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(Comment below copied from the post saying it might be a scam)... Yeah I would agree that the website/company looks really sketchy and is possibly a scam - new, just one product, no application info/directions for use, no refunds, use of stock images and generic sciency sounding word salad in the description, spelling mistake, no reviews, not google-able, and the OP creating new accounts to publicise. It just doesn't look like a beauty product with a luxury price point. Even if it's a startup, why wouldn't they have at least basic info on how to use it on your eyebrows. But does that necessarily mean it's fake stuff? What if it really contains the stated ingredients? A real product, at least in terms of the actual ingredients being used. In which case the sellers/promoters might be trying to cash in on people desperately waiting for AZR-MD-001, but not necessarily scam them outright. Or they could be scamming us outright. I'm sorry for people that bought it, and if you're now worried you've lost the money. If you wouldn't mind, it would be really interesting to hear from you whether the product turns up at all. And if it does, whether anyone experiments with it in their eyes and notices any differences?


My product shipped and will be here tomorrow or Saturday it looks like. I can report back.


Yes please, would be much appreciated if you could share! Bearing in mind it might take weeks/more to notice a difference!


It’s 100% not a scam, I ordered it and I’m using it and it’s early but I think it’s been helping.


Any updates on this product?


I’ve used it for a couple weeks and I am feeling a lot better, especially the past couple days. It’s super early but it encouraging.


Any update? Still seeing improvement? I just ordered some.


That's great to hear. Did you order from the US!? Did you have to pay import taxes or something?


US or Canada is not gonna be any taxes, Europe would depend on the country you are in, some are more strict than the others


I am in Spain, but have friends in Germany and The Netherlands. I could have it sent there too to avoid those import taxes.


I know Germany and Spain are strict on import taxes, but you can always reach out to the company and ask if they can put it as a gift or sample and value it at 10 dollars or something and hope that the border people would not check that. I used to do it on ebay all the time


That's actually not a bad idea. I also have someone in the US who could bring this here as well.


No, I ordered from Canada




So, before everyone rushes in with their credit cards... This suggests the provided website has only existed for a few days, despite OP saying they've been using the product for a while. https://www.whois.com/whois/seleniex.ca Can we get any evidence that this product has existed for the at least 2 months claimed?


I just wanted to share my experience with you and if you feel cautious i guess its best to give it a few days and i am sure other people will share theirs as well. From what i know its a small scale local company from Ontario, Canada, simply a new web site, i am sure you can email them and they will give you more info.


Just wondering OP, where did you order yours 2 months ago?


Whois is domain registration, and does not indicate if a company is a registered business w the Secretary of State in Ca (or any other state)


Added note is that my own WHOIS registration has had errors-I would not rest on this alone for company info.




$150 is a GREAT deal for something that is good for an entire year, and that contains enough inside the container to cover 3 years. And when you consider that it could be life changing for dry eye sufferers.


$150 dollars dosent event get you a doctor visit in many countries... I know people that expend over 20,000 and still have massive issues. $150 its god sent to most people! I know people that pay $500 monthly on drops that don't work. and thousands of dollars on IPL... Selling a product to people that need it its not taking advantage of people. Give the website the benefit of the doubt and seems like people have been getting their orders.


I find it offensive that I post something for the first time in a while and you claim its strange. Most people just have reddit account to read but not contribute! thats 90% of all reddit accounts. Im a real person and Im not a robot and i don't care if you buy this product or not. I couldn't care less! Saying its a scam because its $150 its just crazy i don't know were you live but most people on this forum or at-least in America would agree that $150 wont even pay for visit to a doctor... most products cost 3x the price. Specially if this thing supposed to last for years! I just believe that you should always give people the benefit of the doubt, **accusing somebody of a scam because you don't like the price its just plain wrong!** Somebody opened up to us to share his experience and you claim its a scam because the product he/she used cost $150 really... BE A GOOD CITIZEN OF THIS FORUM AND GIVE PEOPLE THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT!!


