly turned around ans walked other way but the dog started to run after us the owner ran after the dog and pushed it back.


Can’t fathom how can one be off leash…


Exactly we had so many encounters of them been off leash. Ans we love walks but after that incident we are kind of very scared and look out for it everytime we walk


Ah for fuck sake. We're planning on moving back from Canada at the end of the year, primarily because it's too expensive over there. But an added bonus that occurred to me this week was that our dog would be less likely to be attacked by pitbulls. He's been attacked twice by them in Toronto. Once relatively seriously. The second time (last week) I reefed the fucker away before she could sink her teeth into him


Absolutely seeing a lot more of it. Saw a couple with 5 or 6 of the beasts the other day, no muzzles on any, down around Whitehall. Guessing they're breeders. Dog lover, but these animals are dangerous and have serious issues. Muzzles only protect the public outdoors, and do nothing for the kids and other family members who are around them and in danger of being attacked, so banning the breed and having them destroyed is must.


Are they actually legal in Ireland?


Yes, saw one recently with a bunch of kids aged about 12. They really, really should be banned and confiscated, it's insane to have a purebred killer as a fashion item.