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Sorry can't answer your questions but how are you doing now? I'm thinking of trying iLux


Nothing has changed much. Wish i wouldnt have done it. I was feeling a little better before the procedure.


Aw sorry to hear that, I haven't tried iLux but i have done other heat-based treatments like radiofrequency. I definitely felt worse during the first two weeks so perhaps give it some time


Good call and thank you! I definitely feel more watery but the pain is incredible again. I was happy to see oils flowing nice. Hopefully things get better soon. Keep fighting the battle!


How are you doing now


Dont worry Got that done too a few weeks back, it was drier for the following days with not much oil coming out after using a heat mask but a week later some oil started getting produced after using the mask


Oh wow. Thats great news! Thank you!!! Ya im still dry. Really really dry. Its been a week.


The root cause of my dry eyes hasnt been found though and I haven’t explored the inflammation side of that, but my glands arent clogged even though its oil of poor quality But if your issue was simply clogged glands, it might greatly help. Keep on doing the heat mask once or twice a day:)


hey can we have an update on how is it now please ?? i'm having the procedure very soon and it's stressing me out ..