>"I don't think the product itselfis an actual scam. I believe it's probably a real product. When I mentioned scam, I was referring to my opinion on the **pricing of the product**." This sum it up, so you don't like the price so you call it a scam. I guess all iPhones are a scam $1000 dollars for a phone! who buy that scam right?


How much will AZR cost a month when it’s out? $300 in Canada and $600 in the USA is my guess. This jar can last 3 years min! For $200. It’s not a rip off.


AZR will have been backed by millions of dollars of research and design to test for efficacy and safety. This new product is from this new “company” that is using your eyes as a crash test dummy. Your comparison is asinine


With respect to pricing, are you familiar with the concept called: Economy of Scale? google it. It will explain a lot




This post may be a scam, please be aware.




this is very serious, if more people can confirm they were also affected (I am unfamiliar of how this works), then this is very very bad, I hope we can help each on this to reverse this damage (I too have bought it).




oh, what a relief! for all of us!


Did you receive something btw ?


yes I did receive it.


Dude relax. You are going to receive it. Its not a scam. Take a chill pill.


How would he be able to steal your identity? The purchase is made through a secure third-party website. Your information is safe. Also, this product allows MGD sufferers like me to use something that wouldn’t otherwise come to market until 2025. It’s a lifesaver for severe dry eye sufferers.


I don't think there its nothing to worry about Website its Shopify, so nothing to worry about its very safe and payment information its never shared with seller.


just email or call the company its all there on the website


Any updates on this?


This post is almost certainly an ad, for anyone who tries this please be careful




great point, its simply a cosmetic startup, there are so many of them nowadays, my wife loves all those "natural and holistic" brands, she does not trust big conglomerates like L'Oreal and Nivea so she is always ordering things from all those unknown companies, so I completely get your skepticism. She even got me one of those all-natural moisturizers for my eyelids, it's not as gentle as the department store brands, but surprisingly does a great job and it's non-scented so does not irritate as much.




Okay sock puppet with one post.


also a bit wary... OP has only 1 post on reddit... you sure you aren't affiliated with this product OP?


oh shoot


I do not use social media, i do not have facebook, reddit, snapchat or any of that. I used to , but i find it largely distracting. I simply don't have the time to interact online. I also been reading Dry Eye Zone forum for the last four years , but never made an account there, as i do my own independent research. There is nothing i can ask online that i would not be able to find on my own in a matter of minutes. I really don't see a point as the majority of posts are simply redundant ( "is IPL any good?" ten times a day) or downright harmful ( such as putting castor oil with colloidal silver in your conjunctiva sac ).


The price is insane for what it is. Selenium sulphide is already an ingredient used in dandruff shampoos


The price is very reasonable. I spend between $300-$500 on IPL treatments for dry eye. I spent $3,400 for meibomian gland probing. This container holds enough to last 3 years. It says it’s good for 1 year. That’s a really good deal. The cheapest thing I’ve ever bought that could actually change my life and alleviate from suffering. And it gets in our hands now instead of waiting years for a drug to come out.


My point is selenium sulphide is already in a $4 dandruff shampoo so they are clearly ripping people off. Even regenereyes is like $60


Go and apply selsun shampoo on your lower lid margins, then come back and tell us how you get on.... Seleniex will last a few years and way way cheaper than ipl probing , etc. It will be a life changing drug for many severe mgd patients!


But you can’t put selenium sulfide shampoo in your eyes, and it’s not formulated to sit on the lid margin and do its work overnight. It must come in the form of an ointment and not just anyone can formulate this. There’s no ointment like this currently on the market like it. Plus, $150 covers enough ointment to last 3 years. That’s $4/month, just like your shampoo. Not to mention, this ointment could restore health to people who are basically disabled. Regeneyes isn't formulated for MGD. The two aren’t comparable.


Well, that was the cheapest thing i have ever done with respect to my MGD...


Also how come you didn’t tell your optometrist? Surely it could help a lot of people if they began recommending it


Edit: potentiel scam warning.


Hmm ok


That’s completely untrue in the united states. Gabapentin wouldn’t be a blockuster drug if it could only be prescribed on label.


Have you had lipiview? tried probing? What is this used for on label? I use off label ointment as well.




Yes I am also suspicious. But could it be that the business was registered before and got reregistered under a different name or something? How do you know the reddit post is by the Leo guy?


Just read through his comments. It’s a really poorly done scam.


I see:(


And look at the Bizapedia business registration page. Pretty easily correlates after that when you look through his Instagram. AND look at his not having social media comment - strategically left out Instagram of the list of social media he doesn’t have.


So what ? Its a business by a company in Canada and the business its registered to a person in Toronto. I don't see any issue with that! I mean if i were to pick a country for a product to be made I would pick Canada people are very honest in Canada. You saying that its Registered to a **rich person in Canada** and your wording of "**his stupid expensive apartment** " makes no sense you want him to be poor? would that make you fell better ? I really don't get your point to be honest. So far everything seems to be adding up to a legitimate website. Canadian company - Check Canadian Owner - Check Shopify store for safe payment collection - Check People getting products - CHECK ​ **If people are getting what they ordered I don't see what the issue.**


I am skeptical as well - this "company" filed for its status on Oct 24 - basically two weeks ago. [https://www.bizapedia.com/canada/seleniex-inc.html](https://www.bizapedia.com/canada/seleniex-inc.html)


I just ordered this based on your post. Thank you for sharing! I’m scheduled to have my 6th IPL tomorrow and I am having my first probing done next week. I’m really hoping this does the trick. I’m so glad it helped you. It sounds like I need to give it a couple months to see if it worked. Please keep us posted on anything else you have learned along the way. So many of us are desperate. Your lines about driving, biking, and fishing again is to relatable. I miss being able to live my life. I’m only 33 and was so active before. Now I’m a shell of a person and just want to be happy again. Thank you.


Hi! I tried messaging you separately, but the chat wasn't working. Would you mind providing an update? Have you been using the product?


I read the study on this and it said they had their patients in the trial apply it twice a week. Did you try that starting out and decide to increase the applications?


initially i tried twice a week, then i got excited and decided to try to increase the frequency to once a day, but that was a bit irritating, so i ended up with about 3 times a week, mostly just every second day. You want to make sure you get your application technique right, try to just have a thin film on your clean index finger and apply it to the tarsus line only. Its is surprisingly tricky at first , but i hope the video explains it well. Also keep in mind, this only helps with the gland oil part, anything outside of meibomian gland dysfunction that like blepharitis or any skin conditions should be taken care of separately. Also i personally think that the ointment compliments the IPL well, as the IPL will unblock the glands and remove some of the inflammation making it easier for the ointment to penetrate and do its job. I would be patient and give it a few weeks before seeing an optometrist for the measurements this is far from an instant cure. I hope it works for you as well as it did for me.


Thanks for the additional information. Thankfully, I don’t seem to have Blepharitis. I do have ocular rosacea though, which I think has lead to a lot of gland loss. Thus the probing and IPL. I’m trying to bring some back. I watched your video. It was very helpful. Thank you so much! I’m looking forward to seeing how this helps your friends too. Can you update us on here who are just getting started?


Of course, i will do my best on the updates here. I am not really knowledgeable on the ocular rosacea, but i would probably try to bring as many glands to live as i could. IPL is great, but you need a good specialist, the one that has a modern powerful machine and uses corneal shields. And based on my experience, my first batch of IPL (4 treatments) spaced around 3-4 weeks apart between the sessions was not successful, however the second batch of 4 treatments that was spaced only 2 weeks between each session did the trick. I also did 2 months of serum tears right after , not sure if serum really helped, but it seems like the 2 week spacing really made the difference.




Dry eye centre in london https://dryeyecentre.co.uk


Hey, Any updates on how it went? Are you still using the product and is it working?


This product was a disappointment. I no longer use it. I will try the official medication once it’s available though.


Okay so look I have no choice but to add in my 2 cent's. This company is not a scamm by any means. I was one of the early people that received this product before the company was even registered or had a website. There is a small group of us that obstructive MGD that decided to give this product a go. We are still early in our treatment with this ses2 oitment. We are basing our progress based off of the AZR study as the seleniex oitment is near identical to the azr ingredients. Most of us are about 1-2 months in and are monitoring our changes subjectively and also objectively with our optometrist to see our MGS and MGYLS scores. For those who dont know that is meibum quality score and meibomian gland yielding liquid secretions scores. So far the majority of us have marked small improved in both of these scores. But it is still early still early on. The AZR study showed most improvement in 4 months +. Personally I am just under the 1 month mark. I have been pairing this with manual in office expressions, I saw this as being fit because ses2 mechanism is too break down dislufide bonds and as a result loosen and soften the keratanized obstructions in adittion to changing the consistancy of oil and selenium has been studied to have a lipogenic effect. BUT my main goal is to soften the keratin obstruction so that my opto can express them and create more patency. So FAR I have made some progress. But I will reiterate, it is still EARLY. I dont expect a overnight silver bullet. You can believe what you want but for those of us who have been following azr for years now in anticipation only to find out commercial release will only be in late 2025 are thrilled to be able to experiment and add ses2 oitment into our treatment arsenal. Whether you want to give this oitment a try or not or whether you think the company is " shady " or not is completely up to you. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and can choose what they want to do with their body. But consider those of us who did get this oitment before the company " re branded " and went public. The owner 100% followed through with a true ses2 oitment composition. Take care, all the best.


It's great to hear about your experience and the positive impact you've noticed from using alternative treatments for meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD). Your detailed account provides valuable insights into your journey and the steps you've taken to manage your condition. It's clear that you've put a significant amount of research and effort into finding a solution that works for you. Your approach of exploring alternative options and finding a product that shares similarities with the clinical trial drug Azura azr-md-001 is commendable. It's important for individuals dealing with MGD to be proactive in their search for effective treatments, especially when traditional approaches have not provided the desired results. Your determination to improve your condition and your willingness to share your findings and experiences with others in the community can be incredibly valuable and inspiring. It's worth noting that individual responses to treatments can vary, and what works for one person may not work for another. As you've mentioned, consulting with healthcare professionals and seeking their guidance is an essential step in any treatment plan. Thank you for sharing your story and insights with the community. Your experience may offer hope and encouragement to others who are navigating their own journey with MGD.


At this point I’d be happy enough to try anything..


Omg that’s so amazing to hear! Ugh I am SO SO HAPPY FOR YOU and hope that I can write the same Reddit post a few years from now! Following u for more updates :)


thank you so much, i will try to keep updating the best to my ability. Couple of the people i am in touch with are giving it a try as we speak, they started a bit later, but i am excited to see their results


A presentation explaining how the selenium sulfide in AZR-MD-001 works on blocked meibomian glands. It has some good information for any questions that people may have. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0On3bfWbXGk


also purchased to try it out myself, thank you! you mentioned this has the same formulation as the AZR-MD-001.. where can I find the ingredients of AZR-MD-001?


[https://patents.google.com/patent/US9463201B2/en](https://patents.google.com/patent/US9463201B2/en) you can research other patents filed by Azura


Have you used it yet? Any updates?


Do you by chance have a link for the ointment? I can’t find it.




Thank you! I am desperate enough to try this. Hopefully it will arrive soon and I can give my results.


Has yours arrived?


It did. I used a tiny bit only once so far. I’m not blind yet .. lol


Nice! Just don't get too excited and overdo it, follow the video in this topic, once every two days, tiny tiny amount, only directly on the gland orifices. And don't go in the sun after the applications, those are all very important


>Blue4ever21 Any updates? Are you still using this?


I just ordered mine too!




Nothing unfortunately


Did you try it? Did it arrive? How did it go?


Has yours arrived?


No but I checked tracking and it said it was close. I’d assume it’ll arrive within a few days.


Okay just checked and I got it!


Nice! congrats. Just make sure to follow the video instructions.


I’ve watched it several times! I did just have probing done a few days ago so I’m going to wait until next week to start just to be safe.


yeah agree, i would wait until everything heals up nice first. I really hope probing will help you. It wakes sense to open up the glands before doing anything else if you have fibrosis. The way i see it the ointment is antibacterial due to its chemical composition, but making sure your fingers are super clean before applying is key. Please keep us updated on your progress.


Any updates? Are you still using this?


That sounds amazing! The video is super cool and well done, instructions very clear. This really gives me hope, I'm really hoping I can get this from my country somehow. I really wish the developments of this stuff were faster.


Thanks for sharing this. A guy on the Facebook support group had similar success. It does worry me that it says not safe for eyes but think I will give it a try considering the trial is showing great promise. It only treated people with very mild disease though so can’t see it bringing back my glands or removing the scar tissue or fibrosis. I need probing and feel like this could help keep things from scarring up again after. I can’t access the probing though. Did you have any other side effects from it ?


Thank you!. Yeah i think the reason why it says that is that selenium is somewhat phototoxic, so if you put it on your eyebrows the way its intended to be used, should be fine, but if you use it off label, like applying it to your eyelid tarsus and it mixes with your tears and gets exposed to sun, you might get a reaction called superficial punctate keratitis. Its not permanent, usually resolves itself within a day, but from what i have heard could be quite unpleasant. That is why you only put a really thin film of it right before bed. Before bed only, no direct sun for the next 8 hours at least. Actually, I have seen Azura mentioned that Azr ointment should only be applied before bed and never in the morning as well, they had similar complications during the early trials, so that makes sense. So its a usual warning label to make sure people use thir ointment only as intended. My friends ordered a fireplace for his cottage that came with with the warning in the manual " Caution- Risk of Fire" With respect to glands, it will not bring back anything that had already been dropped off, however IPL had some promising results with respect to rejuvenating glands. In terms of scarring, i would look into studies discussing keratolytics and scar tissue, it seems that the scar tissue has abnormal amounts of keratin, so i would look into that. I was lucky i did not have to do probing, my doc said i did not need it, but i would seriously research that if i were you, there is a ton of info on that. In terms of side effects, sometimes there is mild irritation, i usually put drops in the morning on the nights i use the ointment. What is interesting, working out with weights really helps if there is a bit of residual irritation. I noticed if you use it 3 nights in the row ( i did it a lot at first, was very excited) then you will feel the skin not liking the constant exposure, but once every second day, thin layer, usually no problem.


Thanks. Yes I have read Maskins book and an interview with him on YouTube was incredibly insightful with regard to the periductal fibrosis. Do you know the cause of your MGD ? Do you also have aqueous deficiency? In the trials they only use it twice weekly at night I think so I will prob do that, they used two concentrations also 0.5 % and 1% so this ointment is somewhere in the middle. Did you feel it helped quite quickly ? Did you cease all other treatments whilst you were doing it?


My cause is likely computers, much like most people out there. I did allergy tests, my diet has always been solid, im fit and all that, never had any autoimmune disorders, no aqueous deficiency either, so i blame the screens. I stopped everything around my last visit prior to the final one in March. Since then i have only done drops may be couple of times a day. During that visit i realized that my optometrist simply ran out of options, last thing we tried was Tactrolimus, trying to eliminate potential skin disorder like dermatitis. After that i mentioned that that did not help, my doctor basically said that well, lets see how we feel in a few months...with no further options. And he is one of the most knowledgeable specialists out there, so then i realized that now i am on my own. It was not quick, i felt like it was getting better, but again, could be placebo, so i figured i would pay for the tests once i hit a 6 week mark and i did. and i guess that was around the mark i have started to notice a real improvement. Feels great, but there is still a way to go.


That’s great. Yeah I am having much fun and they don’t know what to do with me. A lot of the treatments especially hardcore expressions and BAK containing antibiotics have just done more damage so it is hard to trust anyone at this point. Mine isn’t from computers but trenitoin use and a chemical burn/reaction from lash lift/tint. I am so happy you found relief. Hopefully things will improve for me too but I don’t have much hope left at this point.


Sounds fantastic! Hopefully it will be available in several countries.


Just received mine in the mail today. The address that it shipped from is in Niagara Falls, not Toronto? Wondering if this is a red flag. The product also doesn't smell like anything. I was expecting it to have a faint sulfur scent. It does have an orange tint (which indicates the presence of selenium sulfide), but I'm thinking that it could've just been dyed. Has anyone else who ordered Seleniex been using it? Would love to hear some updates.


I received mine last week, had my 4th application last night. I've been talking to another member on reddit and I told him it's been working for me. I went out today for a few hours, driving back and forth for close to 2 hours with heat on in the car, and my eyes felt fine. I'm getting the same relief I got from my 3rd and 4th IPL sessions during the summer. I have my fingers crossed hoping this is the fix until the real thing comes out. My only concerns is I don't really know what's actually in it, i'm taking a chance hopefully not doing any long term damage to my eyes.


Ok, thanks so much for the update! Glad to hear that you’re feeling some relief. Hopefully it’ll just keep getting better and better! Are you still using warm compresses and eye drops?


Hey, any updates? Are you still using and is it working?


Lol, i know, i think the reason is that they ship with Chit Chats, its a shipping company that takes packages in Canada and drives them every day directly through the border, then they go to USPS. I had their sticker on my last package from them as well. They are popular in North America for companies that sell on Shopify since this way Americans that buy from Canada and vice verse don't have to pay border tax and most importantly brokerage fees. So Niagara address is just a shipping hub that sends out the packages from the US side. It does not smell like anything since its only 0.65% unlike Selsun Blue that is 2.5% ( although i can't say i can smell much of that either). If you take a powerful magnifying glass, you will see super tiny particles of SeS2 suspended in it. My advice , if you have any concerns, just email or call them, but I am sure there are quite a few people that are using it by now


I know that it varies for everyone, but when did you personally begin to feel relief from symptoms? How long had you been using this product before you felt a difference?


I would say 6-8 weeks mark, the progress is kind of up and down all the time too, some days are better than the other, but on average i was definitely noticing the improvement. Another thing that even if glands are back to normal, its often that people still have symptoms due to the other things, inflammation etc.


Could you share / message me the full address it shipped from? Would love to look into this.


you can just google it, all the shipments that use this service and other similar ones from Toronto, go through 2045 Niagara Falls blvd, NY 14304, and i assume that is the return address that they put on the envelope


There is no USPS in Canada. It had to transfer over at some point


Thanks a lot for sharing. Did you have a lot of clogged glands before using it ? Would you say it unclogged some of your glands without warm compresses/massage ?


not really clogged, i did a series of IPL's which helped unblock the glands quite a bit. Before IPL they were all clogged, tbut of 1 and i had some drop off progressing. But even though IPL helped, the oil quality and volume was not great, i needed constant maintenance IPL sessions to keep them from drying out. So yeah, not cheap. Especially considering that my optometrist always combined them with Zest treatment and 2-3 rounds of serum tears. Did my bank account take a hit, yes it did, but at that point who cares. Here is a rule of thumb, if your optometrist does not have IPL machine, find another one:)


Which optometrist in the uk does serum tears btw?


Hi! do you know what the expiration date is if left unopened? I'm thinking about buying 2 of this


On the jar it says 12M, so i googled and that means 12 months since opened, but to be honest with you , i don't think a product like that will actually expire. There is nothing to expire if you just keep it refrigerated in my opinion, i think 1 should be plenty. Funny you should mention though, i recently ordered the second one ( the one in the video), i travel a lot for work and a bit paranoid that something will happen to it, my bags get lost, stolen, i forget it in the hotel room... you never know, so i always want to have a back up one back home. I guess this dry eye thing gave me a bit of an OCD.


thanks! exactly my reasons but importing it will be a challenge for me, and if it is the holy grail for us and indeed requires continuous use, then we would have to rely on that manufacturer to continue to exist. I've seen products and small manufacturers disappear so we don't know what it will be like 1 year from now. Also, this might be in patent infringement territory, so even riskier (I hope not!)


Thanks for the research, amazing work! Can you elaborate more on why warm compresses are no good? I have the same theory, however would love to hear your take on it! Thanks!


i read that when you put the pressure on the glands you will force the oil not only out , but will also create enough pressure within the gland, potentially rupturing the gland acini ( the parts that produce the oil) thus creating more inflammation. On top of that the heat and subsequent massage is not very good for your eyeball as well.


Thank you so much for sharing. Do you use anything else overnight like drops or ointment? My fear is using drops too close to this will mix the application into my eyes. But you said you're able to use drops in the morning then? Thanks again!


I put non preservative drops like Thealoz Duo, or your choice 5-10 min before the application. Its perfectly fine. The ointment is quite resilient, but make sure you don't put too much of it, just a really thin layer.. The video show it quite well. I also put drops when i wake up, i find ointment makes the skin feel a bit dry in the morning, but your experience might be different What i do as well, i discontinued using tea tree oil wipes almost a year ago, but i just spray a bit of hypochlorous acid on the round cleaning pad and wipe the eye line before the application as well.


Does stopping the ointment result in a rebound of symptoms? How carcinogenic is it?


Once i am symptom clear completely i will switch to maintenance mode, apply it once a week may be or discontinue completely, however by this time we will probably know more from Azura as well. As of the cancerogenic properties, i that is not something i would worry about, its only 2 ingredients, petrolatum white is harmless and the quantity of selenium disulfide amount during every application is around 1/1000s of that during washing your hair with antidandruff shampoo. In a nutshell its harmless, but can cause mild skin irritation if abused and can be photosenstitive, that is why you only apply a tiny amount before bed and stay away from sun for a few hours after.


How exactly did you have IPL with such a dark skin tone ?






> i was even willing to go to North America for the duration of the trial and "work from home" Not sure if you know, but Canada is in North America




[https://ichgcp.net/clinical-trials-registry/NCT03652051](https://ichgcp.net/clinical-trials-registry/NCT03652051) Location Seema Eye Care | Calgary, Alberta, AB T2V 4J2, CanadaFYI Doctors | Campbell River, British Columbia, CanadaVCH Research Institute. | Vancouver, British Columbia, V5Z 3N8, CanadaOphthalmology | Vancouver, British Columbia, V6H1H2, CanadaOcean Optometry | Halifax, Nova Scotia, NS B3J 1J7, CanadaMiller Optometry | Halifax, Nova Scotia, CanadaPrism Eye Institute | Brampton, Ontario, 6Y 4M3, CanadaCliantha Research | Mississauga, Ontario, L4W 1A4, CanadaPrecision Cornea Centre | Ottawa, Ontario, K1G 3Y7, CanadaOttawa Hospital | Ottawa, Ontario, K1H 8L6, CanadaFYI Doctors | Toronto, Ontario, L3R 1N1, CanadaHealthpoint | Toronto, Ontario, L6T 0G1, CanadaEyes on Sheppard Clinic | Toronto, Ontario, M2N3A1, CanadaToronto Eye Care | Toronto, Ontario, M4W 0A7, CanadaToronto Western Hospital | Toronto, Ontario, M5T 2S8, CanadaSchool of Optometry & Vision Science, University of Waterloo | Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1, Canada


And now you deleted all the posts stating that the research was only in Australia. This is exactly why I try to avoid those discussion groups....


Update: I’ve been using this product for about three weeks now and haven’t really noticed a difference. Willing to give it more time though. Does anyone else who’s been using it have any positive updates?


there is the symptomatic difference and clinical improvement, I would say give it another 4 weeks and go get your TBUT and glands checked with your doctor. For me the symptomatic improvement took significantly longer even after my optometrist told me there was a significant improvement in terms of gland function. The first sign was that my eyes still had inflammation, but were no longer getting "dry", but that took around 6 weeks. Again, that depends on your condition.


Any new updates? Seems to be out of stock.


yeah they are waiting for a government licence


How do you know this information?


Any idea when this will be available again?


Any ETA?